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Education is indispensable, it’s an absolute human right that should be given to all human

beings in every country, here lies the need for education to prepare us for the changes of a

changing society and itself generate a nexus of the social change and political reform amidst

varying advancement in arts, commerce, economic science and technology (Oyekan, 2015).

Most countries of the world acknowledged the relevance of education in developing word and

regard it as dynamic instrument of change stability (Marcus, Michael & Zakka, 2014). Identified

the major factors responsible for good quality of education in our present system as;

 Quality of student

 Quality and relevance of staff and

 Availability and quality of equipment’s

Education and training are recognized as the wealth creation. Schools should always

provide solid training in basic skill with education arrangements that are warm democratic and

command (Zakka, 2015). This requires a supportive teacher education programmer that can

render such specialized training to the prospective teacher.

Economics is said to be a study of prudent use of merger resources in the society. The

aim of economic activity is the production of goods and services for the satisfaction of human

wants, but broad aim of economic policy may be regarded as ensuring that as many as possible

of those wants are satisfied.

In Nigeria, economics as a subject was introduced into it curriculum in the year 1967, only

ten candidates registered for the subject in secondary school final year examination. Presently

Nigeria has a high percentage of candidates who register and sit for economic yearly for both

West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WAEC) and National Examination

Council (NECO). Because of its relevance to all sphere of profession Odunsanya (2017) states

the aims and objectives of economic of the secondary level as follows;

i. Knowledge of the structure and functioning of economic institution, commercial,

industrial and financial

ii. Understanding of basic economic principles, concepts and tools for economic analysis.

iii. To prepare students for higher education in the field of economic

iv. How to manage the available resources

v. Ability to follow the role and status of west African countries encounter in their

economic development.

In achieving these aims and objectives the use of information and communication

technology (computer) as a teaching aid in teaching and learning of economics in senior

secondary schools cannot be over looked. Computer means different things to many people,

some view information and communication as techniques required for information and

communication as techniques required for information processing that involves the use of

electronic computers and computer software to create, store, protect, process, transport, select,

change, receive and display many kind of information. Basically, computer is classified into

three groups namely:

 Those that process information e.g computer

 Those that disseminate information e.g communication

 Those for presentation of information e.g multimedia


Information and communication technology (ICT) influence and affects every one’s

private and cooperate work like information technology is an advantage in every career,

especially as a teacher. Computer revolution seem to have created a new body of knowledge that

have affected all making. The needs for professional’s growth of teachers noted by Akinseinde

(1990) is a result of the challenges and concern caused by knowledge explosion in reaction to

profession obsolesce in almost every field of human endeavors. As a teacher one needs to

improve learning instruction as well as to communicate effectively. The more effective a teacher

is at work life and resourceful management of content, the better and less cumbersome he or her

task becomes (Mohammed, 2013).

Stipulate the benefits of information technology to economics, as an important aid to

learning and teaching a wide topic in economics, ranging from statistics, measures of tendency,

national income e.t.c. The use of computer assists the teacher in keeping students record,

computer examination results, preparation of lesson notes and making statutory records to kept

and handle easily. Basically, the teachers, makes the art of teaching economic more creative and

dynamic, making learning more concrete real immediate and retentive. Subsequently it makes

the dual process of teaching and learning of economics more pleasurable without reducing from

its level of officially and effectiveness.

“Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) refers to instruction or remediation presented on a

computer and software application to teach concept or skills. And it also refers to a systematic

approach to developing students’ knowledge or skills.



Things are changing globally, and there are different and modern ways of doing things, if

the essence of educational policy is aimed at producing man-power which can cope with the

ever-changing modern world, and be part of the global village “The chalk and talk method,

hardly bringing participatory/interactive methods must give a way to the use of innovative and

technological driven, which the computer proffers.

The overwhelming and glaring features are the abnormal and unending deterioration of

the quality of education at all level – over the years the WAEC AND NECO result have

constantly elicited this groin reality which seriously necessitates urgent attention. Thus It is

therefore base on the above statement that the researcher seeks to examine the influence of

computer assisted instruction in teaching and Learning of Economics in secondary school of

Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State.


The aim and objectives of this research is to:

1. To determine how computer assisted instruction influence the teaching and learning of

economics in secondary schools of Mangu L.G.A.

2. To find out whether computer assisted instruction improve the teaching and learning of

economics in secondary schools.

3. To determine whether computer assisted instruction influences students’ academic

performance in teaching and learning of economics.

4. To ascertain the challenges of using computer assisted instruction in teaching and

learning of economics.


The following research questions are formulated by the researcher as a guide to the study.

1. To what extent does computer assisted instruction improve the teaching and learning of

economics in secondary schools of Mangu L.G.A?

2. To what extent does computer assisted instruction improve the teaching and learning of

economics in secondary schools?

3. To what extent does computer assisted instruction influence the academic performance of

economics students?

4. What are the challenges of using computer assisted instruction in teaching and learning of



The following null hypotheses were proposed to guide the study and will be tested at α =

0.05 level of significance.

1. There is no significant difference between computer assisted instruction and learning of

economics in secondary schools of Mangu L.G.A.

2. There is no significant difference between the challenges of using computer assisted

instruction and teaching of economics.


Theories of computer in education is of various pedagogical perspective may be

considered in designing and interacting with educational technology E. learning theory examines

these approaches. These theoretical perspectives are grouped into three main theoretical school

of philosophical frameworks behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism.


