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‘’Motivation is what gets you started. Habits is what keeps you going’’. These quotes
gave meaning toward how to achieve any of your goal which is inspired us. In this world,
everyone including us have a dream that we want. You must make a decision to make your
life better and that is why you must change your habit to improve your motivation to do
something that you always wanted to do. When we set goal there is always have a specific
reason which is give us excitement the reason we must keep going to achieve it, and we
must put efforts because without the effort we put on the way we wanted to achieve our and
the percent to achieve it so low. We must follow the flow more patiently and keep in our
mind that we can do it. Take your goal in such small step and an action so that can slowly
turn into our habits, for example, your goal is want to get a healthy body because you easy
to get sick. And that is the reason you want to achieve your goals so must change your
habits like eating healthy food, exercise and adjust your sleep schedule. If you keep doing
these things it will slowly become your habits to get a healthy body, and you do not have to
put lots of pressure to achieve you goal. This is because it will put a lot of stress to yourself,
and then you will feel like you are fail to achieve you goal that you have set in the first place.
And do not forget to give yourself a reward to such as flower or go to the beach. The reason
is you already going through a lot of difficult challenges. There are days that will be so hard
for you to achieve any of your goal and once you mold and you already know what things
you must do to adjust in your habits. You must remind yourself the reason you must keep
motivation to change you habits in order to achieve your goal.



For this fitness portfolio, our group members have decided to choose our group
name as Young and Breathless and our group members are included Clara, Dayang,
Joseph and Reuben. The reason we chose this name is that it is easy for us to pronounce
and remember it. Each word in the group name has its meaning, For words “Young’’, this
word representing our group members are the teenagers in this world. Other than that, The
word “Breathless’’ does not mean that we are running out of breath, but it means that we are
strong and enthusiastic. The main purpose we have done this task is to lose weight and
become healthier and also fit. Although this task wants us to lose weight. We also consider
some group members to gain healthy weight. We lost weight and gained weight by doing
regular exercises and being on healthy diet. Not only that, but we had done our weekly
eating planner and exercises tracker. To justify the evidence of our exercises, we took
pictures of us doing the exercises. At the end of this task, we will compare our weight from
the first day which was on 3rd of December 2021 to the end of the fourth week of our diet
which was on 3rd January 2022.
Our group leader is Clara Angelina. The group leader distributes different task to the
group members to be done fairly. The group leader is the one who monitors the group
member’s tasks. Although the group leader seems to do most of the task, but we managed
to finish it together as a team. We will ask each other is we find certain parts are confusing
and will do some research to make sure we are not slipping out any important parts. We
also seek for our lecturers help when we feel needed. For example, we will ask our lecturer
about the portfolio format.

We all know that each group have strengths and also a weaknesses. There is three
strengths in our team. Firstly, we set our goal together and do not give up easily. We know
that it is really hard to manage our time with exercising and dieting because we easily get
distracted by other things. But instead, our team keep reminding each other to keep on track
so we can reach our goal no matter how hard it is. We keep telling our self that we can do it
if we put more effort into the task that we have been doing. Secondly, active listening. Our
team is really active at listening to each other when they give their own opinion, thought or
idea. They carefully listen to them and if one of the members makes a mistake, we just help
each other to resolve that problem in no time. Thirdly, Responsibility. When the task is
divided among the members, they take the responsibility immediately and put more effort on
their own task so that it can be completed no matter time. With the power of teamwork and
the responsibility they take, we can together reach our goal.
When there are strengths at each team, which there also have weaknesses. There
are two weaknesses in our team. Firstly, the quantity of food taken is a bit too much. Our
team has taken a lot of food whether it is at breakfast, lunch and dinner time. For example,
we eat more meat than vegetables. We know we are supposed to take care about the
quantity of food we take because it can affect our weight. Secondly, the team’s weaknesses
is our lack of sleep. We always stay up late at night because we give too much attention to
social media. This problem is really bad for our health because our body needs enough
sleep at least 8 hours so we can have energy to do many things such as exercise and study
in the next day.

