AN18 Sequence 2 Theme 4 Seance 15

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Course contents
Table des matières
1 SÉANCE 15 - THE FUTURE OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY ..............................................................................3
1.1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................................3
1.2 UNDERSTAND HOW MEDICINE WILL BE TRANSFORMED ....................................................................................3
1.3 IMPROVE YOUR MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY VOCABULARY ......................................................................................4
1.4 LEARN ABOUT NANOMEDICINE .....................................................................................................................5
1.5 LEARN ABOUT EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS .........................................................................................................7
1.6 LEARN ABOUT CHIMERAS ............................................................................................................................8
1.7 COMPRENDRE LA DIFFÉRENCE ENTRE WILL ET BE GOING TO .........................................................................13
1.8 10 TECHNOLOGIES THAT WILL DRIVE THE FUTURE OF HEALTHCARE ...............................................................14
1.9 LEARN ABOUT 3D BIOPRINTING ..................................................................................................................17
1.10 LEARN HOW TO 3D PRINT HUMAN TISSUE (1) ...............................................................................................20
1.11 LEARN HOW TO 3D PRINT HUMAN TISSUE (2) ...............................................................................................23
1.12 SYNTHÈSE ...............................................................................................................................................27
2 GLOSSAIRE...................................................................................................................................................27
3 VIDÉO............................................................................................................................................................28
4 CRÉDITS .......................................................................................................................................................28
1 Séance 15 - The Future of Medical Technology

1.1 Introduction

10 Futuristic Medical Innovations That May Redefine Our Lives

1.1.1 Résumé :

In this lesson, you will learn about the future of medical technology by studying nanomedicine, stem cells,
chimeras and 3D bioprinting. You’ll also work on your medical technology vocabulary and talk about the

1.1.2 Objectifs de la séance :

 Découvrir de nouvelles technologies médicales,

 Enrichir son vocabulaire lié aux technologies médicales,
 Découvrir la nanomédecine, les cellules souches et les chimères,
 Étudier la bio impression 3D de tissus humains,
 Parler de découvertes, de projets futurs.

1.2 Understand how medicine will be transformed

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The Future of Medical Technology: How the marriage of biology and silicon is transforming medicine

By Scott Gottlieb, Spring 2003

For centuries the art of medicine has been dominated by bumps, bruises, or other symptoms, felt by the
patient or discovered by the physician, with eyes ever-magnified by increasingly sophisticated scanning
technology: the microscope, the x-ray, and eventually the MRI. But however powerful the machine, the
underlying model remained the same. To find the illness, doctors first had to look for the symptom. To

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diagnose the cancer, they had to see the tumor. To find a drug, they had to undergo a long, costly, and
laborious process of trial and error, trying millions of natural compounds on animals to find one that
seemed to work.

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This approach to medicine may be coming to an end. As drug discovery becomes an information-based
science, speeded by rapid increases in computer processing power and the marriage of test tubes with
microchips, we are transforming the way we diagnose and treat many of the worst human diseases. New
drugs currently in clinical trials are no longer scattershot one-size-fits-all affairs, but carefully targeted to
the molecular fingerprints of specific diseases. Some of these drugs are even targeted to a patient’s unique
DNA profile. In a breathtaking paradigm shift, medicine is moving from the species level — the ingrained
assumption that drugs and diseases work the same in all human beings — to the individual level, unlocking
new healing possibilities in the minute differences between seemingly similar diseases and their individual
victims. The result will be a new age of medical therapy, dominated not by cell, tissue, and organ
replacements but by early diagnosis and individualized drug treatments.

Exercice 1 - Corrigé à la page 29

To understand how medicine will be transformed, read the article then match the sentences.

The marriage of biology and be diagnosed before it is made fully manifest.
1 .
silicon and the shift from…
.... species-based to individualized therapy will
. change the face of medicine forever.
In the new medical paradigm,
disease will… .... know where to look and how to find medical
. problems before we do.
Combined genetic and artificial
intelligence will…

1.3 Improve Your Medical Technology Vocabulary

Exercice 2 - Corrigé à la page 29

To improve your medical technology vocabulary, match the words to their definitions.

4 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

.... having or denoting an artificial, typically electromechanical, body part
1 Nanobot . or parts.

an organism containing a mixture of genetically different tissues,

formed by processes such as fusion of early embryos, grafting, or
2 Bioprinting mutation.

.... the use of 3D printing technology with materials that incorporate viable
. living cells, e.g. to produce tissue for reconstructive surgery.
3 Chimera
.... cells with the potential to develop into many different types of cells in
. the body.

4 Stem cells .... a hypothetical very small self-propelled machine, especially one that
. has some degree of autonomy and can reproduce.

an artificial body part, such as a limb, a heart, or a breast implant.
5 Bionic .

