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1. What is pollution?


2. List the four types of pollution below:





3. Define what is Rural Environment?


4. Define Urban Environment?


5. List the three Boroughs in Trinidad below:




6. What is Air Pollution?


A) What are TWO causes of Air Pollution?

B) What are TWO effects of Air Pollution?


7. What is Land pollution?


A) What are TWO effects of Land Pollution?


B) What are TWO causes of Land Pollution?


8. What is Water Pollution?


A) What are TWO causes of Water Pollution?


B) What are TWO effects of Water Pollution?


9. Define Noise Pollution?


A) What are TWO causes of Noise Pollution?

B) What are TWO effects of Noise Pollution?


10. When is New Year’s Day celebrated?


A) State TWO things’ people do New Year’s Day?


11. List TWO positive behaviors _____________________________________________________

12. List TWO negative behaviors _______________________________________________________

13. When is Valentine Day’s celebrated? _______________________________________________

14. What is another name for Valentine's Day __________________________________________

15. What do people do on Valentine's Day _______________________________________________

16. List THREE activities that happens during Carnival period


17. What is EMA stands for? __________________________________________________________

18. List the THREE other environment agencies?



19. What happens during the lent season?



20. When does lent begin? _______________________________________________________

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