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Undergraduate Algebra II

Homework 5
Mar. 24, 2023
due on Mar. 31, 2023
(1) Let K/F be a field extension of degree [K : F ] = 2 and charac-
teristic F is 0. Then K is Galois
√ over F .
(2) Verify that the extenstion Q[ 3 2] over √ Q is not
√ Galois.
(3) Determine the minimal
√ polynomial
√ of 2 + 3 over Q.
(4) Consider K := Q[ 2], L := Q[ 2] and F = Q. Determine
Aut(K/F ), Aut(K/L), and Aut(L/F ).
(Remark: Together with Problem # 1, one sees that if K is
Galois over L and L is Galois over F , it is not necessarily implies
that K is Galois over
p F .)√
(5) Consider K := Q[ 2 + 2] over Q. Determine its minimal
polynomial and shows that all roots of its minimal polynomial
are in K. Verify also that K is Galois over Q with cyclic Galois
group of order 4.

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