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Gorlin Goltz Syndrome

Chandra Shekar. L1, Sathish. R2, Beena. S3, Sachin Ganeshan1

1 Department of Oral medicine,

Sri Siddhartha Dental College
Agalkote, Tumkur 572 107
Karnataka, India Jaw cyst-Basal cell nevus-Bifid rib syndrome or Gorlin-Goltz syndrome involves multiple organ
2 Department of oral surgery, system. The most common findings include multiple odontogenic keratocysts in the jaws and basal
Sri Siddhartha Cental College, cell nevus on the skin that have an early age onset. These multiple odontogenic keratocysts warrant
Agalkote, Tumkur 572 107
Karnataka, India aggressive treatment at the earliest because of the damage and possible complications associated
3 Department of Endodontics, with them. Recurrence in these lesions is the most characteristic feature that has to be taken in
Sri Siddhartha Cental College consideration while explaining the prognosis to the patient. A case report of an adolescent affected
Agalkote, Tumkur 572 107 with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome is presented here.
Karnataka, India
Keywords: Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, Odontogenic keratocyst, Bifidrib.
Journal of Dental Sciences and Research
Vol. 2, Issue 2, Pages 1-5

INTRODUCTION normal except undergone extraction of 24, 25 due to

dental caries, On examination, wide nasal bridge and
Jaw cyst-Basal cell nevus-Bifid rib syndrome or Gorlin- mild prognathism was observed extra orally and intra
Goltz syndrome is a hereditary condition and it is orally the swelling was firm and nontender, it extended
transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with high or from the region of 25 to 27. (fig-1,2,3)and missing 13was
almost 100% penetrance and varying expressivity. In seen.
1960, Gorlin and Goltz studied the main features of this
syndrome. This syndrome affects multiple organ The orthopantomogram showed multiple lytic lesions in
systems, which include skeletal, skin, eye, reproductive, the upper and lower jaws associated with unerupted
and neural system, although all the features are rarely permanent teeth (fig-4). The chest radiograph showed
observed in a single patient. Often these patients first second and third bifid ribs on the right side (fig-5).intra
visit a dental hospital with the chief complaint of jaw oral maxillary occlusal radiograph showing cortical
swelling where the diagnosis of this syndrome is expansion, and radiolucent lesion on the right side (fig-
generally made. Hence, a dental clinician should always 6). Based on the clinical and radiological findings, a
be open to the possibility of encountering multiple lytic provisional diagnosis of Gorlin-Goltz syndrome was
lesions of the jaws. We report a case with similar features. considered. No skin lesions in the form of basal cell
nevus, palmer or plantar pits or keratosis were present.
CASE REPORT The parents and siblings of the patient were also
examined clinically and radiographically; however,
A 14-year-old female patient came to the department of none of them showed any characteristics of this
oral medicine & radiology with a chief complaint of condition.
intraoral firm painless mass on the upper left back tooth
region. The duration of the swelling was 8 months and the DISCUSSION
growth was slow in nature. There was no discharge of any
type and she never had any abnormal sensation on the Gorlin-Goltz syndrome often presents itself in an early
affected side. Her medical and past dental history was age. Multiple basal cell carcinomas (usually on the face,
beginning early in life) and multiple odontogenic
Address for correspondence: kerotocysts(OKC) (also beginning early in life) are the
Dr Beena. S main hallmarks of this syndrome; however, there are
other manifestations that are grouped into the following
Access this article online five categories[1]. (A) Cutaneous anomalies: Basal cell
Website: nevus, other benign dermal cysts and tumors, palmer
Vol. 2, Issue 2, September 2011

Fig-1 Broad Nasal Bridge Fig-2 Proganthism

Fig-3 Intra Oral Swelling Fig-4 OPG showing Multiple Radiolucent Lesions in Maxilla
and Mandible

