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Enhanced Fast-Time-Simulation Features to support Ship-Handling

Simulator Training

Conference Paper · October 2018


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7 authors, including:

Knud Benedict Michael Baldauf

Hochschule Wismar Hochschule Wismar


Michael Gluch Matthias Kirchhoff

Hochschule Wismar Hochschule Wismar


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

VTS Data in Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) View project

GALILEOnautic 1 View project

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Full Paper at INSLC 2018

Application of Fast Time Manoeuvring Simulation for Training of Challenging Situations

in Voyage Planning at Arrival & Departure and for Collision Avoidance

Sandro Fischer, Michael Gluch, Knud Benedict. Sebastian Klaes, Caspar Krüger
Department of Maritime Studies Warnemuende / Institute ISSIMS
Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences - Technology, Business and Design

Michael Baldauf
World Maritime University, Malmoe / SWEDEN


A fast time simulation toolbox was developed to simulate the ships motion with complex
dynamic models and to display the ships track immediately in an Electronic Sea Chart for the
intended or actual rudder or engine manoeuvre. At INSLC 2016 the “Simulation Augmented
Manoeuvring Design and Monitoring” - SAMMON toolbox introduced and experiences were
described how this new technology were used to improve the simulator training in the Advanced
Ship Handling Training course. Now the time has started that this software will be used for
voyage planning on-board ships as a new type of design of a manoeuvring plan for the arrival
and departure plans in ports and fairways as enhancement of the common pure way point
In a new research project, the Fast Time Simulation has also been used for Collision Avoidance:
the innovative technique was tested for simulating the ships motion for extreme evasive
manoeuvres as a Stand–On vessel. This ship needs to take action in time if the Give-Way vessel
is not following the rules of the road and take appropriate action. The new method allows the
prediction of the manoeuvre as the last line of defence taking into account the current speed and
other ships and environmental conditions.
Examples will be given for demonstrations of manoeuvre planning and from tests in the full
mission ship-handling simulator of the Maritime Simulation Centre Warnemuende.

Keywords: Fast-time simulation, Voyage planning, Dynamic prediction methods, Collision

avoidance, Simulator Training

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1. Introduction - Need for Fast Time Simulation (FTS) and Simulation Support
The use of simulation is a proved method for many applications in the domain of ships
manoeuvring, up to huge full mission ship handling simulator for training and for port and
fairway investigation. However, these simulators are based on real time simulation to make the
simulation as close as possible to the real processes – and therefore all the applications are very
time consuming. Test of portable simulators on board to try out manoeuvring concepts
beforehand were not successful because it was not manageable.
Although the International Maritime Organization (IMO) requires for her e-Navigation concept
voyage planning from “Bert-to-Berth”, there are no electronic tools available to design a
manoeuvring plan effectively for port arrival or departure or to demonstrate the use of
manoeuvring characteristics efficiently. Such a support would be very much welcomed e.g., for
briefing of the bridge team on the overall manoeuvring strategy and specifically with the pilots
/see among tothers [4], [10] & [14]!). However, the plans are still prepared in a contemplative
way by thinking ahead only, e.g. drafted on paper or described by self-made sketches and short
A sample, which is already very advanced, is shown in Figure 1 (sample from Ship-handling 2
course at CSMART Training Centre of the Carnival Corporation at Almere NL). It is a plan,
which sets out to estimate swept path due to wind and current effects. This bases on simplified
formulas and presented in tables. This is state of the art and better than nothing. However, the
path of the ship is still made manually by copy and paste ship contours and trying to define the
desired path by “smart guessing”. It is very time consuming and a sort of “wishful thinking” only,
because manoeuvring characteristic data are available still on paper and for calm water only.
Impact of wind or current can be taken into account on rather vague estimations based on
experiences or pure guessing [3].

