Unit 6

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VOCABULARY es. Use the adjectives in the Box. ‘1 complete the sentenc 2, Laura was A $ey __ because the airline lost her bags. 1. Philip was enthusiastic about riding ona bullet train, He couldn't wait to get con the train! 3, Wewere cecaless _toget out of 4, When Jim realized he'd brought the the car in a strange country at night. wrong battery for his camera, he knew hehad been very Caluctan? 2 choose the correct word 1, Everyone wa: ‘quick as the plane circled above Atlanta for hours. 2. The cheerful reluctant couple behind me shared their snacks 3, The careless / noisy woman next to me was talking to her son in a loud voice. . Only one man was angry / patient enough to yell at another passenger. ‘The man in front of me was anxious / careless about fying . Once we landed, everyone was in a hurry / late to get off the plane. . We were reluctant / enthusiastic to leave the train because it was still raining hard. . We were enthusiastic / angry to begin our tour of the city 30 Scanned with CamScanner E | AU Netty Xenia He'd never seen the desert. Unit 6 1 complete the sen : : parentheses. "eS: Use the simple past or the past perfect of the verbs in Mter|—__iefy 2 “had forgotten 02%) the hotel, realized | — atte — (forget) my passport. 2. The rep laced stom by thetme we (arrive, 5 ud (finish) eating dessert. 4 en petra toed 6 den (get) to the airport, her cousin's plane. (olready, fond). 5. sepreste —deourled _ nen ao, il (never, be) on a plane. 2 write the words inthe Correct order to make sentences. 1. Jessica / arrived. rhad already bought the next train / her tickets /by the time Jessica had already bought her tickets by the time the next train arrived. 2, to the theater, / were already / When / gone, / got / | finally /the tickets Ginell hy die Ave @ al ceed 3. Befofe / to Argentina, / went / had never visited / they / they / another country. oe 4 thin they Nad mover visiled .nclheonry 4, had already been / She / to that hotel, / so /she / the address. / didn't need veael on bi dedhd holed re didn’t Uccare 5. tothat cafe we / because tookus thre. ur fiends had never been eirely toskeus tethe cals! hac fed 3 compete the text. Use the simple pastor the past perfect ofthe verbs in parentheses, Amy*_____had wanted _ (want) to go to Thailand since she 2__wass___(ateenage.Soaftershe“hodk_seu (save) enough money, she + re etesht (uy) aplane ticket to Bangkok Aftershe*__lre-d sleyed (tay) in Bangkok for three days, she!___twewh (00) to Chiang Mai. She visited an elephant camp and saw some amazing temples. By the time she’astivedh (arive) in Phuket, she*_lracl Sean (Gee) many sights, She was so exhausted that she saton the beach and thought about what she had done Before she! (Come) to Thailand, shehed near cealized (never realize) how adventurous she really was! an Scanned with CamScanner Unit 6 He'd never seen the desert. 32. imple past or the past perfect Jse the si 4 overto vou Complete the sentences. Us with your own ideas. 1. By the time | got tothe wten————— oo ss—~—CSstsS 2, Wheniantadat school = ————-—; mare eS 3. I had studied English for two years before. 4, Before began studying English 5, Ididrttknow what to doafter << 5 correct the sentences. 1. Sheet never ben ona boat foe she £0 re nena eed Lelace abe unch bo Hex cf? X to Thailand. X 2. How long the plane stayed in the ar before i finally he lances wally wos ea Hou Vere Ny acetals cteplosedh a 3. By the time I was 25, | been abroad 10 times. x : We Kne Lincs Tees cimad 10 Kroes ‘4, When Brad finally arrived in Dallas, his connecting fight had teave, X or Bred fly assved in Bell counseling Hipketb complete the conversation, Use the simple past or past perfect ofthe verbs in the box. (ie spay sgh coll go. bE igh Yumi How wes your vacation? Emika Terrible. Someone'__etole my belongings when 12__was__at the beach, Yumi Everything? Emika Yes! after!