Behaviorism, the theoretical framework was developed in the early 20 th century base on animal

learning experiments. By Ivan Pavlov, Edward Thorndike. Edward C. Tolman, Clark. L. Hull

and B.F Skinner. Many psychologists used those results to develop theories of human learning,

but modern educators generally see behaviorism as one aspect of holistic synthesis teaching in

behaviorism has been linked to training, emphasizing the animal learning experiments. Since

behaviorism consist of the view of teaching people how to do something with reward and

punishment, it is related to training people. B.F Skinner wrote extensively on improvements of

teaching based on his functional analysis of verbal behavior and the technology of teaching and

attempt to dispel the myths underlying contemporary education as well as promote his system he

called programmed instruction.


The research work is being carried out to find out the influence of computer assisted

instructions in teaching and learning of Economic in Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau

State. The research work will be of benefit to students’, teachers, government, parents,

administration/Ministry of Education and the general public.

The research will benefit students of Economics Education by exposing them to have a

better and wider understanding on the use of computer assisted instruction in teaching and


The research work will be of great benefit to teachers as it will give them a blue print and

sense of direction for effective teaching of basic knowledge in the classroom and help them to

have basic knowledge on the use of computer assisted instructions in teaching and learning of

Economics. It will also help the teacher to carry everybody along whether male or female by

encouraging them and helping to bring out the best in them. Secondly, it will sensitize teachers

on the need to be computer literate for personal and professional competence in this era of


To the Parents, they will be able to understand the importance of using computer assisted

instruction in the teaching and learning process as it will help boast the academic performance of

their children.

The research will benefit administration/ministry of education on how to formulate policy

that will ensure that both boys and girls are given equal right in the classroom.

The research will benefit the general public as they will find it necessary to initiate

strategies that will ensure that both male and female students are being given equal and fair

treatment whenever they are been taught using computer assisted instruction.


This study has been delimited to the influence of computer assisted instruction in

teaching and learning of economics in secondary school of Mangu Local Government Area of

Plateau State. Four (4) senior secondary schools will be use for the study, 96 students and 4

economic teachers will randomly be selected and use for the study.

There was some constraint encountered in the course of this work which hindered flow of

information on this research.

i. Lack of comprehensive data: The availability of necessary data cannot be assured in a

developing country like Nigeria where bureaucratic inertia is the order of the day.

ii. Financial constraint: Hence, it is pertinent that nothing moves without money insufficient

fund to carry out this research work like transportation in research of materials was


iii. Time Factor: This research is something that has a limited time for its completion,

sufficient time available would have enchased a proper and thorough research.


ECONOMICS: Refers to social science concerned with the proper use and allocation of scarce

resources of the achievement end in maintenance of growth stability.

EDUCATION: Refers to all the experience in which learners can learn something education

covers both the teaching and learning of knowledge and values.

TEACHING: Refers to the knowledge or to instruct someone on how to do something

especially in school or part of a recognized programmed.

LEARNING: Refers to the process of acquiring knowledge of or something through study or

experience or by being taught.

INSTRUCTION: Refers to the teaching method and learning activities that a teacher uses to

deliver the curriculum in the classroom.

COMPUTER: Refers to an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary

form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

INFLUENCE: The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of

someone or something, or the effect itself.

DISCIPLINE: Refers to a branch of knowledge especially one studied in higher education

DEVELOMENT: Refers to specific state of advancement

GROWTH: Something that has grown or is growing it could still be becoming longer or greater

over time, increase

STAKE HOLDER: Refers to persons with an interest or concern in something.


SCHOOL: Refers to a formal institution for learning different skills, knowledge, attitude and


TEACHING AID/INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Refers to anything material and

equipment that can help the teacher to communicate effective in the class in form of teaching aid

STUDENT: Refers to learners in a given institution school who had been formally given

admission into the institution.




Teaching is a skill, and like any other skill, it can be acquired and refined with the help of

methods and techniques peculiar to it. The teacher is concern with the development of the whole

child intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and in some degree physically. Therefore,

according to Kochhar (2006), the modern teaching process stresses three fundamentals including;

emphasizing the learner, guiding the learner, and promoting the learner’s development. These are

discussed briefly below:

 Emphasizing learner: since learning is expected to involve the total welfare of the

students, the teacher must make a greater effort that the subject matter is appreciative to

the capacity of his students, since the subject matter and mastering of the basic skills are

important. The teacher must not just be interested in facts per-se, but in their use as tools

that contribute to the student’s development. Therefore, the emphasis of the teacher is,

and should be on the learner as the starting point for planning learning experiences.

 Guiding the learner: the learner is of primary importance; guiding his learning

experience as the second principle of the teaching process ranks next. The student begins

to learn when he/she become purposefully involved in the learning situation. He needs

lecture and demonstrations, but he will become skilled only when he/she begins to

participate. The teacher must guide, but at the same time remember that learning is a

function of the learner and is based on experience towards the attainment of a widening

field of learning.

 Promoting learner’s development: the learner has his own distinct potential and

limitation. The final extent of realization of his possibilities depends on the richness of

the student’s environment, his interaction with it, his later contact with it, and ultimate

use of the aware he develops in himself of it, and through it. Growth, as the educator is

particularly concern with it, is largely a process of maturing through experiences. The

variety and scope of a student’s achievement depends on both the quality and the kind of

his experience.