.... a thing implanted in something else, especially a piece of tissue,

. prosthetic device, or other object implanted in the body.
6 Implant

7 Prosthesis

1.4 Learn about Nanomedicine

Comparison of Nanomaterials Sizes

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Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology. Nanomedicine ranges from the medical
applications of nanomaterials and biological devices, to nanoelectronic biosensors, and even possible
future applications of molecular nanotechnology such as biological machines. Current problems for
nanomedicine involve understanding the issues related to toxicity and environmental impact of nanoscale
materials (materials whose structure is on the scale of nanometers, i.e. billionths of a meter).
Functionalities can be added to nanomaterials by interfacing them with biological molecules or structures.
The size of nanomaterials is similar to that of most biological molecules and structures; therefore,
nanomaterials can be useful for both in vivo and in vitro biomedical research and applications. Thus far, the
integration of nanomaterials with biology has led to the development of diagnostic devices, contrast agents,
analytical tools, physical therapy applications, and drug delivery vehicles.

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Nanomedicine seeks to deliver a valuable set of research tools and clinically useful devices in the near
future. The National Nanotechnology Initiative expects new commercial applications in the pharmaceutical
industry that may include advanced drug delivery systems, new therapies, and in vivo imaging.
Nanomedicine research is receiving funding from the US National Institutes of Health Common Fund
program, supporting four nanomedicine development centers.
Nanomedicine sales reached ﹩16 billion in 2015, with a minimum of ﹩3.8 billion in nanotechnology R&D
being invested every year. Global funding for emerging nanotechnology increased by 45% per year in recent
years, with product sales exceeding ﹩1 trillion in 2013. As the nanomedicine industry continues to grow, it is
expected to have a significant impact on the economy.

Exercice 3 - Corrigé à la page 30

To learn about nanomedicine, read the text then select if these statements are true or false.

True False

Nanomaterials are extremely small. ○ ○

Biological molecules and structures are a similar size to
nanomaterials. ○ ○
Nanomaterials can’t be integrated with biology. ○ ○
There isn’t much nanotechnology research because it is too
expensive. ○ ○

6 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

The nanomedicine sector is projected to grow in the future. ○ ○
1.5 Learn about embryonic stem cells

Human embryonic stem cells in cell culture

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Embryonic stem cells (ES cells or ESCs) are pluripotent stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of a
blastocyst, an early-stage pre-implantation embryo. Human embryos reach the blastocyst stage 4–5 days
post fertilization, at which time they consist of 50–150 cells. Isolating the embryoblast, or inner cell mass
(ICM) results in destruction of the blastocyst, a process which raises ethical issues, including whether or
not embryos at the pre-implantation stage should have the same moral considerations as embryos in the
post-implantation stage of development.

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Researchers are currently focusing heavily on the therapeutic potential of embryonic stem cells, with
clinical use being the goal for many laboratories. Potential uses include the treatment of diabetes and heart
disease. The cells are being studied to be used as clinical therapies, models of genetic disorders, and
cellular/DNA repair. However, adverse effects in the research and clinical processes such as tumours and
unwanted immune responses have also been reported.

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Due to the nature of embryonic stem cell research, there are a lot of controversial opinions on the topic.
Since harvesting embryonic stem cells necessitates destroying the embryo from which those cells are
obtained, the moral status of the embryo comes into question. Some people claim that the 5-day old mass
of cells is too young to achieve personhood or that the embryo, if donated from an IVF clinic (which is where

7 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

labs typically acquire embryos from), would otherwise go to medical waste anyway. Opponents of ESC
research claim that an embryo is a human life, therefore destroying it is murder and the embryo must be
protected under the same ethical view as a more developed human being.

Exercice 4 - Corrigé à la page 31

To learn about embryonic stem cells, read the text then match the sentences.

the embryo must be destroyed.
1 Embryonic stem cells have a lot… .

.... should be protected just as humans

. are.
2 In order to harvest embryonic stem cells…
of potential for medical treatments.

3 Laboratories usually get… ....

embryos from IVF clinics.

4 Some people believe that embryos…

1.6 Learn about Chimeras

Un problème avec la vidéo?

Exercice 5 - Corrigé à la page 31
To learn about chimeras, watch the video then select the right words to complete the

A ................................... (1) was genetically engineered to grow a mouse’s pancreas.

It will be ................................... (2) we’re able to grow functional human organs inside other animals.
Human organs would have to be grown inside a species with similar-sized organs, like a
................................... (3) or cow.
Any animal with a mix of cells with different genes is known as a ................................... (4) .
Currently, the organs used in transplants have to come from ................................... (5) .

Solutions proposées:

1: Sélectionnez, pig, dog, rat

8 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

2: Sélectionnez, very soon that, soon that, a long time before

3: Sélectionnez, monkey, dog, pig

4: Sélectionnez, chimera, hybrid, mixed breed

5: Sélectionnez, laboratories, human donors, animal donors

It’s been an important week for the future of organ transplants.

