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STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT ANG20203 QUESTIO! 1) Written Assignment: 100% Students are required to select ONE (1) company of your choice from any industries and explain in-depth the following: i. Description of the company chosen ii, What is the impact of COVID-19 pandemic towards this company and how do they react to it? Do they develop the new strategic to overcome this problem? Comment on their new strategic. iii, Run the external audit for this firm to see which external factors that give th biggest impact to their company when this pandemic happened. This external audit should cover all 5 external forces: + economic forces, ‘+ social, cultural, demographic, and natural environment forces, ‘+ political, governmental, and legal forces, ‘+ technological forces and, ‘+ competitive forces iv. Run the internal audit for this firm to identifying and develop an organization's resources and competencies. Please mention what is their core competencies and how they can use that to develop an effective strategic for their company to overcome this pandemic. This internal analysis should cover: ‘© Fim’s management, marketing. + finance/accounting, © production/operations. and research and development (R&D) Vv. _ Give your opinion on how they handle this situation, and do you think that this company can stay longer in the market or not? What advice that you can give to this company? vi. Conclusion vi. Reference style: APA referencing Semester: September 2020

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