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Interprofessional practice Reflection Sheet

Student name : Hady Awad Khattab Student number:


Describe the clinical situation observed?

The doctor asked a Student to take the clinical Sheet of the
patient in the section with a group of his colleagues but the
group didn’t work together and everyone started to take the
Sheet alone.the doctor asked the student to say the Sheet
but this was his first time to take the Sheet and he couldn’t
fulfil some parts of the Sheet then he starts saying it and
the doctor understand the situation and encouraged him
and corrected the mistakes with giving advices to all the
students not to make him embarrassed.

What are the roles of the team members observed?

They didn’t work as a team so they didn’t fulfilled the task
they had been asked to fullill.

What went well (you checked as fulfilled) and why?( based on the
previous checklist or you can add other observations)
The student has already taken his first Sheet and now he
can correct his mistakes and take a complete sheet
he felt more confident as the doctor encouraged him.

What did not go so well (you checked as not adequately fulfilled or

not fulfilled) and why?( based on the previous checklist or you can
add other observations)

TEAMWORK : there was no teamwork among the student

because everyone take the Sheet alone

PERFORMANCE: they couldn’t complete the Sheet so this

affected their performance

TRUST: the students didn’t trust each other so every one

worked alone

COMMUNICATION: there was poor communication skills

between the students as everyone worked alone.

The student was nervous as this was his first time to take
the Sheet.
Describe at least three lessons/practices you would like to keep and
use in your future professional practice after your observation and
analysis of this situation.

I should have good communication skills to communicate

with my colleagues

I should trust my colleagues so we can fulfilled the task as

a team

I should trust myself not to feel anxiety while I do my tasks

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