Introduction To Critical Care Nephrology and Acute.16

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Critical Care Nephrology

and Acute Kidney Injury

Introduction to Critical Care Nephrology and Acute

Kidney Injury
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Kathleen D. Liu1 and Paul M. Palevsky2

WnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC4/OAVpDDa8K2+Ya6H515kE= on 05/19/2023

CJASN 17: 570–571, 2022. doi:

Over the past several decades, the acuity of hospital- development of new technologies is highly relevant to 1
Divisions of
ized patients has increased, as has the percentage of nephrologists (e.g., nonrenal extracorporeal life sup-
Nephrology and Critical
time that nephrologists spend caring for patients in port). The second portion of the series will focus on Care Medicine,
intensive care units. This includes both the care of multiple aspects of AKI, ranging from epidemiology Departments of
patients with CKD or dialysis-dependent kidney fail- and diagnostic criteria to reviews of diverse etiologies Medicine and
ure who are predisposed to the development of criti- Anesthesia, University
of AKI that are often encountered in the intensive care
of California, San
cal illness in the setting of sepsis, cardiovascular unit including prerenal states, abdominal compartment Francisco, San
disease, and postsurgical management as well as the syndrome, sepsis, contrast administration, nephrotoxic Francisco, California
management of patients with various etiologies of medications, postsurgical patients, cancer, liver disease, Renal-Electrolyte
AKI. This increasing overlap between nephrology and Division, University of
and cardiorenal syndrome. This will be followed by a
Pittsburgh School of
critical care is manifested by an increasing number of review of critical fluid and electrolyte issues and a series Medicine and Kidney
nephrologists who have chosen to obtain dual training of reviews serving as a primer on the management of Medicine Section, VA
in nephrology and critical care medicine, and nephrol- kidney replacement therapy in the intensive care unit. Pittsburgh Healthcare
ogy training programs developing dedicated critical This latter series will cover topics related to timing of System, Pittsburgh,
care nephrology tracks (1). However, even for those Pennsylvania
initiation, selection of modality, and volume manage-
who are not dual trained, it is increasingly important ment as well as reviews of the technical aspects of man- Correspondence:
that nephrologists remain abreast of the continuing agement of intermittent hemodialysis, continuous and Dr. Kathleen D. Liu,
advances in critical care medicine as they relate to the prolonged intermittent kidney replacement therapies, UCSF – Medicine, Box
care of patients with kidney disease, as well as specific and acute peritoneal dialysis. Finally, the series will con- 0532, San Francisco,
aspects of kidney disease that may arise in the inten- CA 94143. Email:
clude with several miscellaneous topics, including med-
sive care unit. ication management in the critically ill patient with AKI
Nearly a quarter of a century ago, the American Soci- and the management of poisonings and intoxications.
ety of Nephrology began holding an annual critical care We hope that you find this series useful in your day-to-
nephrology update, which has consistently been one of day care of patients in the intensive care unit.
the best attended precourses during Kidney Week. With
this issue, CJASN begins a new monthly educational
series focused on critical care nephrology. This series will Disclosures
be written by distinguished authors with expertise span- K.D. Liu reports consultancy agreements with AM
ning nephrology, critical care, and associated specialties. Pharma, Biomerieux, BOA Medical, and Seastar Medical;
It is our goal that this series, which will be published stock in Amgen; serving on the Editorial Boards of American
over the next 2 years, will provide updates on broad Journal of Kidney Diseases, American Journal of Respiratory and
aspects of critical care nephrology that will be clinically Critical Care Medicine, and CJASN; serving as a scientific advi-
relevant to seasoned clinicians as well as serve as a sor or member of the NKF Scientific Advisory Board and
primer on topics that are important to trainees. American Thoracic Society; and other interests or relation-
Starting with the current issue, the series will begin ships with UpToDate.
with six articles that form a primer of critical care medi- P.M. Palevsky reports employment with the United States
cine for the nephrologists including management of Department of Veterans Affairs and VA Pittsburgh Health-
respiratory failure; an update on shock, volume man- care System; consultancy agreements with Janssen Research
agement, and hemodynamic monitoring; a review of & Development, LLC; and serving as President of the
the pathogenesis and management of sepsis; an over- National Kidney Foundation and being a member of the
view of forms of nonrenal extracorporeal life support; National Kidney Foundation Scientific Advisory Board, a
and an overview of general medical management of the member of the Renal Physicians Association Quality, Safety
critically ill patient. The selection of these topics reflects and Accountability Committee, Chair of the Quality Insights
areas where there has been significant growth in Renal Network 4 Medical Review Board, Section Editor,
evidence-based management (e.g., respiratory failure Renal Failure of UpToDate; and a member of the Editorial
and sepsis), along with areas where the rapid Board of Journal of Intensive Care Medicine.

570 Copyright © 2022 by the American Society of Nephrology Vol 17 April, 2022
CJASN 17: 570–571, April, 2022 Critical Care Nephrology and Acute Kidney Injury, Liu and Palevsky 571

Funding Reference
None. 1. Sanghavi SF, Campbell KN: Careers in critical care nephrology:
Opportunities and challenges. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 15: 1198–
1200, 2020
Author Contributions
K.D. Liu and P.M. Palevsky wrote the original draft and reviewed Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at
and edited the manuscript.
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