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Reflection and transmission of plane waves from a fluid-porous

piezoelectric solid interface

Anil K. Vashishtha) and Vishakha Gupta
Department of Mathematics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra–136 119, India

(Received 28 September 2009; revised 8 February 2011; accepted 14 April 2011)

The reflection and transmission of plane waves from a fluid-porous piezoelectric solid interface is
studied. The porous piezoelectric solid, having 6 mm symmetry, is supposed to be filled with vis-
cous fluid. The expressions for amplitude ratios and energy ratios corresponding to reflected
wave and transmitted waves are derived analytically. The Christoffel equation of a leaky wave
propagating along the surface of a porous piezoelectric solid is derived. The effects of the angle
of incidence, frequency, porosity, piezoelectric interaction, and anisotropy on the reflected and
transmitted energy ratios are studied numerically for a particular model BaTiO3 . The porous
piezoelectric solid half space is assumed to be loaded with water. The effects of porosity and
frequency on the leaky wave velocity are also studied. V C 2011 Acoustical Society of America.

[DOI: 10.1121/1.3586792]
PACS number(s): 43.38.Fx, 43.20.Gp [JAT] Pages: 3690–3701

I. INTRODUCTION fluid which is in hydrostatic equilibrium between two semi-

infinite conducting fluids with surface charges in porous
The theory of electroacoustic waves in piezoelectric sol-
media was studied and dispersion relation was derived by
ids poses numerous challenging problems that have attracted
much attention. Much of the interest in the subject of electro-
Piezoelectric crystals find many applications in ultra-
acoustic waves is directed at the applications in the areas of
sonic devices, such as resonators in electromechanical filters,
signal processing, transduction, and frequency control,
sensors, and ultrasonic delay lines in surface acoustic wave
where transmission and reflection of acoustic energy at
(SAW) devices. One of the most important problems in
boundary surfaces play an important role. A number of prob-
designing SAW devices is the observation and investigation
lems, which are related to phenomena of reflection and
of the properties of surface waves such as Rayleigh waves,
refraction of plane waves in piezoelectric materials, can be
leaky waves, etc. The relative efficiency of excitation of pie-
found in the literature.1–3 In the analysis of the reflection of
zoelectric surface waves can be judged from the piezoelec-
plane electroacoustic waves at the boundary of a piezoelec-
tric surface velocities under different electrical boundary
tric half space, four partial waves are required in the reflec-
conditions.16 Different laminated structures17–19 were ana-
tion field so that the mechanical and electrical boundary
lyzed for dispersion characteristics of leaky surface acoustic
conditions can be satisfied.4 Recently, reflection studies5–7 at
the boundaries of piezoelectric media have also been carried
Porous piezoelectric materials offer lower acoustic im-
pedance, higher hydrostatic coefficients, higher piezoelectric
Knowledge and control of the reflection and transmis-
sensitivity, and lower density and stiffness than monolithic
sion of ultrasonic waves at the boundary between piezoelec-
piezoceramics. The interest in porous piezoceramics has
tric materials and water are important problems in designing
grown rapidly in recent years with the demands from new
acoustic transducers, which in most of the cases are piezo-
fields of applications. Porous piezoelectric ceramics have
electric ceramics, for use in underwater imaging.8 Noorbe-
shown their advantages on dense ceramics in many possible
hesht and Wade9 studied the reflection and transmission of
applications.20–22 Use of the piezoelectric effect in porous
plane elastic waves at the boundary between piezoelectric ma-
piezoelectric ceramic offers an original method for studying
terial and water. Nayfeh and Chien10,11 derived the analytical
the coupling between the electric, mechanical, permeability,
expressions for the reflected and transmitted amplitude ratios
and piezoelectric properties of porous systems. The effects
for the fluid-loaded piezoelectric plate and fluid-loaded piezo-
of dynamic fluid compressibility and permeability on oil
electric half-space in order to study influence of piezoelectric-
filled porous piezoelectric ceramics23 were studied with PZT
ity on such waves.
hydrophones. The bone tissue can accurately be character-
Wave propagation and reflection-transmission phenom-
ized by a porous saturated piezoelectric model in which the
ena in viscous fluid in the presence of electric field have
piezoelectric effect, porosity, and the relative pore fluid
been dealt with separately by many authors.12–14 The elec-
motion are found as interrelated phenomena.24 Different the-
trohydrodynamic instability of a plane layer of dielectric
oretical models25,26 were developed to study the porous pie-
zoelectric ceramics and 0-3/3-3 connectivity piezoelectric
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: composites. Gomez et al.27 made an experimental study on wave propagation in porous piezoelectric materials. Different

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experimental studies,28–31 related to the manufacturing, syn- For an infinitesimal deformation, the elastic strain com-
thesis, and characterization of porous piezoelectric materials, ponents eij and e are related to the components of mechani-
have been presented. Gupta and Venkatesh32 developed a fi- cal displacements u ðui Þ and U ðUi Þ, respectively, as
nite element model to study the effects of porosity on the 1
electromechanical responses of porous piezoelectric materi- eij ¼ ðui; j þ uj; i Þ; e ¼ Ui; i : (2)
als. A micromechanics based method was developed to eval-
uate the performance of 1-3 piezoelectric composites with a The electric field vectors E and E are related to the electric
porous nonpiezoelectric matrix.33 A survey of literature potentials / and / , respectively, as
reveals that although a lot of experimental work has been
done in the field of porous piezoelectric materials but theo- E ¼ r/; E ¼ r/ : (3)
retical work is much less, in comparison. Recently,
Vashishth, and Gupta34 derived the constitutive equations The equations of motion in the x1  x3 plane, in the absence
for porous piezoelectric materials using Biot theory and of body forces and free charge density, are34
the electric enthalpy density function. Wave propagation in 
r  r ¼ q11 u € þ b ð u_  U_ Þ;
€ þ q12 U
porous piezoelectric materials, with 6 mm symmetry, has
been studied analytically by Vashishth and Gupta.35 The r  r ¼ q12 u €  b ð u_  U_  Þ;
€ þ q22 U
effects of porosity, frequency and direction of propagation r  D ¼ 0;
on the phase velocity, attenuation and polarization were
r  D ¼ 0 ði; j ¼ 1; 3Þ: (4)
studied therein.
In this paper, the Christoffel equation for plane har-
Here q11 ðq11 12 22
ij Þ; q12 ðqij Þ; and q22 ð qij Þ are dynamical coef-
monic waves propagating in porous piezoelectric materials
ficients which depend upon the porosity (f ), density of po-
in a plane is derived in Sec. II. A porous piezoelectric solid
rous aggregate (q), pore fluid density (q ), and the inertial
is considered of the type 6 mm and is supposed to be filled
coupling parameters. The dissipation tensor bðbij Þ steers the
with a viscous fluid. Next, the reflection and transmission of
effect of wave frequency (t), fluid viscosity (l), solid-matrix
waves from fluid-porous piezoelectric solid interface is stud-
permeability vðvij Þ, and the porosity.
ied in Sec. III. The characteristic equation of leaky waves is
The dissipation tensor b (Ref. 36) is
obtained in Sec. IV. Finally, the effects of angle of inci-
dence, frequency, porosity, anisotropy, and piezoelectric t
b ¼ f 2 l v1 for low frequency waves; where 0 < < 0:15:
interaction on the reflected and transmitted energy ratios are fc
observed numerically for a particular model BaTiO3 in (5)
Sec. V. The variation of leaky wave velocity with the fre-
quency is also studied. For high frequency waves, l is replaced by l FðjÞ, where
FðjÞ is a complex function of frequency and is given by
1 ij tanhð ijÞ
Based on Biot theory for porous materials, the details of FðjÞ ¼ pffiffi pffiffi and
3 ð1  tanhð ijÞ= ijÞ
the constitutive equations for porous piezoelectric materials pffiffiffiffiffiffipffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
are given in the paper34 and these equations are given as j ¼ 6p v0 tq =l f ; (6)