Figure 1 Sample of conventional Arrival Plan, drift angles & swept path estimated, ship shapes copied in manually
(Sample from CSMART Ship-handling 2 course)

Now there is a new development. The method of Fast Time Simulation was developed at the
Institute for Innovative Ship Simulation & Maritime Systems (ISSIMS Institute) of Wismar
University. It has been maintained by ISSIMS GmbH Rostock / Germany, as a spin-off from
research in order to increase the effectiveness of training and also the safety and efficiency for
manoeuvring real ships. It has been tested at the Maritime Simulation Centre Warnemuende

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Full Paper at INSLC 2018

MSCW and is used at simulation centres of AIDA cruises, World Maritime University Malmoe
- and now CSMART is at the forefront to improve their courses with this new technology.
This technology is the fundament of a unique software system for “Simulation-Augmented
Manoeuvring Design, Monitoring & Conning” – with the brand name SAMMON [2].
The basic principle of that system is to represent the full information from Pilot Card,
Wheelhouse Poster and Manoeuvring Booklet (and additional trial results), condensed in a ship
dynamic model, which is even capable of simulating wind, current, and restricted water effects.
This software has the potential to replace conventional paper information:
 The simulation is carried out in very high speed: the system is calculating continuously in
every second 24 minutes of vessel’s manoeuvring time by using innovative simulation
methods and complex math ship models, same as in Full Mission Ship Handling Simulator.
 The simulated manoeuvres are displayed in the respective sea chart: scaled to the ranges of
that Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) system and in the desired waterway environment
it allows for a precise judgement of manoeuvring opportunities and decisions for actions and
discussion of limiting factors.
 The smart interface allows to steer the ship by a human navigator and to use the great potential
of the software for various applications.

This opens up a great variety of opportunities, for

 Demonstration / investigation of manoeuvring characteristics to familiarise with the ship, for
discussing alternative manoeuvring strategies. In contrast to the limited set of manoeuvres in
the Manoeuvring Booklet nearly any effect of ships control setting and environmental effects
can be displayed now [1].
 “Off-line manoeuvring planning ahead” to develop strategies beforehand as new part of the
voyage planning – and for Port Risk studies or fairway planning respectively.
 “On-line manoeuvring support” during execution of manoeuvres by dynamic predictions of
manoeuvres related to the actual control handles on the bridge.
 Recording & Replay for Assessment of the execution, also using the dynamic prediction

2. Manoeuvring Planning for Arrival / Departure Preparation and Briefing

Voyage planning is key to prepare for a safe journey – specifically the part for arrival & departure
is most important. However, Manoeuvre Plans must complement the normal Route planning.
With the new FTS-technology, it is now possible to design a full manoeuvring plan to find out
possible rudder, engine and thruster manoeuvres taking into consideration actual or potential
environmental conditions found [2], [4].
In Table 1 a comparison is made between the elements of the IMO Guidelines for Voyage
Planning and & SAMMON Potential.
The basic idea is to materialize and to visualize the mental manoeuvring planning of an
experienced navigator. There is a clear difference:
 Route plans: consist of waypoints where a change of course or speed is foreseen and with
only straight lines or circular segments,
 Manoeuvring plans: consist of manoeuvring points (MPs) where an order of the steering
handles needs to be performed in order to reach the next MP follow a certain path – this path
is curved like a manoeuvring track in most cases.

As an example for creating a berth plan and briefing the navigational officer, an arrival &
berthing scenario is chosen: In Figure 2 the start situation of creating a Manoeuvring Plan is
shown from SAMMON Planning Module for Cruise ship for arrival at Fort Lauderdale. The plan
will be made based on a Route Plan (red dotted lines), imported from NACOS.

