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1) Tobacco is considered harmful yet there are well known companies like ITC producing

these harmful goods which harms some people in the society. Such companies also do
a lot of CSR. How ethical do you think it is?
2) Find any one or more firm that follows any one of the concepts: change, sustainability,
creativity, ethics.

Ans 1. Tobacco is considered to be very harmful and dangerous to a person’s health. It contains
a very addictive substance known as nicotine along with other substances like tar, carbon
monoxide and other toxic chemicals.
On the people’s perspective some say that the public should be aware of their health and
should know the harm that is caused by tobacco and even after knowing this if they consume
the product it should be the people who are at fault and not the government.
Companies like ITC also take part in CSR for the development of the society and also
contribute to the environment sustainability. This act from the tobacco producing companies
decreases the negative impact by showing the good cause that they do for the society which
helps them to stand in the market and improve their public image.
As we all know that tobacco contains nicotine and nicotine is a very addictive substance which
makes it very hard for the people who consume tobacco to leave it, this allows the government
to allow the increase of taxes. The government increases the taxes on demerit goods which
means the goods that are considered unhealthy to a person or the society for example tobacco.
I feel that it is highly unethical for a harmful product producing company to hide its harm of the
product caused on the public or the society in the name of the social development and
environment sustainability.
A company that I know that follows the concept is Tata as it is a company that has always been
a values-driven organisation. Integrity, Responsibility, Excellence, Pioneering, and Unity are the
core values followed by the Tata. The sustainability concept followed by Tata Motors is to
“minimise the impact of our operations on the natural environment. Depending upon stakeholder
engagement outcomes and materiality assessment, we formulate our Sustainability Strategy
and prioritise actions towards addressing the Material Environmental Issues”.
Tata company believes that change is the only constant and everyone needs to evolve rapidly.

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