Energy Use and Maintenance Costs of Upmarket Hotels

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International Journal of Hospitality Management 56 (2016) 33–43

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Energy use and maintenance costs of upmarket hotels

Joseph H.K. Lai ∗
Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Aimed at examining the relation between energy use and maintenance costs of hotels, face-to-face inter-
Received 3 June 2015 views were conducted under a study to collect reliable energy and cost data of 30 upmarket hotels in
Received in revised form 7 January 2016 Hong Kong, including those in the 4-star and 5-star classes. Analyzing the data revealed that for both
Accepted 19 April 2016
normalized energy consumptions and maintenance costs, they were not significantly different between
Available online 29 April 2016
the two classes of hotels. Charts for benchmarking energy performance and maintenance costs were
established. Electricity accounted for most of the energy used by the hotels and, among the maintenance
cost elements, capital project cost dominated. Neither the cost for capital projects nor that for routine
repair and maintenance was correlated with the total energy use. Causes for such missing links between
Energy energy use and maintenance costs, which are crucial information for formulation of energy reduction
Facilities management measures, require further investigations.
Hotel © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the energy use of the hotels in order to help reduce the growth of
energy consumption.
The global energy use has continued to rise (Intergovernmental The energy use of hotels is dependent on a multitude of factors
Panel on Climate Change, 2007; World Business Council for over their building life cycles, including designed efficiency of their
Sustainable Development, 2009). Energy use in cities, especially facilities; installation workmanship and hence constructed quality
for those with a high density of buildings, has become progres- of the facilities; whether the facilities have been properly tested and
sively intensive. This has resulted in various environmental issues, commissioned before use; and how well the facilities are operated
including the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, which is central and maintained. Among the different stages of a building life cycle,
to the global warming problem. the operation stage accounts for the major portion of energy con-
Hong Kong, a metropolis in Asia, is well-known for its over- sumption (Ramesh et al., 2010; de Wilde et al., 2011). The long term
crowded buildings. Being a popular tourist destination, it received costs of building operations also far outweigh the costs incurred
over 54 million visitors in 2013, among them over 25 million were during the design and construction stages of buildings (Evans et al.,
overnight visitors and their average length of stay was 3.4 nights 1998). Yet little research work has been made to examine the rela-
(Tourism Commission, 2014). Accommodating these visitors were tion between energy use and maintenance costs of hotels. Aimed at
many sizable hotels built with quality facilities. Apart from engi- contributing knowledge to this techno-economic area, a study was
neering facilities (e.g. chiller, boiler, lift, lighting, etc.), amenities carried out. After completing the preliminary work of the study (Lai,
such as swimming pool, sauna and gym equipment are common 2014), more comprehensive and meticulous analyses of its findings
provisions in the hotels. were made, as reported in the following.
According to the government’s statistics (Electrical and The next section is a review of the past research works that are
Mechanical Services Department, 2012), the biggest share (42%) relevant to the study. Section 3 describes the premise based on
of the total energy use of Hong Kong was due to the com- which the study was formulated and the method used for data col-
mercial sector. Hotels belong to the commercial segments that lection and analysis. Shown in Section 4 are the analyzed findings,
used 63,962 TJ (17,767 GWh) in 2010, a substantial increase from which include the physical and operational characteristics of the
40,255 TJ (11,182 GWh) in 2000. As such, it is necessary to minimize hotels, comparisons of the findings between two classes (4-star, 5-
star) of hotels covered in the study, benchmarking curves of their
energy consumptions and maintenance costs, and relations among
∗ Corresponding author. the hotels’ characteristics, energy use and maintenance costs. The
E-mail address:
0278-4319/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
34 J.H.K. Lai / International Journal of Hospitality Management 56 (2016) 33–43