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Full Paper at INSLC 2018

IMO Requirements SAMMON Elements and Potential

• Planning of the whole voyage or passage • Manoeuvring Plan can be made even for
from berth to berth, Arrival / Departure in ports
• taking into account: condition and state of • Actual data speed ROT, HDG, COG are
the vessel, …any operational limitations & considered; All manoeuvring data are
its manoeuvring data,… represented, Limits because of wind and
• detailed voyage plan should include: current can be estimated
– safety and efficiency of navigation, • Safety & Efficiency can be checked in ENC,
manoeuvring characteristics, change in all manoeuvring characteristics for any
machinery status controls for any speed and environmental
– the vessel's turning circle at the planned conditions can be represented
speed and any expected effect of tidal • “What – if” analyses for any alternative
streams and current conditions possible
– contingency plans • Execution: Monitoring in ENC of plan with
• …execution of the plan; monitoring of the advanced Multiple Dynamic Prediction
progress • All data can be stored on very detailed
• details of the voyage plan should be clearly level…
marked and recorded…
Table 1 Comparison of IMO Requirements for Voyage planning and SAMMON Potential
 Left: Extract from Guidelines for Voyage Planning according to IMO Resolution A.893(21), SOLAS Ch.
V Annex 25
 Right: Respective elements available in SAMMON software

The smart interface of the Planning Module combines the following windows:
 Right window for the virtual Control Panel of the ship for adjusting the controls for the
selected MP,
 Centre ENC window is meant to display the manoeuvring motion and status of the ship at the
MPs and during the manoeuvres.
 Left windows and top row to display the status of the current actual ship manoeuvring data
at the position of the next MP which is indicated as a blue ship shape with a red frame in the

Figure 2 SAMMON Planning Module: Route plan for arrival at Fort Lauderdale, imported from NACOS (red
dotted line) and Start of Manoeuvring Planning at MP0 (red shape); predicted manoeuvring track for 6 min (black
dotted contours every minute) and shifted position for the next MP (blue ship shape with red frame and enlarged
in box) for Cruise ship

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The Planning Module is just in the “Create Mode” to add new Manoeuvring Points MP. The red
shape represents the situation at MP 0. The first task is to find the balance condition very quickly
by means of the control panel: this can easily be done by trial and error because the results of the
control changes are to be seen immediately:
 Ship is set on course COG=270° with Ship Speed SOG 14.0 kn, according to EOT 60%
in the right window panel
 Current is set to 0° and 2.0kn, the predicted ship contours are displayed as black dotted
shapes calculated for the next 6 min from MP0 (this period can be changed in the left top
window up to 24 min).
 Because of the current a heading adjustment is needed to about HDG=263° to keep the
course - with this adjustment the ship will manage to enter the channel.
 With the time slider at the bottom, the blue ship shape with the red frame can be moved
to any position for the predicted time period (for instance, where the next manoeuvre will
start). The navigation data for this position are presented in the top rows and in the left
window: the difference between HDG=260.4° and the COG=268.5° indicates a Drift
angle over Ground, which is about 8°, i.e. the swept path width can immediately be seen
and is about 79m. (Note that no additionally rudder is required to prevent from turning,
because there is no drift angle through water in contrary to effect of beam wind).
By pressing the “Add MP” button at this position a new MP will be created as MP1.From MP1
the next manoeuvring segment can be adjusted to MP 2 – and so forth until finally the berth is
Figure 3 presents the final version of such a plan where blue lines and ship shapes indicate the
manoeuvring concept. Additional text windows are explaining the actions at distinguished MPs.
The Planning Module is in “Edit Mode”, which is made to change a plan - or to display the
settings on every selected MP for briefing. The active focus is on MP 4, where turning into the
port starts with Rudder PT -20°, supported by Split Engines (EOT: PT -20, SB +10) to reduce
speed and maintain steering. The ship turns and stops, and the following actions are:
 MP5: the speed and turning is stopped, Rudders Amidships. The ship starts moving astern.
 MP6: Reducing the speed astern with engines ahead EOT 10%, prepare for steering to the
berth by Bow and Stern Thruster.
 MP 7: Stopping astern motion with EOT 15% ahead and Thruster to STB (Stern 30%, Bow
20%) to initiate transverse motion to the pier.
 MP 8: Stopping engines EOT 0% ahead and Thruster to PT (Stern 30%, Bow 20%) to kill
transverse motion to the pier.
The big difference to the Arrival plan in figure 1 is that all of the planned manoeuvring activities
are PROVEN BY SIMULATION! For briefing and conning additional manoeuvring information
are added in text format, even for control settings and comments displayed at the Manoeuvring
Points MP.

