Chu & Wanatowski (2008) - Instability Condition Loose Sand Plane Strain

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Instability Conditions of Loose Sand in Plane Strain

Article  in  Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering · January 2008

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2008)134:1(136)

78 1,486

2 authors:

Jian Chu Dariusz Wanatowski

Nanyang Technological University University of Leeds


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Instability Conditions of Loose Sand in Plane Strain
J. Chu1 and D. Wanatowski, A.M.ASCE2

Abstract: When a loose sand specimen is loaded under an undrained condition, it may become unstable. The instability conditions may
be specified by an instability line determined using undrained tests. However, the instability behavior of sand has seldom been studied
under plane-strain conditions. Experimental data obtained under both triaxial and plane-strain conditions are presented in this paper to
define the instability conditions of loose sand under plane-strain conditions. Using the state parameter, a unified relationship can be
established between the normalized slope of instability line and the state parameters for both axisymmetric and plane-strain conditions.
Using this relationship, the instability conditions established under axisymmetric conditions can also be used for plane-strain conditions.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2008兲134:1共136兲
CE Database subject headings: Laboratory tests; Liquefaction; Sand; Stress strain relations.

Introduction at which instability would occur corresponds to the top of the

current yield surface which is slightly before, but very close to,
It is well known that loose granular soil exhibits liquefaction the top of the undrained effective stress path, as shown in Fig. 1.
behavior even under static load. It is also observed experimentally Therefore the instability line can be determined experimentally by
that sand can become unstable even before the stress state reaches a line connecting the peak of a series of effective stress paths
the failure state. This type of instability has been observed to obtained from undrained tests. For the sand studied in this paper,
occur for saturated loose sand under undrained conditions 共Lade the instability line as determined using the undrained tests on
and Pradel 1990; Han and Vardoulakis 1991; Lade 1992; Leong loose sand is shown in Fig. 2. The critical state line 共CSL兲, which
et al. 2000兲 and for saturated medium to dense sand under strain is also the failure line for loose sand as determined by drained
path controlled conditions 共Chu 1991; Chu et al. 1993; Chu and tests, is also shown in Fig. 2. The region between the instability
Leong 2001兲. The term instability as used here refers to a be- line and the failure line has been called the zone of potential
havior in which large plastic strains are generated rapidly due to instability 共Lade 1992兲.
the inability of a soil element to sustain a given load or stress. In Other definitions similar to the instability line have also been
recent years, instability has been considered as one of the failure given to specify the instability condition, such as the collapse
mechanisms that leads to flow slide or collapse of granular soil surface by Sladen et al. 共1985兲 and the state boundary surface by
slopes in a number of case studies, e.g., Kraft et al. 共1992兲, Lade Sasitharan et al. 共1993兲. However, the differences among the dif-
共1992, 1993兲, Hight et al. 共1999兲, Olson et al. 共2000兲, and Sento ferent definitions are small, as pointed out by Lade 共1993兲. The
et al. 共2004兲. physical meanings behind the different interpretations are also
Although Hill’s postulate 共Bishop and Hill 1951; Hill 1958兲 essentially the same, i.e., to specify a yielding point where large
has been used as a stability condition in plasticity, the violation of plastic strains can develop 共Chu et al. 2003兲.
it does not always imply that a soil element is in an unstable It should be pointed out that the instability line is not unique,
condition, as experimentally demonstrated by Lade and Pradel but varies with the void ratio of sand and the applied effective
共1990兲. Therefore, Hill’s postulate is only a necessary, but not stresses. Fig. 3 shows the effective stress paths obtained from a
sufficient condition for stability. It has been established by Lade series of isotropically consolidated undrained compression
共1992兲 that instability occurs when the stress ratio at the onset 共CIUC兲 tests conducted on specimens with different consolidation
of instability is above the instability line. The instability line is void ratios, ec, under the same mean effective stress. It can be
defined as the line that separates potentially unstable stress states seen from Fig. 3 that the smaller the ec, the higher the instability
from stable stress states. Lade 共1992兲 explains that the stress state