The goals or objectives of our team for fitness is that all of us are we must able to get
onto a healthy nutrition plan. To recall everything, each of us had to create of the table of
the food that we had taken for the 4 weeks. Next, our goal would be that each of us have to
improve our immune system. This is because throughout the one whole month, we had
created a table which shows the exercises that each of us did to stay fit. Although some
day’s shows that we did not do any exercise, our team is must still keep maintain their diet
and also their body.
Furthermore, our next goal or objective by the end of the month will be we had to
already burn about 500 calories per week and also achieve to our ideal weight by the 3rd of
January 2022. This is to improve our flexibility and balance.
In conclusion, as what our team leader, Clara Angelina has said to us remember to
drink at least 8 glass of water in per day in a way to reduce our weight loss. Next, as we had
jot down the exercises we did in the fitness board, this would definitely help our body to stay
healthy but we must always remember to workouts every day. Finally, to reduce the fats in
our body, we had made a plan with each other to eat more vegetables and fruits plus to
consume less snacks or junk food.


The team plan to reach the goals or objectives for fitness is to eat a lot of foods that
contains healthy nutrition plan. It is because our diet plays an important part in achieving our
fitness goals. We eat a lot of healthy food to make sure our goals are achieved. When we
make a goal it has to do with about how to take care our health and our fitness.
So that why we did our best to limit junk food and other sources of empty calories. Every
food has its place in our diet. We must have to pick the right time and right quantities. If
we’re actively looking to lose few kilos, then we have to watch the intake of our junk food or
sugary treats.
Next, improve our immune system could be the goal that flanks a lot of our other
goals. We must do some of the workout to feel better, so naturally, exercise can work to
improve our body resistance to a number of disease. Physical activity can also boost our
immune system which is we must do a lot of different kinds of exercise for one month.
To reach our goals we started with set up a plan. A simple plan that include a
timeline. A start date and an end date with some phrase in between. We know our starting
point, so we picked activities that are comfortable and realistic to us. We considered our
exercise routines as mini-goals. For example, one goal might be to exercise on all or most
days of week. The more mini goals we achieve, the most motivated we will become. Writing
down our goals and looking at them regularly also helps we stay committed and motivated to
stick to them. The more specific our goals are, the easier it becomes to take the proper
actions toward achieving them.
We also should drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. Our body uses water for every
function of the body. No surprise, the fittest self. We must drink at least 8 glass of water per
day especially at the morning before we have a cup of coffee or a bite of food.
Even you working way to push yourself and way too often without proper time to rest
and this recuperate could lead you to burnout, injuries and overall exhaustion. Instead of
making goals based on how intense we can go or how long we want to work out, we aim for
balance. After all, the goal that we want to achieve is about health, and we should not force
our self to achieve the goal become too perfect.

We had been asked to do exercises for 1 month and this is our weekly fitness tracker
that have been done.
(ex, any
weather, etc)
1.Clara Angelina  Workout 50 minutes Medium
December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 40 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  None Family

4.Reuben James  Cycling Dinner

30 minutes Medium

1.Clara Angelina  Workout 30 minutes Medium
December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 40 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Jump rope 10 minutes Intense
4.Reuben James  Cycling 30 minutes Medium

1.Clara Angelina  Workout 35 minutes Medium
December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 40 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Weight-lifting 1 hour Average
4.Reuben James  Cycling 30 minutes Medium

6th 1.Clara Angelina  Workout 35 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 40 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  None Exam

4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour Medium

7th 1.Clara Angelina  Workout 40 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 30 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Weight-lifting 1 hour Average
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour Medium

8th 1.Clara Angelina  Workout 40 minutes Medium
December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 35 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Jump rope 10 minutes Medium
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour medium