Like, game-changingly important.
In one paper, published on Wednesday in the journal Nature,
a group of biologists announced that they’d genetically engineered a rat
to grow a mouse’s pancreas,
then successfully used cells from that pancreas to suppress diabetes in mice.
And in another paper, published on Thursday in the journal Cell,
a different group announced that they’d genetically engineered a pig embryo
to grow with some human cells.
There’s a long way to go before we’re able to grow
functional human organs inside other animals.
But both of these studies mean that we’re a lot closer.
Right now, the organs used in transplants have to come from human donors.
But the donor pool isn’t very big, especially for essential organs
like hearts and lungs that can only be donated when someone dies.
It’s hard to find a match within that pool, and even if you can,
the waiting list can be very long.
That’s why lots of researchers are looking into ways to grow human organs
inside other animals,
so doctors could grow whatever healthy, functional organs they need.

9 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

The same team that published the Nature paper this week
actually created the first combined rat-mice, back in 2010.
Any animal with a mix of cells with different genes is known as a chimera,
and these were the first rat-mouse chimeras to be grown
from embryos and survive.
They injected rat stem cells into mouse embryos
that had been genetically engineered so none of the mouse stem cells
could develop into pancreatic tissue.
Those embryos grew into rat-mouse chimeras,
with mixtures of rat and mouse cells throughout their bodies
except for their pancreases,
because only the rat stem cells could grow into pancreatic tissue.
That was a big deal on its own, but originally,
the researchers also wanted to try transplanting clusters of the pancreas cells,
called islets, into rats to suppress type I diabetes.
Islets produce the insulin that helps regulate blood sugar.
But in type I diabetes, the immune system destroys the islets.
The researchers were hoping to transplant new islets
into rats with type I diabetes to get them to start producing insulin again.
Problem was, the pancreases were mouse-sized,
so they weren’t big enough for the researchers to get all the islets they needed
for a successful transplant.
For the study published this week,

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the team tried the opposite of their 2010 experiment:
they injected mouse stem cells into rat embryos.
And these embryos grew into mouse-rat chimeras
with pancreases that were fully mouse.
This time, the pancreases were rat-sized,
so the researchers were able to get enough islets to perform transplants.
They took islets from the mouse pancreases grown in the chimeras
and transplanted them into mice with type I diabetes,
so the mice started producing insulin again and the disease was suppressed.
When it comes to organs, the pancreas is relatively simple.
So this isn’t quite the same as growing and transplanting,
say, an entire heart or lung.
That would be much more complicated.
But thanks to this research,
we now know that organ transplants from chimeras can actually work.
That’s just mice and rats, though.
The goal of this line of research is to eventually grow human organs
inside a species with similar-sized organs, like a pig or cow.
And that’s where the paper published in Cell comes in.
This group of researchers wanted to create human-pig chimeras
by injecting human stem cells into pig embryos.
But that’s a lot harder than creating a rat-mouse chimera.
For one thing, humans and pigs have much less DNA in common
than rats and mice.

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For another, pig fetuses only take about 16 weeks to develop,
while human fetuses take 40 weeks.
So human stem cells and pig stem cells develop at different rates.
All this makes it harder for human cells to survive
and become a healthy, integrated part of a pig embryo.
For this study, the researchers injected human stem cells into pig embryos,
then implanted those embryos into female pigs.
They let the fetuses develop for just 3 to 4 weeks,
then euthanized them so they could analyze their cells in the lab.
They found that the chimeras had developed with some human cells
but not very many of them,
and even fewer of them grew to a typical, healthy size.
The fetuses were mostly pig, with some human cells sprinkled in
among the developing muscles and organs.
But still, they did it: the researchers made the first human-pig chimeras.
And they’re hoping that the process can be improved to the point
where pigs can be grown with specific human tissues or entire organs.
There are lots of extra challenges involved in this kind of research though,
and it is controversial.
For instance, nobody wants people growing pigs with, like, human brains.
And we’re a long way away from being able to do anything like that,
but scientists researching chimeras are still being really careful
about the kinds of experiments they try.

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And it’s possible that someday this research will lead us to being able to grow
functional, vital organs that people need.
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1.7 Comprendre la différence entre Will et Be Going to

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Utilisation de Will pour des décisions immédiates : You think it, you say it!
Ex : - my luggage seems so heavy.
- Don't worry, I will help you to carry it.
Be going to pour : Very soon AND evident :
Des prédictions qui sont proches (d'un point de vue temporel) ET évidentes, celles qui relèvent plus des
certitudes à 90 %.
Ex : Look at those black clouds, it is going to rain soon.
Be going to pour une intention, une activité planifiée : You have decided to do it, you have intended to do it!
Ex : I'm going to go to the cinema tonight.

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Simples faits ou prédictions plus éloignés dans le futur : Will et Be going to :

Commençons simplement dans un futur très éloigné par les phrases :
Ex : In the year 2157, my great grandchildren will eat eggs.
Ex : In the year 2157, my great grandchildren are going to eat eggs.
Par contre, si l'on se rapproche un peu plus de notre présent ET que l'on émet une opinion ou une

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intention, Will sera alors privilégié.
Ex : I don't think she will come tomorrow.

Exercice 6 - Corrigé à la page 31

To verify you understand the difference between Will and Be going to, select the right answers
to complete the sentences.