final section consolidates the conclusions drawn from the study

results and the future works needed. Energy
L1 use
2. Past relevant studies

Over the years, numerous studies have been carried out to

study the energy use in buildings, including many focusing on
hotel buildings. In studying the efficiency of hotels, some research
characteristics L3
(Barros, 2005; Neves and Lourenco, 2008) investigated parameters
such as business performance (e.g. revenue, return on investment),
management or administrative expenses (e.g. labour cost, front-of- Maintenance
the-house hours) associated with hotel operations. In view of the costs
limited findings about operation and maintenance (O&M) costs of
hotels, a benchmarking study was carried out on 10 luxury hotels
(Lai and Yik, 2008) and it unveiled the considerable amounts of Fig. 1. Conceptual links among hotels’ characteristics, energy use and maintenance
resources used for maintenance and the predominance of energy
cost over other O&M cost elements.
Among the resources used in hotels, energy has attracted the 3. Materials and methods
greatest attention. In Hong Kong, a research team studied the
energy use of 16 quality hotels and found that electricity con- The premise based on which the study was formulated is that
sumption was dominant (Deng and Burnett, 2002). Another study the level of energy use of buildings is subject to a variety of fac-
(Bohdanowicz and Martinac, 2007), covering a sample of 184 Hilton tors, including not only design and construction characteristics
International and Scandic hotels in Europe, investigated the uti- but also occupants’ operation, behavior and maintenance factors
lizations of energy and water in the hotels. According to a survey (Chung et al., 2006). As such, factors associated with the physical
of 29 quality hotels in Singapore (Rajagopalan et al., 2009), the and operational properties of hotel buildings as well as how well
average total energy use intensity of the hotels was 427 kWh/m2 the buildings are maintained would affect the energy use of hotels.
(1 kWh = 3.412 kBtu). A study in Taiwan (Wang, 2012), based on the The first hypothesis of the study is that a bigger hotel would con-
data collected from 200 hotels, showed that on average electricity sume more energy, so when a hotel is occupied by more users, its
consumption accounted for 84% of their total energy use. Through energy consumption would be larger. This is represented by the
18 semi-structured interviews, a study team developed 32 energy link between the properties and energy use of a hotel, denoted as
conservation and carbon reduction indictors for the hotel industry L1, in Fig. 1. The second hypothesis is that the resources needed
(Teng et al., 2012). for maintaining a bigger hotel, including maintenance works and
In recent years, research probing into the maintenance perfor- manpower, would be more than that required for a smaller one. The
mance of hotels has grown. A study (Lai and Yik, 2012a), conducted link between such properties of a hotel and its maintenance costs
based on the computerized maintenance management data of a is indicated as L2. The third hypothesis is the existence of a link
618-room hotel, identified the existence of a significant correlation between maintenance costs and energy use (i.e. L3). An example
between equipment downtime and amount of maintenance work of such a relation is given a higher level of maintenance resources
orders, and developed a range of performance curves for assessing input for a hotel, it would allow more and better maintenance work
maintenance performance of hotel engineering facilities. A further to be carried out, enabling the energy-consuming facilities of the
study (Lai, 2013) introduced a model enabling analysis of mainte- hotel to perform more efficiently, thus using less energy. Whereas
nance data according to the period, place, and physical installation energy use of hotels can be classified into different groups including
(“3P”) of maintenance works. The analyses carried out in that study the part due to the operation of engineering installations (e.g. air-
showed that the maintenance works for the hotel were highly cor- conditioning system, lighting, lifts and escalators, etc.) and that for
related with their demands but had little correlations with the running amenities such as swimming pool, sauna and gym equip-
manpower input. ment, analyses covered by the study focus on total energy use and
The above studies have delved into either the energy use or the its main subdivided categories (i.e. electricity, gas and diesel oil).
maintenance issues of buildings. Attention to activities through- On the basis of the above, the three objectives of the study were
out the operational phase of buildings, in particular maintenance to identify the relations among: (i) characteristic parameters of
and energy use for climate control, has increased (Blom et al., 2010). hotels and their energy uses; (ii) the parameters and maintenance
Research on relationship between energy use and maintenance cost costs of hotels; and (iii) the maintenance costs and energy uses
of commercial buildings has emerged (Lai et al., 2008). A study in of hotels. An essential part of energy use of a hotel refers to the
Hong Kong (Chan et al., 2003) was among the few that attempted to amounts of utilities consumed by the hotel. Costs for maintaining
explore both the maintenance practices and energy performance of a hotel include those needed to hire maintenance staff, execute
hotels. Performance-based models that can link built asset mainte- routine repair and maintenance work, and implement some cap-
nance with the strategic performance of buildings, however, have ital projects (e.g. replacement of air-cooled chillers with energy
yet to be developed (Jones and Sharp, 2007). Not long ago, three efficient water-cooled chillers) to improve the conditions of the
case studies covering a college district, a laboratory building and a existing facilities. Such utilities and costs data are sensitive and, as
medical center were completed (Lewis et al., 2011), which showed experienced before, it is difficult to collect them from the data own-
the existence of an interdependent link between energy use and ers (Lai et al., 2008). Therefore individual face-to-face interviews
maintenance management of the buildings. To date, analyses focus- with the hotels’ representatives, which assure keeping the iden-
ing on the empirical relation between energy use and maintenance tities of their hotels and data owners confidential, were adopted
costs of hotels remain unavailable. In order to contribute findings to to collect reliable data for the study. To facilitate the data col-
this under-researched area and hence provide researchers and hos- lection process, a data template was devised. The types of data
pitality professionals with a better understanding of whether the solicited include: grade of hotel (star rating); building age; gross
energy use of hotels may be affected by the level of maintenance floor area; number of guestrooms; annual average occupancy rate;
resources, the study as reported in this article was initiated. annual costs of maintenance staff, repair and maintenance work,
J.H.K. Lai / International Journal of Hospitality Management 56 (2016) 33–43 35

Table 1 Table 2
Characteristics of the hotels. Annual energy consumptions of the hotels.

(n = 30) Mean Min. Max. S.D. (n = 30) Mean Min. Max. S.D.

Building age (year) 18.5 2 39 9.8 Total energy (MWh) 19,976 4377 37,102 8365
Floor area (m2 ) 42,815 14,975 72,062 14,124 Electricity (MWh) 14,820 4239 30,306 6208
Guestroom (nos.) 557 113 884 179 Town gas (MWh) 3023 139 15,366 2966
Occupancy rate (%) 85.8 65.0 94.0 6.7 Diesel oil (MWh) 2132 0 11,113 3631

Note: 1 MWh = 1000 kWh, or 3412 kBtu.