Many theories have been proposed to explain the nature and process of learning. It is

obvious that whatever theory is adopted to explain learning as a concept, the consensus stand

point is that learning takes place easier, faster and more lastingly under some conditions that

others. Though the process becomes an enigma, certain empirical principles of learning have

emerged that serves as a guideline for the teacher from which he can acquire understanding for

effective teaching.

Learning is simply defined as a change in the behavior of an individual through some

form experience. It involves some form of acquisition of knowledge. Habits, skills, attitudes and

pattern of behavior. Daughtrey (2004) identifies two major characteristics inherent in human

learning which involves the active and continuous nature of behavioral changes. According to

him “learning is an active process on the part of the learner”. For instance, the infant must

actually crawl to learn to crawl; he must walk to learn to walk. Later in life, the individual own

mind. Must direct the action in the learning process. Knowledge is not simply bestowed upon the

learner by another; it must take place within the learner.

Secondly, learning is seen as been continuous. The truism that “education is a continuous

process from birth to death” has lent credence to this assertion. The does not however refer to the

education is a school setting only, as a great deal must have been learned by a person before he

ever entered school. He also learns in out-of-school situation during his school years; and he

continuous to learn throughout his life’s course. In order to play his part in the students learning

process, the teacher must understand how he can influence the student to change his behavior

through various educational experiences.


While knowledge of the various theories and types of learning are a necessary part of the

teacher’s participation, he must also be familiar with the fact many factors influence the learner

and must be taken into consideration in the classroom. Among these factors are:

 Ability Differences: a basic problem of learning in the group situation is attributable to

the uniqueness of the individual learner. Therefore, providing for individual differences

should be a primary concern for the teacher. Educators have long accepted the provision

for individual differences as an objective of teaching. The teacher must necessarily know

something about the various abilities in order to individualize instruction. Some of the

determinants of the ability difference include the ease with which a student learns factual

material and the way he reads his text or responds to discussion situations. The economic

teacher can identify, fairly accurately the students with exceptional mental and verbal

ability through the above criteria even before he begins the examination of the cumulative

records of his students. Readiness to learn: the teacher must realize that if learning is to

occur, the student must be ready to learn. He must have some reasons for wanting to learn

and the task must be easy enough to accomplish and difficult enough to stimulate him.

 Motivation: the degree of the motivations a student has for the learning task is another

factor which affects learning. The desire to learn is inherent in all normal persons. A

child’s curiosity is apparent to everyone. Yet left unguided and unchallenged, must

individuals may acquire neither the quality nor the quality of learning of which they are

capable. Each must be motivated to use this innate ability. Motivation itself has been

defined as the practical art of applying incentives and arousing interest for the purpose of

causing a student to perform in a desired way, usually, motivation designates the act of

choosing study materials of such a sort and presenting them in such a way that they appeal

to the students’ interest and cause him or her to attack the work at hand willingly and to

complete it with sustained enthusiasm. Motivation also designates the use of various

devices such as the offering of rewards or an appeal to the desire to excel (Good). The

essence is that the teacher is expected to devise as many means as he or she can create

within each student the desire to learn-this is basically what teaching involves.

Some motivating devices used by the teacher can be negative. Example of such are things

like sarcasm, ridicule, public censure, unfriendliness, too much work, blame, misused or

destructive competition, and busy.


Economics may be described as a social science and that body of knowledge which deals

with the way and individual, organization, societies, organize themselves to solve universal

problem of insatiable human wants and scarcity (human, materials, financial and ICT) in

relationship to these wants. Economics is classified as social science because it involved human

behavior. Bannock, Baxter and Davis, (2003). It is in this lines that Ogba (2003) refers to

Economics as social science subject which studies human behavior in relationship between ends,

scarce means, which have alternative use.

According to Obemeata (1980), and Adu (2004), Economics as a discipline was

introduced in to Nigeria secondary school curriculum in the late sixties. According to Obemeata

(1980), “economics was first taken in the west African certificate examination as a school

subject in Nigeria in 1967” and since its inception, it has gain popularity among all students both

male and female. Apart from this, it is also a subject being taken by classes of students; social

science, art and commercial at senior secondary school level of education. According to the

Natioal Curriculum for senior secondary school (1985), the federal ministry of education

emphasized on the needs and objectives for teaching economics in Nigeria schools. This goes in

line with five objectives of National Policy of Education which includes:

 A free and democratic society

 A just and egalitarian society

 A limited and strong self-reliance nation

 A great and dynamic economy

 A land full of bright opportunity for all citizens (NPE, 2008)

Furthermore, in other to meet these Nigerian five (5) principal objectives, some cardinal

principle of education was specifies to back the National policy on education these are:

 Education for self-reliance

 Education for human relationship

 Education for self and national economic efficiency

 Education for effective citizenship and civil responsibility

 Education for National unity

 Education for social and political progress

 Education for technological awareness.

Economic topic in secondary school level considering the above cardinal principle is to a large

extent allied to the individual, political, social and moral values.



The NCCE minimum standard for NCE teachers identified three main aims of economic

teaching in secondary schools. These include: preparing recipient for citizenship, providing

intellectual training which would create the critical spirit and preparing recipient for vacation.

Kanwar, (2004) in order to produce teachers that would ensure that the aim of economics

teaching and learning are achieved, the NCCE (Nigerian College of Education) program should:

1. Train teachers who have acquired in-depth knowledge of economics theory and applied

economics to be able to appreciate economic problems.

2. Produce teachers who have acquire knowledge professional skills to be able to organized

and teach economics at the secondary school level in Nigeria.

