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Performance Task 1

Reconsideration of Face-to-Face Classes

According to Herbert Spencer, the great aim of education is not knowledge, but action.
Education is a very important part of our life and no one can deny the importance of education
in this era. No matter what happens people should continue to learn. Now the question arises:
Face to face education or online education? His topic has been debated for many years. People
are confused when they have to choose a mode of education but I think that face-to-face
education is the best type of education because the effectiveness of online education is still
unclear and people do not prefer online education. There is the majority of things that can only
be learned by face-to-face education because only face-to-face education can make practical
sense. In face-to-face education, the only medium present is the communication between the
sender and the receiver. For thousands of years face to face education was the mode of
education until online education was introduced.

It is true that nowadays online education is commonly offered in educational programs

but technology does not always facilitate the right type or the good quality of information that is
being exchanged or shared. This means that learning potential can be limited. Face-to-face
education is the best type of education. In group learning, it is not easy for the students to
ignore the instructor, and even if they are not listening to the instructor they can learn something
from that group. Interaction is the main element that is present in face to face education and
socialism is also increased. While learning in groups students gain confidence to present their
ideas openly at that time. Answers to the questions of the students are also gained at the time
of group discussion.

There was an empirical study that was carried out in 1999. In this face to face, education
was compared with online education. The name of the study was "Comparative Analysis of
Online vs. Face-to-Face Instruction" this study was presented during a conference on WWW
and the internet. This case study showed that there was a big difference between online
learning and face-to-face learning. According to the authors Scott D. Johnson, Steven R.
Aragon, Najumuddin Shaik, and Nilda Palma-Rivas, "and it was proved that face to face
learning is very effective and through face to face learning, students can learn more quickly and
they never forget what they learn from face to face education.
As the life of people has become very busy, we cannot ignore education from our lives
because education is very important to survive in this era of technology. Making mistakes and
then learning from your mistakes is the way of learning. Without making mistakes and asking
questions one cannot learn. Learning online only gives you an email id of the instructor but this
email id cannot replace the real-time conversation when you are learning in the group. Face-to-
face education allows students to clear up all the misunderstandings that a student has about a
topic in the run time. In face-to-face education, practices are performed which allows students to
learn more quickly and allows instant feedback of the progress. Face-to-face education allows
collaborative learning. Collaboration and face-to-face learning not only speed up the process of
learning and achieving our goals, but the actual process of compromising and
debating issues in a group environment is invaluable training for a real-life career situation. The
best type of education is online learning. (Stevens)

Conferencing and computer networking have practical applications in education now a

day. (Teresa M. Harrison). But we can’t doubt the power of face-to-face education. Learning
to face is always memorable and is remembered whereas in online education there are no
memorable events. For instance, if we think of music we listen to how much of this is in a
concert hall or other live concert or show? The same goes for sport: how much of this do you
see in a stadium rather than in an armchair? It’s perfectly adequate for many of our everyday
learning activities to be online; even if these are not life-changing experiences. One can enjoy
and concentrate more in face to face education. (SHEPHERD)

When a student is learning in an online education there are so many other things that
are attained through face-to-face education; this additional information includes volume, tone,
body language, and motivation and encouragement. When someone is getting a non-verbal
education the connection between instructor and student is completely lost when the internet is
not available. (GRAY, 8 Benefits of Face to Face Classroom Workshops).

Traditional classroom instruction does not typically require that the learner have these
things. While in face-to-face learning there is a classroom where there is a timetable and
calendar set for activities and due to these activities students remain active. The traditional
classroom setting provides a set calendar for class attendance, permitting the nurse to set their
timetable around those dates early in the course. (Anderson)

Learning in groups and face-to-face allows students to have a greater scope of learning.
In group education, students have formal lectures and presentations that allow students to
establish a good relationship with the instructor and it helps them in increasing their confidence
level. Face-to-face education helps in increasing the intelligence level of students. (David
Jaques) Online education is the mode of education that is in demand of this era but due to the
lack of interaction, it is not considered as good as face-to-face education. Online education can
be brought to the level of face-to-face education only if the connection and interaction between
instructor and students are increased and if there are frequent group discussions. There must
be free internet everywhere so that the level of interaction is increased.
On the other hand, online education decreases the opportunities for social and academic
interaction and integration. Online education does not provide sufficient student support. In face-
to-face education students have classmates and school friends and teachers who assist them
and help them with their learning. For teachers, online education can be more difficult and more
time-consuming. It is also very relationally unrewarding and impersonal but when a teacher is in
his class face to face education is more interactive and the teacher himself enjoys that
environment. In the learning process nonverbal modes of communication, relationship building,
and interaction may seem very small things but these things are very effective. Many
researches tell us that the degree of online education is not as valuable as face-to-face
education. Studies show employers overwhelmingly prefer candidates with traditional degrees
over online degrees. If this is the case, students who earn their degrees online are at a
disadvantage when seeking employment. (Geary)

In May 2012 the company reported multiple concerns about distance learning in an
article titled "Barriers to Adoption of Online Learning Systems in U.S. Higher Education." Among
those concerns was student integrity.