1. Medical technology ................................... (1) in the future.

2. I ................................... (2) a talk on nanotechnology tonight.
3. There is a fire in the medical laboratory. I ................................... (3) the firemen immediately.
4. I don’t know if stem cell research ................................... (4) beneficial.
5. This morning, I heard on the radio that Oxford University ................................... (5) chimera research

Solutions proposées:

1: Sélectionnez, is going to progress, will progress, both

2: Sélectionnez, am going to, will go, both

3: Sélectionnez, am going to call, will call, both

4: Sélectionnez, is going to be, will be, both

5: Sélectionnez, is going to start, will start, both

1.8 10 Technologies that Will Drive the Future of Healthcare

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10 Technologies that Will Drive the Future of Healthcare

By Chris Young, February 24, 2020

Technology has long played a crucial part in medicine. Whether it's the development of the microscope
back in the 17th-century or the development of any number of surgical tools, the health industry wouldn't
be what it is today without constant innovations in the field.
Developments today promise to take things an exciting step further. Here are some of the most fascinating
examples of health technology that may well shape the medical industry of the future.
1. Virtual patients and video games
Developing technologies aimed at curing patients is incredibly important, but so is the need for developing
new methods for training doctors. Virtual patients, it turns out, will be a big part of this.
Companies like Cyber Patient are already providing virtual medical training. Essentially, Cyber Patient

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takes the concept of the flight simulator into the medical realm. While the simulations might not be as
detailed as state-of-the-art flight simulators today the platform, and others like it, will only improve.

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Levelex, meanwhile, creates videogames that help training doctors to experience real-life situations in a
virtual setting. There's no doubt that the simulation of medical situations in the virtual world will be a huge
part of the medical practice in the future.

2. Bleeding robots
Digital simulations aren't the only futuristic methods being developed for training doctors. As Gaumard VP
Jim Archetto recently told Fast Company, "learners need to learn in their own environment." In other
words, the virtual world might not be enough.
That's why Gaumard is building robots for medical training. These, impressively, include robots that give
birth, robots with traumatic brain injuries, and robots with infected limbs and even gunshot wounds. They
even call one of their robots Pediatric HAL — let's hope it doesn't take after Stanley Kubrick's famous AI
character from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

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3. Bionic cyborg eyes

Last year, researchers at the University of Minnesota 3D printed an array of light receptors onto a
hemispherical surface. The work is being touted as a significant step towards the existence of functioning
bionic eyes that could help blind people to see and the sight-impaired to see better.
The 'eye' made by the researchers contains photodiodes that were shown to convert light into electricity
with 25 percent efficiency. Next, the scientists aim to create an eye with more light receptors and a softer
It sounds like something out of sci-fi, but if we might soon have working bionic eyes, what other human
organs could be replaced by a bionic structure?
4. 3D printing and prosthetics
3D printing has shown great promise in many areas of medicine. Just last year, one company, BIOLIFE4D,
showed it was capable of 3D printing a mini heart.
It also has great potential for lowering the cost of products that can otherwise be far too expensive for the
average person. One such example is the prosthetic limb. While companies like Bristol's Open Bionics are
already working to lower the cost of prosthetics, 3D printing can take this one step further.
As National Geographic points out, many people worldwide don't have access to prosthetists. 3D printing
could go a long way to making prosthetics accessible to people all over the world.

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5. Medical contact lenses

A team of researchers, affiliated with UNIST recently introduced a new biosensing contact lens that can
detect glucose levels in patients with diabetes.

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According to the research team, these medical, or smart, lenses, can monitor glucose levels from tears in
the eye. The lenses contain built-in pliable, transparent electronics meaning they are not bothersome to
Though the lenses are not close to being released, the team's work is a fascinating insight into medical
innovations of the future.
6. Virtual reality and augmented reality
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) is already showing great promise in various applications
across the medical industry. It's already being used as a form of training doctors by helping them to
simulate real-life situations.
VR is also showing great potential as a form of treatment. Last year, a study showed that it could be used as
a surprisingly effective form of pain relief. It can also help people overcome phobias and can treat disorders
such as PTSD with exposure therapy.
Innovations such as the Teslasuit VR glove will help VR to be even more immersive and effective as a
treatment and training method.

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7. The selfie self-diagnosis

University of Washington smartphone app BiliScreen has been developed to allow users to take a selfie in
order to screen themselves for a range of diseases, including pancreatic cancer.
The app is trained to focus on the whites of the eyes. It can detect a slight yellowing of the eye, an early
symptom of pancreatic cancer before the naked eye is able to do so.
“What the app does is it screens adults for jaundice, which is the yellowing of the skin and eyes,” Alex
Mariakakis, a doctoral student at the University of Washington’s school of computer science and
engineering, said in a press release.
Could we soon be able to diagnose ourselves for all sorts of ailments using our smartphones?
8. Exoskeletons helping paralyzed people walk
Just a few months ago, researchers revealed that a paralyzed man, who was immobile from the shoulders
down, was able to walk again. He was able to do so thanks to an exoskeleton and an implant in his brain.
The findings, published in the journal The Lancet Neurology, show how the man underwent a two-year trial
in which he was able to gradually train a robotic system to interpret his thoughts as movements, allowing
him to use the exoskeleton to walk.