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Figure 3 SAMMON Planning Module: Complete Manoeuvring Plan for Cruise ship arrival at Fort Lauderdale
(blue line and shapes), based on Route Plan imported from NACOS (red dotted lines). The Planning Module is in
“Edit Mode”, which is made to change a plan - or to display the settings on every MP for briefing (focus currently
on red shape MP 4).

Additionally to the Planning Module there is the “Manoeuvring Simulation Trial & Training
Module”, it provides Ship Handling Simulation in real time on a Laptop in order to display, to
check and to train one or various manoeuvring concepts (see Figure 4).

Figure 4 SAMMON Trail & Training Tool with Multiple predictions: Real time simulation and Manoeuvring
Prediction integrated into ECDIS with comparison of Full Dynamic Predictions (black dotted ship contours) and the
simple static prediction (magenta curve, no shapes) together with planned manoeuvring track (blue line and ship
shapes) for a Cruise ship arrival at Marseille and berthing at Pier 163

The main features provided with this module are:

• Ship steered by virtual handles on screen.
• Display of Manoeuvring Plan and Predicted Manoeuvres in parallel;

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Full Paper at INSLC 2018

• Calculation of new Multiple Dynamic Prediction tracks for full ship dynamic Simulation
for future ships motion
• “Path Prediction” Presentation as existing Look Ahead in ECDIS, simply taking the current
rate of turn and speed as constant for the prediction time period.

Beside the features for familiarization and training of manoeuvres to be used in a training centre
or alternatively even on board e.g. for voyage planning or briefing and debriefing of berthing and
other manoeuvres in port terminals and harbour basins presented in detail in this chapter. The
following chapters are to introduce briefly further application cases of FTS for other safety and
efficiency related situations.

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3. Applying FTS for Port Risk Studies

As a sample for using the planning tool in port risk discussions two sample of manoeuvres will
be compared with no wind and with strong wind in Rostock Port in Figure 5. Starting point is
MP0 with HDG 161°, the ship has to be turned and brought to the berth with HDG 341°. It can
be seen, that with 25 kn wind the limit is reached. In the fairway the width is fully used because
of the drift angle. For the final berthing the thrusters and rudders are used with full power to
counteract the wind effect, but still the approaching speed of the drift motion towards the pier is
about 0.6 kn (for 30 kn it would be even over 1.5 kn).

Figure 5: Complete manoeuvring plans made by FTS Manoeuvring Planning in sea chart with cruise vessel model
in Rostock Port - focus (and the data on the left side) is on the red shape at the last final MP:
 Left: manoeuvring plan with no wind
 Right: under strong wind 25 kn from 061°

4. Applying FTS for Collision Avoidance

The FTS also has a big potential for collision avoidance specifically when the encounter of ships
is very close and dangerous – and the manoeuvring characteristics play an important role. One
sample, often used, is an encounter situation on crossing courses with a CPA (CPA - (distance
at) Closest Point of Approach) less than the safe passing distance and, as depicted in the following
figure, own ship is the stand-on vessel "A" according to COLREGs Rule 17(a) against the
missing action of the give-way-vessel "B" ([9], [12]).
Figure 6 provides suggestions for limits to take action according to COLREGs by using a method
originally developed by HILGERT [11]. In order to quantify action limits TCPA (TCPA – time
to CPA) values have been suggested on basis of thorough literature surveys, analysis of
manoeuvring characteristics of a great variety of ships and, finally, a survey of navigators’
behaviour and their consideration of own ship's manoeuvring conditions as well as simplified
simulation trials [6]. Basing on this fundament, a model for situation assessment and decision-
making has been created. The model aims at providing guidance and in particular estimations
from when on a stand-on vessel shall keep course and speed (TCPA=18min), from when she

