Study Id78748 Construction-In-Europe

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Construction in the EU –
Industry Insights & Data

September 2022

01 Introduction 04 Companies 06 European Comparison

Industry Definition Selected Top Companies R&D Spending
Impact of Russias War Against Ukraine on the UK
Energy shares in Europe

02 Financial Numbers 05 Employees and Salaries 07 Appendix

Industry Revenue Employment Share Authors
Industry Comparison COVID-19 and Employment Data Description and Methods
Job Automation Industry Advertisement

03 Trade and Investment

Trade Flow
Foreign Direct Investments

The EU Industry Report

Executive summary

• European GDP level is expected to return to its 2019 level after 2020

• 3% of the European population has been affected by the COVID-19 hazard and

• Compared to the average of the continent, Germany has a higher share in


• In 2021 the United Kingdom had the 2nd highest growth rate in the Construction

• Average personnel costs in the EU27 is around 36,700€

• R&D spending decreased on average by 6.71 % p.a. from 2012 to 2019


Industry Definition

Construction - NACE F Subcategories included in this industry

This section includes general construction and specialized construction activities for • 41: Construction of buildings
buildings and civil engineering works. It includes new work, repair, additions and
• 42: Civil engineering
alterations, the erection of prefabricated buildings or structures on the site and
also construction of a temporary nature. • 43: Specialized construction activities

Also included is the repair of buildings and engineering works.

This section also includes the development of building projects for buildings or civil
engineering works by bringing together financial, technical and physical means to
realize the construction projects for later sale. If these activities are carried out not
for later sale of the construction projects, but for their operation (e.g. renting of
space in these buildings, manufacturing activities in these plants), the unit would
not be classified here, but according to its operational activity, i.e. real estate,
manufacturing etc.

5 Notes: The definition is based on the European industry classification NACE (nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne = Statistical classification of economic activities in the European
Sources: Eurostat 2008
The Russia-Ukraine war has caused huge humanitarian and economic
Russia-Ukraine War: Overview

The Russian invasion of Ukraine started on February 24, 2022. Attacks by Russian Total number of refugees from Ukraine in neighboring countries(1)
forces were reported in major cities across Ukraine, including Berdyansk, Chernihiv,
Kharkiv, and the capital Kyiv. Western officials claimed that by scope, the war could Poland 3,396,792
be the largest in Europe since 1945. Find the latest developments at: Russia-Ukraine
war 2022. Serious spillovers of the war have been already observed in neighbor
Romania 930,341
countries, EU, and the global economy, in almost all major fronts.

Humanitarian Consequences
Russia 863,086
As of May 5, 2022, the war causes 14,000 fatalities and forces over 6 million
refugees to leave home.
Hungary 615,256
Economic Consequences

The war may lead to a loss of 1% global GDP growth in 2022 and 0.2% in 2023.
Republic of Modova 465,435
Global inflation is projected to be 2-3% higher than pre-war projection.

Global reactions
Slovakia 426,605
As of May 11, 2022, numerous sanctions are imposed on Russian individuals (6,524)
and institutions (1,002). Military, financial and humanitarian aid commitments to
Belarus 27,308
Ukraine reached €64.6 billion until May 10, 2022.

6 Notes: For the latest updates, see Statista Russia-Ukraine war 2022 - statistics & facts and Russia-Ukraine conflict 2021-2022 - statistics & facts (1) As of May 19, 2022; accumulated number is higher than the total number due to the
fact that people are crossing borders
Sources: Statista 2022; Özdamar & Shahin 2021; IMF 2022; UN 2022; Kiel Institute 2022; Castellum.AI 2022
Implications for the global economy due to the Russia-Ukraine war
Russia-Ukraine War: Global Impacts

2022 global GDP projection revision Projected economic situation changes since war(2)
by selected institutions(1)

NIESR -0.5%

Moody’s Analytics -0.6%

IMF -0.8%

Fitch Ratings -0.9%

Kiel Institute -0.9%

The Economist -1.0%

OECD -1.1%

World Bank -1.2%

Oxford Economics -1.4%

Conference Board -1.5%

UNCTAD -1.8% Disaster Strongly negative Moderately negative Slightly negative Almost no impacts/Slightly positive