3. Prepare teachers who will be able undertake for the education in economics related areas

of study.

According to Kanwar, (2004) cited in Magit and Gebe, (2014) a higher secondary school

course in economics should help the students to:

 To develop understanding of the basic economic problem of the fact that all societies

face the same problem and of the fact that all societies do not solve the problem in the

same manner.

 Acquire and elementary knowledge of economics principles relating to local state,

national and intervention economic problems.

 Improve his/her ability to use and analytical approach to solve problems

 Broaden his vocabulary to understanding the more common economics terms use in both

electronics and printed media and above all government economic policies (fiscal and

monetary) so that student can read and interpret the economic news in various section of

News-Paper, Magazine, television, radio, Gazettes and internet web sides.

 Increase the student’s ability to read and comprehend as well as interpreting intelligently

statistical graphs and table and other graphical economies presentation of economics

which are intended for general public.


Teachers believes that teaching and the way student learn will influence their

instructional practices. Then what is teaching? Teaching according to Oyetunde &Piwunna.

(2009) is the process in which the teacher assumes the role of a strategies planner, making

decision about the content and the appropriate instructional strategies. To them, effective

teaching is a deliberate and planned activity. It is purposeful (goat oriented), coherent,

meaningful and functional. Amos, Abok, Millaham (2010) define teaching as a process of

deliberate presenting a compendium of related stimuli or treatment to learner/learners to enable

them responsible to such stimuli in such a way that teaching could be complex involving the use

of so many stimuli in one lesson (text, materials, illustration, learner activities, teacher activities,

etc.) or it could be simple when lesson is reduce to the chalk and talk method.

Teaching is the oldest profession on earth. This is because; every child in his/her path to

adulthood teaching in one way or the other without teaching there can be no learning. With

respect to this, Ukeje, cited in Gbari, (2009), define teaching as all process and activities design

for impact knowledge, skills understanding at all level of educational system from kindergarten

to the university. He views teaching as standard or formal teacher student interaction in which

learning is the main product, and bring out main element of teaching which are;

a. Objectives

b. Methodology

c. Assessment

d. The personality of the teacher and quality of the learner.

Looking at all the above definition and explanation, what then is teaching of Economics

or Economics teaching? Economics is the act of training student in Economics citizenship. It

plans to aid student to acquire a knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles of

our economic life, so that they may be able to adopt themselves to the environment and to face

with understanding and ability of the problem that arises. Magit & Gebe, (2014). The teaching of

Economics in senior secondary school level presents problems that are common to other area of

human endeavor like business and commerce. The aim of secondary school understanding of

current practices to enable students to apply sound knowledge of economics.

2.6.1 Factors that influence Choice of Method and Technique of Teaching Economics.

There are various factors that influence a teacher in the selection of method and technique

of teaching economic. The following are some of the factors as identified by Daughtray (2004),

Adu(2004), Kahar(2006) and Kiyawa & Muhtar (ed,2012)

 The Students: What are their ages, abilities, background, physical, mental and emotional


 The Materials: Are they abstract or created? Complicated or easy? Families or new? Do

the materials lend themselves to individual abilities?

 Objectives: what is the most effective way to present the materials to meet the objective?

What depth of learning is to be achieved?

 Physical Environment: are the necessary facilities available? Is the room adaptable to

the method?

 Cost: will there be added cost of the school, the teacher, and students? is the money

available to acquire the materials for the method?

 The Teacher: is the teacher prepared for its use? Does he feel confident in using it? Does

the method or techniques suit his/her personality?

 The Time: is there enough time to use the method? Does scheduling and length allow for

effective use?

 Interest: will the method or techniques be interesting or most motivating? Apart from the

above, there are other factors that may also influence the selection of techniques for


 Weather condition might make a particular technique inappropriate at times. It probably

would be very effective to ease a lecture technique to a senior class on the first warm

spring day when the open windows allow the gentle spring breeze to hypnotize the


 Variety: using a variety of method and techniques will help to keep interest high.

Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to master as many method and techniques of

presentation as possible.

Base on the above factors, the economic teacher can obviously combine various method

to enhance learning. Teaching methods or strategy can be classified into three basic groups

namely; the traditional or formal, the informal and innovation in teaching. On the basis of the

factor that influence the effective teaching and learning of economics, the teacher can judiciously

combine various methods in order to make his work lively and interesting.


The success of any strategies relevant for instruction at the secondary school is particular

and at the institution in general, depends to a large extent on the managerial ability of the

teacher. He must be able to judiciously combines learning method in order to achieve the

predetermine objectives. The teacher has to use various other device to make his teaching

effective and useful to his students. Indeed, the successful teacher is one who is familiar with all

the methods and who then with his aims clearly in view selects the method that will best aid him

in teaching them. The need to motivates teachers through relevant incentives, adequate funding

and encouragement of staff participation in conference, workshops, seminars, and acquisition of

journals will help in enhancing teaching and learning of economics in schools.



This chapter deals with methods and procedures that were used in the collection and

analysis of data obtained from the field survey. They include: Research design, Population and

sample of the study, Sampling techniques, Instruments for data collection, Validity and

reliability of the instruments, Administration of instrument, Procedure for data collection and the

Method of data analysis.


The researcher will adopt the use of a survey research design to examine the influence of

computer assisted instruction in teaching and learning of Economic in senior secondary school of

Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State. The choice of descriptive research survey was

because of its reliability, accuracy and its ability to reduce data to manageable form, where the

purpose is to find out the views, attitudes or interests of a large population using a representative

selection from such a population. This research design deals with researches on opinions,

interests, attitudes, aptitudes and other personality tests.