9th 1.Clara Angelina  Workout 40 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  none Family dinner
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Abs Workout 20 minutes Medium
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour

10th 1.Clara Angelina  Workout 40 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 35 minutes Medium
Family dinner
2021 3.Joseph Moya  None
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1hour Medium

11th 1.Clara Angelina  Jump rope 30 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 30 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Jump rope 10 minutes Medium
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour Medium

12th 1.Clara Angelina  Jump rope 30 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 40 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Jump rope 30 minutes
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour Medium

13th 1.Clara Angelina  Jump rope 30 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  none
Family dinner
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Jump rope 10 minutes Medium
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour Medium

14th 1.Clara Angelina  Jump rope 30 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 30 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Weight lifting 30 minutes 2 sets
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour Medium

15th 1.Clara Angelina  Jump rope 35 minutes Medium
December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 30 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  none
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour Medium

16th 1.Clara Angelina  Jump rope 35 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 40 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Jogging 10 minutes
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour Medium

17th 1.Clara Angelina  Jump rope 30 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 30 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Jump rope 10 minutes Medium
4.Reuben James  Cycling 30 minutes Medium

18th 1.Clara Angelina  Waist workout 45 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 30 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Jump rope 10 minutes Medium
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour Medium
19th 1.Clara Angelina  Waist workout 45 minutes Medium
December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 30 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Jump rope 15 minutes Medium
4.Reuben James  Cycling 30 minutes Medium
20th 1.Clara Angelina  Planks 35 minutes 3 sets
December 2.Dayang Amira  Yoga 35 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Jump rope 10 minutes Medium
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour Medium
21st 1.Clara Angelina  none Family
December 2.Dayang Amira  Yoga 30 minutes Medium gathering
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Jump rope 10 minutes Medium
4.Reuben James  Cycling 30 minutes Medium

22nd 1.Clara Angelina  Shoulder workout 30 minutes Medium
December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 30 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Weight lifting 30 minutes Medium
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour Medium

23rd 1.Clara Angelina  Shoulder workout 30 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout Medium
Family dinner
2021 3.Joseph Moya  None 30 minutes
4.Reuben James  Cycling 30 minutes Medium

24th 1.Clara Angelina  none Christmas

December 2.Dayang Amira  Workout 25 minutes Medium eve
2021 3.Joseph Moya  none
4.Reuben James  none Christmas
25th 1.Clara Angelina  none Christmas
December 2.Dayang Amira  none day
2021 3.Joseph Moya  none Family
4.Reuben James  none Dinner
26th 1.Clara Angelina  none Family
December 2.Dayang Amira  Shoulder 30 minutes Medium gathering
2021 3.Joseph Moya Workout
4.Reuben James  none Christmas
 none Day
Open house

27th 1.Clara Angelina  Pilates 40 minutes Medium
December 2.Dayang Amira  none Family
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Jogging Dinner
30 minutes Medium
4.Reuben James  Cycling

28th 1.Clara Angelina  Pilates 45 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  Shoulder Workout 30 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Walking 30 minutes
Open house
4.Reuben James  none

29th 1.Clara Angelina  Pilates 35 minutes Medium

December 2.Dayang Amira  HIIT Treadmill 30 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Push up 25 minutes
4.Reuben James  Cycling 30 minutes Medium
30th 1.Clara Angelina  Pilates 40 minutes Medium
December 2.Dayang Amira  HIIT Treadmill 40 minutes Medium
2021 3.Joseph Moya  Push up 30 minutes
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour Medium
31st 1.Clara Angelina  none Open house
December 2.Dayang Amira  none Wedding
2021 3.Joseph Moya  none ceremony
4.Reuben James  none Family dinner
New Year
1st 1.Clara Angelina  none New Year
January 2.Dayang Amira  none New Year
2022 3.Joseph Moya  none New Year
4.Reuben James  none New Year