rij ¼ cijkl ekl þ mij e  ekij Ek  fkij Ek ; where v0 is the norm of the permeability matrix. Following
Biot theory,37 the complex function FðjÞ, in term of nondi-
r ¼ mij eij þ Re  f~i Ei  e E ;
i i mensional parameter t=fc , can be written as
Di ¼ eikl ekl þ f~i e þ nij Ej þ Aij Ej ; sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi!
Di ¼ fikl ekl þ ei e þ Aij Ej þ nij Ej ; (1) 8 ti
8 ti
1 fc fc
where rðrij Þ=r ðr dij Þ are the stress tensors acting on the FðjÞ ¼ " sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi!sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi# ;
3 8 ti 8 ti
solid/fluid phase of porous aggregate. DðDi Þ; EðEi Þ= 1  tanh
D ðDi Þ; and E ðEi Þ are the electric displacement and elec- fc fc
tric field vectors for the solid/fluid phase of porous bulk ma-
terial, respectively. eðeij Þ= e ð e dij Þ are the strain tensors for where fc is the Biot characteristic frequency.
the solid/fluid phase, respectively. eijk ; nij = ek ; and nij are Consider a harmonic plane wave propagating in x1  x3
the piezoelectric and dielectric constants for the solid/fluid plane at a given angular frequency (x), the associated physi-
phase, respectively. mij ; fijk ; f~k ; and Aij are the material pa- cal quantities can be expressed as
rameters which take into account the elastic; piezoelectric;
dielectric coupling between the two phases of porous aggre- ðuk ; Uk ; /; / Þ ¼ ðBk ; Fk ; G; HÞ exp
gate. cijkl are the elastic coefficients for the solid phase of po-   
rous aggregate. The elastic constant R measures the pressure  ix x1 þ q x3  t ðk ¼ 1; 3Þ;
to be exerted on fluid to push its unit volume into the porous
matrix. (7)

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where q is unknown slowness parameter. c is the apparent III. REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION
phase velocity given by COEFFICIENTS
c ¼ v=sin h; (8) A. Amplitude ratios
where v is the phase velocity of wave propagating in the Let us consider a porous piezoelectric half-space with 6
x1  x3 plane, along a direction making an angle h with x3 mm symmetry loaded with elastic fluid half space (FHS).
axis. ðB1 ; B3 ; F1 ; F3 ; G; HÞ are the amplitudes associated The porous piezoelectric half-space (PPHS) occupies a
with the harmonic waves. region x3  0 and the fluid half-space occupies a region
Equation (4), along with the Eqs. (1) and (7), reduces to x3  0. A plane wave, making an angle h with the x3 axis,
a system becomes incident at the interface. This wave results in one
reflected wave in FHS and five transmitted modes in PPHS.
C S ¼ 0; (9)
The transmitted wave modes are represented by quasi-P1,
where S ¼ ½B1 ; B3 ; F1 ; F3 ; G; H T and C is a symmetric quasi-S1, and quasi-P2 and the other two modes, represented
matrix whose elements are listed in Appendix A. This sys- by PE1 and PE2 , corresponding to electric potential wave
tem is consistent if modes. The formal solution for the mechanical displace-
detðCÞ ¼ 0: (10) ments, electrical potentials, stress components and electric
displacements, in porous piezoelectric half space, are
This leads to X
ðu1 ; u3 ; U1 ; U3 ; /; / Þ ¼ ð1; Wi ; Ui ; Wi ; Ui ; Ui Þ
T1 q10 þ T2 q8 þ T3 q6 þ T4 q4 þ T5 q2 þ T6 ¼ 0: (11) h x i
 B1i exp ix þ qi x3  t
The coefficients Tj ðj ¼ 1; 2; …; 6Þ are given in Appendix B.
q1 ; q3 ; q5 ; q7 ; and q9 correspond to the roots whose imagi-
nary part are positive and q2 ; q4 ; q6 ; q8 ; and q10 to those X
ðr31 ; r33 ; r ; D3 ; D3 Þ ¼ ix ð D1i ; D3i ; D4i ; D5i ; D6i Þ
whose imaginary part are negative. Here, q1 ; q3 correspond
to the electric potential component wave modes and h x i
q5 ; q7 ; and q9 correspond to the propagating quasi-P1  B1i exp ix þ qi x3  t
mode, quasi-S1 mode, and quasi-P2 mode. For each
ði ¼ 1; 3; 5; 7; 9Þ; (15)
qi ði ¼ 1; 2; …; 10Þ, the corresponding amplitude ratios are
defined as
where D1i ; D3i ; D4i ; D5i ; and D6i are given in Appendix C
B3i F1i F3i Gi Hi The displacements and normal stress in the FHS can be
Wi ¼ ; Ui ¼ ; Wi ¼ ; Ui ¼ ; Ui ¼ : written as
B1i B1i B1i B1i B1i X
(12) ðuf1 ; uf3 Þ ¼ ð1; Wpf Þ Upf
h x i
These can be written in terms of eigen solutions as  exp ix þ ð1Þpþ1 qf x3  t ;
X c h  i
cðC62 Þqi cðC63 Þqi cðC64 Þqi rf33 ¼ ix qf c Upf exp ix þ ð1Þpþ1 qf x3  t ;
Wi ¼ ; Ui ¼ ; Wi ¼ ; p¼1;2
cðC61 Þqi cðC61 Þqi cðC61 Þqi
cðC65 Þqi cðC66 Þqi (16)
Ui ¼ ; Ui ¼ ; (13)
cðC61 Þqi cðC61 Þqi where

where cðCij Þqi denotes the cofactor of Cij corresponding to sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

