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Thomas Strider

LinkedIn Post Guide

There are 12 Templates Below.

These are posts I wrote early on in my LinkedIn journey to

take my account from 0 -> 1000 followers.

Some of these require decent input on your behalf.

For that reason, ALL of them have real-world examples

below for additional guidance.

If there is bolded text within the template, this is what you

will need to be filling in for your own essay or post.

Let these templates guide you. Make them your own.

Template 1: Overcoming Hardship and Why You Do What
You Do

(X time ago) [insert thing that was happening to you]

I was also going through [insert additional thing happening to you]

(feeling 1, feeling 2, feeling 3)

All the typical emotions that come along with [topic]

I decided to [*take this action*] because I had settled in on (reason for taking this

Before I reached this point, I had periods where I (struggle 1, struggle 2, struggle

This why I talk about (insert your niche here)

I want you to succeed. Find your passion. And love what you do.

I will teach you (insert your expertise here)

I am also happy to report I have accomplished (thing you mentioned in line 2)

It wasn’t easy (insert difficult things you did while completing that line 2 task)

I learned I am capable of so much, and I also know you reading this are as well.

Never doubt yourself.

Template 2: Hardcore Training For Anything

Being a (insert your niche here) is hardcore training for any job

Here’s what I mean…

If you can successfully-

- Thing 1
- Thing 2
- Thing 3
- Thing 4

Any normal job would be a piece of cake.

Being a (insert niche here) means being (insert extremely positive phrase here)

If you’re doing that successfully… You’re a superstar.

EXAMPLE, Template 2:
TEMPLATE 3: Controversial Take

This may be controversial

But when you’re (insert topic)…

Throw everything you learned in school about (topic) out the window.

If you (perform topic) like an academic, you won’t get anywhere.

Nobody wants to (negative about doing topic wrong). Or feel like they’re
(additional negative comment about performing topic wrong)

(insert negative thing 3) is overrated. (insert a solution here)

Here’s 3 more things to keep in mind

- Thing 1
- Thing 2
- Thing 3

1. 1-2 sentences on why thing 1 is important

2. 1-2 sentences on why thing 2 is important

3. 1-2 sentences on why thing 3 is important

Example, Template 3
TEMPLATE 4: Doing something with nothing
If you have (something very little) but want to (do something amazing)

Here’s how you’ll do it…

(topic) has never been easier

There’s no need for (thing 1, thing 2, or thing 3).

(topic) is the modern cheat code.

If you have (skill 1) or (skill 2), you already have the ability to (do something

- Tip 1
- Tip 2
- Tip 3

1. Why tip 1 will work for you

2. Why top 2 will work for you

3. Why tip 3 will work for you

Do these long enough and you will achieve (insert goal here)
Example, Template 4:
Template 5: Overcoming something difficult

Hitting a stride with (topic) can feel difficult

But anyone can copy this (insert method) with ease

Here’s how:

- Tip 1
- Tip 2
- Tip 3

1. Insert 1-3 sentences on why thing 1 will help you accomplish goal

2. Insert 1-3 sentences on why thing 2 will help you accomplish goal

3. Insert 1-3 sentences on why thing 3 will help you accomplish goal
Example, Template 5:
Template 6: Accomplish you dream

Want to quit (insert topic)?

This post is for you

Road to (desired goal)

What skills do you need, outside of your expertise?

- Skill 1: Why skill 1 is important

- Skill 2: Why skill 2 is important

- Skill 3: Why skill 3 is important

- Skill 4: Why skill 4 is important

Don’t (insert common mistake people make when chasing this goal). Learn to
(solution to that mistake).

What would you add?

Example, Template 6
Template 7: Overcoming something difficult (short version)

Being (something fearful) and (doing topic) can be difficult.

But so is:

- Hard thing 1
- Hard thing 2
- Hard thing 3

Often times the path to (doing topic) goes through embracing potential failures and
difficult tasks

EXAMPLE, Template 7
Template 8: Looking to the future

The Year (future year) belongs to a certain type of person

The (small number) of people doing this 1 thing…

Here’s who I’m talking about:

The future belongs to those willing to (do topic). The people that are (performing
task for topic)

Sitting back and (describe not doing topic)?

That won’t get you anywhere…

The beauty of it all? Anyone can take advantage.

Right now.

- 1st Type of Person succeeding doing topic

- 2nd Type of person succeeding doing topic
- 3rd type of person succeeding doing topic

This could be you.

The (topic) is already booming. Don’t miss out.

TEMPLATE 9: Something we don’t talk about enough

Something we don’t talk about enough on (insert platform you’re writing on)…

Dealing with (topic)

3 step process for (solving topic):

- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3

1. 2-3 sentences on how step 1 helps you solve the problem

2. 2-3 sentences on how step 2 helps you solve the problem

3. 2-3 sentences on how step 3 helps you solve the problem

Template 10: People are fed up.

The modern (topic) is (insert extremely negative word).

People are fed up with the (additional negative phrase)

Look at this pain:

- Negative thing 1
- Negative thing 2
- Negative thing 3

And (*enemy*) wonders why they have (insert their problem)?

It seems pretty simple to me…

1. Solution 1
2. Solution 2
3. Solution 3

No one wants to (do thing that causes this pain)

If this (topic) isn’t fixed, more and more people will (insert an opt out message)
Example, Template 10:
Template 11: Valuable Skills

The 3 Most Valuable Skills (insert niche target) Need.

Do you have all 3?

Description of each:

- Skill 1
- Skill 2
- Skill 3

1. 2-3 sentences on why skill 1 is valuable

2. 2-3 sentences on why skill 2 is valuable

3. 2-3 sentences on why skill 3 is valuable

Example, Template 11:
Template 12: Teaching 101

(topic) 101:

All inclusive (topic) blueprint

Steps to success:

- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
- Step 4

1. 2-3 sentences on how to perform step 1

2. 2-3 sentences on how to perform step 2

3. 2-3 sentences on how to perform step 3

4. 2-3 sentences on how to perform step 4

Example, Template 12:

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