2nd 1.Clara Angelina  Pilates 40 minutes Medium
January 2.Dayang Amira  HIIT Treadmill 30 minutes Medium
2022 3.Joseph Moya  Jogging 15 minutes
4.Reuben James  cycling 30 minutes Medium

3rd 1.Clara Angelina  Pilates 45 minutes Medium

January 2.Dayang Amira  none Vaccine
2022 3.Joseph Moya  HIIT exercise 1 hour Medium
4.Reuben James  Basketball 1 hour Medium


Week 1

MONDAY 1) Clara Angelina  Bread Toast  Fried Chicken  Watermelon  Beef Soup +
+ Coffee + Rice + Plain + Oat Rice
2) Dayang Amira  Scrambled Water  Milo +  Rice +
Eggs + Tea  Rice + Fried Crackers Buttermilk
3) Joseph Moya  Bread Toast Chicken +  Peanut Chicken
+ Boiled Plain Water Butter+  Steam
Eggs + Tea  Rice + Stir- Cucumber Chicken
4) Reuben James  Chicken fried  Fresh Breast
Porridge + Vegetables + Mangoes  Rice +
Green Tea Plain Water Slices+ Chicken
Lemon  Rice + Beef Fresh Soup + Plain
Soup + Plain Grapes Water
Water Slices
TUESDAY 1) Clara Angelina  Nasi Lemak  Rice +  Strawberry  Rice +
+ Tea Chicken Juice + Chicken
2) Dayang Amira  Fried Rice + Curry + Plain Blueberry Curry + Plain
Tea Water  Mixed Nuts Water
3) Joseph Moya  Boiled Eggs  Buttermilk  Greek  Chicken
+ Coffee Chicken + Yogurt + Fried +
4) Reuben James  Scrambled Plain Water Apple Mocha Tea
Eggs + Plain  Rice + Fried  Chocolate  Grilled
Water Chicken + Bar Chicken
Plain Water Thigh + Rice
 Rice + Grilled  Chicken
Chicken + Soup + Plain
Plain Water Water
WEDNESDAY 1) Clara Angelina  Fried  Honey  Choco chip  Fried
Noodles + Chicken +  Smoothie + Noodles +
Green Tea Rice + Apple Fried
2) Dayang Amira  Boiled Eggs Vegetables  Greek Chicken
+ Plain Water Soup + Plain Yogurt +  Rice +
 Poached Water Crackers Creamy
3) Joseph Moya Eggs with  Brown Rice +  Orange Chicken
Buttered Fried Fish + Slices +  Instant
Toast Chicken Soup Apple Noodle
 Cup Noodle + Tea  Pasta +
4) Reuben James + Green Tea  Chicken Rice Orange
Lemon + Milk Tea Slices + Plain
 Pasta + Plain Water

THURSDAY 1) Clara Angelina  Scrambled  Lettuce  None  Fried Fish +
Eggs + Plain Salad+  Popcorn + Rice + Plain
Water Chicken Chai Milk Water
2) Dayang Amira  Fried Boiled + Plain Tea  Cheesy Chili
Noodle+ Water  Grapes Pasta + Milk
Coffee  Rice + Fried  Mister Tea
 Buttered Fish + Plain Potato  Tofu Soup +
3) Joseph Moya Toast + Dark Water Crackers Rice
Tea  Nasi Briyani +  Rice + Beef
 Fried Rice + Milk Tea Soup + Plain
4) Reuben James Coffee  Rice + Sweet Water
Grande Corn Soup +
Plain Water
FRIDAY 1) Clara Angelina  Boiled Eggs  Rice +  Ice Cream  Steam
+ Salad + Chicken Choco Chicken +
Plain Water Curry + Plain  Yogurt + Rice +
2) Dayang Amira  Pancakes + Water Pear + Milo Mushroom
Milk  Carbonara +  Milo Drink Soup + Plain
3) Joseph Moya  Toast + Lemon Tea  Marshmallow Water
Coffee  Rice + Tofu + Fresh  Fish Chip
 Salad + Plain Soup + Plain Grape Cheese +
4) Reuben James Water Water Plain Water
 Steamed  Sardines
Chicken + Soup + Rice
Rice + Plain + Kimchi
Water  Rice +
Soup + Plain
SATURDAY 1) Clara Angelina  Boiled Sweet  Salad +  Banana +  Honey
Potato + Milk Boiled Eggs + Orange Chicken +
 Fried Rice + Plain Water Juice Rice + Plain
Plain Water  Fried Noodle  Toast + Water
2) Dayang Amira  Nasi Lemak + Green Tea Peanut  Fried Rice +
 Fish Porridge  Rice + Fried Butter Grilled Fish +
3) Joseph Moya + Green Tea Chicken +  Deep Fried Tea
4) Reuben James Lemon Plain Water Banana  Instant
 Rice +  Brownies + Noodles
Bamboo Low Fat Milk  Rice +
Chicken + Bamboo
Plain Water Chicken
Soup + Plain

