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Packag. Technol. Sci. 12, 235±239 (1999)

Estimation of the Energy Needs in Life Cycle

Analysis of One-way and Returnable Glass
By K. Van Doorsselaer and F. Lox*

The current position on the environmental advantages offered by returnable

versus one-way glass packages is discussed. The energy needs of both options are
considered as important parameters. A critical concept in the published LCA
studies is the breakage rate, which serves to estimate the number (n) of returns
that a functional unit of bottles can perform. Normally the energy of production of
the glass (E) is divided by n. The authors consider this concept too theoretical and
for long-term situations demonstrate that, in all LCA calculations, an energy
value equal to 2E/n should be used. This value is useful in calculating the break-
even point. The paper summarizes the effect of different breakage rates and
distribution distances on the break-even point. It is clear that, for breakage rates
below 5%, returnable glass bottles remain competitive and advantageous, even
for quite long distribution distances. The methology proposed should be
applicable to other materials. Copyright O 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Received 10 August 1999; Accepted 23 September 1999
KEY WORDS: returnable packaging; glass; break-even point; LCA; breakage rate; energy

INTRODUCTION brium. All tend to the conclusion that returnables

show less environmental load than one-way
The implementation of the European Packaging packages, when the delivery radius of ca. 100±
and Packaging Waste Directive (94/62 EC)1, 150 km is respected.9,10 Basic information on the
actualized the discussion about the environmental environmental impacts of one-way packaging and
advantages of one-way versus returnable pack- returnables is available.3,4 In fact, there is no
aging. While many LCA methodologies and case- publication available which will help managers
studies have been proposed for evaluating the to decide, initially, whether a returnable system
environmental impact of packaging systems in the becomes interesting or not.
beverages sector 2,3,5,6,10 for glass packaging these The objective of this paper is to compare the
aspects are still not suf®ciently clear for political energy needs of both one-way and multi-way
action. systems for the delivery of beer, base a life cycle
Most publications compare glass with other inventory made with the active help of a Belgian
packaging materials for the delivery of liquid producer. The energy needs form an important
products (milk, wine, beer, water, carbonated and parameter in life cycle assessment or the study of
non-carbonated drinks); the studies concerning impact on the environment.7,8,11 The break-even
glass start on the basis of the breakage rate, a, the point is calculated for the system and is valid for
possible mean return rate of packages, and the ®rst stages. The in¯uence a possible non-return
consider the delivery system at a state of equili- rate, due to seasonal changes in sales, could have

* Correspondence to: F. Lox, Belgian Packaging Institute, Picardstraat 15, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. CCC 0894±3214/99/050235±05 $17.50