1 c2
the eigen value qi . W1f ¼ qf c; W2f ¼ qf c; qf ¼  1:
The amplitudes ðB1 ; B3 ; F1 ; F3 ; G; HÞ of the plane har- c c2f
monic waves decrease as these waves progress in porous pie-
zoelectric medium. The amplitudes of the plane waves Here cf is the longitudinal incident wave velocity in fluid
propagating in porous piezoelectric solid also depend on the medium. p ¼ 1 for the incident wave and p ¼ 2 for the
frequency. reflected wave.
The formal solution for the mechanical displacement The boundary conditions at the interface x3 ¼ 0 are as
and electrical potential becomes follows.
(a) Mechanical boundary conditions:
ðu1 ; u3 ; U1 ; U3 ; /; / Þ ¼ ð1; Wi ; Ui ; Wi ; Ui ; Ui Þ ðiÞ r33 þ r ¼ rf33 ;
h x i ðiiÞ r ¼ f rf33 ;
 B1i exp ix þ qi x 3  t : ðiiiÞ r13 ¼ 0;
(14) ðivÞ ð1  f Þ u_ 3 þ f U_ 3 ¼ u_ f3 : (17)

3692 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 6, June 2011 A. K. Vashishth and V. Gupta: Reflection and transmission of plane waves

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Here, overdots represents the differentiation with respect to hPst i þ hPts i
time Est ¼ ; (25)
hPI i
(b) Electrical (free case) boundary conditions:
ðvÞ D3 ¼ 0;
ðviÞ D3 ¼ 0: (18) 1
hPst i ¼ x2 Re½D1s B1s B1t þ D3s B1s B1t W t
Equations (15)–(18), result in a nonhomogeneous system t þ D5s B1s B1t Ut þ D6s B1s B1t Ut 
þ D4s B1s B1t W
ðs; t ¼ 1; 2; …; 5; and s 6¼ tÞ: (26)
A X ¼ B; (19)
The energy is conserved if
where X ¼ ½B11 ; B13 ; B15 ; B17 ; B19 ; U2f T ; B ¼ ½0; 0; 0; qf c;
f qf c; qf cT U1f , and elements of matrix A are given in Appen- X
dix C. On solving system (19), the transmitted and reflected Es þ Eint þ ER ¼ 1; (27)
0 ratios are obtained as B1i =U1 ¼ 2qf cð dtr  s¼1
f dtrþ1 Þ= A þ Y þ Y1 and
0 where Eint ¼ Est is the resultant interaction energy
U2f A  Y  Y1 s; t¼1
¼ 0 : (20) s6¼t
U1f A þ Y þ Y1 s<t
between the transmitted waves.
where expressions for A ; Y ; Y1 ; and dtr ðr ¼ 1; 2; …; 10Þ
are given in Appendix C. IV. LEAKY WAVE EQUATION
The expressions for reflection and transmission ampli-
B. Energy ratios tude ratio coefficients contain, as a by product, the character-
Distribution of energy between different reflected and istic equation for leaky wave propagating along the surface
transmitted waves is considered across a surface element of of porous piezoelectric half space. The characteristic equa-
unit area at the interface x3 ¼ 0. Following Ikeda38 and tion of leaky wave, obtained by equating denominator of
Vashishth and Gupta,34 the normal acoustic flux P in a po- reflection coefficient to zero, is given by
rous piezoelectric solid is
A0 þ Y þ Y1 ¼ 0: (28)
P ¼ ðr31 u_ 1 þ r33 u_ 3 þ r U_ 3  D_ 3 /  D_ 3 
u Þ: (21)
Equation (28) leads to
The average energy flux of incident and reflected waves are 0 0 0 0
T1 c3 þ T2 c2 þ T3 c þ T4 ¼ 0: (29)
1 2

hPiI ¼ x2 qf qf c2 U1f 0
The coefficients Tl ðl ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4Þ are listed in Appendix D.
Out of three roots of Eq. (29), the root having positive real
and part and negative imaginary part corresponds to the leaky
wave velocity. The leaky wave velocity is denoted by vL .
1 Equation (28) reduces to the characteristic equation A0 ¼ 0
hPiR ¼  x2 qf qf c2 U2f : (22)
2 when qf ¼ 0, i.e., the characteristic equation of Rayleigh
waves in porous piezoelectric solid half space.
The average energy flux of transmitted waves are derived as

hPs i ¼ x2 ReðD1s þ D3s W   þ D5s Ui
s þ D4s W
2 The energy ratios for reflected and transmitted waves
þ D6s Us ÞjB1s j ðs ¼ 1; 2; …; 5Þ: (23) are calculated for a particular model BaTiO3 . The porous
piezoelectric half space is loaded with water. The elastic,
The energy ratios of the reflected and transmitted waves are dielectric, piezoelectric, and dynamical coefficients, fol-
defined as lowed from Gupta and Vankatesh33 and Stoll and Kan,40 are
listed in the Tables I and II.
hPR i hPs i The energy ratios of reflected wave, transmitted waves,
ER ¼ ; Es ¼ ðs ¼ 1; 2; …; 5Þ: (24)
hPI i hPI i and interaction energy coefficients are computed using Eqs.
(24)–(27). Figure 1 shows the variation of energy ratios with
Following Vashisth and Gogna,39 the interaction energy the angle of incidence (h) of compressional wave propagat-
ratios, which account for interaction between stress/electric ing in the fluid medium at frequency ¼ 1 MHz. The energy
potential field and mechanical/electric displacement field of ratios corresponding to reflected and transmitted waves are
different transmitted waves, are described as represented by ER and Es ðs ¼ 1; 2; …; 5Þ, respectively. The

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TABLE I. Elastic constants, piezoelectric constants, and dielectric constants TABLE II. Dynamical coefficients, Permeability tensor and other
of BaTiO3 crystal. parameters.