Associate Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Nanyang Technological Univ., Blk N1, 50 Nanyang Ave., Singapore
639798 共corresponding author兲. E-mail:
Lecturer, Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics, School of Civil
Engineering, Univ. of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7
2RD, United Kingdom. E-mail:
Note. Discussion open until June 1, 2008. Separate discussions must
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor.
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible
publication on September 25, 2006; approved on May 11, 2007. This
paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Fig. 1. Location of instability line for loose sand 关Reprinted with
Engineering, Vol. 134, No. 1, January 1, 2008. ©ASCE, ISSN 1090-
0241/2008/1-136–142/$25.00. permission from Lade 共1992兲兴


Fig. 4. Relationship between the slope of instability line and void
Fig. 2. The critical state line and instability line defined by drained ratio of sand
and undrained tests for loose sand

unified instability condition which is applicable to both axisym-

line. The highest instability line for loose sand is on or very close metric and plane-strain conditions is also established using the
to the CSL. Similar observations have also been made by Sladen state parameter 共Been and Jefferies 1985兲.
et al. 共1985兲. Based on Fig. 3, a relationship between the slope of
the instability line, ␩IL, and ec can be established in Fig. 4.
The abovementioned findings are established for clean sand. Chu Material Tested and Testing Arrangement
and Leong 共2002兲 have further established that the relationship
given in Fig. 4 is also applicable to sand with a fines content not A marine dredged silica sand retrieved from a reclaimed land in
exceeding 10%, if the intergranular void ratio 共Mitchell 1993; Singapore was used for the experimental study. The basic prop-
Thevanayagam 1998兲 is used. erties of the sand are given in Table 1. The grain size distribution
It should be noted that the abovementioned findings are es- curve is plotted in Fig. 5. Laboratory reconstituted specimens
tablished under axisymmetric conditions using triaxial tests. were prepared by either the water sedimentation 共WS兲 or the
Whether the instability conditions established under axisymmetric moist tamping 共MT兲 method. The WS method was used for me-
conditions are applicable to stability analysis under plane-strain dium loose and medium dense specimens, whereas the MT
conditions or not need to be studied. Although the behavior of method was used to prepare very loose specimens. A liquid rubber
sand under plane-strain conditions has been studied by a number technique 共Lo et al. 1989兲 was adopted to reduce the effect of
of researchers before 共e.g., Vardoulakis and Graf 1985; Drescher membrane penetration. In this method, a thin layer of liquid rub-
et al. 1990; Han and Vardoulakis 1991; Finno et al. 1997; Alshibli ber was coated onto the inner side of the membrane before the
et al. 2003兲, the instability behavior of sand under plane-strain placement of sand.
condition has seldom been studied. The main objectives of this All the specimens were saturated by flushing with de-aired
paper are to study the instability conditions in plane strain and to water from the bottom to the top for a period of 60 min. A small
establish an instability condition that is applicable to both plane- water head of about 0.5 m was used. A backpressure of 400 kPa
strain and axisymmetric conditions. Both triaxial and plane-strain was also applied. Skempton’s B values of 0.96–0.98 were
tests were conducted and the test results are presented in this achieved for all specimens. The void ratio after saturation was
paper. A comparison between the instability conditions estab- backcalculated based on the measurement of the water content of
lished under axisymmetric and plane-strain conditions is made. A the specimen at the end of test and the volume changes during
consolidation and shearing, a procedure proposed by Verdugo and
Ishihara 共1996兲.
The plane-strain apparatus used was developed recently by
Wanatowski and Chu 共2006兲. The plane-strain testing arrange-
ment is shown in Fig. 6. The dimension of the prismatic specimen
was 120 mm in height and 60⫻ 60 mm in cross section. Two
35 mm thick⫻ 74 mm wide⫻ 120 mm high stainless steel verti-
cal platens were fixed in position by two pairs of horizontal tie
rods to impose a plane-strain condition. The lateral stress in this
direction 共␴2兲 was measured by four submersible pressure trans-
ducers with two on each vertical platen 共see Fig. 6兲. The total
lateral pressure was calculated as an average value obtained from
the four individual transducers. The free-end technique 共Rowe
and Barden 1964兲 was adopted to reduce the boundary frictions
and to delay the occurrence of nonhomogeneous deformations.
For this purpose, all the platens were properly enlarged. High
vacuum silicone grease was applied to all the rigid surfaces. For
Fig. 3. Undrained effective stress paths and instability lines obtained the top and base platens, latex discs with a thickness of 1.3 to 1.5
from triaxial CIU tests on specimens with different void ratios times the mean grain size were used. For the two lateral platens,