3.2.1 Population

The population of this study comprises of all senior secondary school Economics

teachers, school heads and students in Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State. The

population therefore according to (Kombo and Tromp, 2017) it is an entire group of persons or

elements that have at least one thing in common.

The population of the study consist of 31 senior secondary schools, it also has 53

economics teachers and 4055 secondary school students in Mangu Local Government Area of

Plateau State. The reason of choosing this area is because researcher believe that the area is

environmentally friendly and it has limited barriers affecting the school environment, lastly the

research decided to choose this population in order to enable him get quick access to data

collection because of its proximity to the researcher.

3.2.2 Sample

According to Ugoduluwa and Awotunde (2014), sample is a representative portion of the

population which is selected for use in the study. The researcher sampled students and teachers

in Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State. 96 students and 4 Economics teachers were

selected randomly due to the enormous large population size. Therefore, there sample size for

this study is 100 students and teachers.

The sample size for this study included 4 Economics teachers from four senior secondary

schools and 96 students from four secondary schools, from the community within the study. The

total respondents used in this study were therefore 100 respondents. This sample size was

selected due to the fact that the researcher could not reach all sample. Table 1 below shows the

population and sample size to be use for the study.

Table 1: Sampling frame use to select the respond rate

STUDY UNIT Population Sample size Percentage

Student 4055 96 96%

Teachers 53 4 4%
Total 4108 100 100


The selection of the sample size of the senior secondary school’s students and teachers

was done using a simple random sampling technique. This is because, it helps in reducing bias in

sample selection and it also provide for each member of population an equal chance of being


The researcher personally visited the three (4) senior secondary schools in Mangu L.G.A

of Plateau State to sample out the secondary school students and the teachers for the study. In

each of the school, the researcher folded pieces of papers with numbers 1,2 and 3 written on 3 of

the papers while others were empty. The pieces of papers were kept inside a box and was

properly shaken and each school was asked to randomly pick a piece of paper from the box. Any

student that picked a piece of paper with number written on it was selected for the study without

replacement. The same procedure was followed to sample out the number of teachers for the



The instrument used for data collection will be a structured questionnaire titled “influence

of computer assisted instruction in teaching and learning of Economic in senior secondary school

of Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State”. The researcher intends to make use of

questionnaire because it provides a quick means of obtaining respondents view on a wide range

of subjects.

3.4.1 Description of the Instrument

The instrument (questionnaire) will be designed in 2 sections- A and B. Section A

contains biodata information of the respondents while section B contains items which seek the

respondents’ opinions on the relevant research variables. This questionnaire will be structured

base on four-point type scale ranging from Strongly Agree (SA) = 4, Agree (A) = 3, Disagree

(D) = 2 and Strongly Disagree (SD) = 1. Respondents were required to indicate by ticking (√) in

appropriate columns, answers were applied to them.

3.4.2 Procedure for Instrument Development

The researcher will review relevant related literatures to the study so as to gain more

insight about the topic under study. The researcher will have some discussions with colleagues,

together with personal observation of event as it relates to the topic under study in order to

develop the instrument. The items of the instrument will be generated in strict compliance with

the purpose of the study. The questions will be formulated, coded and the supervisor will read

through and give ratification of the items raised before the final instrument will be developed.


3.5.1 Validity

The instrument will first be presented to experts (lecturers) in the department and the

supervisor of the researcher for content and face validation. They will be requested to rate each

item of the instrument in their determination to establish whether the instrument can be used for

the intended study. Amendments will be suggested by these experts, and corrections will be

effected and the final instrument developed.

3.5.2 Reliability

Reliability of an instrument refers to the degree to which a test yields consistent results

when administered over a period of times. A Cronbach Alpha method was used to determine the

reliability coefficient of the instrument. The questionnaires will be administered on

representative sample as a pilot test to establish the reliability coefficient of the instrument.


Permission will be taken from the school authorities following the presentation of letter

of recommendation from the Department before administering the questionnaire. The researcher

will personally visit the schools for the administration of the questionnaires (face to face).


The questionnaires will be distributed to the secondary school students and teachers in

the selected senior secondary schools. All completed questionnaires will be collected for further



The data gotten quantitatively from the field would be analyzed using Statistical tools

which comprises statistical measures such as frequency tables, percentages and simple mean.

While the hypotheses will be tested using Chi square at 0.05 level of significant. All analysis will

be carried out using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 software



This chapter covered areas such as data presentation, results of research questions,

hypotheses testing and discussion of results respectively.


The results of the analyzed data hav2e been classified into two parts namely; the analysis

of research questions using descriptive statistics and the results of the hypothesis tested using

inferential statistics respectively.

4.1.1 Demographic information of the respondents

This research made efforts to obtain data on demographic characteristics of the

respondents in the study area. Table 2 shows the distribution of students by schools.

Table 2. Distribution of Students by Schools

Schools frequency %

GSS Mangu 19 25.0

GSS Jakatai 19 25.0
Hope high Academy 19 25.0
GSS Mangu Halle 19 25.0
TOTAL 96 100

Table 2 revealed that all the schools have equal distribution of questionnaires and


Also, information was collected from the sampled Students for this study Table 3 shows

the distribution of students by their gender.

Table 3: Distribution of Students Population by Gender

Gender frequency %

Male 34 37.8
Female 53 58.9

Table 3 revealed that 37.8 percent of the sampled students were males, while 58.9 percent

were females. This suggests that majority of the students who responded to the questionnaire in

the study area were females.