Elastic Piezoelectric Dielectric Dynamical

constants constants constants coefficients Permeability
(GPa) (C=m2 ) (nC=Vm) ðKg=m3 Þ tensor ð m2 Þ Parameters

c11 ¼ 150.4 e15 ¼ 11.4 n11 ¼ 10.8 q11

11 ¼ 3762 v11 ¼ 2:5  1010
q (Kg/m3) ¼ 5700
c12 ¼ 65.63 e31 ¼ 4.32 n33 ¼ 13.1 q11
33 ¼ 3876 v33 ¼ 4:5  1010 q (Kg/m3) ¼ 1000
c13 ¼ 65.94 e33 ¼ 17.4 n11 ¼ 11.8 q12 ¼ 855 qf (Kg/m3) ¼ 1000
c33 ¼ 145.5 f15 ¼ 4.56 n33 ¼ 13.9 q12 ¼ 741 l ðNs=m 2 Þ ¼ 1  103
c44 ¼ 43.86 f31 ¼ 1.728 A11 ¼ 12.8
11 ¼ 3648 t ðMHzÞ ¼ 1
m11 ¼ 8.8 f33 ¼ 6.96 A33 ¼ 15.1
33 ¼ 3762 f ¼ 0:2
m33 ¼ 5.2 e*3 ¼ 3.6
~f3 ¼ 7:5 cf ðm=sÞ ¼ 1500
R ¼ 20

total interaction energy ratio between the transmitted sional wave, incident from the fluid medium, there are three
waves is denoted by Eint . It is observed that before h ¼ 13 , critical angles h1 ¼ 13 ; h2 ¼ 31 ; and h3 ¼ 41 corre-
all the transmitted wave modes, namely, PE1 ; PE2 ; sponding to the transmitted P1 -wave, S1 -wave, and P2 -wave,
quasiP1 ; quasiS1 ; and quasiP2 , propagate in the PPHS respectively, in porous piezoelectric half space. Beyond the
and after h ¼ 13 the transmitted quasi-P1 wave mode is no third critical angle, i.e., h ¼ 41 , the incident wave is totally
longer excited. Between h ¼ 13 and h ¼ 31 , two modes, reflected and energy reflection coefficient equals unity.
i.e., quasi-S1 and quasi-P2 propagate in PPHS and after In the case of perfect elastic medium, i.e., for a lossless
h ¼ 31 , only the quasi-P2 mode is excited. The energy car- medium, transmitted wave decays with distance from the
ried out by the quasi-S1 and quasi-P2 modes increase after interface for supercritical incidence (Krebes41). However, for
the critical angle of the transmitted quasi-P1 mode. The a medium with loss, it is possible to have transmitted waves
energy carried out by the electric potential components whose amplitude grows with distance from the interface for
PE1 and PE2 is very small. The contribution of interaction some angles of incidence beyond critical angle as in viscoe-
energy ratio between the transmitted waves is almost negli- lasticity, critical angles for transmitted wave are isolated
gible except at h ¼ 33 and h ¼ 45 . In Fig. 1, we observe a (Stoll and Kan,40 Krebes41). For anelastic reflection-refrac-
dip in the amplitude of the reflection coefficient at a polar tion problems, contrasts in anelastic absorption at a boundary
angle corresponding to a single quasi-P2 wave mode excita- give rise to inhomogeneous waves for all angles of incidence
tion in the PPHS medium. At this angle of incidence there is as opposed to the elastic reflection-refraction problems where
almost a mode conversion from the low impedance fluid inhomogeneous wave exist only beyond critical angles
medium to high impedance solid medium. For a compres- (Borcherdt et al.42). In the present paper, the dissipation due

FIG. 1. Variation of reflected and

transmitted energy ratios with the
angle of incidence (h); (i) reflected
wave, (ii) transmitted PE1, (iii)
transmitted PE2, (iv) transmitted P1 ,
(v) transmitted S1 , (vi) transmitted
P2 , (vii) interaction energy; t ¼ 1
MHz, f ¼ 0:2.

3694 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 6, June 2011 A. K. Vashishth and V. Gupta: Reflection and transmission of plane waves

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FIG. 2. Variation of reflected and
transmitted energy ratios with the
angle of incidence (h); (i) reflected
wave, (ii) transmitted PE1, (iii)
transmitted PE2, (iv) transmitted P1 ,
(v) transmitted S1 , (vi) transmitted
P2 , (vii) interaction energy; t ¼ 10
MHz, f ¼ 0:2.

to the viscous coupling between the fluid phase and the solid tion of energy. There is no null in the reflection coefficient
phase motions is considered which is small, in general, in which reveals the effect of anisotropy (Ankan et al.45).
comparison to the viscoelastic dissipation of the skeleton Figures 2 and 3 depict the variation of energy ratios
frame (Rasolofosaon,43 Vashishth and Sharma44). with the angle of incidence at frequency ¼ 10 and 100 MHz,
The major portion of incident energy is reflected back respectively. Comparison of Figs. 1–3 shows that the kinks
which signifies the fact that the transmitting medium is much in the energy ratios corresponding to P1 and S1 waves
denser. The results are in agreement with the law of conserva- beyond their corresponding critical angle disappear as the

FIG. 3. Variation of reflected and

transmitted energy ratios with the
angle of incidence (h); (i) reflected
wave, (ii) transmitted PE1, (iii)
transmitted PE2, (iv) transmitted P1 ,
(v) transmitted S1 , (vi) transmitted
P2 , (vii) interaction energy; t ¼ 100
MHz, f ¼ 0:2.

