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Bernadeth B.

Zamora Health Assessment

BSN1 A-7 Session # 4


1. Answer: A
RATIONALE: In infants the spine is rounded and flexible; as the child grows and
develops motor skills, the spine further develops.

2. Answer: A
RATIONALE: Children aged 2 or 3 years or in any child with a neurologic concern is
routinely measured for their head circumference as indicators of growth,
developments, and diagnosis.

3. Answer: B
RATIONALE: Infant is not aware nor wary of how they are feeling and cannot give
subjective data; thus, parent or a guardian is a great source of information.

4. Answer: C
RATIONALE: Interviewing the child and the parent means establishing a rapport, an
engagement, and mutual trust and understanding; thus it is important that the
preschool child and the older child be included in the interview.

5. Answer: B
RATIONALE: The best way to measure the height of an infant patient is by placing
the infant flat, with knees held flat, on an examining table.

6. Answer: D
RATIONALE: Pulse rates vary with age: from 100 to 180 beats per minute for a
neonate to 50 to 95 beats per minute for the 14-to 18-year-old adolescent.

7. Answer: C
RATIONALE: Exemplifying an example to a stuffed animal or doll depicts comfort to
the young pediatric patients allows assurance and superiority, making it an easier

8. Answer: A
RATIONALE: In order to accurately measure the chest, the nurse should take the
measurement at the nipple level with a tape measure.

9. Answer: B
RATIONALE: The abdomen may protrude slightly in infants and small children.

10. Answer: C
RATIONALE: In assessing the infant’s head, the nurse should assess the fontanels
since the fontanels can indicate the hydration status-in which, a sunken one suggest

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