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9. Robot health workers

Robot health assistants can be used to help keep an eye on the health of people in a household. Imagine a
HAL-like robotic system that — hopefully — doesn't turn on its creators.
In fact, Samsung unveiled its Bot Care robot health assistant at last year's CES, a care bot that can talk,
monitor blood pressure, monitor other key health indicators, and give family members and medical
professionals insight into a patient.
Samsung isn't the only company developing health robots. Oz Robotics have also built their health
assistance-providing ZoraBots. Robot healthcare workers could be about to enter the workforce.
10. Brain implants (BCIs) that can treat brain disorders
Brain computer interfaces (BCIs) have the potential to change the health industry as well as our lives. Elon

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Musk is a big proponent of BCIs. Tesla, SpaceX, and Boring Company founder has, in fact, also founded a
BCI company, Neuralink.
With fanfare typical of any Elon Musk venture, Neuralink announced last year that its system is "a thousand
times better" than the current best system.
The company believes that, in the future, BCIs will be able to allow us to control computers with our minds,
allow us to mitigate the threat of AI, and help us to better understand and treat brain disorders. All you
have to do is have a microchip surgically implanted into your brain.
Technology is changing our world at an incredible pace, and healthcare will undoubtedly see a great benefit
from these innovations.

Exercice 7 - Corrigé à la page 32

To learn about future healthcare technologies, read the article then select all of the ones that
are mentionned.

□ 3D printing could drastically lower the cost of making protheses.

□ Virtual games can train doctors.

□ Selfies could be used to diagnose illnesses.

□ Brain computer interfaces could treat brain disorders.

□ Entire limbs will be able to be regenerated.

□ Cancer could be cured with nanotechnology.

□ Automatic immunity from most diseases could be created through gene editing.

1.9 Learn about 3D bioprinting

Un problème avec la vidéo?

Exercice 8 - Corrigé à la page 32
To learn about 3D bioprinting, watch the video then match the statements to true or false.

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It was in the 20th century when researchers discovered that inkjet printers False
1 .
could spray out living cells without damaging them.
2 3D bio-printed tissues could end the organ shortage.

3 Pharmaceutical medication could be tested with bio-printed tissues.

4 Currently, bioprinting is heavily regulated.

5 Nowadays, only tissues can be bio-printed, not entire organs.

3D bioprinting is a mind-boggling technology that emerged in the 21st century.

The idea of lab-grown tissues could mean the end of testing drugs on animals and humans,
and it could be the solution for organ shortages, ending the desperate state of organ donations
We are getting closer to print living tissues, such as blood vessels, bones or skin.
It was in the early 21st century when researchers discovered that the nozzles of inkjet printers
could spray out living cells without damaging them.
However, it is not enough to have the cells themselves, they need a nurturing environment
to stay alive: food, water, and oxygen.
Nowadays, microgels enriched with vitamins, proteins, and other life-sustaining compounds,
provide these conditions.
In 2014, Organovo announced the first successful printing of liver tissue and it functioned
as a real liver for weeks.
A year later, functional human kidney tissues were generated with a 3D bioprinter.

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Organovo also teamed up with L’Oreal to advance the development of synthetic skin.
The company’s first bioprinted products are expected to make it to the FDA in 2019.
Bio-printing could also be an effective way to test pharmaceuticals.
Clinical trials today are lengthy and expensive.
But with bio-printed tissues, new products can be assessed and brought to market more
quickly, all without harming test subjects.
The surgical challenges with using bio-printed tissues are technological ones.
If we can overcome those hurdles then the engineered tissue can function just as well
as the original one.
It’s possible that one day, your surgeon will ship your tissue sample (or stem cells
OR just DNA data) to a bio-printing company, and a few days later, the organ tissue you
need will arrive in a sterile container via FedEx, ready for implantation.
But it will take many years of research till we get there.
So the current state of bioprinting is about being able to accurately and safely print
out tissues, not entire organs.
That still sounds a bit like science fiction.
Currently, the most burning issue is the question of regulation – as an up-to-date, comprehensive
set of rules for bioprinting has not yet been drafted.
That might be very dangerous.
The black market for printed organs might thrive the most if regulations are not sufficiently
strict and precise.
As soon as scaffolds are available and methods are open source, people around the world might
be tempted to start printing unregulated and untested biomaterials and sell them to desperate

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While the FDA reaffirmed the agency’s commitment to a “new era of 3D printing of medical
products” in 2017, they have not yet introduced their guidance for bioprinting – and we
cannot do anything else but urge them to do so as soon as possible.

1.10 Learn how to 3D print human tissue (1)

Un problème avec la vidéo ?