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TABLE III. Elastic and other coefficients for nonpiezoelectric porous

e15 ¼e31 ¼e33 ¼f15 ¼f31 ¼f33 ¼e3 ¼ f~3 ¼n11 ¼n33 ¼n11 ¼n33 ¼A11 ¼A33 ¼0

The rest of the values are the same as in Table I

electric solid half space decreases (Fig. 5). The resultant

interaction energy ratio also increases with porosity (Fig. 5).
It is also observed that the energy flux once again appears to
occur in quasi-P1 ; S1 ; and P2 wave modes transmitted
into PPHS after the critical angle as the porosity increases.
Next we will observe the effects of piezoelectricity and
anisotropy on the variation of reflected energy ratio with the
angle of incidence. The elastic and other coefficients for
transversely isotropic and isotropic nonpiezoelectric porous
material are listed in the Tables III and IV, respectively.
FIG. 4. Variation of reflected energy ratios with the angle of incidence (h)
for different porosity; t ¼ 1 MHz. The results are computed for three data sets:

Set 1 ¼ The values of the elastic, piezoelectric, dielec-

frequency increases. It is observed that at frequency ¼ 100 tric, and dynamic coefficients as given in Tables I and II for
MHz, the P1 and S1 waves become evanescent beyond their porous piezoelectric materials; represented by solid curves.
respective critical angles. The energy ratio corresponding to Set 2 ¼ The values of the elastic and dynamic coeffi-
PE1 and PE2 modes decreases with the increase in cients as given in the Tables III and II for nonpiezoelectric
frequency. porous materials; represented by dotted curves.
The effects of porosity on the variation of reflected and Set 3 ¼ The values of the elastic and dynamic coeffi-
transmitted energy ratios with the angle of incidence are cients as given in the Table IV for isotropic porous materials;
depicted in Figs. 4 and 5. Figure 4 shows that the energy car- represented by dashed curves.
ried out by the reflected wave decreases as the porosity
increases. The porosity does not affect the value of critical It is observed that in the absence of piezoelectric inter-
angles. It is observed that the energy ratio corresponding to action and anisotropy, a sharp dip occurs at h ¼ 28 which
the P2 wave increases with increase in porosity while that corresponds to the excitation of surface mode [see dashed
corresponding to other transmitted modes in porous piezo- curve, Fig. 6(i)]. A minimum in the reflection coefficient at

FIG. 5. Variation of transmitted

energy ratios with the angle of inci-
dence (h) for different porosity; (i)
transmitted energy P1 , (ii) transmit-
ted energy S1 , (iii) transmitted
energy P2 , (iv) transmitted energy
PE1, (v) transmitted energy PE2, (vi)
interaction energy; t ¼ 1 MHz.

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TABLE IV. Elastic and dynamic coefficients for isotropic porous material.

c13 ¼c12 ; c33 ¼c11 ; c66 ¼c44 ; m33 ¼m11 ;q11 11 12 12 22 22

33 ¼q11 ; q33 ¼q11 ; q33 ¼q11 ; v33 ¼v11

The rest of the values are the same as given in Tables II and III

h ¼ 28 also signifies the fact that for such an angle of inci-

dence, a large amount of incident energy is transmitted into
the porous piezoelectric solid. In the absence of piezoelec-
tricity, there are four modes in the transmitting medium
instead of six, as also expected theoretically. Comparison of
solid and dotted curves reveals that the critical angle corre-
sponding to the S1 wave is shifted due to piezoelectric inter-
action while critical angle corresponding to P1 and P2
waves remains unaffected [Fig. 6 (ii–iv)]. In the absence of
piezoelectric effect, transmission coefficients of P1 and S1
phase change toward lower side. FIG. 7. Variation of leaky wave velocity (vL ) with frequency (t) for differ-
The effect of porosity on the variation of leaky wave ve- ent porosity; h ¼ 50 .
locity (vL ) with the frequency (t) is depicted in Fig. 7. The
leaky wave velocity decreases with increase in frequency agreement with the law of conservation of energy. It is also
and increases with increase in porosity. observed that the mode conversion occurs at a water-porous
piezoelectric medium interface. There is no null in the
VI. CONCLUSION reflection coefficient as expected in the case of transversely
isotropy. The change in porosity and frequency does not
The reflection and transmission of waves from an inter- significantly affect the value of critical angle. The critical
face separating the fluid half space and porous piezoelectric angle corresponding to quasi-S1 wave is shifted when pie-
half space is studied in the present paper. The problem zoelectric effect is neglected. The dispersion equation of
studied in present paper is of significant practical interest, leaky waves in transversely isotropic porous piezoelectric
since reflection and transmission of ultrasonic waves at the solid is also obtained from the expressions of amplitude
boundary between porous piezoelectric materials and water ratios. The leaky wave velocity decreases with frequency
is an important problem in designing acoustic transducers while it increases with porosity.
for use in underwater imaging. The analytical expressions
for reflected and transmitted amplitude and energy ratios
are derived. The incident wave is totally reflected and the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
energy reflection coefficient equals unity after h ¼ 41 . The second author is grateful to the University Grant
The resultant interaction energy flux and energy flux corre- Commission [Grant No. (MRP/NRCB)] for
sponding to electric potential wave modes are less signifi- providing financial support for this work.
cant in comparison to those of propagating quasi-
P1 ; quasiS1 ; and quasiP2 modes. The results are in

C11 ¼ c11 =c2 þ c44 q2  q11

11 ; C12 ¼ ðc13 þ c44 Þq=c;
C13 ¼ m11 =c2  q12
11 ; C14 ¼ m11 q=c;
C15 ¼ ðe15 þ e31 Þ q=c; C16 ¼ ðf15 þ f31 Þ q=c;
C22 ¼ c44 =c2 þ c33 q2  q11
33 ; C23 ¼ m33 q=c;
C24 ¼ m33 q2  q12 2 2
33 ; C25 ¼ e15 =c þ e33 q ;
C26 ¼ f15 =c2 þ f33 q2 ; C33 ¼ R=c2  q22
11 ; C34 ¼ R q=c;

C35 ¼ f~3 q=c; C36 ¼ e3 q=c; C44 ¼ Rq  q22

33 ;
~  2
C45 ¼ f3 q ; C46 ¼ e q ; C55 ¼ n11 =c  n33 q2 ;
2 2
C56 ¼ A11 =c  A33 q2 ; C66 ¼ n11 =c2  n33 q2 ;


FIG. 6. Variation of reflected and transmitted energy ratios with the angle 11 ¼ q11 þ ði=xÞ b; q
q 12 ¼ q11  ði=xÞ b;
of incidence (h); (i) reflected wave, (ii) transmitted P1 , (iii) transmitted S1 ,
(iv) transmitted P2 ; t ¼ 1 MHz, f ¼ 0:2. q22 ¼ q22 þ ði=xÞ b:

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 6, June 2011 A. K. Vashishth and V. Gupta: Reflection and transmission of plane waves 3697

