100 Useful French Verbs Support Guide

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1. to expand your vocabulary by looking at a range of commonly

used verbs
2. to see examples of these verbs in context


A1 - niveau découverte (beginner)


Here is a list of 100 useful French verbs. They are listed by

alphabetical order, together with their meaning.

1. accepter (to accept)

2. acheter (to buy)
3. aider (to help)
4. aimer (to like/love)
5. ajouter (to add)
6. aller (to go)
7. appartenir (to belong)
8. appeler (to call)
9. apporter (to bring)

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10. apprendre (to learn)
11. arrêter (to stop)
12. arriver (to arrive)
13. attendre (to wait)
14. avancer (to go forward)
15. avoir (to have)
16. chanter (to sing)
17. changer (to change)
18. chercher (to search/look for)
19. choisir (to choose)
20. commencer (to start)
21. comprendre (to understand)
22. connaître (to know something or somebody)
23. continuer (to continue)
24. croire (to believe)
25. demander (to ask)
26. descendre (to go down)
27. devenir (to become)
28. devoir (to have to)
29. dire (to say/tell)
30. donner (to give)
31. dormir (to sleep)
32. écouter (to listen)
33. écrire (to write)
34. empêcher (to prevent)
35. entendre (to hear)
36. entrer (to enter)
37. envoyer (to send)
38. espérer (to hope)
39. essayer (to try)

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40. être (to be)
41. éviter (to avoid)
42. exister (to exist)
43. expliquer (to explain)
44. faire (to do/make)
45. fermer (to close)
46. finir (to finish)
47. garder (to keep)
48. habiter (to live)
49. jeter (to throw)
50. jouer (to play)
51. laisser (to leave, let go, allow)
52. lire (to read)
53. manger (to eat)
54. marcher (to walk)
55. mettre (to put)
56. monter (to go up)
57. montrer (to show)
58. obtenir (to gain/obtain)
59. offrir (to offer)
60. oublier (to forget)
61. ouvrir (to open)
62. parler (to speak/talk)
63. partir (to leave)
64. passer (to go, to pass by)
65. payer (to pay)
66. penser (to think)
67. perdre (to lose)
68. permettre (to allow)
69. porter (to carry)

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70. poser (to put down)
71. pousser (to push/to grow)
72. pouvoir (to be able to)
73. prendre (to take)
74. présenter (to present)
75. quitter (to leave)
76. recevoir (to receive)
77. reconnaître (to recognise)
78. refuser (to refuse)
79. regarder (to watch/look at)
80. rendre (to give back)
81. répondre (to answer)
82. rester (to stay)
83. réussir (to succeed)
84. retourner (to return)
85. revenir (to come back)
86. sauter (to jump)
87. savoir (to know how to do something)
88. sembler (to seem)
89. sortir (to go out)
90. suivre (to follow)
91. tenir (to hold)
92. tirer (to pull)
93. toucher (to touch)
94. travailler (to work)
95. trouver (to find)
96. vendre (to sell)
97. venir (to come)
98. vivre (to live)
99. voir (to see)

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100. vouloir (to want)


▸ Alice aide Paul à préparer le repas.

▹ Alice helps Paul to prepare the meal.

▸ Ces livres appartiennent à ma grand-mère.

▹ These books belong to my grand-mother.

▸ Il a beaucoup changé.
▹ He changed a lot.

▸ Nous avons cru en lui.

▹ We believed in him.

▸ Vous devriez faire plus de sport.

▹ You should do more sports.

▸ Nous avons emprunté la voie rapide pour éviter le centre-ville.

▹ We followed the express way to avoid the town center.

▸ Alice enverra un colis à son frère.

▹ Alice will send a package to her brother.

▸ J'ai essayé de faire cet exercice mais je n'ai pas tout compris.
▹ I tried to do this exercise but I didn't understand everything.

▸ Le petit garçon jette ses jouets.

▹ The little boy throws his toys.

▸ J'ai mis mon manteau car il fait froid.

▹ I have put my coat on because it is cold.

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▸ Me montreras-tu comment faire ?
▹ Will you show me how to do this?

▸ Nous obtiendrons de bons résultats.

▹ We will get good results.

▸ Elle a oublié ses clés sur la table.

▹ She forgot her keys on the table.

▸ Il a ouvert la porte.
▹ He opened the door.

▸ J'ai perdu mon téléphone.

▹ I lost my phone.

▸ Nous prendrons le train de 10 heures.

▹ We will take the 10 am train.

▸ Plusieurs employés ont quitté l'entreprise.

▹ Several employees left the company.

▸ Alice est restée chez moi hier.

▹ Alice stayed at my place yesterday.

▸ Les enfants suivront tes conseils.

▹ The children will follow your advice.

▸ J'ai vu un bon film au cinéma hier soir.

▹ I saw a good movie at the cinema yesterday evening.

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