"Cheating remains a problem in both online and traditional courses," said Ithaka S+R. "Faculty
have developed strategies for addressing cheating in traditional settings, but are still developing
protocols to address this problem in online environments. A common problem is simply verifying
that the person at the keyboard is the actual student registered for an online course." (Barth)

In the end, I would like to say that there are pros and cons in both types of education but
face-to-face education is a more reliable and superior mode of education. In face-to-face
education, students take advantage of social interaction among other people who are from
different backgrounds and have different cultures. The best type of education with good quality
is face-to-face education and learning in groups. This is the traditional type of education that has
a practical sense. Other types of education cannot match the quality of online education. There
are so many advantages of face-to-face education that are discussed and these advantages
cannot be matter how fast this era is people have to spend their time getting an
education in groups. Online education and the degrees of online education have no value.
Performance Task 2

Instant Gratification: A Critique Essay on the Story Entitled “ "A Grain as Big as a Hen's

The short story "A Grain as Big as a Hen's Egg" emphasizes the essential notion of self-
sufficiency and individuals adhering to a system resembling a very unsophisticated type of
socialism. It is more of an analogy or a parable than a story. This type of socialism was evident
in our early past when humans had transitioned from nomadic hunters to grain sowers. The
narrative begins with a photograph of children discovering a strange object in a ravine and
selling it for a penny to a passerby, who then sold it to a curiosity shop. The object ultimately
found its way to the king, who was quite curious about what it was. He called his wise men, who
discovered that the thing, about the size of a hen's egg, was truly a massive grain. The king was
concerned about the origins of such a massive grain, so he had his men bring him an older
farmer who might know something about it.

It is narrated from an impartial perspective, viewing each event that led to the man's
experience without participating in it or commenting on its presence, therefore remaining
nameless to the reader. By turning an ancient folktale into a parable, the author used his
powerful ideas and quality language to convey his message to his audience. Although most of
the author's language in this tale can be taken literally, much of it is connotative because many
of the characters suggested meanings, and the goods are figurative. For example, the title may
be taken simply as an egg and grain comparison, but its origin reveals, That it has a deeper
meaning, which the author intended.

Symbols are an important part of literature, an author puts them together like a piece of
a jigsaw puzzle, when connected it solves the hidden meaning in the context. An example of the
symbol in the story is the old man crutches, it represent aid or support that is given freely
instead of working hard for it

To gai ko 20 minutes na matapos ni >_<

Critique man o dba? Sakto nana

Tapos na. Send koo simo ang pdf
I tan awa lang to kung sakto naaa
Sure ka na di mo pag reviehunn? >_<
Bahala ka da ah, bastaa di ko sure kung way t pasobra imo ngalan ahehehehe
Performance Task 3
Performance Task 4

Omicron Variant, What is it?

Researchers in Southern Africa and globally are working feverishly to discover more
about a recently found COVID-19 virus strain. The World Health Organization (WHO) identified
variation B.1.1.529 and labeled it as 'Omicron' on November 26th.

Omicron has a genomic profile that is distinct from other circulating variations, indicating
that it is a new viral lineage. It differs from other variants in another significant way: the number
of mutations is higher. Researchers were concerned that the modifications in Omicron's spike
protein, the portion of the virus that attaches to human cells and allows it to enter, would make
the virus more transmissible, even among people who had a natural or vaccine-induced immune
response — and they were correct. Antibodies neutralize the virus by recognizing spike
proteins, however structural alterations can prevent antibodies from binding as they normally do
to neutralize the target.

According to a preliminary study by researchers from Nference, a Cambridge, Mass.-

based organization that analyzes biological data, the omicron variant likely received genetic
material from a virus that causes the common cold in humans. Venky Soundararajan, a co-
author of the study as well as a biological engineer, said that once the virus evolves to become
more transmissible, it "ends up losing" features that produce severe symptoms — but he added
that additional research is required.

According to investigations, omicron has produced less serious condition than prior
versions in many situations, and may even be more prone to cause silent infections. However,
because it is so widespread, some doctors believe that the enormous number of infections
might still result in a significant number of severe cases. Despite the fact that omicron appears
to be more proficient at avoiding antibodies, research suggests that the vaccinations, especially
after a booster dose, always provide protection, particularly against severe sickness.

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