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y1 ¼ e33 x1 þ f33 x6 ;
T1 ¼ a1 y1  a5 y10 þ a9 y17  a13 y26 ; y2 ¼ ðe15 x1 þ f15 x6 Þ=c2 þ ðc44 þ c13 Þ=c þ e33 x2 þ f33 x7 ;
y3 ¼ ðe15 x2 þ f15 x7 Þ=c2 ; y4 ¼ e33 x3 þ f33 x8 þ c33 ;
T2 ¼ a2 y1 þ a1 y2  a6 y10  a5 y11 þ a10 y17 þ a9 y18
y5 ¼ ðe15 x3 þ f15 x8 þ c44 Þ=c2  q11
33 ;
 a14 y26  a13 y27 ;
y6 ¼ e33 x4 þ f33 x9 þ m33 =c; y7 ¼ ðe15 x4 þ f15 x9 Þ=c2 ;
T3 ¼ a3 y1 þ a2 y2 þ a1 y3  a7 y10  a6 y11 þ a11 y17 y8 ¼ e33 x5 þ f33 x10 þ m33 ;
þ a10 y18 þ a9 y19  a15 y26  a14 y27  a13 y28 ;
y9 ¼ ðe15 x5 þ f15 x10 Þ=c2  q12
33 ;
T4 ¼ a4 y1 þ a3 y2 þ a2 y3  a8 y10  a7 y11 þ a12 y17 y10 ¼ f~3 x1 þ e x6 ;

þ a11 y18 þ a10 y19  a16 y26  a15 y27  a14 y28 ; y11 ¼ m11 =c þ f~3 x2 þ e3 x7 ; y12 ¼ m33 þ f~3 x3 þ e3 x8 ;
T5 ¼ a4 y2 þ a3 y3 þ a12 y18 þ a11 y19  a8 y11  a16 y27 q12 ; y14 ¼ R=c þ f~3 x4 þ e x9 ;
y13 ¼  33 3

 a15 y28 ; y15 ¼ R þ f~3 x5 þ e3 x10 ;

y16 ¼ 33 ; y17 ¼ x1 n33  x6 A33 ;
T6 ¼ a4 y3 þ a12 y19  a16 y28 ;
y18 ¼ ðx1 n11  x6 A11 Þ=c2 þ ðe15 þ e31 Þ=c
where  n33 x2  A33 x7 ;
a1 ¼ p1 y12  p4 y14 þ p7 y15 ;
y19 ¼ ðx2 n11 þ x7 A11 Þ=c2 ;
a2 ¼ p2 y12 þ p1 y13  p5 y14 þ p8 y15 þ p7 y16 ;
y20 ¼ e33  x3 n33  x8 A33 ;
a3 ¼ p3 y12 þ p2 y13  p6 y14 þ p9 y15 þ p8 y16 ;
y21 ¼ ðe15  x3 n11  x8 A11 Þ=c2 ;
a4 ¼ p3 y13 þ p9 y16 ; a5 ¼ p1 y4  p4 y6 þ p7 y8 ;
y22 ¼ f~3 =c  A33 x9  n33 x4 ;
a6 ¼ p2 y4 þ p1 y5  p5 y6  p4 y7 þ p8 y8 þ p7 y9 ;
a7 ¼ p3 y4 þ p2 y5  p6 y6  p5 y7 þ p9 y8 þ p8 y9 ; y23 ¼ ðx4 n11 þ x9 A11 Þ=c2 ;
a8 ¼ p3 y5  p6 y7 þ p9 y9 ; a9 ¼ r1 y4  r4 y6 þ r7 y8 ; y24 ¼ x10 A33  x5 n33 þ f~3 ;
a10 ¼ r2 y4 þ r1 y5  r5 y6  r4 y7 þ r8 y8 þ r7 y9 ; y25 ¼ ðx5 n11 þ x10 A11 Þ=c2 ;
a11 ¼ r3 y4 þ r2 y5  r6 y6  r5 y7 þ r9 y8 þ r8 y9 ; y26 ¼ x1 A33  x6 n33 ;
a12 ¼ r3 y5  r6 y7 þ r9 y9 ; a13 ¼ s1 y4  s4 y6 þ s7 y8 ; y27 ¼ ðx1 A11  x6 n11 Þ=c2 þ ðf15 þ f31 Þ=c  x2 A33
a14 ¼ s2 y4 þ s1 y5  s5 y6  s4 y7 þ s8 y8 þ s7 y9 ;  x7 n33 ; y28 ¼ ðx2 A11 þ x7 n11 Þ=c2 ;
a15 ¼ s3 y4 þ s2 y5  s6 y6  s5 y7 þ s9 y8 þ s8 y9 ; y29 ¼ f33  x3 A33  x8 n33 ;
a16 ¼ s3 y5  s6 y7 þ s9 y9 ; y30 ¼ ðf15  x3 A11  x8 n11 Þ=c2 ;
y31 ¼ e3 =c  n33 x9  A33 x4 ;
y32 ¼ ðx4 A11 þ x9 n11 Þ=c2 ;
p1 ¼ y22 y33  y24 y31 ;
y33 ¼ x10 n33  x5 A33 þ e3 ;
p2 ¼ y22 y34 þ y23 y33  y25 y31  y24 y32 ;
p3 ¼ y23 y34  y25 y32 ; p4 ¼ y20 y33  y24 y29 ; y34 ¼ ðx5 A11 þ x10 n11 Þ=c2 ;
p5 ¼ y20 y34 þ y21 y33  y24 y30  y25 y29 ;
p6 ¼ y21 y34  y25 y30 ; p7 ¼ y20 y31  y22 y29 ;
p8 ¼ y20 y32 þ y21 y31  y23 y29  y22 y30 ; x1 ¼ c44 d c;
x2 ¼ ðc11 =c2  q11 2
12 ~
p9 ¼ y21 y32  y23 y30 : 11 Þ d c  ðm11 =c  q 11 Þ c=f3
r1 ¼ y14 y33  y15 y31 ; r2 ¼ y14 y34  y16 y31  y15 y32 ; þ ðm11 =c2  q12 Þðe15 þ e31 Þ d c=f~3 ;
r3 ¼ y16 y32 ; r4 ¼ y12 y33  y15 y29 ; x3 ¼ ½m33 ðe15 þ e31 Þd  m33 =f~3  ðc13 þ c44 Þ d;
r5 ¼ y12 y34 þ y13 y33  y16 y29  y15 y30 ;
x4 ¼ ðm11 =c2  q12 Þ d c  ðR=c2  q22 Þ c=f~3
11 11
r6 ¼ y13 y34  y16 y30 ; r7 ¼ y12 y31  y14 y29 ;
þ ðR=c  2
þ e31 Þ d c=f~3 ;
q11 Þðe15
r8 ¼ y12 y32  y14 y30 þ y13 y31 ; r9 ¼ y13 y32 :
x5 ¼ ðRðe15 þ e31 Þd  RÞ=f~3  m11 d;
s1 ¼ y14 y24  y15 y22 ; s2 ¼ y14 y25  y16 y22  y15 y23 ;
s3 ¼ y16 y23 ; s4 ¼ y12 y24  y15 y20 ; x6 ¼ c44 f~3 d c=e ; 3