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Full Paper at INSLC 2018

shall take action according to R17(a)(ii) (TCPA=6 min) and when, at the latest, she has to initiate
a manoeuvre to avoid a collision (TCPA=t90°=3,5min). Aspects of smaller distances are
considered accordingly. These estimations result in fixed static limits as depicted in the figure

While the upper limits are less important and less critical for situation assessment and decision
making, the lower limits and especially the lower limit when the own ship has to take action at
the latest to avoid a collision, is essential for successful manoeuvres to avoid collisions. In the
originally developed model the suggestion for this lower limit relates to the time needed for a
course change of 90°. In principle, this limit value could be taken from the conditions during the
ship yard trials or other measurements under certain conditions.

upper and lower
action limits

Figure 6: Principle concept and presentation of action limits according to COLREGs including
• the lower limit from where the collision can still be avoided by a manoeuvre of the own ship assuming that
time needed for a course change by 90° is sufficient
• „Last Line of Defence (LLoD)“: border between yellow and red sector

However, with the advent and the introduction of FTS all this action limits can now be related to
the prevailing environmental circumstances and actual conditions of the ship, where the
manoeuvring characteristics can be very different, e.g. the turning circle changes under heavy
wind or the stopping distances depending on the actual speed. FTS can provide very detailed
estimations of the time needed for any manoeuvre intended for an escape action. In this way
decision making for the selection of a course and/or speed alteration respectively could be
performed on a much more profound and reasonable basis than it is done in today’s practice. It
becomes obvious that this technology allows for dynamically adapt such limit values and provide
situation dependent support, which might be needed in a critical situation with less available
time, and increasing pressure to take a right decision.

The potential of FTS for collision avoidance was also studied in relation to the development of
autonomously navigating unmanned ships. In the European research project MUNIN1 on
“Maritime Unmanned Navigation through Intelligence in Networks” multiple predicted tracks
for potential anti-collision manoeuvres were introduced using the SAMMON Manoeuvring
Monitoring & Conning Module. Present of a selection of potential options for avoidance


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manoeuvres to the conning officer was realized. The experimental studies were related to
integrate the current sailing conditions. Figure 7 shows a sample snapshot from the ECDIS-based
display for another situation on crossing courses. The selected options for the multiple
predictions comprises the turning circles to both sides using hard rudder command as well as the
path of the emergency stop manoeuvre.

Figure 7 Sample for presentation of multiple dynamic manoeuvring prediction of actual manoeuvring track (black
dotted contours) and additional manoeuvring tracks for Hard-to-STB (green) and PT (red) as well as for Crash
Stop (black) from actual motion parameters

Objective of this development was to provide navigators and shore-based operators remotely
controlling the ship with an estimation of the manoeuvring space of the ship under control. In
this way, situational awareness should be improved and support for decision making in case of
encounter situations should be provided. With this display feature the decision, when to act is
left solely to the officer of the watch (OOW) by her or his visual judgement. Now, the method
was further developed in the currently ongoing project MTCAS2 (Maritime Traffic Alert and
Collision Avoidance System). By means of FTS and dynamic prediction it is possible to give
advice when and where the so called “Last line of defence (LLoD)” will be reached.

The further development and implementation of the concept for defining and using the LLoD has
been already discussed earlier (i.a. [7]) and many research works are dealing with this exact
problem (to give just one dominant sample, see [13]!). Now, in the following example its
implementation can be demonstrated. Figure 8 shows a visualization of an encounter situation in
an ECDIS environment. The own ship (marked by the red ship shape in the lower center of the
screenshot) is on north-easterly course and is approaching another vessel on her port side sailing
on a south-easterly course and crossing the bow of the own ship at a very short distance. By
means of the prediction it is highlighted, that the closest approach will be reached when the
heading of the own ship equals to the course over ground of the target ship. To achieve a pre-
defined safe passing distance provided e.g. by standing orders MP 1 indicates the corresponding
position, where the own ship at the latest, has to initiate the hard wheel over command to ensure
a minimum passing distance of 0.25 nm at the CPA (marked MP 2).