7 Notes: For the latest updates, see Statista Russia-Ukraine war 2022 - statistics & facts and Russia-Ukraine conflict 2021-2022 - statistics & facts (1) Difference between May 2022 (or latest) forecast and pre-war baseline forecast
(4.4% WEO IMF Jan 2022) (2) Country groupings are based on the differences between pre-war and current forecasts of 2022 GDP/inflation. GDP/inflation data is published by IMF WEO October 2021 and April 2022
Sources: Statista 2022; IMF 2022; Conference Board 2022; The Economist 2022; NIESR 2022; Fitch Ratings 2022; Oxford Economics 2022; UNCTAD 2022; Kiel Institute 2022; OECD 2022; World Bank 2022
The war has caused strong fluctuations in the global commodities market
Russia-Ukraine War: Trade Impacts

Top products(1) exported by Russia and Ukraine in Top products(1) exported by Russia and Ukraine as Commodities price index (2019=100)
billion US$ % of the global export value Russia-
300 conflict
Fuels & oils 142.5 Cereals 15.8
Preci. metals Fertilizers 14.1 250
& jewellery Nickel 13.8
Iron & steel 23.7 Fuels & oils 10.2 200
Fats & oils 9.8
Cereals 18.8
Iron & steel 7.5 150
Nuclear reactors
& machin. Wood 7.4

Fats & oils 9.7 Metals 5.4 100

Preci. metals
Wood 9.6 & jewellery
Fish 4.5 50
Ores, slag
8.8 Copper 4.4
& ash Ores, slag
3.9 0
Fertilizers 7.4 & ash
Railway 3.8 2019M01 2020M01 2021M01 2022M02 2023
Elec. machin.
6.9 Forecast
& equip. Aluminium 3.6
Energy Fats/Oils Fertilizers
Ukraine Russia Food Grains Metals & Minerals

8 Notes: For the latest updates, see Statista Russia-Ukraine war 2022 - statistics & facts and Russia-Ukraine conflict 2021-2022 - statistics & facts (1) Product groupings are based on HS-2 code, data in 2021 or latest

Sources: UN Comtrade 2022; Intracen 2022; World Bank 2022; Statista 2022
Generous fiscal policy measures have been introduced in many parts of Europe
and the world
Russia-Ukraine War: Country-specific Impacts

GDP growth and Inflation projection for 2022 in the EU(1) Voting on the UN resolution condemning Russia’s invasion



Pre-war forecast Current forecast

GDP Growth Inflation In favor of Against Not vote Abstain

9 Notes: For the latest updates, see Statista Russia-Ukraine War 2022 - statistics & facts and Russia-Ukraine conflict 2021-2022 - statistics & facts (1) Based on IMF WEO and ECB Macroeconomic projections of different versions, EU27

Sources: UN Comtrade 2022; Intracen 2022; Statista 2022; IMF 2022; UN 2022; ECB 2022
European GDP level is expected to return to its 2019 level after 2020
COVID-19: Projected Impact on European GDP Level

COVID-19 impact on gross domestic product(1) compared to 2019 level(2)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Germany France Italy Spain Switzerland Czechia Belgium Sweden Europe(3)

10 Notes: (1) GDP level forecast 2022–2025 using current exchange rates. Data shown does reflect market impacts of Russia-Ukraine war (2) GDP 2019=100 (3) The European average GDP level refers to the European countries
covered in the Statista Country Outlook
Sources: Statista 2022
The European employment rate increased in the first quarter of 2022 in
comparison to the first quarter of 2021
COVID-19: Impact on Employment

Percentage change in the employment rate(1),(2)

0.9 Start of COVID-0.8 0.9
19 crisis
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
-0.1 -0.1





-2.5 -2.7

2019-Q2 2019-Q3 2019-Q4 2020-Q1 2020-Q2 2020-Q3 2020-Q4 2021-Q1 2021-Q2 2021-Q3 2021-Q4 2022-Q1

11 Notes: Data is referring to all industries (1) Reflects the data of 27 European countries (without the United Kingdom) (2) Percentage change on previous period (based on persons)

Sources: Eurostat 2022

3% of the European population has been affected by the COVID-19 hazard and
COVID-19 Risk Levels: INFORM Index

Countries by COVID-19 risk levels(1) Population affected by COVID-19 hazard and exposure in %