x7 ¼ ðc11 =c  q11
2 ~  2
s5 ¼ y12 y25 þ y13 y24  y16 y20  y15 y21 ; 11 Þ d c f3 =e3  ðm11 =c  q11 Þ

s6 ¼ y13 y25  y16 y21 ; s7 ¼ y12 y22  y14 y20 ; ðe15 þ e31 Þd c=e3 ;
s8 ¼ y12 y23  y14 y21 þ y13 y22 ; s9 ¼ y13 y23 ; x8 ¼ ðc13 þ c44 Þ d f~3 =e  m33 ðe15 þ e31 Þ d=e ;
3 3

3698 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 6, June 2011 A. K. Vashishth and V. Gupta: Reflection and transmission of plane waves

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x9 ¼ ðm11 =c2  q12 ~  2
11 Þ d c f3 =e3  ðR=c  q 11 Þ
D3i ¼ðc33 Wi þm33 Wi þe33 Ui þf33 Ui Þqi
 ðe15 þ e31 Þ d c=e3 þðc31 þm33 Ui Þ=c;
D4i ¼ðm33 Wi þRW  þ f~3 Ui þe U Þqi
x10 ¼ m11 d f~3 =e3  R ðe15 þ e31 Þ d=e3 ; i 3 i

h i þðm11 þRUi Þ=c;

d ¼ e3 = e3 ðe15 þ e31 Þ  f~3 ðf15 þ f31 Þ : D5i ¼ðe33 Wi þ f~3 W  n33 Ui a33 U Þqi i i

þðe31 þ f~3 Ui Þ=c;

APPENDIX C D6i ¼ðf33 Wi þe3 Wi a33 Ui n33 Ui Þqi
D1i ¼ c55 qi þ ðc55 Wi þ e15 Ui þ f15 Ui Þ=c; þðf31 þe3 Ui Þ=c;

2 3
D51 D53 D55 D57 D59 0
6 D61 D63 D65 D67 D69 0 7
6 7
6 D11 D13 D15 D17 D19 0 7
6 7
6 D31 þ D41 D33 þ D43 D35 þ D45 D37 þ D47 D39 þ D49 qf c 7 7
6 D41 D43 D45 D47 D49 f qf c 7
6 7
4 ð1  f ÞW1 ð1  f ÞW3 ð1  f ÞW5 ð1  f ÞW7 ð1  f ÞW9 5
qf c
þfW1 þfW3 þfW5 þfW7 þfW9

A ¼ ðD31 þ D41 Þ dt1  ðD33 þ D43 Þ dt3 þ ðD35 þ D45 Þ dt5 dt6 ¼ detð½D51 D53 D57 D59 ; D61 D63 D67 D69 ;
 ðD37 þ D47 Þ dt7 þ ðD39 þ D49 Þ dt9 ; D11 D13 D17 D19 ; D41 þ D31 D43 þ D33 D47
    þ D37 D49 þ D39 Þ;
Y ¼ ð1  f Þ W1 þ f W1 dt1  ð1  f Þ W3 þ f W3 dt3
þ ð1  f Þ W5 þ f W5 dt5  ð1  f Þ W7 þ f W7 dt7 dt8 ¼ detð½D51 D53 D55 D59 ; D61 D63 D65 D69 ;
þ ð1  f Þ W9 þ f W9 dt9 qf =qf D11 D13 D15 D19 ; D41 þ D31 D43 þ D33 D45
    þ D35 D49 þ D39 Þ;
Y1 ¼  ð1  f Þ W1 þ f W1 dt2  ð1  f Þ W3 þ f W3
  dt10 ¼ detð½D51 D53 D55 D57 ; D61 D63 D65 D67 ;
 dt4 þ ð1  f Þ W5 þ f W5 dt6  ½ð1  f Þ W7
   D11 D13 D15 D17 ; D41 þ D31 D43 þ D33 D45
þ f W7 dt8 þ ð1  f Þ W9 þ f W9 dt10 f qf =qf
þ D35 D47 þ D37 Þ:
dt1 ¼ detð½D53 D55 D57 D59 ; D63 D65 D67 D69 ; D13 D15
D17 D19 ; D43 D45 D47 D49 Þ; APPENDIX D
dt3 ¼ detð½D51 D55 D57 D59 ; D61 D65 D67 D69 ; D11 D15
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
D17 D19 ; D41 D45 D47 D49 Þ; T1 ¼ s1 ðs5 s9  s6 s8 Þ  s2 ðs4 s9  s6 s7 Þ
0 0 0 0 0
dt5 ¼ detð½D51 D53 D57 D59 ; D61 D63 D67 D69 ; þ s3 ðs4 s8  s7 s5 Þ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
D11 D13 D17 D19 ; D41 D43 D47 D49 Þ; T2 ¼ s1 ðs5 t9 þ s9 t5  s8 t6  s6 t8 Þ  s2 ðs4 t9 þ s9 t4
dt7 ¼ detð½D51 D53 D55 D59 ; D61 D63 D65 D69 ; 0 0 0 0
 s7 t6  s6 t7 Þ þ s3 ðs4 t8 þ s8 t4  s7 t5  s5 t7 Þ
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

D11 D13 D15 D19 ; D41 D43 D45 D49 Þ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

þ t1 ðs5 s9  s8 s6 Þ  t2 ðs4 s9  s7 s6 Þ
dt9 ¼ detð½D51 D53 D55 D57 ; D61 D63 D65 D67 ; 0
þ t3 ðs4 s8  s7 s5 Þ;
0 0 0 0