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Safe passing distance

Figure 8 Concept for „Last Line of Defence – LLoD“ for a given safe passing distance of 0.25 nm at the moment
when ships are moving on parallel course: Sample for Lower Limit of manoeuvre of “Stand on Vessel” (1,3 nm)

The samples provided in following Figure 9 demonstrate the use of FTS to also determine the
upper manoeuvring limit for an exemplarily defined rudder angle of 5° and for a given safe
passing distance of three cables. In order to compare and to highlight the sample on the right-
hand side demonstrates the quantification of the lower action limit, for which hard rudder (35°)
and a minimum passing distance of 2.5 cables is assumed and pre-defined.

Upper limit for Avoidance Manoeuvre with rudder Lower limit for Avoidance Manoeuvre with rudder 35°
5° at max allowed distance 2 nm to start the action at minimum distance 1.3 nm to start the action - passing
- passing distance 0,3 nm distance 0,25 nm
„Last Line of Defence – LLoD“
Figure 9 Two samples scenarios to start the action at upper and lower limit as “Stand on Vessel” according to Rule
17 (a) against the missing action of the “Give-Way-Vessel” Situation

The following Figure 10 highlights the potential of the integrated FTS based calculations for
enhanced decision support when selecting a maneuver to avoid a potential collision. In this figure
for the sake of highlighting the effects of turning maneuvers at different rudder angles. For
instance there might be some stability constraints that require limiting the rudder angle to e.g.
30°or even 10° for a sample ferry on crossing courses with expected CPA less than the defined
safe passing distance. It is shown that there is a approximately one minute time will remain
between the course change maneuvers Rudder STB 10! And Rudder STB 30! to pass at the same
passing distance of 0,32 nm.

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Figure 10 MTCAS LloD: Layout Concept & Effect of rudder angles - Sample for crossing situation between Ferry
MV and Target ship - Two approaches for different rudder angles with accepted Passing Distance 0,32 nm

The fundamental advantage of determining and providing the "LLoD" compared to the
conventional CPA/TCPA warnings is, that for the very first time a direct connection to
maneuvering characteristics have been realized. The OOW is no longer informed about the
remaining time to a potential collision or the passing at whatever "safe" or "unsafe" distance!
Now, she or he will get a clear indication of the time remaining to avoid the collision by just
initiating an own maneuver pre-defined or in the future even suggested by the system on basis of
a simulation module or on basis of recorded maneuvering data matching to the environmental
conditions and the ship status [8].

5. Summary and Outlook for Future Application of new Technologies

By now, FTS Planning has mainly been used for training taking the great advantages for
developing a mental model and creating concepts for manoeuvring strategies. During all the
training sessions, the participants were asking: “Why don’t we have these tools and technologies
for manoeuvring planning on board? Is there a chance to get FTS support during the execution
of manoeuvres?” For this reason, the first test has been successfully started using the Planning
Module on-board ships for briefing of manoeuvres and developing contingency plans for
potential adverse weather changes. During the execution of manoeuvres the FTS can be used as
well in the so called “Monitoring & Conning Module” providing high level path predictions,
taking into account the actual control settings from the bridge handles and real input from sensors,
e.g. NAV-data and environment parameters like wind. The “Dynamic Prediction” shows almost
immediately future tracks, overcoming the lack of simplified “Path Prediction” which simply
represents the current motion status only.
There is also great potential to increase substantially not only the training but also the safety &
efficiency of manoeuvres on-board because all members of the Bridge Team can immediately
see the result of the control settings; they all share the same information. The potential of the new
FTS methods is huge [4] but certainly requires sound training. Then it opens up new chances for
more efficient manoeuvres, to save fuel and reduce emissions by avoiding unnecessary
manoeuvring control measures.

