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(Sponsor Name)



Dear (name of the person),

My name is (your name) and I am the head organizer of the Mindanao Gaming Leaguewhich was
founded early this year to support DotA gaming in Mindanao. Our organization moderates, facilitates
and organize a month-long DotA tournament exclusive for Mindanao teams known as Mindanao DotA
League.Now on our second series, our organization is planning a second DotA tournament labeled as
Mindanao DotA League 1.2. The tentative date that we have decided to hold the second tournament is
this month of April. And we will be really grateful if you helped in sponsoring this event.In return for
your valuable sponsorship, a logo of your company will be placed and of course credited on every
announcement and or forum posts. We are also making arrangements for our event matches to be
broadcasted on livestreams on the internet.There is also a plan to put up a banner of the sponsored
organizations & companies onour website all for a certain duration.Included in the second page is the
range of total cost to sponsor this event. We would really appreciate any support that you can give for
this event. If you would like to makea contribution for this event, please fill the sponsor sheet attached
with this letter, whichshould be returned by (deadline day and date) along with the check in the name
of (organization's name).We really appreciate you for considering this proposal. You can contact us
on(telephone number) or mail us on (email address) to know more about the event or
our organization.Respectfully,(Your name)(Position in the Organization)


The undersigned, being an authorized representative for ____________________________{company}

does hereby agree that said organization will provide a financial league sponsorshipon the second
season of Mindanao Dota League hosted by E-SportsPh. Said sponsor shallconsist only of a one time
payment to Mindanao Dota League hosted by E-SportsPh in theamount of P ______________Pesos.
Payment of sponsorship fee may be made either, upon thecompletion of this agreement, or upon
receipt of separate invoice, in which case payment is tobe received by Mindanao Dota League within 30
days from date of invoicing. In recognition of your generosity the name of the sponsoring company will
be advertised, see Page 3.Company: ____________________________Address:
_________________________________Zip Code: ____________________________Phone:
______________________________Email: _______________________________Company
Representative Signature ____________________________________Mindanao Dota League
Representative Signature ____________________________________MDL use onlyPaid _____ Check
#_______Invoice _____ Date Invoiced _______ Paid ______

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