Table 1. Basic Properties of the Tested Sand
Fines Shell
Mean size Uniformity Specific Maximum Minimum content content
Type 共mm兲 coefficient gravity void ratio void ratio 共%兲 共%兲
Marine dredged sand 0.30 2.0 2.60 0.916 0.533 0.4 14

Teflon sheets were used. These free-end arrangements have been in Fig. 4 will be affected by consolidation paths. K0 consolidation
confirmed to be effective by Chu and Lo 共1993兲 and Chu et al. in both triaxial and plane-strain tests was carried out by using a
共1996兲. A pair of miniature submersible linear variable differential strain path method developed by Lo and Chu 共1991兲. In this
transformers 共LVDT兲 was used to measure the vertical displace- method, the zero lateral strain condition was achieved by control-
ment. An external LVDT was also used to measure the axial strain ling the strain increment ratio d␧v / d␧1 = 1. The list of triaxial and
when the internal LVDTs run out of travel. As shown in Fig. 6, a plane-strain tests presented in this paper is given in Table 2.
digital hydraulic force actuator was mounted at the bottom of a
loading frame to apply axial load. The actuator was controlled by
a computer via a digital load/displacement control box. The con- Instability Lines
trol box adjusted the movement of the base pedestal to achieve a
desired rate of load or rate of displacement so that the plane-strain
Under Axisymmetric Conditions
apparatus could be used under either deformation-controlled or
load-controlled loading mode. The cell pressure was applied The stress-strain curves and effective stress paths of four K0 con-
through a digital pressure/volume controller 共DPVC兲. Another solidated undrained 共CK0U兲 triaxial tests conducted on very loose
DPVC was used to control the backpressure from the bottom of sand are presented in Figs. 7共a and b兲. It should be pointed out
the specimen while measuring the volumetric change at the same that when a true K0 condition 共i.e., ␧2 = ␧3 = 0兲 is imposed, the
time. A pore pressure transducer was used to record the pore effective stress paths followed will be dependent on the void ratio
water pressure at the top of the specimen. of the specimen, that is, the K0 value at the end of K0 consoli-
The above-presented plane-strain apparatus is similar to that dation is affected by the void ratio of the soil, as discussed by
developed by Vardoulakis and Graf 共1985兲, Drescher et al. Chu and Gan 共2004兲. This explains why different CK0U tests
共1990兲, and Han and Vardoulakis 共1991兲. One of the major ad- start from different initial stress states. Using the effective
vantages of this type of design is that the specimen can be seen in stress paths in Fig. 7共b兲, instability lines can be obtained from the
the ␴3 direction 共perpendicular to the paper in Fig. 6兲, so the CK0U tests. It can be seen that the slope of instability line, ␩IL,
formation of shear band can be monitored. One major difference
between the plane-strain apparatus used in this study and that by
Drescher et al. 共1990兲 is that the lateral stress ␴2 in the latter was
not measured, whereas ␴2 in the former was measured by four
button pressure transducers as shown in Fig. 6. This enabled all
three stress components to be measured directly.
The triaxial testing system adopted has been described by Chu
and Leong 共2001兲. The dimensions of the triaxial specimen were
100 mm in diameter and 190 mm in height.
As all the plane-strain tests were conducted on K0 con-
solidated specimens, K0 consolidated undrained 共CK0U兲 triaxial
tests were also conducted for comparison. These CK0U tests also
serve to check whether the ␩IL versus ec relationship as shown