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From the earlier studies it is concluded that SAMMON has potential to increase safety and
efficiency, specifically through
• Building up higher competence: by increasing quantitative knowledge about
Manoeuvring Capabilities in more detail, even under adverse environmental conditions -
saving up to 50% of time and resources
• allowing for using the competence to develop a complex manoeuvring plan and to
optimise the plan for safety & effectiveness – and for briefings,
• Support when executing of the plan during conning with unrivalled support by prediction
to stick to the plan or to respond immediately to sudden unexpected changes e.g. wind
• Keeping the Human in the Loop – both for Planning and for Execution
• Integrated Approach to use all modules allows to improve the Mariners performance to
unfold the full benefits from preparing a plan, using the plan as reference for effective
control with prediction – even for unexpected events in collision avoidance - and
afterwards for analysing the performance and for increasing the quality in future!

Even though it is not specifically studied and mentioned in this paper, such a system will enable
also new opportunities for traffic surveillance and interaction. Integrated Bridge and Navigation
Systems on board modern ships will be able to share data in sophisticated e-Navigation
environment, allow for more advanced shore‐based traffic monitoring, and even allow for re‐
thinking of existing regimes and procedures on traffic management.

The work and preliminary results presented in this paper belong to ongoing research which is
conducted within the “MTCAS - electronic maritime collision avoidance” project funded by the
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy supervised by PTJ Berlin and
Rostock. Some of the studies have been carried out within the project GALILEOnautic
financially supported by German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) under
the supervision of Project Management DLR and in the frame of the project MultiSimManGreen
funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) surveyed by DLR-
Project Management Agency.

Furthermore, some parts of the research work and results presented in this paper belong to
WMU's project on further development and implementation of the e-Navigation concept funded
by Korea Research Institute Ships & Ocean Engineering (KRISO) as well as the European project
for research and technological development "OpenRisk", co-financed by the EU – Civil
Protection Financial Instrument as project 2016/PREV/26.

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6. References
[1] Benedict, K.; Gluch, M.; Kirchhoff, M.; Schaub, M.; Fischer, S.; Baldauf M.: Innovative
Simulation Tools for Learning and Teaching Ships Dynamic and Investigation of Manoeuvring
Capabilities. MARSIM 2015 Conference, Newcastle 8-11 September 2015
[2] K. Benedict, M. Gluch, M. Kirchhoff, S. Fischer, M. Schaub, S. Klaes, M. Baldauf, B. Müller: Use
of Simulation-Augmented Manoeuvring in Ship Handling Simulator Training. 18th INSLC -
International Navigation Simulator Lecturers’ Conference; Massachusetts Maritime Academy,
Plymouth /USA, September 12-15, 2014
[3] Benedict, K.; Kirchhoff, M.; Gluch, M.; S. Fischer, M. Schaub, M. Baldauf, S. Klaes (2014).
Simulation Augmented Manoeuvring Design and Monitoring – a New Method for Advanced Ship
Handling. TransNav – International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea
Transportation. 8:1, 131-141.
[4] Baldauf, M.; Benedict, K.; Gluch, M. (2014) Ensuring safety and efficiency by e-Navigation related
traffic surveillance. Port & Technology International, Henley Media Group, London, 47(2)
November 2014 pp. 98-103
[5] Baldauf, M.; Benedict, K.; (2018) Simulations for Ship Handling Training. Port & Technology
International, Henley Media Group, London, Edition 77, Spring 2018
[6] Baldauf, M. (1999). Development of an algorithm for automatic detection of dangerous traffic
situations using situationdependent risk parameter and application to VTS monitoring. Ph.D. thesis
University of Wuppertal.
[7] Baldauf, M., Benedict, K., Fischer, S., Motz, F., & Schröder-Hinrichs, J. U. (2011). Collision
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Contact: Prof. Dr. Knud Benedict

Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences - Technology, Business and Design
Department of Maritime StudiesWarnemuende /ISSIMS
Richard-Wagner-Str. 31; D-18119 Rostock-Warnemuende/GERMANY
Tel.: +49 381 498 5891; E-Mail:

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