4% 4%



Asia Europe Africa Americas Australia

Very Low Low Medium Missing
& Oceania

12 Notes: (1) The INFORM COVID-19 Risk Index identifies countries at risk from health and humanitarian impacts of COVID-19 that could overwhelm current national response capacity, and therefore lead to a need for additional
international assistance. Data for country groupings is the sum of data for individual countries. For the classification of country groupings, see appendix
Sources: INFORM 2022; Statista 2022
Stringent and widespread containment and public health measures are
imposed in Europe
COVID-19 and Government Responses (1/2)

Containment and Health Index(1) Containment and Health Index(1) in June 2022









01/20 04/20 08/20 01/21 04/21 08/21
Africa Americas Asia Australia & Oceania Europe 0-20 >20-40 >40-60 >60-80

13 Notes: (1) The Containment and Health Index tracks lockdown restrictions, closure policies, and health system policies, such as testing and contact tracing, with 0 corresponding to least stringent and 100 to most stringent
Data for country groupings is made up of average data for individual countries. For the classification of country groupings, see appendix
Sources: Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (Hale et al. 2020)
Generous fiscal policy measures have been introduced in many parts of Europe
and the world
COVID-19 and Government Responses (2/2)

Fiscal measures in billion US$ and as % of GDP(1) Fiscal measures as percentage of GDP(1)
7,000 6,690 30

6,000 26% 5,706

4,354 2,395 20
4,000 20%
5,954 15
3,000 2,333

5% 3,312
1,000 2,021 5
66 318
291 28 735
0 24 42 0
Africa Australia Asia Europe Americas
& Oceania
Liquidity support(2) Fiscal measures as percentage of GDP
Spending & revenues(3) 0-2 >2-5 >5-7 >7-9 >9-20 >20

14 Notes: (1) GDP data is based on October 2021 World Economic Outlook and Statista estimates (2) Equity injections, loans, asset purchase, debt assumptions, guarantees, and quasi-fiscal operations (3) Additional/accelerated
spending or foregone/deferred revenues. Data for country groupings is the sum of data for individual countries. For the classification of country groupings, see appendix
Sources: International Monetary Fund 2021; Statista 2022
The industry had an air emission intensity of 78.9 grams per euro in 2020
Air Emission Intensity

Air emission intensities(1) per industry in Europe(2) in grams per euro in 2020

Energy supply 2,948.8

Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing 2,176.8

Mining & quarrying 1,523.3

Oil & Gas 1,523.3

Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste
Management & Remediation Activities
Construction 78.9

Accommodation, Restaurants & Nightlife 73.5

Car Dealers, Wholesale & Retail Trade 60.6

Administrative & Support Services 33.6

Professional, Scientific & Technical Activities 22.6

Information & Communication 12.8

Real Estate 4.0

15 Notes: (1) Greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O, CH4, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 in CO2 equivalent) (2) Reflects the data of 27 EU member states

Sources: Eurostat 2022

Compared to the average of the continent, Germany has a higher share in
Energy Share

Energy shares in Germany in 2020 Energy shares in Europe in 2020


4.7% Growth in Ave. Growth in
renewables renewables

6.71% 4.67%
2016-2020 CAGR(2) 2016-2020 CAGR(2)

25.7% 11.5%

15.2% 33.4%

Renewables(1) Nuclear Gas Coal Oil

16 Notes: Regional average value refers to the countries covered by the Statista Country Reports and the source (1) Renewable energies include hydropower, solar, wind, and other renewable sources (2) CAGR: Compound Annual
Growth Rate / average growth rate per year
Sources:: bp 2022; Statista 2022

Financial Numbers
With 13.6%, Sweden had the highest growth rate from 2020 to 2021
Revenue: Comparison Europe

Revenue in Billion ₤ in 2021 Largest revenue increase from 2020 to 2021 in Billion ₤

Sweden +14%

United Kingdom +14%

Czechia +13%

France +13%

Ireland +13%

0-5 5-20 20-100 100+ not covered 2020 2021


Sources: Statista Industry Outlook 2022; OECD 2022; Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) 2022
In 2021 the United Kingdom had the 2nd highest growth rate in the
Construction industry
Revenue: Industry Comparison

