Infant Choking Guide

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Infant Choking

++ Give 5 chest thrusts, using 2 fingers

Signs of choking: If infant becomes
in the center of the infant’s chest, just
++ Cannot breathe or make a sound below the nipple line. Baby’s head
should remain lower than their chest. ++ Yell for help and call 911 on
++ Cough with no sound
speakerphone while you begin CPR.
-- Compress 1.5 inches
To remove the object: ++ Give sets of 30 compressions and 2
-- Ensure to support baby’s head
rescue breaths, checking mouth for
++ Hold infant face down on your leg with and neck
object after each set of compressions.
their head lower than their chest.
++ To perform rescue breaths:
++ Give 5 back blows with the heel of one
hand between infant’s shoulder blades. -- Tilt baby’s head back slightly and
lift chin

-- Pinch nose or place mouth over

baby’s nose and mouth

-- Check for chest rise

++ Continue 5 back blows and 5 chest
thrusts until: ++ Continue until the infant moves, cries,
speaks, blinks or reacts, or until EMS
-- Baby can breath, cry or cough
++ If the object does not come out, turn
++ If you are alone - do 5 sets of 30
infant on their back. -- Object is forced out
compressions and 2 breaths, then
-- Infant becomes unresponsive bring infant with you to call 911, then
resume series.
Sources: American Heart Association and Red Cross

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