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Model 400 Se ries

To Cha rge Rifle wil h CO 2 :

Mok. ""n ' '' .ro 18 "" PeIlM in B><r el.
' " h haoot R 1"". 1 Cas.

Fl ro Rm.



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kny r l.d To""
(If 0_ 1<
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Olio.. o r o 'he , '00" as
'h. JW"l .. on_

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de , O"" OTO ).
Hol<! MY"' e ~n<1 Oo" n . nd ".. d Powe rle'" wlll d"",

00' .
1 , fn" ",,' P owerl., into T_ ,1>O<x . n<1 Oown . In
u, .eo""" Powo,l", Into Tob<, ..ok e n~ op. 5<;...,..
Tobe C.P f'I,m ly ' " ' 0 p l.oo by h""d.


3. Cock R'fJ o by pullinl <OX , U'l boll "" to ...,or . Pu ll

T " U<, ' "
l'<Iwe' !o?l. >n<l to ,ole"". _
Cha","",. Rm . .. no.., "" "'pros. I"".

To l o a d Mogo z;n",
I . Ro move f, o m Rme,
2. Pull P oll Pusher 10 .... and loxk In oflset s 10l to

'h. ,'Pt.

3 . In' ett S....r Pel~, In Tollo. """. up , P1>.o. r o'.'._

Ing 0 o..,r end " f Tn llo, when .....'1 ... I. "'" fo r
Immo"!." ,.. .

To lood Maga zine 10 Rill e'

I, C lo.e'nd 1.<><t Be<oc h BoI' to RIght .


2. Remove ~ ..nlng C.p fNl'"

..,d I""e .-\
M. .. ,I"" wl'h. lot s ide 0 01, 100Q l.ft >Ide Qf B,_h
Bloxx . Be ,n,. e.l.,",", M... "no Ball has c11<k_

. d I"' . 0""'''' . r'vlded "n

M_ <l"".

3. R.I. .... P oll Pu s her In Map_In. by m.vtng 11

P ns h. , PI n t. l"ft .

In struction s
D isasse m b ly :


bl. lro.. $lock: II . _ ~ FT_

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I"," 9Iook.


Assemb ly :
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IdI to ' O F F' pooom..... P IaN lUIIo Aao....l' .....1'
IMa ..... >tMl .-.pIaoo 000d . _. . ..... T "JpI" e-...J.

Care a l Ri ll<"

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Warranty :
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C'''''OI"" So,....
l><n II.,.. $. . .. 10
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