Fig. 5. Grain size distribution curves of the tested sand Fig. 6. Plane-strain testing arrangement


Table 2. List of Tests Conducted
Test Type pc⬘
No. of test ec 共kPa兲 ␺ ␩IL ␩IL / M
CU20 CIU-tc 0.916 150 0.052 0.89 0.60
CU21 CIU-tc 0.864 150 0.000 1.35 1.00
CU26 CIU-tc 0.888 150 0.024 1.05 0.78
CU44 CIU-tc 0.972 150 0.108 0.74 0.54
K0U1 CK0U-tc 0.899 191 0.035 0.99 0.73
K0U2 CK0U-tc 0.844 201 −0.019 — —
K0U3 CK0U-tc 0.922 199 0.058 0.86 0.63
K0U4 CK0U-tc 0.881 200 0.017 1.12 0.83
K0U04 CK0U-psc 0.935 97 0.018 0.87 0.75
K0U05 CK0U-psc 0.915 198 0.031 0.88 0.77
K0U06 CK0U-psc 0.899 298 0.029 0.89 0.78
K0U08 CK0U-psc 0.902 198 0.018 0.97 0.83 Fig. 8. Relationship between the slope of instability line and the void
K0U09 CK0U-psc 0.893 198 0.009 1.01 0.87 ratio established for CIU and CK0U triaxial tests
K0U10 CK0U-psc 0.888 199 0.004 1.07 0.93
K0U11 CK0U-psc 0.884 200 0.000 1.16 1.00 Under Plane-Strain Conditions
The stress-strain curves and the effective stress paths of five
increases with decreasing ec. The new data and the data shown in K0 consolidated undrained 共CK0U兲 plane-strain tests are pre-
Fig. 4 are plotted together in Fig. 8. All the data points fall on the sented in Figs. 9共a and b兲. The critical state line determined under
same line. Therefore, the ␩IL versus ec relationship does not seem plane-strain conditions 共Wanatowski and Chu 2006兲, CSLpsc, is
to be affected by whether the specimen is isotropically or K0 also plotted in Fig. 9共b兲. All the specimens were consolidated

Fig. 7. Results of CK0U triaxial tests conducted on very loose sand: Fig. 9. Results of CK0U plane-strain tests conducted on very loose
共a兲 stress–strain curves; 共b兲 effective stress paths sand: 共a兲 stress-strain curves; 共b兲 effective stress paths


Fig. 12. Relationship between the slope of instability line and the
Fig. 10. Relationship between the slope of instability line and the state parameter established for triaxial and plane-strain tests
void ratio established for triaxial and plane-strain tests