There are currently hundreds of thousands of people on transplant lists,
waiting for critical organs like kidneys, hearts, and livers
that could save their lives.
there aren’t nearly enough donor organs available to fill that demand.
What if instead of waiting,
we could create brand-new, customized organs from scratch?
That’s the idea behind bioprinting,
a branch of regenerative medicine currently under development.
We’re not able to print complex organs just yet,
but simpler tissues including blood vessels and tubes
responsible for nutrient and waste exchange
are already in our grasp.
Bioprinting is a biological cousin of 3-D printing,
a technique that deposits layers of material on top of each other
to construct a three-dimensional object one slice at a time.
Instead of starting with metal, plastic, or ceramic,
a 3-D printer for organs and tissues uses bioink:
a printable material that contains living cells.

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The bulk of many bioinks are water-rich molecules called hydrogels.
Mixed into those are millions of living cells
as well as various chemicals that encourage cells to communicate and grow.
Some bioinks include a single type of cell,
while others combine several different kinds to produce more complex structures.
Let’s say you want to print a meniscus,
which is a piece of cartilage in the knee
that keeps the shinbone and thighbone from grinding against each other.
It’s made up of cells called chondrocytes,
and you’ll need a healthy supply of them for your bioink.
These cells can come from donors whose cell lines are replicated in a lab.
Or they might originate from a patient’s own tissue
to create a personalized meniscus less likely to be rejected by their body.
There are several printing techniques,
and the most popular is extrusion-based bioprinting.
In this, bioink gets loaded into a printing chamber
and pushed through a round nozzle attached to a printhead.
It emerges from a nozzle that’s rarely wider than 400 microns in diameter,
and can produce a continuous filament
roughly the thickness of a human fingernail.
A computerized image or file guides the placement of the strands,
either onto a flat surface or into a liquid bath
that’ll help hold the structure in place until it stabilizes.

21 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

These printers are fast, producing the meniscus in about half an hour,
one thin strand at a time.
After printing, some bioinks will stiffen immediately;
others need UV light or an additional chemical or physical process
to stabilize the structure.
If the printing process is successful,
the cells in the synthetic tissue
will begin to behave the same way cells do in real tissue:
signaling to each other, exchanging nutrients, and multiplying.
We can already print relatively simple structures like this meniscus.
Bioprinted bladders have also been successfully implanted,
and printed tissue has promoted facial nerve regeneration in rats.
Researchers have created lung tissue, skin, and cartilage,
as well as miniature, semi-functional versions of kidneys, livers, and hearts.
However, replicating the complex biochemical environment
of a major organ is a steep challenge.
Extrusion-based bioprinting may destroy
a significant percentage of cells in the ink if the nozzle is too small,
or if the printing pressure is too high.
One of the most formidable challenges
is how to supply oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in a full-size organ.
That’s why the greatest successes so far
have been with structures that are flat or hollow—
and why researchers are busy developing ways

22 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

to incorporate blood vessels into bioprinted tissue.
There’s tremendous potential to use bioprinting
to save lives and advance our understanding
of how our organs function in the first place.
And the technology opens up a dizzying array of possibilities,
such as printing tissues with embedded electronics.
Could we one day engineer organs that exceed current human capability,
or give ourselves features like unburnable skin?
How long might we extend human life by printing and replacing our organs?
And exactly who—and what—
will have access to this technology and its incredible output?
Exercice 9 - Corrigé à la page 33
To learn how to 3D print human tissue, watch the video then select the right answer to complete
the sentence.

One of the most formidable challenges is how to supply ______________ to all cells in a full-
size organ.

○ Oxygen and nutrients

○ Nutrients, oxygen and hydrogels

○ Oxygen and hydrogels

○ Hydrogels and nutrients

1.11 Learn how to 3D print human tissue (2)

Un problème avec la vidéo ?

There are currently hundreds of thousands of people on transplant lists,
waiting for critical organs like kidneys, hearts, and livers

23 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

that could save their lives.
there aren’t nearly enough donor organs available to fill that demand.
What if instead of waiting,
we could create brand-new, customized organs from scratch?
That’s the idea behind bioprinting,
a branch of regenerative medicine currently under development.
We’re not able to print complex organs just yet,
but simpler tissues including blood vessels and tubes
responsible for nutrient and waste exchange
are already in our grasp.
Bioprinting is a biological cousin of 3-D printing,
a technique that deposits layers of material on top of each other
to construct a three-dimensional object one slice at a time.
Instead of starting with metal, plastic, or ceramic,
a 3-D printer for organs and tissues uses bioink:
a printable material that contains living cells.
The bulk of many bioinks are water-rich molecules called hydrogels.
Mixed into those are millions of living cells
as well as various chemicals that encourage cells to communicate and grow.
Some bioinks include a single type of cell,
while others combine several different kinds to produce more complex structures.
Let’s say you want to print a meniscus,

