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Nasim Khan
Since living in the industrialization zone in Dhaka City, my childhood witnessed numerous
constructions where I noticed massive reinforcement and tons of concrete activities. Besides,
an engineer inspecting the whole process caught my eye. I remember standing beside him and
trying to comprehend the procedure; however, the attempts were futile. Nevertheless, being
fascinated by the events, I was constantly searching for the answers to how a structure is
constructed? How distinct segments are inter-connected to form an entire design.
Therefore, considering my fascination with Structural Engineering, I got admitted into the
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering program at Khulna University of Engineering &
Technology (KUET). After joining this reputed university, I decided to address Structural
diverse issues, primarily designing and constructing buildings and structures that are safe and
capable of withstanding the elements to which they will be exposed, as well as improving the
structural integrity of existing buildings. My interest in the high-rise building field got more
robust after I found out that most of the mega structures in our country are designed by foreign
Design firms or foreign Design Engineers. So collectively, it can be said that the passion for
structures and the absence of the capacity to create mega structures are the reasons for choosing
to become a Structural Engineer. I perceived that more concepts and skills are required to
comprehend the principle of Structural Designing. During my B.Sc, I faced various issues in
the KUET Structural Lab. I discovered that BUET holds a remarkably well-equipped, modern
laboratory facility, and the faculty of the Civil Engineering Department of BUET is one of the
most experienced and skilled pioneers in this field.
Therefore, I would love to pursue my Master in Engineering (M. Engg.) degree under their
supervision from the Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), which
would provide me with a better platform to address all my queries. During my undergraduate
period, I gained my initial exposure to Structural Engineering through courses like “Structural
Analysis & Design” and “Reinforced Concrete Structures,” which extended my eyes to the
latest analysis and design methods of structures. Eventually, in the third year of my under
graduation, as a part of my project, I designed a 15-storied residential building. In the fourth
year, I had prepared a detailed soil report of 50 storied buildings with proper piled raft
foundations to be proposed in KUET. Due to the selection procedure of the thesis topic, I had
to go with Geotechnical Engineering. However, I was able to create a breakthrough for myself
and connect my thesis work with structure. Thus, my topic was “Study on the pullout capacity
of plate anchor in sloping ground.”
Moreover, I desire to learn the fundamentals of High-Rise Structures from this post-graduation
program. In designing High-Rise Structures, I need to know the fundamentals of static &
dynamic behaviour of structures, especially seismic and fire response. I want to learn Advanced
Reinforced Concrete and knowledge of deep beam, curved beam, shear wall, etc., which
fascinates me as a Structural Engineer. If the opportunity is presented, I will make the most use
of it and perform to compete at the highest level of standard. I would love to work with
Professor Dr Md. Shafiul Bari Sir, my study interest is utterly relevant to his specialized
Therefore, I look forward to being admitted to your esteemed program in the Structural
Engineering in Master in Engineering (M. Engg.), which will assist me in motivating and
inspiring me to pursue my noble ambitions.

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