# Country Revenue 2021 Revenue 2022 Growth # Country Revenue 2021 Revenue 2022 in Growth
in billion in billion in billion billion
1 France 233.7 264.2 +13.1% ↑ 16 Cyprus 3.4 3.5 +4.0% ↑
2 United Kingdom 301.4 336.2 +11.5% ↑ 17 Finland 36.9 38.4 +4.0% ↑
3 Switzerland 57.9 62.6 +8.2% ↑ 18 Belgium 60.6 63.0 +3.9% ↑
4 Slovakia 10.9 11.7 +7.4% ↑ 19 Bulgaria 3.6 3.8 +3.6% ↑
5 Ireland 31.9 34.1 +6.7% ↑ 20 Latvia 4.5 4.6 +3.2% ↑
6 Czechia 1.3 1.3 +6.2% ↑ 21 Slovenia 6.1 6.3 +3.2% ↑
7 Hungary 0.1 0.1 +5.8% ↑ 22 Sweden 8.4 8.7 +3.1% ↑
8 Luxembourg 7.3 7.6 +5.0% ↑ 23 Malta 1.0 1.0 +2.9% ↑
9 Spain 151.7 159.2 +5.0% ↑ 24 Greece 9.3 9.5 +2.8% ↑
10 Portugal 20.9 21.9 +4.9% ↑ 25 Norway 5.9 6.0 +2.7% ↑
11 Netherlands 110.5 115.7 +4.8% ↑ 26 Germany 357.5 365.5 +2.2% ↑
12 Italy 144.6 151.1 +4.5% ↑ 27 Denmark 5.1 5.2 +1.3% ↑
13 Austria 52.8 55.0 +4.3% ↑ 28 Croatia 0.9 1.0 +1.1% ↑
14 Poland 17.4 18.2 +4.3% ↑ 29 Romania 4.5 4.4 -1.9% ↑
15 Estonia 5.7 5.9 +4.1% ↑ 30 Greece 9.3 9.5 2.82% ↑


Sources: Statista Industry Outlook 2022; OECD 2022; Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) 2022
The gross operating rate in "Construction" was lower than the average in 2019
Operating Rate

Gross operating rate in %(1)

16.0 16.1
15.2 15.4 15.4 15.5 15.5 15.5

10.7 10.6
9.7 9.6
8.9 9.2 9.0 9.2

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Construction All industries(2)

The gross operating rate is an indicator of profitability that corresponds to the share of gross operating surplus in turnover. The gross operating surplus is the surplus
generated by operating activities after the labor factor input has been deducted. It can be calculated from the value-added at factor cost minus the personnel costs.

20 Notes: (1) Reflects the data of 27 European countries (2) Data reflects the average of all industry data.

Sources: Eurostat 2022

Revenue is expected to increase by 13.4% p.a. from 2021 to 2025
Consumer spending: Digital Market Outlook – Smart Home (1/2)

European market size in billion € The values shown on this and the following slide are derived from the Statista
Outlooks. They present the size of a defined market and are based on end-
consumer prices. When it comes to the market size, it does not matter what the
39.2 geographical origin of the product / service provider is; what matters is the
35.4 consumption in the country. The markets in the Statista Outlooks also do not follow
the NACE classification system; they focus on the products themselves, not the
industry. Therefore, the numbers shown here are not comparable with other
26.0 revenue values.

2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

21 Notes: (1) CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate / average growth rate per year

Sources: Statista Digital Market Outlook 2021

With revenues of EUR6.22bn, the United Kingdom ranks first in 2021
Consumer spending: Digital Market Outlook – Smart Home (2/2)

Market size in billion €

United Kingdom 10.92
Germany 8.41
France 3.35
Netherlands 2.02
Russia 2.06
Sweden 1.36
Italy 1.30
Switzerland 1.04
Norway 1.03
2021 2025


Sources: Statista Digital Market Outlook 2021


Trade and Investment

For “Construction”, Europe is the biggest trade partner
International Trade: Imports and Exports

Export flow in billion US$ Import flow in billion US$

114.1 109.0 90.8 99.3 86.9 79.1

53% 53% 50% 48%

53% 55%

35% 39% 44%

41% 39% 41%

4% 2%
1% 3% 1% 3% 1% 2% 0%
2% 3% 2% 2% 8% 8% 6%
0% 0%
2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020
Australia & Oceania Africa Americas Europe Asia

24 Notes: Aggregate data (in current US$) covers all countries in Statista country list with data availability. Data refers to EBOPS code "Construction"

Sources: Statista 2022; WTO 2022

Germany is the second most important player of the global FDI flows
Investment by Top Countries