Fig-5 Chest Radiograph showing Bifid Rib Fig-6 Maxillary Occlusal Radiographs showing Radiolucent
Journal of Dental Sciences and Research

pitting, palmer and planter keratosis and dermal findings of basal cell nevus on the skin and multiple
calcinosis. (B) Dental and osseous anomalies: multiple Odontogenic keratocyst in the jaws show early onset and
odontogenic keratocyst, mild mandibular prognathism, have to be treated at the earliest with the possible
frontal and temporoparietal bossing, kyphoscoliosis or complications explained to the patient. Most of the times,
other vertebral defects, bifurcated ribs, spina bifida and the patients visit a dental hospital with a chief complaint
brachymetacarpalism. (C) Ophthalmic anomalies: of jaw swelling. Hence, the responsibility of proper
hypertelorism, wide nasal bridge, dystopia canthorum, diagnosis and further treatment plan lies on the dental
congenital blindness and internal strabismus. (D) team. Various treatment modalities have been proposed
Neurological anomalies: mental retardation, dural for Odontogenic keratocyst considering its recurrent
calcification, bridging of sella, agenesis of corpus nature with variable results. There should be a periodic
callosum, congenital hydrocephalus, occurrence of follow-up at regular intervals of 6 months till 5 years
medulloblastoma. (E) Sexual anomalies: followed by once annually for the entire life.
hypogonadism, ovarian tumor-like fibrosarcoma.
Less than 10% of patients with multiple OKCs have other
manifestations of this syndrome; however, it has been 1. Gorlin RJ, Goltz RW. Multiple nevoid basal-cell
suggested that multiple OKCs alone maybe the epithelioma, jaw cysts and bifid rib. a syndrome. N
confirmatory of the syndrome. Two types of keratocysts Engl J Med 1960;262:908
have been distinguished based on differences in the 2. Oikarinen VJ. Keratocyst recurrences at intervals of
histology and behavior: the more common parakeratotic more than 10 years: Case reports. Br J Oral
odontogenic keratocyst (P-OKC) and the less common Maxillofac Surg 1990;28:47
orthokeratotic odontogenic keratocyst (O-OKC). First,
the P-OKC has a more aggressive growth potential and a 3. Brannon RB. The odontogenic keratocyst: A
higher recurrence rate than the O-OKC and other clinicopathological study of 312 cases. Part II.
odontogenic cysts. Second, in a minority of patients Histological features. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
(particularly, young patients with multiple cysts), the P- Pathol 1977;43:223
OKC is a part of the Jaw cyst-Basal cell nevus-Bifid rib 4. Foley WL, Terry BC, Jacoway JR. Malignant
syndrome. Although benign, the recurrence rate of P- transformation of an odontogenic keratocyst. J Oral
OKC is high, ranging from 12% to 62.5% and multiple Maxillofac Surg 1991;49:768
recurrences are not unusual[2]. Some investigators have 5. Zachariades N, Papanicolaou S, Triantafyllou D.
suggested that P-OKC should be regarded as a benign Odontogenic keratocysts: Review of the literature
neoplasm rather than a nonneoplastic cyst. Ameloblastic and report of 16 cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg
transformation or malignant changes are other rarely 1985;43:117
encountered complications, which are described in the 6. Voorsmit RA, Stollinga PT, Van Hallst VJ. The
literature [3,4]. management of keratocysts. J Maxillofac Surg
The management of thes e les ions varies in
aggressiveness from simple enucleation or curettage to
ostectomy with curettage of the adjacent bone. In
addition, the term "peripheral ostectomy" has been used
to describe an adjunctive surgical procedure following
enucleation or curettage, in which the osseous walls of
the defect are abraded with coarse surgical burs in order
to ensure that any residual peripheral neoplastic tissue is
removed[5]. The obvious advantage of a conservative
surgical choice is the preservation of the adjacent bone,
soft tissue and dental structures. Reduced morbidity as
well as a shorter hospital stay generally follows this
course of therapy. Some large, destructive cases require
segmental resection of the involved jawbone with
immediate or delayed reconstruction. All the cases
warrant periodic clinical and radiological follow up to
check any early signs of recurrence.

A patient of Gorlin-Goltz syndrome can have multiple

findings, as described in the literature. The most common


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