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Illustration Essay

By: Jeshaun Charles


In the last set of elections, I was alive to witness, I saw promises made to improve the
community during the general elections but when power is obtained those same promises go out the
door. A lot of the candidates running in communities have never lived or live in the community which
would mean that they would have no obligation to the people. If I was given the opportunity to take on
the role of parliamentary representative, I would ensure that the recreational facilities are up to par,
improve the infrastructure and improve employment among the youths within the community. These
are the changes I would make relating to the recreational facilities, infrastructure, and the improvement
in the employment situation in my community.

Firstly, the recreational facilities in my constituency, you can say, are not as bad as other
constituencies may have it, but they still could be better. Recreational facilities serve a purpose to keep
children entertained and serve to assist in keeping children out of trouble. There are few recreational
facilities available in the constituency of All Saints East and Saint Luke which are a Football Field and a
Basketball Court. The basketball court and football field are atrocious and decaying and are in no shape
that individuals would have to use them. For Example, years ago All Saints East and Saint Lukes used to
be home to Curtly Ambrose, Ridley Jacobs along with Kenny and Winston Benjamin who played cricket
at the highest point and were in the top in their respective fields. Now things have changed, and there
are barely athletes that are coming from the constituency because of the poor state of the recreational
facilities. If I was given the opportunity to on the role as a parliamentary representative I would ensure
that the recreational facilities have all new equipment and ensure that there are restrooms available.

Secondly, the infrastructure in the constituency is not any better than the recreational facilities.
To start off I will begin with the state of the roads. The roads in the constituency keep getting eroded
each time heavy rainfall comes. After each time the roads are fixed and in a couple of weeks you would
think that the road was not dealt with at all, meaning that it would be just like it was before it was fixed.
For Example, the day after Tropical Storm Fiona passed whilst driving through the road that has the
Swetes Wesleyan Holiness Church the even though attempts were made to fix the road after the storm
it just seemed like no work has been done at all. Water barely runs in the constituency. Except for the
few people that have cisterns in their yard there is no running water so people would sometimes end up
going weeks without water. The Government decided to implement Desalination Plants which main
purpose is to filter salt water and purify it, but still individuals still end up going weeks without having
water in their pipes. For Example, the individuals in the constituency would turn on the tap to the
expectation that water is on just to see a couple drops fall if they are lucky or just hear air come out of
the tap. If I was given the opportunity to on the role as a parliamentary representative I would ensure
that every household within the constituency has access to water and proper roads.
Lastly, an improvement in the employment situation in my community. The employment
situation in the constituency is poor, meaning that most of the young adults within the constituency are
unemployed. Not only that, but there are also limited jobs available for the taking. Employment is
important not just for the constituency but for the economy. Jobs help to significantly reduce the crimes
being committed since most crimes are committed for the purpose of gaining money. For Example,
when Covid-19 became prevalent there was a spike in the unemployment rate which also caused a
domino effect on the rate of crime in the constituency. If I was given the opportunity to on the role as a
parliamentary representative I would create more job opportunities which would increase employment
and decrease the rate of crime.

In Conclusion, there are many changes that needs to be made within the constituency of All
Saints East and Saint Luke. These are some of the many changes that I would make in my constituency if
I were elected a parliamentary representative.

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