Highest FDI inflows in billion US$ in Highest FDI outflows in billion US$ in Highest net cross-border M&As sales Highest net cross-border M&As
2021 2021 in billion US$ in 2021 purchases in billion US$ in 2021
United States 367 United States 403 United States 284 United States 216
Mainland China 181 Germany 152 United Kingdom 95 France 86
Hong Kong 141 Japan 147 Singapore 45 Canada 66
Singapore 99 Mainland China 145 Canada 29 Japan 60
Canada 60 United Kingdom 108 Saudi Arabia 24 Ireland 50
Brazil 50 Canada 90 Spain 24 Germany 43
India 45 Ireland 62 Israel 22 United Kingdom 38
South Africa 41 Singapore 47 Germany 21 Australia 23
Russia 38 Belgium 46 Australia 20 Singapore 17
Mexico 32 Netherlands 29 Luxembourg Norway 15
Germany 31 Luxembourg 25 Italy 14
Netherlands 17
Israel 30 Saudi Arabia 24 Denmark 13
Italy 14
United Kingdom 28 Brazil 23 Thailand 12
Switzerland 13
Sweden 27 UAE 23 Switzerland 8
Ireland 10
Belgium 26 Denmark 22 UAE 6
Australia Sweden Finland 9 Sweden
25 20 4
Poland 25 Thailand 17 Norway 8 Netherlands 4
Japan 25 India 16 India 8 Luxembourg 3
UAE 21 Chile 12 South Korea 8 Hong Kong 3
Indonesia 20 Italy 12 Hong Kong 6 India 3
Saudi Arabia 19 Austria 11 Papua New Guinea 6 Mainland China 2
South Korea 17 Israel 10 Sweden 5 Israel 2
Ireland 16 Australia 9 New Zealand 5 Russia 2
Vietnam 16 Malta 7 France 5 Belgium 2
France 14 Czechia 6 Mainland China 4 Poland 2

25 Notes: Data is referring to an aggregate of all industries. FDI: Foreign direct investment, M&A: Mergers and Acquisitions. Data is in current US$

Sources: Statista 2022; UNCTAD 2022


Vinci Sa registered the largest revenue in 2021
Selected Top Companies

Rank Company(1) Total revenue in million € No. of employees(2) Headquarters

1 Vinci Sa 59,486 219,299 France

2 Bouygues Sa 47,247 124,651 France

Acs Actividades De Construcción Y

3 Servicios Sa
33,067 n/a Spain

4 Hochtief Ag 25,440 33,835 Germany

5 Eiffage Sa 22,840 73,522 France

6 Strabag 18,274 n/a Austria

7 Colas Sa 16,448 n/a France

8 Atlantia Spa 14,068 20,326 Italy

9 A2A Spa 13,667 13,267 Italy

10 Acciona Sa 10,257 206 Spain

27 Notes: (1) Only stock-listed companies; the selection of companies is based on their major sources of revenue (2) Latest available data

Sources: Market data by Quandl and WBV 2022; Company DB 2022


Employees and Salaries

Germany had the highest number of employees in this industry
Employment: Number of Employees

Number of employees in thousands in 2021

0 6000

29 Notes: Austria 2020, Belgium 2020, Bulgaria 2020, Cyprus 2020, Czechia 2020, Germany 2020, Denmark 2020, Estonia 2020, Greece 2020, Spain 2020, France 2020, Hungary 2020, Ireland 2020, Lithuania 2020, Luxembourg 2020,
Latvia 2020, Poland 2020, Portugal 2020, Sweden 2020, Slovenia 2020, Slovakia 2020,
Sources: Eurostat 2022
Europe was less affected in terms of the lost working hours than the Americas
COVID-19’s Impact on Working Hours

Working hours lost(1) in 2021 in %




Europe Australia Asia and the Pacific Africa Americas

30 Notes: (1) Please refer to ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work. Seventh edition

Sources: ILO 2022

Overall, average weekly working hours in the EU27 have increased from 2020 to
Working Hours

Average weekly hours worked per employee(1)






2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Austria Switzerland Estonia Spain France Lithuania Norway Romania EU27
Bulgaria Germany Greece Finland Italy Netherlands Portugal Turkey

