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Science and Technology in the Philippines

Significant Developments in Science and Technology

- Development is required for every nation and the role of science and
technology goes hand in hand.
Pre-Colonial Philippines
- The precolonial period of the islands, during which indigenous peoples
engaged in healthy trade with various cultures and economies in the region, gave
way to a long colonial period, first under Spain for over 300 years, and then under
the United States, during which it was briefly occupied by the Japanese during
World War II.
Hispanic Philippines
- The Spanish colonial period in the Philippines or Hispanic Period began in
1521, when explorer Ferdinand Magellan arrived and claimed the islands for the
Spanish Empire. The period lasted until the 1898 Philippine Revolution.
Fr. Ignacio Mercado
- First Filipino Augustinian botanist.
- He helped his sick and poor parishioneers by promoting the creation of a
Botanical pharmacy
Dr. Trinidad Padro de Tavera
- He contributed to the understanding about Pott’s disease in 1881
- Published thesis on Periarthritis of the knee or (Disease of the Bursa of
Crow’s Feet)
Dr. Leon Ma Guerrero
- Father of Philippine Pharmacy
- First licensed pharmacist in the early 1900’s
- He experimented on the medical plants which were used as substitute of
synthetic drugs.
Anacleto Sales Del Rosario
- Father of Philippine Science and Laboratory
- Esrablished the ‘Botica San Fernando’ in Binondo
- Initiated the creation of College of Pharmacist
Dr. Manuel S. Guerrero
- Filipino Doctor who initiated studies on beriberi
- Beriberi is a disease in which the body does not have enough thiamine
(vitamin B1).
- He researched on “Prophylaxis de Colera Morbo Asiatico” which explains
the presence of microscopic beings
- Prophylaxis as a solution to prevent the spread of diseases.
American Period
- The Philippines were colonized by the United States for 48 years. It began
with Spain's cession of the Philippines to the United States in 1898 and lasted
until the United States recognized Philippine independence in 1946.

Contemporary Philippines
- The Marcos era encompasses the final years of the Third Republic (1965-
1972), martial law in the Philippines (1972-1981), and the majority of the Fourth
Republic (1981–1986). By the end of Marcos' dictatorship, the country was in
debt, extreme poverty, and severe underemployment.

Significant Contributors in Science and Technology

Gavino C. Trono
- Father of Kappaphycus farming
- He discovered the 25 new marine benthic algae.
- The largest psychological herbarium in the country was established by
Trono known as the G.T Velasquez Herbarium in the University of the Philippines
Diliman’s Marine Science Institute
Angel C. Alcala
- He studies the rehabilitation of coral reefs.
- He built sanctuaries with the purpose of promoting biodiversity in
Philippine Aquatic Ecosystem
Ramon C. Barba
- He focused on the agriculture through the advancement of mango industry
- He developed a process that made mango fruits flower and bear fruits
around three times in a year.
Edgardo D. Gomez
- Made efforts to protect the vast marine resources in our country
- He identifies the damages made to the Philippine coral reefs on a national
level. (Replanting of coral reefs)
- He also pioneered breeding of giant clams (Tridacna gigas)
- Conducted studies on ocean acidification in our country
Fe Del Mundo
- Founded the first pediatric hospital in the Philippines
- Studies on the infectious diseases present in several communities in our
- Conduct studies through improvement of incubator as well as the
development of the device to detect jaundice (disease afflicting liver)
Eduardo Quisumbing
- Promoted as the premier scientist in the country
- Botanist contributed in the advancement of plant taxonomy
- He studied the medical plants,mjj authored more than 129 article s

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