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Assignment 1

1. Human motivation is complex and there have many theories to explain it.
a. Explain human motivation from instinct theory perspective with relevant examples.

Instinct theory of motivation describes all life form are born with innate biological tendencies to
ensure them survive. This theory also elaborates that those instinct act as a memory that drive
all behaviors. Therefore, from certain set of behavior may results improvement in instinct
memory. For example, when children are failing in their exam, they would get frustrated. Those
feeling are harsh and may motivate them to became success in the future. Therefore, by
motivating themselves to keep revise and learning may resulting success in their life. Similar
goes to adult. When they able to achieve something that was in their goal. They motivation
tend to increase so they keep having a new goal. Increase in salary may became a motivational
factor for someone to keep doing their best to survive. In people, numerous reflexes are
instances of instinctual practices. The establishing reflex, as referenced prior is one such model,
similar to the nursing reflex (a reflex where children start sucking when a finger or areola places
tension on the top of their mouth). Psychologist William McDougall was one of the first to
expound on the impulse hypothesis of inspiration. He proposed that intuitive conduct was
made out of three basic components: discernment, conduct, and feeling. He likewise illustrated
18 unique impulses that included interest, maternal nature, chuckling, solace, sex, and food-

b. Explain human motivation from mini theory perspective with relevant examples.

Inspiration hypothesis is the investigation of understanding what drives an individual to pursue

a specific objective or result. It's applicable to the entirety of society yet is particularly
imperative to business and the executives. Mini-theories describe a small and very particular
aspect of development. This theory explains relatively narrow behaviours with such as how self-
esteem is formed on early childhood socialization. These theories are often rooted in the ideas
established by grand theories, but they do not seek to describe and explain the whole of human
behaviour and growth. For example, a teacher grant present for kids that pass their exam with
flying colour. This presents are meaningful to kids that will made them more motivated to
became even more successful so people will appreciate them later. This also motivated all other
student so next time they will achievement the similar achievement. Similar example also
exerted to adult when they got praise from their supervisor. Even though it is not a big deal but
those action may improve the workers morale thus improving their work.
3. There are many benefits to understand human motivation and the source of
a. Explain the benefits of instinct motivation. Provide examples to support your answer.

The term sense was first instituted by Wilhelm Wundt in 1870s to allude to any rehashed
conduct. The characteristic propensities portrayed by a life form to take part in certain
untaught examples of conduct are alluded to as impulses. In straightforward words, the sense is
the conduct appeared by a living being considering specific improvements. For instance, when a
baby's cheek or lip is contacted, it will turn its head toward it and making a sucking movement
with the mouth. This is known as establishing reflex, which aids fruitful breastfeeding.
Motivation is a vital resource that allows us to adapt, function productively, and maintain
wellbeing in the face of a constantly changing stream of opportunities and threats. High-quality
motivation allows us to thrive, while its deficit causes us to flounder. Societal benefits of
increased motivation are visible in greater student engagement, better job satisfaction in
employees, flourishing relationships, and institutions. There are many health benefits of
increased motivation. Motivation as a psychological state is linked to our physiology. When our
motivation is depleted, our functioning and wellbeing suffer. For example, when someone
being elected for a new job or environment. For sure they became happy. This may release a
neurotransmitter in the brain called dopamine. This thing is good for health. Similar goes with
praise to someone who did good job in their work. This may improve their working
environment and thus improving their job quality.

b. Describes where the child achievement motivation come from? Provide examples to
support your answer.

Inspiration is the main thrust behind an individual's activities. There are various sorts of
inspiration, and everybody is motivated by something other than what is expected. Does
defining and achieving testing objectives energize you? Is facing a determined challenge a
simple choice on the off chance that you realize it will help you succeed? Do you flourish in a
setting where you get both positive and negative input since you realize it will help you progress
and arrive at new statures? For certain individuals, these are basic segments of inspiration. If
you responded to yes to these inquiries, you no doubt are inspired by accomplishment.
Accomplishment Motivation is characterized as practices committed to creating and exhibiting
higher capacities. Children achievement motivation energizes and directs behavior toward
achievement and therefore is known to be an important determinant of academic success. This
is not a single construct but rather subsumes a variety of different constructs like motivational
beliefs, task values, goals, and achievement motives. This could be explained as students’
cognitive abilities and their prior achievement are among the best single predictors of academic
success. For example, when a child got a first place in a class. They tend to get a prize from their
respective teacher. This may result emotional moment from their memory thus motivate them
to became success in the future. Several schools also reward some handsome reward to the
best student in the school. Based on the reward, the student may feel motivational and this
may be a step stone for them to achieve that achievement.


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