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Açılış Öncesi;

● Velilerimiz ve misafirlerimiz salona alınır ve gösterimiz başlayana kadar fonda çalan

müzikleri dinlerler.


● Perde kapalıdır ve sunucular perdenin önünde yerini alırlar.

SUNUCU 1: (Ms.Gaye)

Dear honorable campus principal, well-beloved secondary school principal and our beloved parents,
We are so delighted that you are here!
As Uğur Guzelbahce 5th grade teachers and students, we are so grateful to welcome you to our end-
of-year show “U on-stage”. We have left behind a whole year and I was very happy to be on a
learning journey together with my lovely students.This year, we worked hard with our 5th graders
and put a lot of effort.

SUNUCU 2: (Pars)
Good evening everybody,
We’ve prepared an end-of-year show “Charlie and The Chocolate Factory” based on the 1964 British
book of the same name by Roald Dahl. The story is about a kind and loving boy, Charlie Bucket, living
in poverty with his parents and four bedridden grandparents.

SUNUCU 1 : (Ms.Gaye) Atatürk, the founder of the republic of Turkey and a great supporter of the
arts once said: “ Theatre is a school where the heart and mind are trained. Through theatre , we can
learn to think, feel and express ourselves in new and meaningful ways.”

SUNUCU 2: (Pars) As Atatürk recognized, theatre has the ability to inspire, educate and move us in
profound ways. This end-of-year show isn’t just about entertainment. It is also about the values that
Charlie and the Chocolate factory represent.

SUNUCU 1 : (Ms.Gaye)
This show is about the power of imagination and the importance of dreaming big. These are values
that we can all learn from, no matter our age or background is.

SUNUCU 2: (Pars): We are honored to be part of this celebration of arts, and we hope that tonight’s
performance will inspire all of us to continue to support and celebrate the transformative power of
SUNUCU 1 : (Ms.Gaye): At this time, we kindly ask you to mute all electronic devices and unwrap any
candy that you may wish to enjoy during the performance.Thank you for your understanding!

SUNUCU 2 : (Pars)

5C and 5D students proudly present “Charlie And The Chocolate Factory”. Now, lean back in your
seats and enjoy our show!

SUNUCU 1 : (Ms.Gaye):

My students are all very excited, and so am I.

They look forward to presenting their performance to you.

I would like to congratulate my students individually. They deserve the biggest applause tonight.

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory adlı oyun sergilenir.

SUNUCU 1 : (Ms.Gaye) Now, we would like to give our students “Certificate of Attendance” for their
participation of Cambridge exam. DURU ÖZŞAHİN , KEMAL KOÇER ,İBRAHİM KIZANOĞLU

● 5.sınıf öğrencilerimiz için gönderilen “Katılım Belgesi/ Certificate of Attendance” sertifikaları

öğretmenlerimiz tarafından tüm öğrencilerimize tek tek takdim edilir. (Öncesinden hangi
öğretmenin hangi öğrenciye sertifika vereceği belirlenmelidir.)

SUNUCU 2 : (Pars): Now, we would like to invite our English teachers to the stage.

SUNUCU 1 : (Ms.Gaye) We would now like to invite our PRINCIPAL Ms.Hazal Kaya on the stage to
deliver her thoughts on this very special day.

● Hazal hoca sahnede yerini alır.

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