1demopllesson Plan HaroldRemolanoPPL

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Candidate Name: Subject: Science Grade Level/Age of Students:

Harold M. Remolano Content: Characteristics/Features of 4th Grade- 9-10 years old
the Planets in the Solar System
I. Learning Objectives
Students will
A. enumerate the different characteristics / features of the planets in the Solar System;
B. relate planets’ size, appearance, order, and composition;
C. construct a model of our solar system with corresponding facts that describe the relative size, order,
appearance, and composition of all the planets in the Solar System.

II. Subject Matter

Characteristics / Features of the Planets in the Solar System
Chromebooks, iPads, computers (a way for the student to access google classroom). • Styrofoam balls
(Small, Large, and Extra large) • Paint • String • Empty boxes • Poster board • Markers • Glue • Tape •
pencils, glue gun
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= Syx3oma-od4

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary/Opening: Let’s Sing and Dance
•Video presentation (action song): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=octRYMsiLX0
• Powerpoint presentation of the Eight Planets of the Solar System.
-Students will note the details describing the size, appearance order, and composition of each planet
in our solar system based on the powerpoint presentation.
B. Guided Activity/Practice: (Group Activity) Research Time
Step 1. Study the PowerPoint presentation noting the different characteristics/features of the planets in our
Solar System.
Step 2. Do mixed/heterogeneous group activities (high, average and low students)
Step 3. Assign each group one or two planets depending on the class size.
Note: Groups will be given templates to be accomplished during the Research Time.
C. Groups will present their output through reporting, songs, raps, or a combination of any creative presentation.
Note: Base your presentation on the accomplished template given to your group.)
Rubrics for Group Activity:

IV. Assessment
(Formative Assessment)
I. Multiple Choice
Here are the features and characteristics of planets in the solar system, focusing on size, color, and
composition. Write the letter of the correct answer.
Note: Each question has four options (A, B, C, and D), and the correct answer is marked with an asterisk
1. Which planet in the solar system is the largest in terms of size?
A) Venus B) Jupiter C) Mars D) Uranus*
2. Which planet in the solar system is known for its distinct red color?
A) Mercury B) Mars* C) Saturn D) Neptune
3. Which planet in the solar system is primarily composed of rock and metal?
A) Saturn B) Uranus C) Earth D) Jupiter
4. Which planet in the solar system is predominantly made up of gas?
A) Venus B) Saturn* C) Mars D) Mercury
5. Which planet in the solar system has a bluish appearance due to its predominantly icy composition?
A) Neptune* B) Jupiter C) Earth D) Venus
Please note that these answers are based on current scientific knowledge up until September 2021, and any new
discoveries or reclassifications in the future may change these answers.
II. True or False
Read the following statements about the planets. Write True if the statement is true, else write False.
_____1. Venus is the largest planet in the solar system.
Answer: False. Venus is not the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter holds the title of being the largest
_____2. Mars is known as the "Red Planet" due to its reddish color.
Answer: True. Mars is often referred to as the "Red Planet" because of its reddish appearance, caused by iron
oxide (rust) on its surface.
_____3. Uranus is composed mostly of gas.
Answer: True. Uranus is classified as a gas giant and is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with small
amounts of methane.
_____4. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system.
Answer: True. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, even smaller than some moons such as
Ganymede and Titan.
_____5. Saturn's rings are made up of solid material.
Answer: False. Saturn's rings are not composed of solid material. They are primarily made up of countless
particles of ice, dust, and rock.

(Summative Practical Assessment)

1. Position/Place the planets in their proper orbits (placement/order).
2. As you position the planets, give at least 2 features / characteristics that you can recall from our previous

V. Assignment
1. Study and get familiar with the different characteristics / features of the Sun. Prepare to present your
information about the Sun next meeting.

(Insert the Let’s Check here)

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