and capital project; and consumptions of utilities including elec-

tricity, diesel oil, and town gas. The repair, maintenance and project maximum total energy consumption was 37,102 MWh. As for elec-
costs cover the in-house resources and contract costs for builder’s tricity consumption, the biggest consumer used 30,306 MWh a
works (e.g. façade, roof, and ground) as well as building services year, which was more than double of the mean consumption level
installations (e.g. electrical, air-conditioning, and fire and piped (Table 2). The consumptions of town gas varied from 139 MWh to
services). 15,366 MWh. All the hotels used electricity and town gas while
The template was provided to the interviewees well before the diesel oil was not used in 11 of the hotels; the largest diesel oil
interviews so as to allow sufficient time for them to gather the nec- consumption among the samples was 11,113 MWh a year.
essary data. The reporting period of the energy consumption data Considerable amounts of resources were deployed to maintain
was pertinent to the 12 months preceding the interviews. Because the operations of the hotels. The relevant cost data of a hotel and
energy saving resultant from any improvement projects would not the capital project cost data of six others, which the respective data
be realized until completion of the projects, maintenance cost data owners were reluctant to disclose, were not available for analysis.
for a 12-month period before that of the energy consumption data Despite this constraint, calculations were made based on the avail-
were collected. The interviewees who agreed to participate in the able data to obtain statistics of different categories of maintenance
study were invited through the Engineers Committee Convenor of costs, namely repair and maintenance, capital project, maintenance
the Hong Kong Hotels Association, and the members of the Asso- staff, and their overall total. Table 3 shows the calculation results,
ciation comprised 127 hotels. During the interviews, which were where n denotes number of hotels that had provided the required
held in 2013, the interviewer explained the coverage of the types of data.
data needed. In cases where such coverage was found to be different The annual cost of repair and maintenance work per hotel, on
from that of the data provided by the interviewees, minor revisions average, was over HK$7.4 million (US$1 ≈ HK$7.8). The counterpart
were made at the time of the interviews. For revisions that were too for financing capital projects, including improvement and refur-
substantial to be made within the limited interview periods and for bishment works, was significantly more—close to HK$13 million.
data that could not be made available during the interviews, follow- The greatest capital project cost was as high as HK$40.9 million.
up contacts were made to ask the interviewees to supplement the Whereas the average amount of maintenance staff cost (i.e. staff
outstanding data. Afterwards, the data collected were organized payroll) was less than those of the preceding two kinds of costs,
and checked for completeness and any abnormality. For incomplete the minimum level of the payroll was actually the highest among
data and those detected as unreasonable, clarifications were sought the three cost categories.
from the respective interviewees before the data were consolidated
for analysis. 4.1.2. Normalization factor
The analysis was started with working out the descriptive statis- Normally a hotel of a larger scale would be equipped with more
tics of the data, including those about the characteristics of the facilities and hence its energy use would be more than that of a
hotels, their utilities consumptions and maintenance costs. Then smaller hotel, and vice versa. Since the sizes of the hotels were
the data were processed to generate benchmarking charts for not identical, it would not be fair to directly compare the raw
different kinds of utilities consumptions and maintenance costs. amounts of energy consumptions or maintenance costs between
Finally correlations between different energy consumptions and the hotels. Before making comparisons between the hotels, there-
cost elements were tested to identify any relation between the fore, it is necessary to find out a suitable factor for normalizing the
energy use of the hotels and their maintenance costs. energy consumptions and maintenance costs of the hotels.
Drawn upon the experience gained from an earlier study (Lai
4. Results and discussions et al., 2008) where trials were made to identify an appropriate nor-
malization factor for the O&M costs of some commercial buildings,
4.1. The hotels and normalization factor an attempt was made in the current study to investigate if the levels
of energy consumptions were dependent on the number of hotel
4.1.1. Characteristics of the hotels guestrooms. As the scatter plot in Fig. 2 shows, the total energy
A total of 30 interviewees who were senior staff (e.g. Director, consumptions of the hotels generally increased with the number
Assistant Director, and Chief Engineer) of the hotels provided use- of their guestrooms. But the former varied widely over the middle
ful data for the study. All the hotels were in the upmarket category, range of number of guestrooms. The R-squared value of the trend
with sixteen in the 5-star category and fourteen being 4-star hotels. line was small, reflecting a low goodness of fit. This shows that
The newest hotel had been in operation for 2 years; on average the number of guestrooms is not a good parameter for normalizing the
hotel buildings were 18.5 years old (standard deviation: S.D. = 9.8). total energy consumptions of the hotels.
Ranging from 14,975 m2 to 72,062 m2 , the mean gross floor area of Another trial was carried out by preparing a scatter plot as
the hotels was over 42,000 m2 (Table 1). Collectively there were shown in Fig. 3. It shows that with a poor goodness of fit of the
16,718 guestrooms in the hotels, with the smallest and largest trend line, there is no apparent relation between the total energy
hotels having 113 and 884 guestrooms respectively. The occupancy consumptions and occupancy rates of the hotels.
rates were generally high (mean = 85.8%), spreading across a range A further attempt was made by plotting the total energy con-
of 29%. sumptions against the gross floor areas of the hotels, as shown in
The total energy use of the hotels was large, with a yearly aggre- Fig. 4. It shows that the energy consumptions increase exponen-
gate amount of over 599 GWh. Among the samples the annual tially with the floor areas, and the R-squared value of the trend line
36 J.H.K. Lai / International Journal of Hospitality Management 56 (2016) 33–43

Table 3
Annual maintenance costs of the hotels.

Cost Mean Min. Max. S.D.