24 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

which is a piece of cartilage in the knee
that keeps the shinbone and thighbone from grinding against each other.
It’s made up of cells called chondrocytes,
and you’ll need a healthy supply of them for your bioink.
These cells can come from donors whose cell lines are replicated in a lab.
Or they might originate from a patient’s own tissue
to create a personalized meniscus less likely to be rejected by their body.
There are several printing techniques,
and the most popular is extrusion-based bioprinting.
In this, bioink gets loaded into a printing chamber
and pushed through a round nozzle attached to a printhead.
It emerges from a nozzle that’s rarely wider than 400 microns in diameter,
and can produce a continuous filament
roughly the thickness of a human fingernail.
A computerized image or file guides the placement of the strands,
either onto a flat surface or into a liquid bath
that’ll help hold the structure in place until it stabilizes.
These printers are fast, producing the meniscus in about half an hour,
one thin strand at a time.
After printing, some bioinks will stiffen immediately;
others need UV light or an additional chemical or physical process
to stabilize the structure.
If the printing process is successful,
the cells in the synthetic tissue

25 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

will begin to behave the same way cells do in real tissue:
signaling to each other, exchanging nutrients, and multiplying.
We can already print relatively simple structures like this meniscus.
Bioprinted bladders have also been successfully implanted,
and printed tissue has promoted facial nerve regeneration in rats.
Researchers have created lung tissue, skin, and cartilage,
as well as miniature, semi-functional versions of kidneys, livers, and hearts.
However, replicating the complex biochemical environment
of a major organ is a steep challenge.
Extrusion-based bioprinting may destroy
a significant percentage of cells in the ink if the nozzle is too small,
or if the printing pressure is too high.
One of the most formidable challenges
is how to supply oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in a full-size organ.
That’s why the greatest successes so far
have been with structures that are flat or hollow—
and why researchers are busy developing ways
to incorporate blood vessels into bioprinted tissue.
There’s tremendous potential to use bioprinting
to save lives and advance our understanding
of how our organs function in the first place.
And the technology opens up a dizzying array of possibilities,
such as printing tissues with embedded electronics.

26 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

Could we one day engineer organs that exceed current human capability,
or give ourselves features like unburnable skin?
How long might we extend human life by printing and replacing our organs?
And exactly who—and what—
will have access to this technology and its incredible output?
Exercice 10 - Corrigé à la page 33
To check your understanding of the video, select the right answer to the question.

Based only on the video, which of the following factors may significantly affect printed cell

○ a) A nozzle with a small diameter

○ b) A printing pressure that is too high

○ c) The speed of the printer

○ d) Both A and B

1.12 Synthèse

Environment & Medical Technology

1.12.1 La séance est terminée

The future of healthcare is shaping up in front of our very eyes with advances in digital healthcare
technologies, such as artificial intelligence, 3D bioprinting and nanotechnology. Medicine as we know it will
be transformed by these technologies as well as medical research using stem cells and genetics.
2 Glossaire

27 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

an injury appearing as an area of discoloured skin on the body, caused by a blow or impact rupturing
underlying blood vessels. (noun)
in vitro
(of a process) performed or taking place in a test tube, culture dish, or elsewhere outside a living organism.
in vivo
(of a process) performed or taking place in a living organism. (adjective)
(of an immature cell or stem cell) capable of giving rise to several different cell types. (adjective)
significant as a cause or basis of something but not necessarily manifest or obvious. (adjective)
3 Vidéo

The First Human-Pig Chimeras

Pour retrouver une vidéo équivalente
Titre de la vidéo : The First Human-Pig Chimeras
Durée : 4:59
Mots-clefs : The First Human-Pig Chimeras, SciShow, voir aussi la transcription.
En cas de recherche infructueuse, travaillez à partir de la transcription et poursuivez votre parcours d'apprentissage.

What Is 3D Bioprinting?
Pour retrouver une vidéo équivalente
Titre de la vidéo : What Is 3D Bioprinting?
Durée : 3:09
Mots-clefs : What Is 3D Bioprinting?, The Medical Futurist, voir aussi la transcription.
En cas de recherche infructueuse, travaillez à partir de la transcription et poursuivez votre parcours d'apprentissage.
Pour retrouver une vidéo équivalente
Titre de la vidéo : How to 3D print human tissue - Taneka Jones
Durée : 5:11
Mots-clefs : How to 3D print human tissue - Taneka Jones, TED-ED, voir aussi la transcription.
En cas de recherche infructueuse, travaillez à partir de la transcription et poursuivez votre parcours d'apprentissage.

4 Crédits


28 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

Exercice 1 - Page 4
To understand how medicine will be transformed, read the article then match the sentences.

The marriage of biology and silicon

1 2 be diagnosed before it is made fully manifest.
and the shift from…

In the new medical paradigm, species-based to individualized therapy will

2 1
disease will… change the face of medicine forever.

Combined genetic and artificial know where to look and how to find medical
3 3
intelligence will… problems before we do.

A medical and technological revolution of this significance is sure to have lasting political, economic, and
social consequences.
Exercice 2 - Page 4
To improve your medical technology vocabulary, match the words to their definitions.