Also, information was collected from the sampled students for this study Table 4 shows

the distribution of students by their classes.


Table 4. Distribution of Students Population by Class

Class frequency %

SS 1 17 18.9
SS 3 67 74.4

Table 4 revealed that 18.9 percent are SS2 while 67 percent are in SS 3. This suggests

that majority of the students who responded to the questionnaire in the study area in SS 3.

Also, information was collected from the sampled students for this study Table 5 shows

the distribution of students by their age.


Table 5. Distribution of Students Population by Age

Age frequency %

10-13YRS 4 4.4
14-17 YRS 64 72.2
18rs above 16 17.8

Table 5 revealed that 4.4 percent are below 10-13yrs, 72.2 percent of the sampled

students were between the age of 14-20yrs while 17.8 percent are between 18-20yrs. This

suggests that majority of the students who responded to the questionnaire in the study area were

between the age of 14-17yrs.


4.1.1 Research Question One: To what extent does computer assisted instruction improve the

teaching and learning of economics in secondary schools of Mangu L.G.A? Table 6 shows

students’ does computer assisted instruction improve the teaching and learning of economics

Table 6: Showing Students’ computer assisted instruction improve the teaching and learning of


1 4.31 0.74 Agreed

2 4.05 1.09 Agreed

3 4.19 1.08 Agreed

4 4.22 1.05 Agreed

5 2.54 0.21 Agreed

The results in table 6 showed mean scores and standard deviation of items constructed to

answer research question 1. From the results presented, it was observed that the mean ratings of

the responses were 4.31, 4.05, 4.19,4.22 and 2.54 respectively with the corresponding standard

deviation of 0.74, 1.09, 1.08,1.05 and 0.21. The mean ratings were above the cut-off point of


4.1.1 Research Question Two: To what extent does computer assisted instruction improve the

teaching and learning of economics in secondary schools? Table 7 shows the responses of

students on how computer assisted instruction improve the teaching and learning of economics

Table 7. Responses of Students on how computer assisted instruction improve the teaching and
learning of economics

6 4.21 1.29 Agreed

7 3.84 1.39 Agreed
8 3.54 1.68 Agreed
9 4.05 1.45 Agreed
10 2.82 0.96 Agreed

The results in table 6 showed mean scores and standard deviation of items constructed to

answer research question 2. From the results presented, it was observed that the mean ratings of

the responses were 4.21, 3.84, 3.54,4.05 and 2.82 respectively with the corresponding standard

deviation of 1.29, 1.39, 1.68,1.45 and 0.96. The mean ratings were above the cut-off point of


4.1.1 Research Question Three: To what extent does computer assisted instruction influence

the academic performance of economics students? Table 8 shows the responses computer

assisted instruction influence the academic performance of economics students.

Table 8. Responses of Student’s on computer assisted instruction influence the academic

performance of economics students

11 3.90 1.68 Agreed

12 3.64 1.85 Agreed

13 3.81 1.91 Agreed

14 3.85 2.03 Agreed

15 3.12 1.87 Agreed

The results in table 8 showed mean scores and standard deviation of items constructed to

answer research question 3. From the results presented, it was observed that the mean ratings of

the responses were 3.90, 3.64, 3.18, 3.85 and 3.12 respectively with the corresponding standard

deviation of 1.68, 1.85, 1.91, 2.03 and 1.87. The mean ratings were above the cut-off point of


4.1.1 Research Question Four: What are the challenges of using computer assisted instruction

in teaching and learning of economic? Table 8 shows student’s responses on What are the

challenges of using computer assisted instruction in teaching and learning of economic.

Table 8: Showing Students Responses on the challenges of using computer assisted instruction
in teaching and learning of economic


16 3.90 1.68 Agreed

17 3.64 1.85 Agreed

18 3.81 1.91 Agreed

19 4.19 1.79 Agreed

20 3.42 1.41 Agreed

The results in table 8 showed mean scores and standard deviation of items constructed to

answer research question 4. From the results presented, it was observed that the mean ratings of

the responses were 3.90, 3.64, 3.81, 4.19 and 3.42 respectively with the corresponding standard

deviation of 1.68, 1.85, 1.91,1.79 and 1.41. The mean ratings were above the cut-off point of


HYPOTHESIS TESTING Hypothesis one: There is no significant difference between computer assisted instruction

and learning of economics in secondary schools of Mangu L.G.A. Table 10 showed the result of

chi-square students’ significant difference between computer assisted instruction and learning of


Table 10: Showed the Result of Chi-Square computer assisted instruction and learning of
Value df p-value

Pearson Chi-Square 131.667 25 .000

Likelihood Ratio 43.409
Linear-by-Linear Association 26.077
N of Valid Cases 99

The results of analysis in table 10 revealed that X2(25= 131.67, p= 0.000), which implies

that the probability value (p-value) computed as 0.000 is less than 0.05 used as the level of

significance. The implication of this is that we reject the null hypothesis since the p-value of

0.000 is less than the level of significant 0.05. and conclude that there is significant relationship

between students’ attitude and the learning of economics in senior secondary schools
36 Hypothesis two: There is no significant difference between the challenges of using

computer assisted instruction and teaching of economics. Table 11 shows chi-square responses

on the challenges of using computer assisted instruction and teaching of economics

Table 11: Showed the Result of Teachers Chi-Square on the challenges of using computer
assisted instruction and teaching of economics

Value df p-value

Pearson Chi-Square 11.917 25 .018

Likelihood Ratio 12.386
Linear-by-Linear Association 5.892
N of Valid Cases 99

The results of analysis in table 11 revealed that X 2(25= 11.92, p= 0.018), which implies

that the probability value (p-value) computed as 0.018 is less than 0.05 used as the level of

significance. The implication of this is that we reject the null hypothesis since the p-value of

0.000 is less than the level of significant 0.05. and conclude that there is significant relationship

between students’ attitude and the learning of economics in senior secondary schools.


