NTP, Contract, Noa

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Republic ofthe Philippines METROPOLITAN TUGUEGARAO WATER DISTRICT Main Avenue, San Gabriel, Tuguegarao City Tel. No. (078) 844-1886; 844-7300; Telefax (078) 44.9136 Wiebe: wars mtd gov. ph April 25, 2023, ‘San Jacinto Construction Services and General Merchandising. 52 Pallua Norte ‘Tuguegarao City ATTENTION: MR. MARLOZ, LIBAN Owner Subject NOTICE TO PROCEED Project: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MATERIALS, LABOR AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF GENERATOR HOUSE AT PARABBA BOOSTER AND PUMPING STATION WITH PROJECT IDENTIFICATION NO. MTWD-PB 23-01-002 You are hereby directed and NOTIFIED TO PROCEED with all works as stipulated and specified in the Contract ‘Agreement for the project, “SUPPLY-AND. DELIVERY. OF MATERIALS, LABOR AND. EQUIPMENT. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF GENERATORHOUSE AT PARABBA BOOSTER AND PUMPING STATION” with Project Identification No. MTWD-PB23-01-002 as per BAC Resolution No. PB-2023-03-009 dated March 22, 2023 at a Contract Price equivalent to One Million One Hundred Ninety Thousand Sixty-Eight Pesos and 83/100 Signatire over Printed Name of Representative San Jacinto Construction Services and General Merchandi pate: _ 04|z9]2 wh AMBISY@N Republic of the Philippines AICS METROPOLITAN TUGUEGARAO WATER DISTRICT i Main Avenue, San Gabriel, Tuguegarao City Tel. No. (078) 844-1586; 844-7300; Telefax: (078) 644-0136 Website: wrw.mtad.gov.90 CONTRACT AGREEMENT SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MATERIALS, LABOR AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF GENERATOR HOUSE AT PARABBA BOOSTER AND PUMPING STATION METROPOLITAN TUGUEGARAO WATER DISTRICT (MTWD), Government Owned and Controlled Corporation (GOCC) duly organized and existing under and by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 198, as amended, with § 3 principal address at Main Avenue, San Gabriel, Tuguegarao City, and herein represented by its General Manager, ENGR. MILLER C. TANGUILAN, CESE, duly authorized for the purpose of this Agreement, hereinafter referred to as “PROCURING ENTITY, and MR. MARLO ZINAMPAN LIBAN doing business under the name SAN JACINTO CONSTRUCTION SERVICES AND GENERAL MERCHANDISING, 2 sup, diy omanied nd aig | existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with business address at 52 Pallua Norte, > ‘Tuguegarao City, represented by its Owner, MR. MARLO Z, LIBAN, hereinafter called the “CONTRACTOR”: WHEREAS he Eni dsrous hat the Coneactor ecete SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MATERIALS, LABOR AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION. OF GENERATOR HOUSE AT PARABSA SOostEi AND FUMPING STATION heriae aed he "WORKS an he Ent ha scape the Oi fo One Million One Hundred Ninety Thousand Sixty-Eight Pesos and 83/100 (P1,190,068.83) by the Contractor for the execution and completion of such Works and the remedying of any defects therein. ‘NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1, In this Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to. 2. The following documents as required by the 2016 revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. ¢. Performance Securit | 9184 shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part ofthis Agreement, viz. | i. Drawings/Plans; c Bill of Quantities; iv. General and Special Conditions of Contract; 8 ¥. Supplemental or Bid Bulletins, if any; | . Winning bidder's id inlding the Eli equements, Tecnica! and Financial Proposals, and all ll other documents or statements submitted; Ee ‘Bid form, including all the documents/statements contained in the Bidder’s bidding envelopes, as annexes, and 3 |\\ all other documents submitted (e.g., Bidder's response to request for clarifications on the bid), including 3 | orection tothe bid if any, resulting fom the Procuring Entity bid evaluation; 8 q 4. Notice of Award of Contract and the Bidder’s conforme thereto; and €. Other contract documents that may be required by existing laws and/or the Procuring Entity concerned in the PBDs. Winning bidder agroes that additional contract documents or information prescribed by the § GPPB that are subsequently required for submission after the contract execution, such as the Notice to Proceed, Variation Orders, and Warranty Security, shall likewise form part of the Contract. ; 3. In consideration for the