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Tawara schools STEM Development

We are an international school, with branches in many of the most important cities of this country. We can manage many types of educational systems, such as
Why is a STEM approach to learning Important?
STEM education teaches students to identify problems and think of possible solutions. Learning how to use these skills through STEM education experiences
provides students with an environment in which they can sharpen their critical thinking skills
What is STEM Education?

STEM education is a way of study that is defined by its focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM curriculum focuses on developing the
skillsets in these disciplines. This can be done through core courses, electives, or extracurricular activities like robotics and coding, also we have another list of

Main subjects

subject Count1 Count2

physics 40 20

chemistry 50 30

math 60 80

Further math 70 50

Computer science 80 40

Advanced physics 90 30

mechanics 60 20

STEM education is rapidly growing because it provides students with skills that are highly sought after by employers. It has evolved from teaching students how to
build widgets to teaching them how to code and design software.
STEM teaching and curriculum

STEM education has changed the way many schools teach and how they prepare students.

STEM teaching is a complex task that requires a lot of time and effort. Many factors must be considered in STEM teaching including curriculum, professional
development opportunities, and materials.

STEM teachers must have the ability to teach students engagingly while also incorporating technology into the classroom. Engaging students with the use of
technology is essential for the future of STEM education. Creativity is an essential factor for all STEM teachers because it’s what makes learning fun and makes
students want to learn it more.

Will the gender disparity increase differences in girl's and boy's access to resources, status and well-being, which usually favour men and are often institutionalised
through law, justice and social norms? t will take 286 years to close gender gaps in legal protection and remove discriminatory laws against women, 140 years for
equal representation in positions of power and at least 40 years to achieve gender parity in national parliaments. These numbers are truly alarming and calls for the
world's urgent action.

STEM curriculums are designed to help students develop their analytical, problem-solving critical thinking, and creative decisions making skills. This helps them
understand the world in a better way than ever before by having them think outside of their own social or cultural box. It is also seen as crucial in preparing students
to gain access to jobs with high demand and have a competitive advantage in the future workforce.

STEM fields do not only include science, technology, engineering, and mathematics but also other fields like biology, health care, sustainability, etc, our goals

Working in teams
Problem solving
Brain storming
Developing own solutions

Enhances creativity

STEM students are encouraged to come up with their unique ideas and solve long-standing real-world problems through interdisciplinary methods.

STEM subjects will become more and more important over time since the majority of careers are centered around these subjects. If you introduce them to STEM
early, children can be introduced to a world of opportunities and learn applicable skills.

Develops communication skills

Communication is immensely important in the formation of character. Being able to articulate or put forth a clear thesis, effectively communicate and convey
complex topics, and have spoken responses that earn respect from peers is crucial for character-shaping. Group activities in STEM education promote social skills
like listening, understanding, and openness to giving and receiving productive feedback.

Facilitates knowledge application

STEM education is making a significant impact on preparing students for the future. The skills they learn are highly applicable, which motivates their learning and
strengthens the teaching experience.

Develops problem-solving skills

STEM education teaches students to identify problems and think of possible solutions. Learning how to use these skills through STEM education experiences
provides students with an environment in which they can sharpen their critical thinking skills.

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