Repair & maintenance (HK$) [n = 29] 7,415,790 1,698,857 18,414,369 4,617,953

Capital project (HK$) [n = 23] 12,959,763 1,191,000 40,900,900 9,389,463
Maintenance staff (HK$) [n = 29] 6,026,539 2,469,018 12,000,000 2,281,128
Total maintenance (HK$) [n = 23] 26,705,669 6,674,146 48,022,900 8,892,085

40000 4.2. Comparisons and benchmarking

Total energy consumption (kWh x 10³)

A previous study found that the difference between the O&M
30000 costs of 4-star and 5-star hotels in Hong Kong was not obvious (Lai
and Yik, 2008). That study, however, was based on a limited number
of samples. With a much larger sample available for investigation
20000 under the current study, and in a bid to examine whether there
y = 11933e0.0007x
R² = 0.0692 exists significant difference between the energy consumptions of
the two classes of hotels, the collected cost and energy use data
10000 were analyzed. The population means of the data are defined as
1 = meanenergyuse(ormaintenancecost)of4-starhotels
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Number of guestrooms 2 = meanenergyuse(ormaintenancecost)of5-starhotels

Fig. 2. Relation between total energy consumption and number of guestrooms. Assuming that no difference exists in energy use (or mainte-
nance cost) of the hotels, the null hypothesis (H0 ) and alternative
hypothesis (H1 ) can be written as:
Total energy consumption (kWh x 10³)

H0 : 1 − 2 = 0

30000 H1 : 1 − 2 =
/ 0
25000 Given the relatively small sample sizes, a 2-tailed t-test rather
20000 than a z-test was made for a 95% confidence interval estimate (i.e.
y = 147101e-0.025x
R² = 0.1074
˛ = 0.05) of the difference between two population means. With
15000 a total sample size of over 20, the test would provide good results
even if the population are not normal (Anderson et al., 2012). Based
on the raw amounts of annual energy consumptions, the sample
5000 means and variances of the two classes of hotels were calculated.
The probabilities of obtaining test statistics, i.e. the p-values, were
60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 also computed. As can be seen from the results summarised in
Occupancy rate (%) Table 4, the p-value for the test on the total energy consumptions
was smaller than ␣. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. 1
Fig. 3. Relation between total energy consumption and occupancy rate. and 2 are not equal and the two classes of hotels differed in their
total energy consumptions.
40000 Further tests were made on the electricity, diesel oil and town
gas consumptions. The p-value pertaining to electricity, similar to
Total energy consumption (kWh x 10³)

35000 the result for total energy consumption, was found to be smaller
than ␣. This implies that the electricity consumptions of the 4-
star and 5-star hotels were different. It is not hard to predict this
25000 result because for both groups of hotels, the amount of electricity
consumption was the major share of their total energy use.
y = 6895e2E-05x On the other hand, the p-values of the remaining energy con-
R² = 0.3962
15000 sumptions exceed ␣. On this basis, H0 could not be rejected; the
corresponding consumptions (i.e. diesel oil and town gas) of the
4-star and 5-star hotels were not different.
5000 The energy consumption levels were normalized by the gross
floor areas of the hotels. Using such normalized data, a series of t-
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 tests were carried out and the results are shown alongside those
Gross floor area of hotel (m²) obtained above based on the raw consumption data (Table 4).
Unlike the results drawn from the raw data, the p-values computed
Fig. 4. Relation between total energy consumption and gross floor area. based on the normalized data, ranging from 0.0710 to 0.7120, are
all greater than ␣. This shows that the null hypothesis could not
be rejected. Thus, the normalized energy consumptions of the two
is much greater than that of the previous attempt. Thus, gross floor classes of hotels were not different.
area is comparatively a better normalization factor than number of Another series of t-tests were conducted on the annual main-
guestrooms or occupancy rates. tenance costs of the two groups of hotels, firstly based on the raw
J.H.K. Lai / International Journal of Hospitality Management 56 (2016) 33–43 37

Table 4
Results of t-tests on energy consumptions.

4-star (raw) 5-star (raw) 4-star (normalized) 5-star (normalized)

Total energy Mean 15588228.1 23815067.5 416.8 525.1

(4-star: n = 14) Variance 3.8E + 13 6.9E + 13 21359.0 28854.6
(5-star: n = 16) t Stat −3.1076 −1.8771
P(T < = t) two-tail 0.0044* 0.0710
Electricity Mean 11901866.7 17374093.0 328.0 381.7
(4-star: n = 14) Variance 2.0E + 13 4.2E + 13 18254.8 19149.2
(5-star: n = 16) t Stat −2.7132 −1.0740
P(T < = t) two-tail 0.0115* 0.2920
Diesel Mean 1061251.0 3069239.3 19.1 64.0
(4-star: n = 14) Variance 4.7E + 12 1.9E + 13 1563.8 8389.7
(5-star: n = 16) t Stat −1.6136 −1.7826
P(T < = t) two-tail 0.1209 0.0891
Town gas Mean 2625110 3371735 69.7 79.4
(4-star: n = 14) Variance 4.5E + 12 1.3E + 13 3847.0 6291.1
(5-star: n = 16) t Stat −0.7046 −0.3730
P(T < = t) two-tail 0.4876 0.7120

Notes: p-value = P(T< = t) two-tail.

Table 5
Results of t-tests on maintenance costs.

