Cinema Vocabulary

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STEAK AT THE CINEMA = Vocabular cme) raves nS tatsh) [Seat ow Projector Ticket ofc Cinema poster Extra words Ne Session the 3pm session (for example) is the time when a film is shown at 3pm. ‘© Matinee performance - the times when films are shown inthe aftemoon (between 2pm and 6pm, more or less) Premiere— the first time a film is shown at the cinema, (© Box office — this word refers to the money collected from ticket sales, For example, ifa film makes $300 millon at the box office, it makes that amount from ticket sales. ‘© Soundtrack ~ the music fora film (© Ticket stub - the part ofa ticket that you keep after Customer: Cinema: Customer Cinema: Customer Cinema: Customer Cinema: they take off the main part ofthe ticket Customer (© Trailer ~ a type of advert fora film that shows what the flim is about. Cinema ‘© Surround sound speakers — speakers that project the | Customer. sound all round you ~in front of you and behind you, | Cinema for example. Customer ‘© Snack bar — a place in 2 cinema where you can buy | Cinema: food, popcorn, drinks, etc. Customer Chen Je action fms, adventure fms, comedes, gangster fs, | Chem crime films, dramas, historical dramas, war films, hoor fn, musiel, ser fms (scence-fcton | Castomer Cinema Customer: filrns), westerns What you say “No what time does the film start? ‘I reserved the tickets online Have you got any seats in the middle row? ‘© Could you put us a bit further away from the screen? ‘© Are there any tickets for the six o'clock session? What you hear “Nee where would you like to sit? {Would you like to sit abit further forward? © 'm sorry but there aren't any tickets lef forthe six TRAVEL Dialogue: At the cinema Tree adults anda child forthe sico'ock (1), Murder at Midnight, please. Did you wantto see it in (2) ___? No just the normal version, please? (OK. Where woul you like to sit? Somewhere in the (3) How about row seats 10013, That sounds perfect. What's the ln (4) way? Wella sort of murder mystery. t's quite good, | went last week I saw the (5). ~it looks pretty good. Do you think itd be suitable for my 15 year-old son? It’s ated PG-15, so it'd be fine for him, That be £26 please. Can pay by eet card? Of course OK, here you go. Thankyou. Where at the 6) Just along the corridor on the right. ‘And where can | get some (7)? There's a snack (8) just around the corner as you walkin, Great. Thanks alt Here are your tickets Thanks, if possible by the please? . ENGLISH BOOKLET Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2014 2

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