The results of analysis for research question one which sought to examine to what extent

does computer assisted instruction improve the teaching and learning of economics in secondary

schools of Mangu L.G.A? On students’ responses, it was revealed that the average mean of items

that students agreed is above the criterion mean of 2.50.


This is in agreement with who revealed that,

The results of analysis for research question two which sought to examine to what extent

does computer assisted instruction improve the teaching and learning of economics in secondary

schools? On students’ responses, it was revealed that the average mean of items that students

agreed is above the criterion mean of 2.50. From the results above, it may be concluded that,

respondents agreed that, computer assisted instruction improve the teaching and learning of

economics in secondary schools.

This is in agreement with who revealed that,

The results of analysis for research question three which sought to examine to what

extent does computer assisted instruction influence the academic performance of economics

students? On students’ responses it was revealed that the average mean of items that students

agreed and teachers is above the criterion mean of 2.50. From the results above, it may be

concluded that respondents agreed with the research question that, computer assisted instruction

influence the academic performance of economics students.

This is in agreement with who revealed that,

The results of analysis for research question four which sought to examine what are the

challenges of using computer assisted instruction in teaching and learning of economic? On the

responses it was revealed that the average mean of items that students agreed was above 2.50

mean average. From the results above, it may be concluded that both respondents agreed that, the

challenges of using computer assisted instruction in teaching and learning of economic.

This is in agreement with who revealed that,

Findings from the analysis of the research hypothesis one which sought to find out if

there is no significant difference between computer assisted instruction and learning of

economics in secondary schools of Mangu L.G.A. Data revealed that the p-value of 0.000 is less

than the level of significant of 0.05. The null hypothesis was rejected since the p-value of 0. 000

is less than the level of significant 0.05. Thereby, the null hypothesis (Ho) is therefore rejected

and it was concluded that there is significant difference between computer assisted instruction

and learning of economics in secondary schools of Mangu L.G.A.

Findings from the analysis of the research hypothesis two which sought to find out if

there is no significant difference between the challenges of using computer assisted instruction

and teaching of economics. Data revealed that the p-value of 0.000 is less than the level of

significant of 0.05. The null hypothesis was rejected since the p-value of 0. 000 is less than the

level of significant 0.05. Thereby, the null hypothesis (Ho) is therefore rejected and it was

concluded that there is significant difference between the challenges of using computer assisted

instruction and teaching of economics.




This chapter provides the summary of the findings from chapter four, conclusions and

recommendations and suggestions for further studies. The chapter also examined the limitations

as well as the contributions of the study to the policy, practice and theory of knowledge.


The study sought to explore the influence of computer assisted instruction in teaching and

Learning of Economics in secondary school of Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State.

A cross-sectional survey design was employed as it was considered the best technique for the

study since a sample was used to describe the problem that encapsulated the study. Data was

collected using a structured questionnaire, which was analyzed using descriptive and quantitative

tools of analysis. However, the major findings of this study were summarized based on the

research questions and hypotheses of the study as follows:

The findings revealed that computer assisted instruction improve the teaching and levy of

economics by assisting the teacher to be able to keep studies record intake. The study also

revealed that computer assisted instruction helps save time when teaching of economic. The

study further revealed that computer assisted instruction make teaching of economics to see more

pleasurable and entertaining to students, it also helps to teach when preparing lesson note.

The result of the analysis also revealed that the use of computer assisted instruction in

teaching and learning of economic help make the learning process more interactive and

engaging. The study revealed that use of computer assisted instruction in teaching and learning

of economic gives students the opportunity to learn by trial and error which allows them see how

things work. Also, it was observed that computer assisted instruction in economic lesson brings

the natural setting and symbolic learning relative to that age. Finally, from the study it was

agreed computer assisted instruction in economic also will help promote the development of the

cognitive skills of the students.

Furthermore, the study revealed that one of the challenges of using computer instruction

is that, software can become outdated quickly, it is expensive to purchase a computer that will be

used in teaching of economics. It was found out from the study that lack of well-trained teachers

in ICT and ineffective method of teaching. The study also showed that unreliable or inadequate

power supply is a challenge faced when teaching of economics.

Finally, the study revealed that in respect to challenges faced in using computer assisted

instruction in teaching and learning of economic, it was agreed that economics teachers should

be trained on how to use computer assisted instruction in teaching and learning of economics.

The study shows that school should ensure that there is adequate computer to make teaching and

learning of economic easy. Furthermore, the study revealed that computer applications should be

made accessible for economic teacher and adequate time should be allocated to teachers when

using computer assisted instructions in teaching and learning of Economic.