4-star (raw) 5-star (raw) 4-star (normalized) 5-star (normalized)

Total maintenance Mean 26120377.8 27344169.0 708.9 675.1

(4-star: n = 12) Variance 1.2E + 14 4.6E + 13 154106.0 153003.0
(5-star: n = 11) t Stat −0.3293 0.2067
P(T < = t) two-tail 0.7455 0.8383
Repair & maintenance Mean 5340529.8 9352700.2 137.0 242.5
(4-star: n = 14) Variance 9.0E + 12 2.6E + 13 2249.5 46741.3
(5-star: n = 15) t Stat −2.6038 −1.8432
P(T < = t) two-tail 0.0159* 0.0851
Capital project Mean 15202887.6 10512717.5 436.4 248.2
(4-star: n = 12) Variance 1.2E + 14 5.1E + 13 151275.8 31876.3
(5-star: n = 11) t Stat 1.2316 1.5119
P(T < = t) two-tail 0.2331 0.1501
Staff Mean 5016804.7 6968957.4 133.8 161.8
(4-star: n = 14) Variance 3.6E + 12 5.1E + 12 646.8 3734.2
(5-star: n = 15) t Stat −2.5264 −1.6299
P(T < = t) two-tail 0.0177* 0.1196

Notes: p-value = P(T< = t) two-tail.

cost data, followed by the maintenance costs normalized by the Table 6

Normalized annual energy consumptions.
hotels’ gross floor areas. Table 5 summarizes the results. Inspec-
tion across the tabulated p-values obtained based on the raw cost Mean Min. Max. S.D.
data revealed that two of them were smaller than 0.05 (␣). The first Total energy (kWh/m2 )
one, being 0.0159, was found with repair and maintenance cost; Overall (n = 30) 474.55 257.04 887.55 165.89
the other (0.0177) was for staff cost. The null hypotheses for these 4-star (n = 14) 416.78 266.95 713.44 146.15
two types of costs could be rejected. In other words, significant dif- 5-star (n = 16) 525.09 257.04 887.55 169.87
Electricity (kWh/m2 )
ferences existed between the 4-star and 5-star hotels in terms of
Overall (n = 30) 356.62 172.28 696.12 137.22
cost for repair and maintenance and cost due to staff payrolls. But 4-star (n = 14) 327.98 172.28 696.12 135.11
in terms of total maintenance cost and capital project cost, the two 5-star (n = 16) 381.68 225.39 603.65 138.38
hotel groups were not different. Town gas (kWh/m2 )
Overall (n = 30) 74.87 2.95 295.20 70.73
The t-test results drawn from the normalized cost data, also
4-star (n = 14) 69.73 8.55 206.59 62.02
summarised in Table 5, show that the computed p-values range 5-star (n = 16) 79.37 2.95 295.20 79.32
from 0.0851 to 0.8383. Given that they all exceed 0.05, the cor- Diesel oil (kWh/m2 )
responding hypotheses could not be rejected. Therefore, the 4-star Overall (n = 30) 43.06 0.00 258.30 74.57
and 5-star hotels were not different in their normalized total main- 4-star (n = 14) 19.08 0.00 112.51 39.54
5-star (n = 16) 64.04 0.00 258.30 91.60
tenance cost, repair and maintenance cost, capital project, and staff
The above two sets of test results prove that apparently there
were differences in some of the energy use and maintenance cost Main statistical values (mean, minimum, maximum and stan-
categories between the 4-star and 5-star hotels. Yet such differ- dard deviation) of energy consumptions and maintenance costs
ences were found based on the raw energy use or cost data. When normalized by gross floor area, including those pertaining to all
the normalized data were used for the tests, no significant differ- the hotels and those of the two sub-groups (i.e. 4-star and 5-star)
ences were found between the two hotel groups. This is the case are shown in Tables 6 and 7. Such results serve as reference values
not only for all kinds of the energy consumptions, but also for all for making comparisons on total energy consumption, total mainte-
the maintenance cost categories. nance cost, and their constituent elements including consumptions
of electricity, town gas, diesel oil, and expenditures on repair and
maintenance work, capital project and maintenance staff.
38 J.H.K. Lai / International Journal of Hospitality Management 56 (2016) 33–43

Table 7 Table 8
Normalized annual maintenance costs. Correlations between total energy use and characteristics of the hotels.

Cost Mean Min. Max. S.D. Characteristics Raw Normalized

Total maintenance (HK$/m2 ) r Sig. r Sig.