resources the ef®ciency factor for electricity being

Table 1. The in¯uence of transport distance 33%.
on energy needs
The energy consumption assumed in our case-
Energy needs (MJ) study for a delivery of 1000 l beer in bottles of 25 cl
Transport distance Returnable One-way over a distance of 155 km using 30 and 10 ton
for delivery (km) bottles bottles * trucks is as follows:
E1: Return-independent energy: 1269 MJ.
100 320 143 E2: Return-dependent energy: 12668 MJ.
250 800 358
500 1600 715 E0: Energy invested for one-way bottles: 9321
750 2401 1073 MJ.
1000 3201 1431
* This energy includes 20% to cover the return of the empty truck. One-way bottles are produced from a smaller
amount of glass (142 g, compared to 242 g for the
returnable bottle): the lower energy consumption
for its distribution is considered as well. The
on this break-even point is evaluated by a in¯uence of transport distance for the delivery of
sensitivity analysis of the breakage rate. We the functional unit (®lling to distribution sector
considered also the parameter delivery distance and back) is summarized in Table 1.
into our model in order to calculate its impact on The energy of transport is calculated by the
the break-even point. energy consumption of a 30 ton truck (0.44 MJ/
Our methodology for evaluating glass packa- km.ton) multiplied by the load and multiplied by
ging systems can be used for other packaging the transport distance. The energy is related to the
materials as well. Plastic bottles used as return- functional unit.
ables, for example are faced with quality losses The environmental impact of a returnable
mainly due to migration phenomena and weath- system per functional unit is normally calculated
ering effects: their shelf-life is mostly restricted to at equilibrium. The energy considerations (E per
two years. A `quality-loss factor' can take over the trip) follow the breakage-rate a, assuming that a
function of the breakage rate. population of bottles can perform 1/a = n returns
as a maximum.9,10,11 Thus:
E ˆ E1 ‡ E2 =n …1†
Following the theory of Bojkow4, populations with
ENERGY AND LCA a low loss rate a reach this stage of equilibrium
when the mean return rate of the bottles reaches
The delivery system of beer in one-way bottles and this number after many circulations (in theory
returnables has been assessed, starting with the after an in®nite number of years). In practice, the
production of the glass and taking into account the mean return rate of bottles is (n ‡ 1)/2 years and
recycling rate of 15%. The following aspects come thus it is more realistic to consider environmental
into the frame: transport of bottles from the impact per trip of the functional unit, following the
production unit to the ®lling company; production relationship:
of the secondary and tertiary packaging and
E ˆ E1 ‡ 2E2 =…n ‡ 1† …2†
transport to the distributor. The energy needs to
support the re-use of so-called returned post- Because we think that the break-even point is the
consumer bottles, include washing, transport and realistic economic and environmental vector to
replacement by new bottles plus transport and decide for a returnable system, we consider the
recycling of the bottles that are removed from the following relationship, expressing the break-even
system. point as a function of the breakage rate:
The functional unit is: packaging and delivery of
…x ‡ 1†E0 ˆ …x ‡ 1†E1 ‡ E2 ‡ aE2 x …3†
1000 l of beer in bottles of 25 cl. Energy-needs are
expressed in joules (J) and refer to primary energy assuming that the energy E per trip is:

Copyright O 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 236 Packag. Technol. Sci. 12, 235±239 (1999)

to the system per use in order to replace the non-

returned bottles.
When (x ‡ 1) equals n = 1/a (the maximum
number of uses a series of bottles can perform
before breakage) the relationship [equation (4)] for
the energy per trip tends to equation (2):
E ˆ E1 ‡ E2 =n ‡ E2 …n ÿ 1†=n2
or, assuming n-1 n,
E ˆ E1 ‡ 2E2 =n
When, on the other hand, x becomes high (cf.
theory of Bojkow), assuming that a is very small,
relationship (4) can be transformed to:
E ˆ E1 ‡ E2 =x ‡ aE2
which agree with equation (1), when E2/x a E2. In
realistic situations it becomes equal to equation (2),
since x is related to a.
Taking these assumptions into account, equa-
Figure 1. Comparison of energy needs invested per use of the tion (4) accords to the existing ones. Again,
functional unit for a given breakage rate. equations (1) and (2) are used to calculate the
environmental impact of a return system per
functional unit and per use.
From equation (3) the minimum return rate
E ˆ E1 ‡ E2 =…x ‡ 1† ‡ aE2 x=…x ‡ 1† …4† needed to make an operation advantageous is
where x is the number of re-uses and (x ‡ 1) is
x ˆ …E1 ÿ E0 ‡ E2 †=…E0 ÿ E1 ÿ aE2 † …5†
number of uses to which the bottles are submitted
and the term a E2 is the amount of energy invested In order to make the system realistic, the following

Table 2. The number of uses (x ‡ 1) at break-even point as a function of the breakage rate a for the
given case.
Number of uses at
Breakage-rate a (%) break- even point n = 1/a** (n ‡ 1)/2 a E2 (MJ) E0 ÿ (E1 ‡ a E2) (in MJ)*

