An Epic Epithet and Questionnaire

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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

School of Philosophy and Arts

Language Sciences Program

Renaissance Literature

An Epic Epithet and Questionnaire

Dr. Andrés Sepúlveda Rodríguez


Bustos Cavazos Miranda 1819071(epithet)

García García Devanny 1850295(questionnaire)

González Martínez Andrea Alejandra 1746363(questionnaire)

López Luna Karina Guadalupe 1864969(questionnaire)

Méndez Ulloa Asiria Galilea 1870583(questionnaire)

Ruiz Rodríguez Jessica Jazmín 1853800 (questionnaire)

Tamez García Karen Alejandra 1869403(epithet)

Semester: 10th

Group: i01

Shift: Morning

Date: March 4, 2023

a) Regarding Part I of Beowulf (Beowulf, Grendel, The Battle with Grendel), make up an
epic epithet on one of the main characters of the story: Remember to cause sound effects
throughout alliteration, assonance, consonance and literary tools such as kennings,
personification, symbology, etc. You might also take into account a rhyme format of a sort
into a stanza.
I am the midnight stalker of this story, living down in the painful darkness, son of a shap hag,
a demon descendant from Cain. The shepherd of evil, with enormous claws and eyes burning
with fury like fire. Sent by Sideway- Walkers, It’s me, the unique ruiner of meadhalls and
wrecker of kingdoms and kings, This is me, Grendel…
The God-cursed brute and your next worst nightmare.

b) Answer the questionnaire about Part I of Beowulf. When necessary, provide line numbers:

1. Who does Beowulf contextually represent? Explain.

Contextually, it could be said that Beowulf represents the Jutes society since both
represent values such as loyalty, courtesy and pride. Both seek peace in society and do
not accept injustice.
2. Who does Grendel contextually represent? Explain.
Like Grendel, the Saxons represent a violent part of our history. Both expose a savage
culture, with brutal force.
3. Whats does "Twelve Winters Time" literarily mean?
The time of Hrogthgar’s suffering. Twelve years.
4. Why does Beowulf decide to fight Grendel with no weapons?
Grendel does not use weapons and it would be unfair.
5. How does Grendel end?
Grendel is killed by the strength of Beowulf's grip. Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm at
the shoulder socket. Grendel screams again for his mother, then staggers to the edge
of his cliff. To the end, he attributes his death to a random accident.
6. What's Beowulf's Sword's name?
Its name was Hrunting. It had belonged to Unferth's family for many years, and tasted
blood in many battles.

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