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Midterm Project Script:

Video Title & Situations: Script

1. Be Professional. Never say this at work.
Situation #1: Someone asks you a You: Excuse me, do you know where I can
question and you don’t know the answer. get another item like this? The stall seems
empty and I wonder if you run out of stock?
Me: Oh... I’m not sure, but I can ask our store
manager and find it out for you.
You: Thanks!
Situation #2: Someone asks you if you can You: Miss Balaba, the boss told me to give
do something by a specific time. this to you.
Me: What is it?
You: It’s the monthly records of sales this
year, she wants you to make a presentation
about it to be used for the meeting
tomorrow. Can you get this presentation
done by 4 P.M. today?
Me: Yes, Sure! I can get it done by 4 P.M.
Situation #3: Someone is angry or (on a phone call)
disappointed about something. Me: Hello, Good morning! This is Carmella’s
Bakery, How can I help you?
You: Hello Miss, I ordered a customized
chocolate cake for my sibling’s birthday, but
a plain mocha cake arrived! How could you
make a mistake when I paid you fairly?! I’m
so disappointed!
Me: I’m very sorry Ma’am, I understand. One
of our staff mistook the cake and delivered it
to you. Let’s see what we can do about this.
Situation #4: You are keeping somebody (on a phone call)
waiting. You: Hello, Miss Balaba, I am now in the
conference room with the documents you
told me to bring for you.
Me: Oh, Thank you! Sorry to keep you
waiting, I’ll be right there in a moment.
You: Okay Miss.
Situation #5: When somebody asks you a You: (spoke in a fast way) Hey, Princess, can
question but you didn’t hear them. I have a copy of the files of the reports you’re
keeping for last month? I need them as a
reference for the reports of this month.
Me: ......... I’m sorry. I missed it, would you
mind repeating what you just said?
You: (spoke calmly)
2. Conversational English. How to make
 Please Me: Ms. Armides, I assume that there is a
new delivery of office supplies today, please
go to the warehouse and ask the time of
You: Good afternoon. This is noted, Ma’am
 Could you please Me: Good morning Miss Armides. I already
finished signing this documents, could you
please hand over these to our human
resources department?
You: Yes, ma’am.
 Would you Me: The Christmas party of our department
will be on December 21, 2021. That is
Tuesday. We have 3 weeks to plan and
prepare for the party. So (looking at the
faces of the employees) I know Miss Corsino
is good at this (smiling). Miss Corsino,
would you like to organize the party?
You: It would be my pleasure to do that
Me: Thank you Miss Corsino.
 Can you (on the phone)
Me: Hello, good morning. This is Miss
Princess Mae Balaba of Executive
Department. Am I talking to Miss Rodriguez
of Finance Department?
You: Yes, good morning Miss Balaba, this is
Miss Rodriguez speaking.
Me: I would to like to inform you Miss that
your request supplies are now ready to be
claimed. Can you ask someone to claim
them as soon as possible? Thank you.
 Would you mind Me: Miss Armides, there is an error on the
files you have sent to me this morning.
Would you mind checking and fixing the
error and then forward it again to me?
You: I am so sorry for the inconvenience
ma’am. I will fix it right away ma’am. Thank
3. Say ‘Thank you’ in English.
Situation #1: A colleague buys you a cup You: Hey, want some coffee?
of coffee...just because you had a long day. Me: Ugh! Thanks a bunch! I really need an
extra dose of caffeine right now.
Situation #2: Everyone at work celebrates You: Happy Birthday Mate!
your birthday. Me: Wow! I can’t believe you really did this,
you probably shouldn’t have. Thank you
very much. I really appreciate this.
Situation #3: A colleague stays late at Me: I owe you this one, and when the time
work to help you finish a project. comes you need help, I’ll definitely be there
for you! Thank you!
Situation #4: Your spouse says he’ll take You: Honey, don’t worry about dinner
care of dinner, the kids, and all the dishes tonight, I’ll take care of it, I’ll take the kids to
today...because you’ve had a long day. bed and I’ll do the dishes, you just relax and
take a rest, okay?
Me: Oh, Honey, thank you so much for doing
this, what would I do without you. I love
4. Don’t say ‘Sorry’. Better English
 I’m sorry. My mistake. You: Miss Balaba. I called you here because
there are some complain of our clients about
you. I have already oriented you the codes
and conducts of our company and that
includes our good attitude and the proper
way to handle our clients. Please improve
your performance or else you’ll have to face
the consequences.
Me: I am sorry ma’am. My mistake. I
promise to do better.
 I want to apologize. Me: I want to apologize for my bad
performance this day Ma’am. I was just
having a personal problem and I have a hard
time dealing with it.
You: I understand your sentiments, but next
time, try your best to set aside your personal
problems at home from your work because
it will affect your performance. Okay?
Me: Yes, Ma’am, thank you for your kind
5. Speak like a manager. Verbs 1.
Me: Good morning everyone. I think we’re all
complete now so we can start our meeting
right away. Okay. So this meeting is about
the current issue our agency is facing which
is the decreasing rate of sales this past three
months. Our team is tasked to identify the
root of this issue. And we will have to
resolve the cause behind it. In order to do
that, we need to generate solutions. So, we
need to gather many suggestions and
research ideas as many as we can to
implement the best ways to deal with it.
And of course, we need to maximize its
effectiveness so that we will not encounter
this problem again in the future.
Furthermore, do you have any comments or
questions? None? So let’s continue.
6. How to change basic English into
Business English.
Me: Good day everyone!  Our today's agenda
is about our company's new project, we are
here to plan our steps so that this project
will be a success. Our team here will be
handling the expenses of the advertisement
materials. So first, we should contact the
Finance Department to inquire the budget
for the advertisement, and ensure that this
amount will be used efficiently. Then later,
we will provide them the record of the
expenditures we'll make. Therefore, this will
elaborate how the advertisement's budget
is handled. And by the way, let us also
inform the Financial Department to prepare
for an extra amount, just in case if shortage
will occur, it is better to be prepared.
Anyways, is there any questions about our
first step? None?
7. Polite ways for saying ‘I don’t like it’.
Situation 01.
Hey, do you like pizza? Let's grab one!
: Well, actually I'm not into pizza, I'd rather
eat street foods.
Situation 02.
Cess, do you want to join the performing
arts' club?
: Performing is not really my thing and
there is another club I'm interested to join.
Situation 03.
Hey mate! Want to watch a horror movie
with me?
: I'm not really a fan of horror genres, I
prefer watching romance comedy movies.
Situation 04.
Cess, do you want to jog with me tomorrow
at 5 am around our neighborhood?
: Hmm... Getting up early in the morning is
certainly not my cup of tea.

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