to p⬘c = 198– 200 kPa. The void ratios, ec, of the specimens after
K0 consolidation were in the range of 0.884 and 0.915. From are plotted in Fig. 12, in which two different curves are formed
Fig. 9共a兲 strain softening is seen to have occurred in all the tests. for triaxial and plane-strain data, respectively. Please note that the
Using the same definition as for triaxial tests, the instability line CSL determined under plane-strain test conditions is different
for plane-strain conditions can be drawn through the peak point from that under axisymmetric conditions on both q-p⬘, and
of the undrained effective stress path, as shown in Fig. 9共b兲. It e-log p⬘ planes 共Wanatowski and Chu 2006兲. Hence the ␺ value
can be seen that the smaller the ec, the higher the slope of the for triaxial tests is different from that for plane-strain tests for soil
instability line ␩IL. Note that ␩IL is calculated using generalized with the same void ratio and mean stress. The difference in CSL
deviatoric and mean stresses. The ␩IL and ec relationship obtained is related to effect of the intermediate principal stress, as dis-
from plane-strain tests is compared with that from triaxial tests in cussed by Jefferies and Shuttle 共2002兲.
Fig. 10. A unique relationship is observed. If we normalize ␩IL using the slope of the CSL, M, and plot
It should be pointed out that within a narrow stress range, the ␩IL / M against ␺, a single curve can be obtained as shown in
value ␩IL does not seem to be affected by stress level, as demon- Fig. 13共a兲. Therefore, a unique relationship between ␩IL / M and ␺
strated by Lade 共1993兲 and Fig. 2. This appears to be the case exists for both plane-strain and triaxial tests. This is not surpris-
under plane-strain conditions too. The effective stress paths of the ing, as relationships between ␩ / M and ␺ have also been estab-
three K0 consolidated undrained plane-strain tests, K0U04, lished in the constitutive models for sand proposed by Jefferies
K0U05, K0U06, conducted on very loose sand, are presented in 共1993兲; Li and Dafalias 共2000兲; and Jefferies and Shuttle 共2002兲.
Fig. 11. It can be seen that a single instability line can be drawn A general dilatancy function that reflects the state-dependent
through the peak points of the undrained stress paths. properties of sand has been proposed by Li and Dafalias 共2000兲
However, generally speaking, ␩IL will be affected by stress
level as well. To take the effect of both void ratio and stress level
into consideration, Fig. 10 can be replotted using the state param- d = d0共em␺ − ␩/M兲 共1兲
eter 共Been and Jefferies 1985兲, ␺, in lieu of void ratio. The ␩IL where d = d␧vp / 兩d␧qp兩 = the
dilatancy ratio and d0 and m = two posi-
against ␺ relationships for both triaxial and plane strain test data tive modeling parameters. This relationship is not confined to
axisymmetric conditions only and can be applied to plane-strain
conditions, too.
At the peak of an undrained effective path, d␧v ⬇ d␧vp = 0, i.e.,
d = 0, then

␩/M = em␺ 共2兲

On the other hand, Fig. 13共a兲 can be replotted into Fig. 13共b兲
in which the following relationship can be obtained:

␩IL/M = 0.936e−5.8␺ 共3兲

Therefore, the ␩IL / M and ␺ appear to be fundamentally related
and are not affected by the intermediate principal stress. This
relationship also implies that the instability line of sand estab-
lished under axisymmetric conditions can be extended to plane-
strain conditions using the relationship established in Fig. 13共a兲 or
Fig. 11. Definition of the zone of potential instability based on CK0U Eq. 共3兲 when the generalized stress parameters are used in calcu-
plane-strain tests on very loose sand lating ␩.


d␧1 ⫽ axial strain increment;
e ⫽ void ratio;
⌴ ⫽ ␩ at critical state 关M psc = 1.16 in plane-strain test;
M tc = 1.35 in triaxial test兲兴;
p⬘ ⫽ mean effective stress: in plane-strain test 关=共␴⬘1 + ␴⬘2
+ ␴⬘3兲 / 3兴, and in triaxial test 关=共␴⬘1 + 2␴⬘3兲 / 3兴;
q ⫽ deviatoric stress: in plane-strain test 共=关共␴1 − ␴2兲2 + 共␴2
− ␴3兲2 + 共␴3 − ␴1兲2兴1/2 / 冑 2兲, and in triaxial test 共=␴1 − ␴3兲;
␧1 ⫽ axial strain;
␧v ⫽ volumetric strain;
␩ ⫽ q / p⬘; effective stress ratio;
␩IL ⫽ ␩ at instability point 共at peak deviatoric stress兲;
␴⬘1 ⫽ effective major principal stress;
␴2⬘ ⫽ effective intermediate principal stress
␴⬘3 ⫽ effective minor principal stress; and
␺ ⫽ state parameter.
c ⫽ consolidated;
cs ⫽ critical state;
IL ⫽ instability line;
psc ⫽ plane-strain compression; and
tc ⫽ triaxial compression.


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