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Leiden, a genus of shrubby, evergreen climbers, belonging

drawn to two remarkable exceptions. These are, the account

hurled at Ulysses are identified with the seven Scogli de'

form @, thus creating confusion between the symbols for d

&c. The general elevation is greatest in the eastern islands

where these hairs occur, but elsewhere it is invisible. Thus

were from Germany, 5070 from Ireland, 3929 from Austria, and

London, carrying Robert Hollond, M.P., Monck Mason and Charles

in the case of St Bruno. Popes and sovereigns gradually

currents. The instrument can be provided with a curve or table

The figure of Alexander naturally impressed itself upon the

The main source of our knowledge of Allatius is the incomplete

Pinsapo), is found on the heights round Bougie. The forests

oxide of aluminium of the ideal composition, Al2O3.2H2O.

in crucibles to give merchantable bronzes containing between

Madrid. The children of this marriage were Maria de las

With hydrocyanic acid aldehydes form the cyanhydrins R.CH(OH).CN.

the limits of 2.4 and 1.8 volts. Curves A and B show

felicitous fulfilment of function in living things.'' The

carried off for human use, are a very excellent improvement,

experiments, however, made by Drs N. Grehant, A. L. Brociner, L.

matters, being the channels for the operations of the naval

in E.M.F. (c) The rise in E.M.F. at beginning and

Veste near Nuremberg, at which he had been second in command

sent. He also threw himself at his guest's feet, and

altitude. The term was also given (1880) to an instrument invented

Korrespondenten, chap. i. (Leipzig, 1883). The two last-named

as having the finest of climates, the mortality from fever

septenirionale (1888-1891); Eugene Plantet, Correspondance

School (Presbyterian) for Mexican boys, and of a government

conventional basin of the Congo river. Its chief exports are

trade in adulterated lard was carried on from the United

adjurnare, to put off until or summon for another day),

resources. The government, in accordance with this view,

7th baronet, and grandson of the Neapolitan admiral, Sir J.

division of Westmorland, England, a mile from the head of

of the heart. Aconite further depresses the activity of

counts of Anjou, one of whom, Hugues I., rebuilt the ancient

hospital surgeon if he had often had cause to regret having

and Vienna. On the 2nd of March 1855, during the Crimean

annually by about 16,000 visitors. The whole sea-coast to

Spirit may soon have come to be thought of as unique in some

old Roman culture, she gave to that son's education a more

Collarin d'Arnas (Balme to Usseglio), snow (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,351

the substance takes in heat at its highest temperature, then

Solubility of acetylene.

the continental red-leg (Caccabis rnfo) is established in

an abbey in that the superior bore the name of prior instead

him. He was still childless, after twenty years of wedded

ages. In this case the translation was made by Alfred's

fit for work are those which have a good deal of black in

of the Levites, and almost cost Aaron his life (cp. Deut.

general, the resolution of a whole into its component elements;

fixed. The last charter of the Russian-American Company expired

were:--the opuscule (4th century) known as Alexandri magni

nave and side aisles. It is chiefly built of outlayer granite,

L.S. (Locus sigilli), The place of the seal.

person. Nevertheless it is only within the past seventy years

into aromatic groups ave: the action of carbonyl chloride on

1857, was nephew of the tsar Alexander II., who had married

23 See Literaturblott fur germanische und

doubtful whether local anaesthesia will ever replace general

Geschichte des Aeneasmythus (1894); articles in Pauly-Wissowa's

Britannica (9th ed.) (1874) and studied widely in the Advocates'

possessed of superior iron weapons---those tribes which later

itself. There is, however, ample evidence that at several

three-fifths vote of each house of the legislature and

brother, Khair-ed-Din (otherwise known as Barbarossa), at

river. From Okla the canal follows the high land between

nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen; their composition, however,

Development of Muslim Theology, 110, 157, index. (D. B. MA.)

ordinary pressures a smoky flame is obtained, but on the

Custozza. In the following campaign he applied for and

Chroniques rotatives a L'histoire de La Belgique sous

from this nomadic life was so great that an inquiry into the

(1904). Modern Individualist Anarchists:--B. Tucker, the

about 200 m. from the sea. In June 1882 and in August 1889

the first French poem directly imitated from the Aeneid,

the atmospheres of modified aether which thus belong to its

are essentially mountain ranges. But in height and importance

is more worthy at least of consideration, for a respectable

by several of the Greek Christian poets, and in particular

crown. If the proper patron fails to exercise his right within

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