The result of the study revealed that computer assisted instructions (CAI) in teaching

economics possesses powerful features for making the learning environment more engaging for

both teachers and learners, which implies that adoption of CAI can positively transform the

education system and considerably improve the performance of economics teachers and learners

in Nigeria. In spite of the bright prospect of CAI for the teaching and learning economics in the

education system, there are numerous challenges facing the adoption of CAI in Nigeria, such as

inadequate funding of the education sector, a poor maintenance culture and lack of constant

power supply. Some of these challenges emerged with the changing socio-economic and political

reality while others evolved as a result of government’s neglect of the education sector.

Implementation of directed recommendations is expected to enhance the adoption and utilization

of CAI in the education system in Nigeria.


Based on the findings of the research work, the following recommendations were made:

1 Problem of erratic power supply can be managed by providing alternative source of

supply. Stand by generators or solar power can be used to upgrade power supply from the

national grid to schools.

2 There should be on awareness campaign and computer literacy training program

particularly for economic teachers and school administrators through in-service training,

seminars and conferences to improve their technical know-how on computer application.

3 Computer literacy and operation in schools should be encouraged while relevant and

user-friendly computer assisted instruction (CAI) packages should be developed for use

within the Nigeria school system.

4 The use of CAI-course-lab 2.4 eLearning package should be employing by the economics

teacher to stimulating and increase students' retention of concept taught in Economics in

senior secondary schools.

5 Teachers should use CAI-course-lab 2.4 eLearning package as instructional tool to

enhance economics students' academic achievement in senior secondary schools

6 Proper maintenance plans for all school facilities should be developed, monitored and

implemented to improve maintenance culture and guarantee the life span of learning


7 Teacher’s attitude towards CAI can be changed by integrating ICT-based methodology

into teacher education processes. In addition, classrooms should be equipped with

necessary infrastructure that will give students access to media laboratories that will

enhance interaction with their teachers.


One of the major limitations of this study was time factor as the researcher was not able

to go around all the schools in Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State. Also, other

difficulties faced by the researcher included financial setbacks, security issues, students and

teachers’ attitudes when filling the questionnaire etc.

Another major limitation encountered in the course of this study was limited literatures

on related studies conducted in the study area. The researcher was confronted with lack of

adequate and useful information on similar studies conducted on the influence of computer

assisted instruction in teaching and Learning of Economics in secondary schools.

Lastly, collection of relevant materials for the study was also a problem, and also

collection and gathering of the questionnaires used in this study was a problem that the

researcher faced during this study.


The study examined the influence of computer assisted instruction in teaching and

Learning of Economics in secondary school of Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State.

To widen the scope of knowledge in the study area, further studies can be conducted in the

following areas:

2 The study was limited to influence of computer assisted instruction in teaching and Learning

of Economics in secondary school of Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State.

Further studies could be carried out on the same topic in other state.

3 The present study focused on the influence of computer assisted instruction in teaching and

Learning of Economics in secondary school of Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau

State, other studies could be conducted on the benefit of computer assisted instruction

materials in teaching and learning of economic in senior secondary school.

4 Other studies could be considered, to the effectiveness of instructional materials in teaching

and learning of economic both private and public senior secondary schools.




Department of Social Science Education

Faculty of Education,
University of Jos
PMB 2084
Jos, Plateau State.

Dear Respondent,


I am an undergraduate student of the University of Jos, and I am conducting research on

the topic “Influence of Computer Assisted Instruction in Teaching and Learning of

Economics in Secondary School of Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State”.

Kindly assist me with necessary h necessary information by filling this questionnaire. All

information given shall be treated with confidentiality.

Yours Faithfully,

Samuel Bak’ar Jallo


INSTRUCTION: Please tick (√ ¿ in the box as it relates to you.
1. Gender: Male ( ) Female ( )
2. Age: 10 – 13years ( ), 14 – 17years ( ), 18 & above ( )
3. Class: SS1 ( ), SS2 ( ), SS3 ( )
4. Schools ……………………………………………………………………..

Indicate how you feel about each of this statement, by ticking against any answer you consider or
think is appropriate. Tick (√ ) only Strongly Agreed (SA), Agreed (A), Disagreed (D), Strongly
Disagreed (SD).


1. Computer assisted instruction improve the teaching and levy of
economics by assisting the teacher to be able to keep studies
record intake
2. Computer assisted instruction helps save time when teaching of
3. Computer assisted instruction make teaching of economics to see
more pleasurable and entertaining to students
4. It helps to teach when preparing lesson note
5. It makes it easy for both teachers and students to access material
in economic that will be useful to students’ academic performance
6. The use of computer assisted instruction in teaching and learning
of economic will help make the learning process more interactive
and engaging
7. The use of computer assisted instruction in teaching and learning
of economic gives students the opportunity to learn by trial and
error which allows them see how things work
8. Computer assisted instruction in economic lesson brings the
natural setting and symbolic learning relative to that age
9. Computer assisted instruction in economic also will help promote
the development of the cognitive skills of the students

10. The use of computer assisted instruction in economic make

learning to be meaningful and easy to comprehend
11. One of the challenges of using computer instruction is that,
software can become outdated quickly
12. It is expensive to purchase a computer that will be used in
teaching of economics
13. Lack of well-trained teachers in ICT and ineffective method of
14. Lack of time when teachers use computer assisted in economic.
15. Unreliable or inadequate power supply when teaching of
16. Economics teachers should be trained on how to use computer
assisted instruction in teaching and learning of economics
17. School should ensure that there is adequate computer to make
teaching and learning of economic easy
18. Computer applications should be made accessible for economic
19. Schools principals should ensure that there is constant light supply
20. Adequate time should be allocated to teachers when using
computer assisted instructions in teaching and learning of

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