31 Notes: (1) Includes the number of weekly working hours for full-time and part-time employees, temporary employees, and self-employed individuals, as well as individuals with a second job who work outside of regular business
hours and come within the age group of 15 to 64 years old
Sources: Eurostat 2022
Average personnel costs in the EU27 is around 36,700€
Personnel Costs (1/2)

Average personnel costs(1) in thousand € in 2019





Czechia Finland France Germany Italy Poland Portugal Romania Spain EU27 2020

32 Notes: (1) Total remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by an employer to an employee for work carried out. This is divided by the number of employees (paid workers), which includes part-time workers, seasonal workers etc,
but excludes persons on long-term leave
Sources: Eurostat 2022
Accommodation and food service activities industry had the lowest average
personnel costs
Personnel Costs (2/2)

Average personnel costs(1) in thousand € and growth in 2019

Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 60.7 +1.0%

Information and communication 56.4 +3.3%

Professional, scientific and technical activities 48.1 +3.7%

Manufacturing 44.1 +3.0%

Mining and quarrying 38.0 -2.6%

Construction 36.7 +3.4%

Real estate activities 36.7 +2.8%

Water supply; sewerage, waste
36.5 +1.4%
management and remediation activities
Transportation and storage 35.2 +2.6%
Wholesale and retail trade; repair
31.2 +3.0%
of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Administrative and support service activities 25.8 +3.6%

Accommodation and food service activities 18.7 +2.2%

33 Notes: (1) Total remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by an employer to an employee for work carried out. This is divided by the number of employees (paid workers), which includes part-time workers, seasonal workers etc,
but excludes persons on long-term leave. Data is referring to the EU27
Sources: Eurostat 2022
Job automation is shaping the future of work across all industries
Potential Rates of Job Automation (1/3)

Impact of automation and overview of waves

Job automation is advancing at a rapid pace. While boosting productivity and enhancing the quality and quantity of products and services, automation also produces
disruption to the job market. The underlying study by PwC categorizes the automation process over the period to the 2030s in three overlapping waves:

Waves Algorithm Augmentation Autonomy

Years Early 2020s Late 2020s 2030s

Automation of simple computational tasks and data Dynamic interaction with technology, including robotic Automation of physical labor, problem-solving, and
analysis tasks responsive actions

Financial and insurance, information and

Financial and insurance, public administration, Construction, water, sewage and waste management,
Industries impacted communication, professional, scientific and technical
manufacturing, transportation and storage transportation and storage

Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Czechia, Italy, France,

Countries impacted France, Italy, Slovakia, Netherlands, Belgium Lithuania, Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Germany, Italy

34 Notes: Data is obtained from the OECD PIAAC survey. Therefore, some countries outside of Europe are included, such as the United States or Japan. For a more detailed analysis and the methodology, refer to the source

Sources: PwC 2018

Transportation and storage has the highest rate of job automation
Potential Rates of Job Automation (2/3)

Potential rates of job automation across waves

and storage 2% 22% 27%

Manufacturing 2% 23% 20%

Construction 1% 15% 21%

Administrative and
support service 2% 17% 15%
Wholesale and
retail trade 2% 20% 11%
Public admin. and
support services 3% 22% 7%
Financial and
insurance 6% 23% 1%
Information and
communication 6% 18% 3%
Professional, scientific
or technical services 7% 17% 1%
Accommodation and
food services 12% 11%
Algorithm wave Augmentation wave Autonomy wave

35 Notes: Data is obtained from the OECD PIAAC survey. Therefore, some countries outside of Europe are included, such as the United States or Japan. For a more detailed analysis and the methodology, refer to the source

Sources: PwC 2018

Employees in Eastern European countries are potentially facing a higher risk of
job automation
Potential Rates of Job Automation (3/3)

Potential jobs at risk of job automation Impacts differ across countries(1)

Slovakia 4% 21% 19% The impact of job automation by the early 2030s varies across countries. Especially
Slovenia 4% 21% 19%
Eastern European countries face high risks (up to 44% in Slovakia). This is due to
Lithuania 4% 22% 16%
Czechia 3% 22% 15% the large share of industrial production in these countries, which tends to be easier
Italy 4% 18% 17% to automate in the augmentation and autonomy waves. In contrast, Nordic
France 4% 18% 15%
economies such as Finland or Sweden with relatively high average education levels
Germany 3% 20% 13%
Austria 3% 19% 13%
and employment rates face lower risks. Service-dominated countries, for example
Spain 3% 18% 13% the United Kingdom, have medium levels of potential automation.
Poland 3% 13% 16% 50
Ireland 3% 14% 13%
Netherlands 4% 17% 9% 40%
United Kingdom 3% 17% 10%
Cyprus 3% 16% 10% 30%
Belgium 4% 13% 10%
Denmark 3% 14% 9% 20%
Norway 3% 14% 8%
Sweden 4%
13% 8%
Greece 3% 10% 11%
Finland 3% 12% 7% 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037
Algorithm wave Augmentation wave Autonomy wave Industrial Service Nordic