Overall (n = 23) 692.74 284.93 1,701.18 383.27
4-star (n = 12) 708.91 294.93 1,698.03 392.56 Age (years) 0.1051 0.5803 −0.1488 0.4327
5-star (n = 11) 675.11 284.93 1,701.18 391.16 Floor area (m2 ) 0.5530 0.0015a −0.1510 0.4259
Repair & maintenance (HK$/m2 ) Guestroom (nos.) 0.1580 0.4043 −0.1990 0.2917
Overall (n = 29) 191.56 34.79 908.18 165.21 Occupancy (%) −0.3903 0.0330 −0.3716 0.0432
4-star (n = 14) 136.99 66.94 237.15 47.43 a
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
5-star (n = 15) 242.50 34.79 908.18 216.20
Capital project (HK$/m )
Overall (n = 23) 346.41 22.88 1,446.20 315.23 The amounts of maintenance staff cost, ranging between
4-star (n = 12) 436.45 97.27 1,446.20 388.94 HK$79.5/m2 and HK$287.2/m2 (Fig. 6(c)), were significantly
5-star (n = 11) 248.19 22.88 582.51 178.54
Maintenance staff (HK$/m2 )
smaller than the preceding two categories of maintenance costs.
Overall (n = 29) 148.24 79.45 287.15 48.68 The percentile values of the two hotel groups were comparable at
4-star (n = 14) 133.75 79.45 189.77 25.43 the low staff cost levels (up to HK$130/m2 ); the biggest difference
5-star (n = 15) 161.76 83.61 287.15 61.11 between the staff costs of the two groups was found at the 90th per-
centile. Overall, the total maintenance cost of more than 80% of the
hotels exceeded HK$1200/m2 (Fig. 6(d)). The small gaps between
Energy benchmarking is effective for fostering sustainable the distribution lines of the two hotel groups imply that the levels
development of hotels (Chan, 2012). In order to construct bench- of their total maintenance costs were similar.
marking charts for the hotels, the various types of normalized
energy and cost levels were grouped into bin values and the cor- 4.3. Relations among hotels’ characteristics, energy use and
responding cumulative frequencies were plotted. This was done maintenance costs
collectively based on the data of all the hotels, followed by segre-
gating the data with respect to the two classes of hotels, i.e. 4-star A series of correlation analyses were made to identify whether
and 5-star. the physical/operational characteristics, energy consumptions and
Ranging from 172.3 kWh/m2 to 696.3 kWh/m2 , the normal- maintenance costs of the hotels are linked with each other (i.e. links
ized electricity consumptions of the hotels were on average L1 to L3 in Fig. 1) and, if so, the relations among them.
356.62 kWh/m2 and their cumulative frequencies are as depicted
in Fig. 5(a). Most parts of the distribution line pertaining to the 4.3.1. Energy use and hotels’ characteristics
5-star hotels lie below that of the 4-star hotels, indicating that The first group of analyses was made based on the energy use
most samples of the former group used more electricity per unit data and the hotels’ characteristics, and the results are summarised
area. As for the consumption of diesel oil, its maximum level was in Table 8 where the values of Pearson product-moment correlation
258.3 kWh/m2 , which was much lower than the counterpart of coefficient (r) and significance (Sig.) are displayed.
electricity. The diesel oil consumptions of the 5-star group were Gross floor area was found to have significant, positive corre-
generally larger than those of the 4-star hotels, as evidenced by the lation with the raw total energy use of the hotels (r = 0.5530; sig.
higher position of the entire distribution line of the latter group 0.0015), meaning that the bigger the hotel building, the greater
(Fig. 5(b)). the energy use. This result is in line with the observation from
While the use of town gas was as common as that of electric- Fig. 4. On the other hand, there were no significant correlations
ity, its consumption levels, with an average value of 74.9 kWh/m2 , between the hotels’ total energy use and the remaining parameters.
were much lower. The small gaps between the distribution lines As revealed earlier, number of guestrooms and occupancy rates are
in Fig. 5(c) imply that town gas consumption levels of the two not good normalization factors so the absence of significant cor-
classes of hotels were comparable. The cumulative frequency distri- relation between such parameters and the total energy use is not
butions of the normalized total energy consumptions are displayed unexpected.
in Fig. 5(d). Throughout the entire range of energy consumptions, Regarding the age of the buildings, it shows no significant cor-
the distribution line of the 5-star hotels lies at the bottom, indi- relation with the raw total energy use (r = 0.1051; sig. 0.5803).
cating the comparatively higher total energy consumptions of this This may be because improvement works for hotels, which cover
hotel sub-group. replacement of energy-inefficient facilities, are typically imple-
Following the way in which the above benchmarking charts mented on a cyclical basis (Lai and Yik, 2012a). Older hotels
were constructed, the resources deployed for maintaining the provided with sufficient improvement works might not be less
hotels were normalized by their respective gross floor areas. Such energy efficient than the newer ones. Fig. 7 shows a scatter plot
normalized values, including those for repair and maintenance cost, of the raw total energy consumptions against the ages of the hotel
capital project cost, maintenance staff cost and the total mainte- buildings.
nance cost, are plotted in Fig. 6. Whereas it is reasonable to hypothesize that a greater occu-
With its minimum value being HK$66.9/m2 , the annual repair pancy rate (i.e. higher user density) of the hotels would result in
and maintenance cost based on all the sampled hotels reached a more energy use, this is not supported by the analysis result. Similar
maximum value of HK$908.2/m2 . The 50th percentile, for instance, to a previous case study of a hotel (Lai and Yik, 2012b), the occu-
was approximately HK$170/m2 (Fig. 6(a)). For most of the 5-star pancy rates covered in the current analysis, which ranged between
hotels, their repair and maintenance costs were higher than those of 65% and 94%, are not wide enough for revealing the effect of varia-
the 4-star group. Referring to Fig. 6(b), however, the entire distribu- tions in occupancy rate. This is a probable reason for the absence of
tion line of the former group is at the top. This shows that the capital correlation between the total energy use and the occupancy rates.
project costs of the 5-star group were generally lower. Furthermore, After the above analyses which were conducted based on the
the ranges of capital project costs and repair and maintenance costs raw energy use data, further work was carried out to investigate the
were of the same order of magnitude, but the 50th percentile of the correlations between the normalized energy consumptions of the
former costs was much higher, at around HK$250/m2 . hotels and their physical/operational characteristics. The results of
J.H.K. Lai / International Journal of Hospitality Management 56 (2016) 33–43 39

100% 100%

80% 80%

60% 60%

40% 40%
20% 4-star 20%
0% 0%






















(a) Electricity consumption (kWh/m²) (b) Diesel oil consupmtion (kWh/m²)

100% 100%

80% 80%

60% 60%

40% 40%
20% 20% 4-star
0% 0%


























(c) Town gas consumption (kWh/m²) (d) Total energy consumption (kWh/m²)

Fig. 5. Benchmarking charts for utilities consumptions.