SUNDAY 1) Clara Angelina  Cereals +  Fried Fish +  None  Boiled Eggs
Milk Salad + Plain  Nachos + + Plain Water
2) Dayang Amira  French Toast Water Mango Juice  Fried
+ Green Tea  Fish and Chip  Peanut Noodles +
3) Joseph Moya  Chicken Rice + Lemon Tea Butter + Milk Tea
4) Reuben James  Fruit Salad +  Mee Kolo Cream  Grilled
Plain Water  Chicken Crackers Chicken +
Rendang +  Mister Rice
Plain Water Potato  Rice +
Crackers + Chicken
Almond Rendang +
Cookies Plain Water

Week 2

MONDAY 5) Clara Angelina  Bread Toast  Chicken Curry  Yogurt +  Mushroom

+ Boiled + Rice + Plain Fruits Soup + Rice
Eggs + Plain Water  Yogurt + + Plain Water
Water  Rice + Grape  Rice +
6) Dayang Amira  Bread Toast Chicken +  Peanut Steamed
+ Tea Salad + Plain Butter + Chicken +
7) Joseph Moya  Buttered Water Crackers Plain Water
Breads +  Rice + Stir-  Orange  Chicken
Dark Tea fried Slices Soup + Rice
8) Reuben James  Apple Slices Vegetables +  Rice +
+ Low Fat Plain Water Vegetables
Milk  Fruit Salad + Soup + Plain
Plain Water Water
TUESDAY 5) Clara Angelina  Instant  Rice + Fish  None  Rice + Fried
Noodles + Fillet + Plain  Kiwi Slices + Fish + Plain
Coffee Water Yogurt Water
6) Dayang Amira  Boiled Eggs  Tuna Salad +  Greek  Brown Rice +
+ Fruits Plain Water Yogurt + Soup +
7) Joseph Moya  Buttered  Chicken Rice Cucumber Chicken
Toast + Dark  Rice + Carrot  Baby Carrots  Grilled
Coffee Soup + Plain Chicken
8) Reuben James  Boiled Eggs Water  Grilled
+ Grape Chicken +
Slices Plain Water
WEDNESDAY 5) Clara Angelina  Fried Eggs +  Fish Fried +  Ice Cream  Fried Rice +
Tea Rice + Plain  Mixed Nuts + Vegetables
6) Dayang Amira  French Toast Water Tea Soup + Plain
+ Tea  Sweet Potato  Cream Water
7) Joseph Moya  Buttered + Green Tea Crackers+  Brown Rice +
Toast + Milo  Rice + Steam Dark Tea Chicken +
8) Reuben James  Salad + Chicken +  Apple Slices Salad
Green Tea Plain Water  Chicken
 Rice + Soup +
Vegetables Steamed
Soup + Plain Vegetables
Water  Pasta + Plain