*_4al| atthe beach allday, t_¢I ied back to the hotel. That's whem | found my empty suitcase Yumi Oh, thats tersbe,2_2tayad You_Peare__ anyone you were going to the beach before you lft? Emika Yes, |had old everyone at breakfast. | guess that wasnt very smart Yumi Thats too bad.*_Aindet you_alasact_the police? Emika Yes, | did. But by the time they Lowe. - _ my belongings and arrested the thie, 120.3 already_=ll___ nome, had to leave early because Iwas out of moneyt ii Scanned with CamScanner @ 1 see cemraten choy (/) the sentence that de t descrit Aa scribes the 1. QEsterisa reporter whois vistin Sydney with his friend Beth, = 2 Dagar a reporter whois Interviewing Beth about h; to Bermuda, eee 3. CEdgar's areporter whois interviewing Beth about her travel experiences, o 2 tisten again. choose the correct answer 1. Beth got to Australia three. '/ weeks ago, 2. Beth booked her flight a year. ‘RELBD weeks ago. 3. Beth paid thea ful price for her plane ticket, He'd never seen the desert. Unit 6 (ee ® Go to smartchoicede.oxfordonlinepractice.com. Download the audio for Unit 6. 4. The taxi had just arrived ot A@PIhe airport, when Beth realized shed forgotten her passport, 5. Her brother almost had a cor accident, NGissedis fight to Sydney. 6. By the time Beth’s brother arrived atthe airport, Beth fight had already ep been delayed. 7. Once Beth and her friend started talking, she kept checking [o7gooil about the time. 8. The aie helped Beth ind a fight Brad Syn, PRONUNCIATION: D4 steno pars ofthe conversation gan th png verb he reduced or unreduced? Choose the correct answer. 4. Mytaxi had arrived at the airport in plenty of time, poreduced b. unreduced 2, By the time he arrived, the airline had already announced a delay in my fight. a. reduced & unreduced 3, We looked and saw that our flight had already lft reduced b. unreduced 4, We had forgotten all about the timel @ reduced b. unreduced 5. How long had you been in the cafe? @reduced b. unreduced 33 Scanned with CamScanner Unit 6 He'd never seen the desert EE 1 Read tne story. choose (7) the true sentences. 2. CJtaro had breakfast in 3. ()Taro thinks the the hotel. has changed, 1. Cf Taro used to live in this ety, Taro and they “The silent ¢ silent city he bus dropped Taro off at his hotel. It was already dark, and he was to tired to go out and | at, so he went to his room for a quiet night. He thought of all the friends he would cll the nextday Had it been eight years now, or nie, since he had lived inthis city? He fll asleep delighted tobe back and wondering how much the noisy city—and his friends—had changed sinee he had moved away. | The next moming the ol ean os emp To dnote Re was ustentsase | bout going to his favorite coffe shop fr beast He thought it vas sang though, whee | note taal he tesa epee, Te wert of eal bigs whee pk | tobesbuther set see insight Helooedareund uly ands tht thre wee noca | ‘moving—not even car horns honking. That's when Taro began to feel anxious—there was no oneon | thesteet. Where ha al the people gone? | He decided t keep walking, hoping that he would see people on the next street. When he finally arrived atthe coffee shop, Taro saw empty coffee cups, the remains of a sandvvich, and chairs ‘pushed back, but still no people. Suddenly, he saw three people run around the comer outside. He was reluctant, but he took a risk and ran after them, shouting, “Where is everyone? Hey, what's going on?” They didn't look back, and they didn’t answer. By the time he got tothe comer, they had disappeared. Unfortunately, at that very moment 2 read the text again. Choose (v) True or Fase, True False 1. Taro returned to the city after he had been away for six years. 2. Taro made a call to his friends to tell them he was there, 3. After Taro woke up, he went out for breakfast. 4, There were many new buildings in the city. 5. The streets were as busy as Taro had remembered. 6. Taro found someone to help him. Rosaon Ogooso 3 what do you think? complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1, There werenotrees or peoplebecause 2. Thethree peoplewere frightened because es | Scanned with CamScanner

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