sum of One Million One Hundred Ninety Thousand Sixty-Eight Pesos and 83/100 (P1,190,068.83) or such other sums as may be ascertained, SAN JACINTO CONSTRUCTION SERVICES AND GENERAL MERCHANDISING agrees to SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MATERIALS, LABOR AND | a ‘ ieee Re AMBISY@N ww mane io nen yy 4, The Metropolitan Tuguegarao Water District agrees to pay the above-mentioned sum in accordance with the terms of the Bidding, IN WITNESS ‘OF, the partis thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with the laws of the Réfublic of the Philippines on _ __at i Tuguewarao ‘Water District, WtaigyAwghue, San Gabriel, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.» ia or By: ENGR. MILLER. TANGUILAN, CESE It MARLO ik General Manal tpt for: Metropolitan Tuguegarao Water District San Jacinto Construction Services and General Merchandising Procuring Entity Contractor Signed in the presence of ENGR. TANGUILAN bret sb ALBERT G. BABARAN wale R. RIOS, CPA Vice Chairperson, MTWD BOD Member, MTWD BOD LORNA L. DIMALANTA MIGUEL F, PA M¢mber, MTWD BOD Member, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Republic of the Philippines ) Province of Cagayan ) ss. City of Tuguegarao ) BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, for and in the above jurisdiction, personally appeared the following: ‘Name Government Issued ID Place Issued | ENGR MILLER. TANGUILAN, CESE _TIN123-802-144 I r | MR. MARLO Z. LIBAN TW RH 09-40y gi to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same is their own free will and voluntary act and deed. ‘This instrument consists of two (2) pages including this page wherein this acknowledgement is written and is signed by the parties and their instrumental witnesses on each and every page hereof, WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on_ APR 4 2028 Doe. No. 3H Book No. Page Series 1053. i jueghrao City, Philippines. PL ANDREW L a Bo" rubli ihe. a Roll No, 47274 2023-008 Republic of the Philippines METROPOLITAN TUGUEGARAO WATER DISTRICT Main Avenue, San Gabriel, Tuguegarao City Tel. No. (078) 644-1588; 844-7308; Telefax: (078) 844-0126 Wibste: wara mind gov.ph Sun ESeeEEneeeeeeeeeentee eee March 32, 2023, ‘MR, MARLO Z. LIBAN ‘Owner ‘San Jacinto Construction Services and General Merchandising 52 Pallua Norte Tuguegarae City NOTICE OF AWARD SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MATERIALS, LABOR AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF GENERATOR HOUSE AT PARABBA BOOSTER AND PUMPING STATION. WITH PROJECT IDENTIFICATION NO.: MTWD-PB 23-01-02 Dear Sir: We are pleased to notify you that the contract for the above Project is hereby awarded to your company as Second (2%) Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid at 2 contract price of One Million One Hundred Ninety Thousand Sixty-Eight Pesos ‘and 83/100 (P 1,190,068.83) as approved under BAC Resolution No. PB-2023-03-009 dated March 22, 2023, In view of this, you are hereby required to submit within ten (10) calendar days from receipt hereof one of any of the acceptable forms of Performance Security listed below, to wit: Form of Performance Security (a) Cash or Cashier's/manager’s check issued by a Universal or Commercial Bank. - | | | TB Bank drafveuranioe or TeVoaUTe er Ge | Ta porn 0%) o ised by 2 Univeral or Commerc! Banks Prog cree ited by " | | “Amount of Performance Security however, that it shall be confirmed or auther 2 Universal or Commercial Bank, if iss |__ bank, {e) Surety bond callable upon dempafa issued by a surety or Insurance company duly <értified by the Insurance Commission as authorizgdto issue such security by a foretgn Thirty percent (30%) or The Surety Bond mst be accomponied with o “project ere specific” Certififation issued by the Insurance Commission. The Performance Sécyfity should be valid until issuance by the District ofthe Certificate of Project Completion. Furthermore, pifagh be reminded that fallure or refusal on your part to execute such award or to comply the Performance Sefuffty shall constitute sufficient ground for cancellation of this awaré, forfeiture of your Bid Security and disqualification of your company from participating in all procurement activities of the Metropolitan Tuguegarao Water Printed Name of Ahora Representative ‘San Jacinto Construction Services and General Merchandising why AMBISY@N Narin20d0~——

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