D11 D13 D15 D17 ; D41 D43 D45 D47 Þ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

T3 ¼ t1 ðs5 t9 þ s9 t5  s8 t6  s6 t8 Þ  t2 ðs4 t9 þ s9 t4
dt2 ¼ detð½D53 D55 D57 D59 ; D63 D65 D67 D69 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 s7 t6  s6 t7 Þ þ t3 ðs4 t8 þ s8 t4  s7 t5  s5 t7 Þ
D13 D15 D17 D19 ; D43 þ D33 D45 þ D35 D47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
þ s1 ðt5 t9  t8 t6 Þ  s2 ðt4 t9  t7 t6 Þ
þ D37 D49 þ D39 Þ; 0 0 0 0 0
þ s3 ðt4 t8  t7 t5 Þ;
dt4 ¼ detð½D51 D55 D57 D59 ; D61 D65 D67 D69 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

D11 D15 D17 D19 ; D41 þ D31 D45 þ D35 D47 T4 ¼ t1 ðt5 t9  t6 t8 Þ  t2 ðt4 t9  t6 t7 Þ
0 0 0 0 0
þ D37 D49 þ D39 Þ; þ t3 ðt4 t8  t7 t5 Þ;

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 6, June 2011 A. K. Vashishth and V. Gupta: Reflection and transmission of plane waves 3699

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where x7 ¼ ðc33 W3 þ m33 W3 þ e33 U3 þ f33 U3 Þ q3 ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
s1 ¼ p1 p6  p2 p5 ; s2 ¼ p1 p7  p3 p5 ; x8 ¼ ðc33 W5 þ m33 W5 þ e33 U5 þ f33 U5 Þ q5 ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
s3 ¼ p1 p8  p4 p5 ; s4 ¼ p1 p10  p2 p9 ; x9 ¼ ðc33 W7 þ m33 W7 þ e33 U7 þ f33 U7 Þ q7 ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
s5 ¼ p1 p11  p3 p9 ; s6 ¼ p1 p12  p4 p9 ; x10 ¼ ðc33 W9 þ m33 W9 þ e33 U9 þ f33 U9 Þ q9 ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
s7 ¼ p1 p14  p2 p13 ; s8 ¼ p1 p15  p3 p13 ; 0
x11 ¼ ðm33 W1 þ R W1 þ f~3 U1 þ e3 U1 Þ q1 ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
s9 ¼ p1 p16  p4 p13 ; t1 ¼ p1 r2  p2 r1 ; 0
x12 ¼ ðm33 W3 þ R W3 þ f~3 U3 þ e3 U3 Þ q3 ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
t2 ¼ p1 r3  p3 r1 ; t3 ¼ p1 r4  p4 r1 ; t4 ¼ p1 r6  p2 r5 ; 0
x13 ¼ ðm33 W5 þ R W5 þ f~3 U5 þ e3 U5 Þ q5 ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
t5 ¼ p1 r7  p3 r5 ; t6 ¼ p1 r8  p4 r5 ; t7 ¼ p1 r10  p2 r9 ; 0
x14 ¼ ðm33 W7 þ R W7 þ f~3 U7 þ e3 U7 Þ q7 ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
t8 ¼ p1 r11  p3 r9 ; t9 ¼ p1 r12  p4 r9 ; 0
x15 ¼ ðm33 W9 þ R W9 þ f~3 U9 þ e3 U9 Þ q9 ;
0 0
where x16 ¼ ð1  f ÞW1 þ fW1 ; x17 ¼ ð1  f ÞW3 þ fW3 ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
r1 ¼ D51 y2  D53 y1 ; r2 ¼ D51 y3  D55 y1 ; x18 ¼ ð1  f ÞW5 þ fW5 ; x19 ¼ ð1  f ÞW7 þ fW7 ;
0 0 0 0 0 0
r3 ¼ D51 y4  D57 y1 ; r4 ¼ D51 y5  D59 y1 ; 0
x20 ¼ ð1  f ÞW9 þ fW9 ;
h 0 0
i h 0 0
r5 ¼ D51 f y7  ð1  f Þ y12  D53 f y6  ð1  f Þ y11 ; y1 ¼ ðc55 W1 þ e15 U1 þ f15 U1 Þ;
h 0 0
i h 0 0
r6 ¼ D51 f y8  ð1  f Þ y13  D55 f y6  ð1  f Þ y11 ; y2 ¼ ðc55 W3 þ e15 U3 þ f15 U3 Þ;
h 0 0
i h 0 0
r7 ¼ D51 f y9  ð1  f Þ y14  D57 f y6  ð1  f Þ y11 ; y3 ¼ ðc55 W5 þ e15 U5 þ f15 U5 Þ;
h 0 0
i h 0 0
i 0
r8 ¼ D51 f y10  ð1  f Þ y15  D59 f y6  ð1  f Þ y11 ; y4 ¼ ðc55 W7 þ e15 U7 þ f15 U7 Þ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
r9 ¼ ðD51 y12  D53 y11 Þ qf ; r10 ¼ ðD51 y13  D55 y11 Þ qf ; y5 ¼ ðc55 W9 þ e15 U9 þ f15 U9 Þ; y6 ¼ ðc31 þ m33 U1 Þ;
0 0
r11 ¼ ðD51 y14  D57 y11 Þ qf ;
0 0 0
r12 ¼ ðD51 y15  D59 y11 Þqf ;
0 0
y7 ¼ ðc31 þ m33 U3 Þ; y8 ¼ ðc31 þ m33 U5 Þ;
0 0
0 0 y9 ¼ ðc31 þ m33 U7 Þ; y10 ¼ ðc31 þ m33 U9 Þ;
p1 ¼ D51 D63  D53 D61 ; p2 ¼ D51 D65  D55 D61 ; 0 0
0 0 y11 ¼ ðm11 þ R U1 Þ; y12 ¼ ðm11 þ RU3 Þ;
p3 ¼ D51 D67  D57 D61 ; p4 ¼ D51 D69  D59 D61 ; 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0
y13 ¼ ðm11 þ R U5 Þ; y14 ¼ ðm11 þ RU7 Þ;
p5 ¼ D51 x2  D53 x1 ; p6 ¼ D51 x3  D55 x1 ; 0

0 0 0 0 0 0
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 129, No. 6, June 2011 A. K. Vashishth and V. Gupta: Reflection and transmission of plane waves 3701

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