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Members: Shiela Aparejo, Jec Caquilala, Jen Caquilala, Grace Eulogio, Mae Jumawid, and
Justine Palma

Scenario: Year-end Activities of the School

Principal: Jen
Department Head: Shiela
Teacher 1: Justine
Teacher 2: Grace
Teacher 3: Mae
Teacher 4: Jec

Meeting of principal and department head

Principal: Ms. Shiela, please meet me in my office for a short meeting regarding year-end
Dept. Head: This is noted, Ms. Jen. I will be going there in a while.
Principal: Good afternoon. You know it is already March, and we are moving toward year-end
activities. Kindly delegate to the teachers who will be handling the graduation preparations,
recognition activities, and classbook. Afterward, kindly report to me to let me know who will do
such activities.
Dept. Head: This is noted; I will meet with the teachers to discuss this matter. I will be on top of
everything to oversee the entire preparation.

Meeting with department teachers

Dept. Head: Teachers, let us have a meeting in 15 minutes.
Dept. Head: Ms. Justine, kindly document this meeting so we can use it for our PEAC
Ms. Justine: (frowns) Ms. Shiela, I already did the documentation the last time. (hesitant)
Dept. Head: Kindly do it, so we can proceed with our meeting.
Ms. Justine: Okay, Ms., This is noted.this
Dept. Head: From my meeting with our principal, I was told to start preparations and edits for
our year-end activities. We will be having the recognition ceremony by sending the parents a
video; our graduation is face-to-face; and we should be doing our classbook already. I have
already placed you on different committees that will work on different things for the year-end
activities. Ms. Mae and Ms. Justine, you will be doing the classbook from the template to the
entire classbook. Sir Jec and Ms. Grace, you will be doing the preparations for graduation and
the recognition ceremony video.
Doing their work

Ms. Justine: Ms. Mae, the classbook is a heavy task. It is a tedious job. Imagine doing the
template, having it approved, then collecting the write-ups, individual and group photos, and
department activities. Then think of it as additional work because we still have to finish our
curriculum maps and lesson exemplars for our clearance. I will have a hard time doing it. Can
you do it instead? (irritated)
Ms. Mae: Ms. Justine, I cannot do it alone; I would need your help in doing it because we are all
teachers here. We have almost the same workload.
Ms. Justine: No, you can manage it; I really have a lot on my plate. (rolls eyes)

Sir Jec: Ms. Grace, let’s work hand in hand on the powerpoint for the recognition ceremony and
graduation as well. We have to start early, so we would need to rush everything when it is near.
Ms. Grace: As the adviser of a graduating class, I have to look over the students as they still
come to school for practice. I cannot manage to do it every day. Please do it for me, and I will
just help whenever. (irritated)
Sir Jec: Okay, fine.

Meeting with Dept. Head

Ms. Mae: Ms. Shiela, Ms. Justine is very reluctant to do what has been assigned to us. She
insists that she has a lot on her plate and leaves everything for me to do.
Sir Jec: Likewise with Ms. Grace, she just helps when it is convenient for her and not when I
need her to get any work done.
Dept. Head: We’ll have a meeting regarding this, including our principal.

Meeting of the department with principal

Dept. Head: Good afternoon, teachers. Concerns have been raised to my knowledge, and I
would like to ask each one. What is your reason for behaving that way toward work? Anyone,
please start.
Ms. Justine: I’m sorry, but we’re not getting along, and that’s why I behave that way. I promise to
do my best and try to get along with Ms. Mae next time.
Ms. Grace: I’m sorry, but I can’t manage to do things at the same time. It’s giving me a hard time
to do my responsibility as class adviser and at the same time do paperworks. I think next time,
let’s do or plan this ahead of time.
Dept. Head: Why do we think we are having a hard time managing the things we are expected
to do?
Ms. Mae: I think it is because we sometimes have the mindset that things are easy and we can
do them some other time until we realize that we have a full list of things to do already.
Sir Jec: Maybe because some can be too complacent with the work that they do.
Dept. Head: Why are we too complacent?
Ms. Justine: Some work seems bearable to do and somehow easy to accomplish
Ms. Grace: We sometimes rely on others to do work for us.
Principal: Having listened to everyone’s insights and opinions, I think moving forward we should
always be working as a team. We should help with whatever we can, given that we are all
teachers and we share almost the same workload. It boils down to being able to understand and
lend a hand to others, as well as doing the work we are tasked to do so that others are not
burdened by it. One more thing to remember is that what we can do today, we do today. Is it
clear to everyone?
All: Yes, Ms., I noted on this.

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