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A: Hey, Elvins. What are you doing?

B: Hi, José. I’m studying for my final exam.

A: OK. What career do you study?
B: My career is Journalism.
A: That’s interesting.
B: Yeah, First, I want to finish my career. I study journalism and I already have two years of experience
working, so I will be the best journalist in Peru. This career is stressful because the teachers are very
demanding, so I don’t have time to relax. Sometimes, I’m low on energy and tired, so I take vitamins.
A: That's an interesting plan.
B: Thanks!
A: What plans do you have next?
B: Second, I want to work in a television channel as a reporter. Also, I consider myself a talented
reporter because I have experience.
A: Are you ever afraid?
B: One day, there was a fire in the city. I had to go to the fire to report. I was afraid and nervous. It
was risky going to the fire, but I took to chance and try it.
A: What a frightening experience!
B: Yes, it was, but I got to my house safely. And I learned a lot about reporting. What about you?
A: I plan to travel to the United States in the future because I plan to work in my profession there, I
would also like to help my mother grow the family business because it would also help with her
expenses and those of my family, but in the On the other hand, I would like to open my own company
where they can manage it and over time be a recognized company with all the companies in Peru.
B: Wow, it's interesting, and what are you studying?
A: I am studying international business administration.
B: and what is it about?
A: It deals with the management of a company and keeping a percentage calculation according to the
investments made each year.
B: wow that looks interesting
A: it is
B: and what family business do you have?
A: My mom has been running a clothing store for a few years, but she wants to have more stores and
that's why I wanted to help her.
B: that will give you more profit, thank you very much for the information
A: you're welcome

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