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Common Spelling Mistakes: 1.

I am writing to you because I'd like to attend the computer course at your

● In this sentence, the word "you" is spelled correctly. However, it's essential to pay attention to the
spelling of other words, such as "writing," "computer," and "college."
2. I'm studying biology, and I saw the advertisement at the university.
● In this sentence, the word "biology" is spelled correctly. However, make sure to check the spelling of
"advertisement" and "university."
3. I think this is beneficial for our society.
● Here, the word "beneficial" is spelled correctly. Verify the spellings of "think" and "society."
4. Is that course available part-time?
● The word "available" is spelled correctly here. Double-check the spelling of "course" and "part-time."
5. Finally, the library needs additional workers to help out on the weekend.
● The word "additional" is spelled correctly. Ensure the correct spelling of "library," "workers," and
6. She holds a degree in business and marketing.
● The words "degree," "business," and "marketing" are spelled correctly. Check the spelling of "holds"
and "she."
7. This restaurant is located in the city center and is, therefore, accessible from any point in the city.
● The words "restaurant," "located," "city," and "center" are spelled correctly. Verify the spelling of
"therefore" and "accessible."
8. I'm planning to change my job soon, and it's necessary for me to improve my computer skills.
● "Planning," "change," "job," "soon," "necessary," "improve," and "computer" are spelled correctly.
Check the spelling of "me."
9. Yours sincerely.
● The phrase "Yours sincerely" is commonly used as a complimentary closing in formal letters. Ensure
the correct spelling of "sincerely."

Common Punctuation Mistakes:

1. I was on my way to the office when I noticed your advertisement on a billboard.

● The sentence is punctuated correctly. No changes needed.
2. However, there is one particular thing that I see as a fault.
● The sentence is punctuated correctly. No changes needed.
3. Yours sincerely,
● In this case, a comma should be used instead of a period. It should be "Yours sincerely," to indicate
the end of the letter's body.
4. However, I would like to ask you about the party.
● The sentence is punctuated correctly. No changes needed.
5. Please don't take a taxi; just wait for me.
● The sentence is punctuated correctly. No changes needed.
6. I am available every Monday and Tuesday and every alternate weekend.
● The sentence is punctuated correctly. No changes needed.
7. Dear Sir:
● In formal letter writing, a colon is commonly used after the salutation. So it should be "Dear Sir:"

Writing Task 2 - Getting Ready to Write:

Understanding the Task: To understand the task effectively, it's crucial to analyze the given options and
match them with the corresponding questions. Let's review the options:

A - the extent to which or the amount B - a positive change C - a factor or requirement D - to examine
different perspectives E - to assess or form an opinion F - to provide a brief overview G - a method of
achieving something H - relevant to the topic

Now, let's match the statements to the questions:

1. How much or how far?
● Option A: the extent to which or the amount
2. A change for the better?
● Option B: a positive change
3. An element or condition?
● Option C: a factor or requirement
4. To consider the different sides?
● Option D: to examine different perspectives
5. To view or judge?
● Option E: to assess or form an opinion

Planning and Organizing Your Ideas: 2.1 Deciding on Your Own Position: In this section, you need to decide
whether you agree or disagree with the given statements. Let's review the statements and determine your

1. I agree.
2. I agree.
3. I disagree.
4. I agree.
5. I disagree.
6. I disagree.

2.2 My Own Opinions and Experience: In this section, you're encouraged to express your own opinions and
experiences related to the topic. Take a moment to think about your stance and any relevant experiences
you can draw upon.

Organizing Your Ideas Into Paragraphs: To effectively organize your ideas, you need to consider the
structure and content of each paragraph. Let's outline some ideas for the internet helping us stay connected
and the internet isolating us:

Ideas for the internet helping us stay connected:

● Instant communication (emails/text messages) makes it difficult to escape from work.

● The internet makes it easier to do homework.
● Through the internet, we can share memories with people who are far away.

Ideas for the internet isolating us:

● The internet encourages people to stay at home and not go out to see their friends.
● Virtual friends made on the internet cannot replace our actual friends and family.

Checking for Enough Ideas: In this step, it's essential to evaluate whether you have included enough ideas
to support both sides of the argument. Since you mentioned needing more ideas for the internet isolating
us, let's brainstorm additional points:

● The internet creates a sense of detachment and reduces face-to-face interaction.

● Excessive internet use can lead to social isolation and mental health issues.
● People may rely on virtual relationships, neglecting real-life connections.

Writing an Introduction: An effective introduction provides context and presents the main topic. Let's
construct an introduction based on the given statements:

"The internet allows us to stay connected with each other no matter where we are. On the other hand, it also
isolates us and encourages people not to socialize. To what extent do you agree or disagree with these
statements? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience." Check the Final Sentence for the Introduction: The final sentence of the introduction should
set the stage for the upcoming paragraphs. Let's consider a revised final sentence: "Let us explore the
arguments for and against the impact of the internet on human connectivity."

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