ÿ5 1.53 <0 <0 ÿ633 8685

0 1.57 ? ? 0 8052
5 1.62 20 10.5 633 7419
10 1.68 10 5.5 1267 6785
15 1.75 6.7 3.8 1900 6152
20 1.84 5 3 2534 5518
30 2.09 3.3 2.2 3800 4252
35 2.28 2.86 1.93 4434 3618
40 2.55 2.5 1.8 5067 2985
50 3.69 2 1.5 6334 1718
60 11.23 1.7 1.35 7601 451
63.6 ? 1.6 1.3 8868 ÿ4.9
* Demonstrates the change of the denominator in equation (5).
** n: the maximum possible number of uses the bottles can perform per functional unit.

Copyright O 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 237 Packag. Technol. Sci. 12, 235±239 (1999)

(a = 3%), is shown in Figure 1. The minimum

number of returns (break-even point) is deduced
graphically by the interception point of two lines,
E0 (considered constant for the one-way bottles)
and the energy line for the returnable system.
The dependency of the break-even point upon
the breakage rate a is calculated using equation (5)
and summarized in Table 2. Among the situations
studied, we took into account the possibility that
bottles remaining in the market become returned
at a certain moment: this means that a receives a
negative value. This is for instance, possible during
periods when the request for beverages becomes
reduced and many of the empty bottles are
It is clear that the calculated number of uses at
break-even point should be lower than the mean
number of uses the bottles in the functional unit
Figure 2. The number of uses at break-even point as a
can perform. As shown in Table 2, a breakage-rate
function of delivery distance and breakage rate. A, realistic
of 35% results into an unrealistic number of uses
working area when breakage rate and number of required
necessary to become competitive (or advanta-
returns at break-even point are taken into account. B,
geous) with a one-way system.
unrealistic working area because the required number of
Figure 2 shows the dependency of the break-
uses is not reached. C, unrealistic situations.
even point as a function of the delivery distance
and breakage-rate. Although the energy of trans-
port accounts for 57% (155 km distance) or 75%
conditions must be ful®lled: (500 km distance) in the return-independent
E1 ‡ E2 > E0 and E0 > E1 ‡ aE2 amount of energy (E1), there is a relatively small
change in the number of uses at break-even point.
Of course, both E0 and E1 rise when the distance of
delivery is extended, so that the relative in¯uence
on the break-even point seems to be negligible.
RESULTS For a given number of uses of a returnable bottle
a lower breakage rate is required when the
The comparison of energy needs invested per use delivery distance becomes extended. The realistic
of the functional unit, for a given breakage rate working area for returnables as a function of

Table 3. Realistic working area for returnables as a function of distribution distance

Breakage rate a Minimum number of uses needed as a function of distance between ®ller and distribution sector
(%) 100 km 155 km 250 km 500 km 750 km 1000 km

0.05 1.62 1.6 1.68 1.77 1.92 2.07

0.1 1.68 1.6 1.75 1.88 2.03 2.2
0.2 1.84 1.9 1.93 2.1 2.33 2.59
0.3 2.09 2.1 2.23 2.5 2.87 3.36
0.4 2.55 2.6 2.8 3.35 4.18 5.53
0.5 3.7 3.9 4.38 6.34 11.4 58.9
0.6 11.4 15.4 7.02 15.6 ± ±
= unrealistic working area for returnables.

Copyright O 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 238 Packag. Technol. Sci. 12, 235±239 (1999)

distance is thus restricted, as shown in Figure 2 REFERENCES

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The environmental impact due to the extension
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one-way bottles or returnables more justi®ed. The Umweltauswirkingen von Komplexen Prozessen
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Code of practice, 1st edn. From the SETAC Work-
shop held at Sesimbra, Portugal, 31 March±3 April
The authors thank Mr Pas of the Brewery Palm for active 1993, Brussels, Belgium, and Pensacola, FL, USA,
cooperation in the collection of data. August 1993.

Copyright O 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 239 Packag. Technol. Sci. 12, 235±239 (1999)

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