36 Notes: (1) The exact categorization of the countries is documented in the source
Data is obtained from the OECD PIAAC survey
Sources: PwC 2018

Research and Innovation

R&D spending decreased on average by 6.71 % p.a. from 2012 to 2019

Business expenditure on R&D(1),(2) in million €



2,624.1 2,606.7 2,706.8

2,232.9 2,168.8

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

38 Notes: (1) All expenditures plus gross fixed expenditure for R&D (2) Reflects the data of 23 European countries (3) CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate / average growth rate per year

Sources: Eurostat 2022

The total number of personnel decreased from 2015 to 2019

Number of R&D personnel(1),(2) in the business enterprise sector(3)

25,343 24,090 28,476 27,892 12,612

30.4% 33.2% 35.7% 37.9%


69.6% 66.8% 64.3% 62.1%


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Internal R&D personnel Researchers(4)

39 Notes: (1) Full-time equivalent (2) All persons engaged directly in R&D (3) Reflects the data of 31 European countries (4) Professionals engaged in the conception and/or creation of new knowledge and products 5: Data is referring to
NACE D_E ("Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities")
Sources: Eurostat 2022; Statista 2022


Leonie Senn-Kalb Aswathy Venugopal Luana Stefan

Team Lead Reports Junior Analyst Analyst

As Team Lead for the Industry, Country, Global Aswathy studies Computer Science at the University of Luana studied Economics at the Ruperto Carola
Business City, and In-Depth Reports since 2022, Leonie Passau. She completed her Bachelors in University of Heidelberg.
specializes in economic and societal topics as well as Information Technology from Mahatma Gandhi
Before joining Statista, she gathered experience in
market and industry insights. Additionally, she University, India. ​Before joining Statista, she
distribution network strategy and business analysis.
continues to carry out the tasks of her previous role at gathered experience as a Business Analyst
Statista as Senior Project Manager, leading from Amazon, Munich.
department-wide projects. Before that, she worked as
a consultant at EY for Transaction Advisory Services
with a focus on large carve-out and integration

Data, classifications, and methods used in this report
Data Description and Methods (1/2)

Data sources Regional data coverage

The Statista Industry Reports package and present quantitative data from Owing to the dependency on international data sources, some data is missing for
numerous private and public sources of information. These sources include some countries. Therefore, the aggregated data per indicator can vary between the
Eurostat, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the OECD, the industries since the existing regional aggregations may be based on different range
International Labour Organization, the World Trade Organization, the International of countries based on data availability. This results in a limited comparability of
Trade Centre and Statista itself. The data sources are indicated in footnotes individual European Industry Reports.
throughout the report.

Classification of economic activities (NACE(1) Rev. 2 Classification)

This report is based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the

European Community, abbreviated as NACE. NACE Rev. 2 is a revised classification
which was implemented in 2007.

Forecasts and estimates

Some data used within this industry report include estimates and forecast values.
The original data sources used as basis for estimations and forecasts are provided
throughout the report.

42 Notes: (1) Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne
About the forecasting methods
Data Description and Methods (2/2)

Depending on the availability of data and the quality of the data time range, the
following methods were used to prepare forecasts: Trend analysis (moving average Forecasting methods

analysis, second order statistical smoothing and multiplier analysis), linear

regressions, as well as subjective estimates. These estimates reflect years of
Quantitative Qualitative time-series
industry expertise and vast know-how.
time-series analysis analysis
Industry-specific sales, revenue, and shipment calculations were made according to
the relevant economic and business indicators, such as:
Causal Trend Press reports, industry
• The general macro-economic developments within the economy (gross domestic
processes projections expertise, expert
assessments, etc.
• Foreign trade developments (import and export numbers)
Second Order
Regression Statistical
analysis Smoothing

Moving average



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