100% 100%

80% 80%

60% 60%

40% 40%
All All
20% 4-Star 20% 4-Star
5-Star 5-Star
0% 0%


(a) Repair and maintenance cost (HK$/m²) (b) Capital project cost (HK$/m²)

100% 100%

80% 80%

60% 60%

40% 40%
All All
20% 4-Star 20% 4-Star
5-Star 5-Star
0% 0%


(c) Maintenance staff cost (HK$/m²) (d) Total maintenance cost (HK$/m²)

Fig. 6. Benchmarking charts for maintenance resources.

this part are also shown in Table 8. But different from the results of 4.3.2. Maintenance costs and hotels’ characteristics
the preceding part, none of the characteristics parameters showed Similar to the above correlation analyses, Pearson’s coefficients
significant correlation with the normalized energy use. Neverthe- were calculated for testing if there were correlations between the
less, the negative r values, especially for those pertaining to area, total maintenance cost of the hotels and their physical/operational
guestroom and occupancy, suggest the existence of the economies characteristics. The calculation results, as summarised in Table 9,
of scale effect. The energy use per unit area of the hotels gener- show that none of the tested characteristics parameters was sig-
ally decreased with incremental increase in their gross floor area, nificantly correlated with the raw total maintenance cost. When
number of rooms and occupancy rate. the same test was applied to detect any associations between the
40 J.H.K. Lai / International Journal of Hospitality Management 56 (2016) 33–43

160000 hotels’ normalized total energy consumptions and each category

Total energy consumption (MJ x 10 3)

140000 of the normalized maintenance costs were examined by preparing

a series of scatter plots, as shown in Fig. 9(a)–(d).
The plots, however, show that the goodness of fit of all the trend
lines was low and there were no apparent patterns of the scattered
80000 data points. These observations suggest the absence of significant
60000 correlations between the normalized total energy use and the var-
ious maintenance costs.
In order to find out if the total energy use was associated
with any of the maintenance cost categories, further correlation
0 tests were carried out for each of the parameters. The first series
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
of such tests were made based on the data of normalized total
Age (years)
energy consumptions and raw maintenance costs. As the results
Fig. 7. Variation of raw total energy use against building age. in Table 10 show, the correlation between the normalized total
energy consumptions and the normalized repair and maintenance
Table 9 costs was not significant (r = 0.2262; sig. 0.2381). The same con-
Correlations between total maintenance cost and characteristics of the hotels. clusions can be drawn from the results between the normalized
Characteristics Raw Normalized
total energy consumptions and: (i) the normalized capital project
costs (r = 0.1355; sig. 0.5377); and (ii) the normalized total main-
(n = 23) r Sig. r Sig. tenance costs (r = 0.3103; sig. 0.1495). Significant correlation at the
Age (years) 0.3511 0.1005 −0.0969 0.6599 0.05 level (r = 0.3947; sig. 0.0341) was found between the normal-
Floor area (m2 ) 0.0810 0.7132 −0.6241 0.0015a ized total energy consumptions and the normalized maintenance
Guestroom (nos.) 0.2168 0.3204 −0.3847 0.0699
staff costs.
Occupancy (%) −0.2404 0.2693 0.1131 0.6073
A further series of correlation tests were conducted between the
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
normalized total energy consumptions and the four categories of
raw maintenance costs. The results, with the values of r varying
characteristics parameters and the normalized total maintenance between −0.0012 and 0.2895, show that there were no significant
cost, a significant, negative correlation was found between the nor- correlations between the four pairs of parameters. Similar results
malized cost and the gross floor area (r = −0.6241; sig. 0.0015). This (r ranges from −0.3220 to 0.0677) were obtained from the tests
indicates the existence of economics of scale—the larger the hotel, between the raw total energy consumptions and the same sets of
the smaller the incremental total maintenance cost. raw maintenance cost data.
As revealed earlier, number of guestrooms is not a good nor- Carried out based on the data of the hotels’ raw total energy
malization factor and the range of occupancies studied is rather consumptions and the raw amounts of the four maintenance cost
narrow. Coherent with these revelations, there were no significant categories, the final series of tests revealed no significant cor-
correlations between the total maintenance cost and the two char- relations except for two of the tested cases. Moderate, positive
acteristics parameters, namely guestroom (r = −0.3847; sig. 0.0699) correlation was found between the raw total energy use and: (i)
and occupancy (r = 0.1131; sig. 0.6073). But the observation that the repair and maintenance cost (r = 0.4138; sig. 0.0257); and the
the total maintenance cost was not correlated with the age of the raw maintenance staff cost (r = 0.6244; sig. 0.0003). These results
hotels (r = −0.3847; sig. 0.0699) does not support the hypothesis imply that more repair and maintenance work and more mainte-
that older hotels require more resources for maintaining their age- nance manpower were required for hotels that consumed more
ing facilities. In view of this finding, two scatter plots were made energy.
to visualize how the maintenance costs vary with the age of the The above parts of analyzed findings collectively inform that
hotels: Fig. 8(a) shows the variation of total maintenance cost; there was little linkage between the maintenance costs and the
Fig. 8(b) shows the variations of the constituent costs for repair total energy consumptions of the hotels. Factors leading to this
and maintenance, capital project, and maintenance staff. result may include the following. First, the physical/operational
The scatter plot of the normalized total maintenance costs, characteristics instead of the maintenance resources of the hotels
instead of exhibiting a continuous upward trend with the age of predominated in determining the amounts of energy they con-
hotels, resembles a bell-shape pattern (Fig. 8(a)). It is similar to sumed. For instance, if a facility is used profligately or left running
the distribution pattern of the chiller maintenance costs found even after the venue it serves is unoccupied, its energy consump-
in a previous study (Lai et al., 2009), where the costs peaked in tion would be high regardless of the amount of resources input for
the middle-age range while minimal resources were devoted for its maintenance. Second, the maintenance resources used, includ-
new installations and those approaching the end of their life span. ing those for hiring maintenance manpower, executing routine
Except two outliers, the normalized total maintenance costs of the repair works and implementing improvement projects for the
hotels lied between HK$200/m2 and HK$1000/m2 . Fig. 8(b) further hotels, were not effective. Third, the costs for routine repair works
shows that the cost variations were mainly due to the large fluc- and capital projects covered not only some works for improv-
tuations in the levels of capital project cost. For maintenance staff ing energy efficiency of the hotels’ facilities but also some purely
costs, on the other hand, their variations were relatively small, with revenue generating projects such as restaurant or room refurbish-
none of the samples exceeding the level of HK$300/m2 . ments. This should have contributed to the weak linkage between
the respective maintenance cost items and the hotels’ energy con-
4.3.3. Energy use and maintenance costs sumptions. Further work is needed to obtain breakdown cost data
At the stage of formulating the hypotheses for the study, it was of energy improvement works/projects to analyze their influence
anticipated that the energy use of hotels would be dependent on the on energy consumptions of the hotels. Fourth, the amounts of
effort made in maintaining their facilities. More resources deployed energy used by the hotels were insensitive to the effort and hence
for maintenance, in principle, should retain the facilities in a proper the resources devoted on maintenance. This is the case, for example,
state or even improve the efficiency of energy-consuming facil- for an air-conditioning system with a faulty design, poor installa-
ities, and vice versa. Along this line, the relations between the tion workmanship or improper commissioning. Providing it with
J.H.K. Lai / International Journal of Hospitality Management 56 (2016) 33–43 41