THURSDAY 5) Clara Angelina  Scrambled  Fruit Salad +  Chocolate  Fried Fish +
Eggs + Carrot Juice bar Rice + Cola
Coffee  Grilled Fish +  Crackers +  Brown Rice +
6) Dayang Amira  French Toast Brown Rice + Mocha tea Grilled Fish +
+ Tea Plain Water  Cucumber Vegetables
7) Joseph Moya  Buttered  Porridge + Slices Soup
Toast + Plain Plain Water  Fresh  Sardines +
Water  Steamed Grapes + Rice
8) Reuben James  Boiled Eggs Chicken Rice Green Tea  Rice + Beef
+ Orange + Green Tea Lemon Soup
FRIDAY 5) Clara Angelina  Boiled Eggs  Rice +  Ice Cream  Boiled Eggs
+ Salad + Chicken  Mango + Mushroom
Plain Water Curry + Plain Slices Soup + Rice
6) Dayang Amira  Oatmeal + Water  Grapes +  Rice +
Yogurt  Tuna Salad + Greek Vegetables
7) Joseph Moya  Buttered Green Tea Yogurt Soup + Fried
Toast + Plain  Rice + Stir-  Orange Fish
Water fried Slices +  Rice +
8) Reuben James  Orange Vegetables + Green Tea Chicken
Slices + Low Plain Water Lemon Soup
Fat Milk  Pineapple  Fruit Salad +
Slices + Plain Orange Juice
SATURDAY 5) Clara Angelina  Fried Eggs +  Salad + Fish  Banana Milk  Buttermilk
Crackers + Fillet + Plain  Kiwi Slices Chicken +
Tea Water  Cucumber + Rice + Plain
6) Dayang Amira  French Toast  Rice + Fried Carrots + Water
+ Low Fat Chicken Mayonnaise  Rice + Fried
Milk  Rice + Fried  Fresh Chicken +
7) Joseph Moya  Buttered Eggs + Mangoes Salad
Toast + Chicken Soup  Rice + Grilled
Coffee  Rice + Sea Chicken +
8) Reuben James  Scrambled Cucumber Stir-fried
Eggs Soup + Plain Vegetables
Water  Steamed
Corn + Plain

SUNDAY 5) Clara Angelina  Cereal + Milk  Fried Eggs +  Potato Chips  Fried
6) Dayang Amira  Boiled Eggs Salad  Yogurt + Chicken +
+ Plain Water  Rice + Salad Cheese Rice +
7) Joseph Moya  Buttered + Fish + Plain Crackers Vegetables
Toast + Milk Water  Grapes + Soup + Plain
8) Reuben James  Strawberries  Rice + Grilled Strawberry + Water
+ Coffee Chicken Peach  Fried
Grande Drumstick + Flavored Noodles +
Stir-fried Yogurt Fried Fish
Vegetables  Orange  Rice +
 Apple Slices Slices + Steamed
+ Orange Apple Slices Fish +
Slices + Plain Vegetables
Water  Rice + Grilled
 Chicken +
Winter Melon

