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Sara Morales 4rth B


I. INTRODUCTION: Talk about environmental problems in Peru in a general

way and present environmental sustainability as a possible solution to conserve
the environment for us and future generations in general.


 Present and explain the step/measurement (what it is)

 Its benefits and drawbacks (if it has)

 What environmental issues in Peru it can solve

 Explain how it can solve those issues

III. CLOSING: Explain why you think this step/measurement is crucial to lead to
environmental sustainability in Peru by summarizing the content. Also, present
a final reflection on the topic.
I. INTRODUCTION: Peru is a country rich in natural resources and biodiversity,
but it also faces serious environmental problems such as water pollution, soil
erosion, deforestation, mining, urban growth and overfishing. These problems
threaten the health and well-being of the people and the ecosystems of Peru.
Environmental sustainability is a possible solution to conserve the environment
for us and future generations. It means using natural resources wisely, reducing
waste and pollution, protecting biodiversity and promoting social justice.
II. CONTENT: One step or measure that can lead to environmental
sustainability in Peru is reducing deforestation. To reduce deforestation in
Peru means to decrease the loss of forest cover due to human activities such
as logging, farming, mining and road construction.

Reducing deforestation can have many benefits for the environment, such as:

 It preserves the natural functions and services of the forest ecosystem,

such as climate regulation, water purification, soil conservation and
biodiversity protection.

 It enhances the carbon storage capacity of the forest, which helps

mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

 It provides economic opportunities for local communities, such as

ecotourism, agroforestry, non-timber forest products and payment for
environmental services.

 It respects the rights and cultures of indigenous peoples and other forest
dwellers, who depend on the forest for their livelihoods and well-being.

Some possible drawbacks of reducing deforestation are:

 Decrease in the value of land for the owner. Landowners who depend on
logging, farming, mining or other activities that involve clearing forests
may lose income or assets if they are restricted or prohibited from doing
so. They may also face legal or social conflicts with the authorities or the
communities that enforce forest conservation.

 Less space for housing. As the population grows, there may be a

demand for more land for housing and urban development. Reducing
deforestation may limit the availability of land for these purposes, which
may increase the cost of living or create overcrowding problems.

 Less space for farming. Agriculture is one of the main drivers of

deforestation, as farmers clear forests to plant crops or raise livestock.
Reducing deforestation may reduce the amount of land available for food
production, which may affect food security or prices.

 Local poverty may increase. Many people who live in or near forests rely
on them for their livelihoods, such as collecting firewood, hunting, fishing,
gathering fruits and nuts, etc. Reducing deforestation may reduce their
access to these resources, which may worsen their living conditions or
force them to migrate to other areas.

Reducing deforestation can help solve some of the environmental issues in

Peru, such as:

 Air pollution and climate change, by preserving the oxygen and carbon
dioxide exchange between the atmosphere and the plants, and
enhancing the carbon storage capacity of the forest.

 Biodiversity loss and extinction, by restoring the natural habitats and

corridors for wildlife conservation and preventing human-wildlife conflicts.

 Water pollution and scarcity, by affecting the hydrological cycle and the
quality and quantity of water resources.

III. CLOSING: Reducing deforestation is a crucial step to lead to environmental

sustainability in Peru because it can address many of the environmental
challenges that Peru faces. It can also improve the quality of life of the people
and preserve the natural heritage of Peru for future generations. Environmental
sustainability is not only a responsibility but also an opportunity for Peru to
develop in a harmonious way with nature.

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