Mantenance cost ($/m²)









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
(a) Age (years)

Mantenance cost ($/m²)

1200 Staff






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
(b) Age (years)

Fig. 8. Distribution of maintenance costs over age of hotel buildings.

Table 10
Correlations between total energy use and maintenance costs.

Cost Total energy (normalized) Total energy (raw)

r Sig. r Sig.

Repair and maintenance (normalized) [n = 29] 0.2262 0.2381 −0.0458 0.8135

Capital project (normalized) [n = 23] 0.1355 0.5377 −0.3220 0.1340
Maintenance staff (normalized) [n = 29] 0.3947 0.0341a 0.0677 0.7273
Total maintenance (normalized) [n = 23] 0.3103 0.1495 −0.2871 0.1841
Repair and maintenance (raw) [n = 29] 0.2598 0.1734 0.4138 0.0257a
Capital project (raw) [n = 23] −0.0012 0.9958 −0.2280 0.2955
Maintenance staff (raw) [n = 29] 0.2339 0.2220 0.6244 0.0003b
Total maintenance (raw) [n = 23] 0.2895 0.1803 0.1665 0.4477
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

ordinary, routine maintenance work would have little effect on ber of guestrooms or occupancy rate, gross floor area is a better
improving its energy efficiency. In addition, the energy use of the parameter for normalizing energy consumptions of hotels.
hotels may hinge on parameters beyond those covered in the cur- Apparently the raw amounts of energy consumptions and main-
rent research, which need to be studied in future. tenance costs of the two groups of hotels, i.e. 4-star and 5-star, were
different. But analyzing their normalized energy use and mainte-
5. Conclusions nance cost data unveiled that there were no significant differences
between the two groups. Benchmarking charts, which were estab-
Research on the link between energy use and maintenance costs lished based on the normalized energy and cost data, can facilitate
of hotels has been limited. The above study is one that made use of building professionals and researchers to compare and evaluate
face-to-face interviews to collect maintenance cost data and energy energy performance and maintenance cost effectiveness of similar
consumption records of 30 hotels. Whereas this sample size is not types of hotels.
as large as those obtainable through other data collection meth- Gross floor area, which represents the scale of hotels, was a
ods such as postal or online survey, the data collected through the physical characteristic exhibiting a significant, positive correlation
interviews are comparatively reliable. The study results show that with the raw total energy use of the hotels. While larger hotels
among the various kinds of energy use, electricity consumption generally consumed more energy, the energy use per unit area, by
dominated. The amounts of resources deployed for maintaining virtue of economies of scale, tended to drop with increase in the size
the hotels were enormous, with the cost for implementing capital of hotels. For total maintenance cost, likewise, it could be econo-
projects being generally more than the cost for hiring maintenance mized for hotels of a larger scale. Despite the absence of an obvious
staff or executing repair and maintenance works. Instead of num- relation between the hotels’ total energy use and their building age,
42 J.H.K. Lai / International Journal of Hospitality Management 56 (2016) 33–43


Total energy (kWh/m²)

y = 0.1357x + 345.66
300 R² = 0.0963

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
(a) Total maintenance cost ($/m²)

Total energy (kWh/m²)

y = 1.3536x + 269.38
300 R² = 0.1558

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
(b) Maintenance staff cost ($/m²)
Total energy (kWh/m²)

y = 0.072x + 414.74
300 R² = 0.0183

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
(c) Capital project cost ($/m²)

Total energy (kWh/m²)

800 y = 0.2285x + 426.26

R² = 0.0511
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
(d) Repair and maintenance cost ($/m²)

Fig. 9. Scatter plots of normalized total energy use against maintenance costs.
J.H.K. Lai / International Journal of Hospitality Management 56 (2016) 33–43 43

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