Weight and BMI

The first goals or objectives we had achieved are the team had succeeded to eat
healthy food during the fitness. Not only have we eaten healthy food, but we also
considered daily calorie deficits. The members were eating enough calories from breakfast,
lunch, snacks and dinner. For breakfast, we managed to eat healthy food such as French
toast and also boiled eggs. We also substitute sugary drink with zero-calorie drinks or fruit
juice for breakfast. As for lunch, on the other, we ate quite the amount of carbohydrates,
fiber and protein as those will supply energy for us during the day and promote better
performance during the workout session after we finished our afternoon session class. The
main food that we eat for lunch is white rice. It is because it will make our stomach to feeling
so full for a long period. This will prevent us from feeling weak and lazy. Snacks are usually
something that we used to think that we will eat oily and very sugary food such as “Keropok
lekor”, “cucur pisang” and more, but we managed to change our snacks by eating more fruits
and salad. For example, strawberries, grapes, mangoes, and some of the members eat
yogurt too. For dinner, on the other hand, we were more focused on taking a high intake of
protein because after working out, our body feels strain due to heavy exercise. Protein helps
to repair the muscle tissues and also helps the body to produce more muscle.
Furthermore, the team had accomplished boosting our body’s immune system. The
team boosts their immune system by doing exercises from easy level to intense level. It is
clinically proven that by working out, our body’s immune will be a boost because working out
helps to increase blood flows, reduce stress and inner inflammation. As when the team did
some exercises, the body will release a hormone called endorphin which means the
members will feel happier after doing the workouts. Some of the members also take vitamin
C supplements because they have a low level of the immune system. It is compulsory for
them for taking the supplement. Drinking water also helps in increasing the immune system
as it carries oxygen to the body cells in the body. The team had set to drink at least three
liters of plain water daily.
In conclusion, these goals helped the team to lose weight and gained a healthy
weight during fitness. The team members are very proud of succeeding in the fitness.

The first challenge that we had faced during fitness was the motivation to do the
exercises. This because we rarely do exercise during school year. We had been to focus
on our studies more than our appearance.
The second challenge was the difficulty to practice new healthy diets. For this fitness,
the team must practice a healthy diet that is new to some of the team members. This is
because the team members used to enjoy delicious home-cooked foods by their parents
which make the team feel a little uncomfortable to practice a new diet.
The final challenge is the commitment to make the exercises. The team did not have
enough time to exercise due to assignments and the other home chores that has to be done
daily. Team members have many assignments that had to be done until they had forgotten
to exercise. In addition, some of the members need to do a lot of home chores since they
are living alone while their parents are working. This had led the members to forget about
their exercises.


For the first challenge above, the team managed to search for motivations from the
internet such as on Google, YouTube, and other social media from Instagram, Facebook. In the
end, the team had found the best motivation from Jim Rohn. “Motivation is what gets you started.
Habit is what keeps you going’’. This motivation had inspired the team to be more disciplined in
achieving the goals and objectives for this fitness. The team had always used their spare time
to exercise although we were doing it in a short time. The team had never thought it is
impossible to lose weight and gain weight because they are disciplined. They put the effort into
accomplishing the goals of this fitness.
For the second challenge, the team was learning how to practice new diets by
changing their diet slowly from the usual eating habits. The team used to eat heavy foods and
unlimited hours to eat, but the team managed to change their eating habits by eating only 4
times a day which is breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. The team also set up the right hour
and time to take those meals. To illustrate this, the team had their breakfast between had their
dinner at 7 a.m. to 10 a. m. For the lunch, the members will have their meals from 12 p.m. to 1
p.m., for snack time, it is either during 3 p.m. or 9 p.m. As for dinner, team had their dinner at 7
p.m. It is good practice for the members to learn how to limit their time to eat. The team also
cooked their meals rather than having take-out food. It is because they can customize the
recipe to make it healthier. The team also learns to eat just one plate with medium portions of
needed nutrients in every meal.
Finally, the team had also managed to pull full commitment to exercises. The team
had managed their time very well that. For the morning until 4 p.m., the members will only focus
on their studies because, during the period, they have classes that needed to attend. After that
period, the members will spend their time working out. They were doing the exercises for at
least one-hour minimum to burn the correct calories for the day. The team had also set their
time to start the exercises. We had decided to do workout from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. The members
also did the daily to-do list, so they are not forgetting to workouts daily. The team exercised
during week days because they spent the most time on weekends with their family members.
Some of the members also spent their weekends cleaning their houses which can include as an
exercise too.
In conclusion, the team can solve the obstacles in this fitness. The hard work that
the team puts in to accomplish this fitness has led to good results for every member. We
managed to lost approximately 10.5kg within four weeks. The team members are proud of each
other and grateful for the motivations and supports toward each other during the fitness.



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