29 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

having or denoting an artificial, typically electromechanical, body part or
1 Nanobot 5

an organism containing a mixture of genetically different tissues, formed

2 Bioprinting 3
by processes such as fusion of early embryos, grafting, or mutation.

the use of 3D printing technology with materials that incorporate viable

3 Chimera 2
living cells, e.g. to produce tissue for reconstructive surgery.

cells with the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the
4 Stem cells 4

a hypothetical very small self-propelled machine, especially one that has

5 Bionic 1
some degree of autonomy and can reproduce.

6 Implant 7 an artificial body part, such as a limb, a heart, or a breast implant.

a thing implanted in something else, especially a piece of tissue,

7 Prosthesis 6
prosthetic device, or other object implanted in the body.

Knowing medical technology vocabulary will help you understand articles on the subject.
Exercice 3 - Page 6
To learn about nanomedicine, read the text then select if these statements are true or false.

True False

Nanomaterials are extremely small. ● ○

Biological molecules and structures are a similar size to
nanomaterials. ● ○
Nanomaterials can’t be integrated with biology. ○ ●
There isn’t much nanotechnology research because it is too
expensive. ○ ●
The nanomedicine sector is projected to grow in the future. ● ○

30 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

Nanomedicine has the potential to enable early detection and prevention and to drastically improve
diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of many diseases.
Exercice 4 - Page 8
To learn about embryonic stem cells, read the text then match the sentences.

1 Embryonic stem cells have a lot… 2 the embryo must be destroyed.

2 In order to harvest embryonic stem cells… 4 should be protected just as humans are.

3 Laboratories usually get… 1 of potential for medical treatments.

4 Some people believe that embryos… 3 embryos from IVF clinics.

Human embryonic stem cell research is ethically and politically controversial because it involves the
destruction of human embryos.
Exercice 5 - Page 8
To learn about chimeras, watch the video then select the right words to complete the

A rat (1) was genetically engineered to grow a mouse’s pancreas.

It will be a long time before (2) we’re able to grow functional human organs inside other animals.
Human organs would have to be grown inside a species with similar-sized organs, like a pig (3) or cow.
Any animal with a mix of cells with different genes is known as a chimera (4) .
Currently, the organs used in transplants have to come from human donors (5) .

The key to producing human organs in other animals is the chimera, a mixture of cells from more than one
species growing together as a single animal.
Exercice 6 - Page 14
To verify you understand the difference between Will and Be going to, select the right answers
to complete the sentences.

31 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

1. Medical technology both (1) in the future.
2. I am going to (2) a talk on nanotechnology tonight.
3. There is a fire in the medical laboratory. I will call (3) the firemen immediately.
4. I don’t know if stem cell research will be (4) beneficial.
5. This morning, I heard on the radio that Oxford University is going to start (5) chimera research soon.

A very confusing concept is when to use WILL and when to use BE GOING TO when we refer the future. With
practice though, you’ll master it!
Exercice 7 - Page 17
To learn about future healthcare technologies, read the article then select all of the ones that
are mentionned.

■ 3D printing could drastically lower the cost of making protheses.

■ Virtual games can train doctors.

■ Selfies could be used to diagnose illnesses.

■ Brain computer interfaces could treat brain disorders.

□ Entire limbs will be able to be regenerated.

□ Cancer could be cured with nanotechnology.

□ Automatic immunity from most diseases could be created through gene editing.

Healthcare technology continues to advance, creating better, more accessible patient care and easier
access to information via new devices.
Exercice 8 - Page 17
To learn about 3D bioprinting, watch the video then match the statements to true or false.

32 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

It was in the 20th century when researchers discovered that inkjet printers False
1 4
could spray out living cells without damaging them.
2 3D bio-printed tissues could end the organ shortage.

3 Pharmaceutical medication could be tested with bio-printed tissues.

4 Currently, bioprinting is heavily regulated.

5 Nowadays, only tissues can be bio-printed, not entire organs.

3D bioprinting is a revolutionary technology that will eventually make medical care faster, more effective,
and more personalized. This simple technique enables researchers to fabricate geometrically well-defined
3D scaffolds seeded with cells in a rapid, inexpensive, and high-throughput manner.
Exercice 9 - Page 23
To learn how to 3D print human tissue, watch the video then select the right answer to complete
the sentence.

One of the most formidable challenges is how to supply ______________ to all cells in a full-
size organ.

● Oxygen and nutrients

○ Nutrients, oxygen and hydrogels

○ Oxygen and hydrogels

○ Hydrogels and nutrients

Although bioprinting fully functional organs using extrusion-based bioprinting is not yet demonstrated, the
bioprinting of cellular building blocks and tissue models is already possible.
Exercice 10 - Page 27

33 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

To check your understanding of the video, select the right answer to the question.

Based only on the video, which of the following factors may significantly affect printed cell

○ a) A nozzle with a small diameter

○ b) A printing pressure that is too high

○ c) The speed of the printer

● d) Both A and B

The demand for organs exceeds the current availability. What if you could 3D print a human organ?

34 CNED- AN18 Séquence 2 Thème 4 Séance 15

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