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Análisis de ciclo de vida.


Oscar Adrian Vicente Magaña 192D22005


1. Definición del objetivo y alcance

2. Análisis de inventario
3. Evaluación del impacto ambiental
4. Interpretación
Cement & Concrete Composites 51 (2014) 38–48

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Life-cycle inventory analysis of concrete production: A critical review

A. Petek Gursel a,⇑, Eric Masanet b, Arpad Horvath a, Alex Stadel a,b
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1712, USA
Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Room L494 Evanston, IL 60208, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Concrete is one of the most widely used building materials with a global consumption rate approaching
Received 25 October 2012 25 gigatonnes per year. Consequentially, its environmental burden is significant in terms of resource use
Received in revised form 28 February 2014 and environmental emissions. There is a diverse audience of decision makers and manufacturers who are
Accepted 22 March 2014
interested in understanding and lowering the environmental impact of concrete and other buildings
Available online 30 March 2014
materials, which requires a life-cycle assessment (LCA) approach. A critical first step in any LCA is the
compilation of a credible life-cycle inventory (LCI), upon which subsequent life-cycle impact assessment
(LCIA) can be based. This article reviews the strengths and weaknesses of concrete LCIs to date, and offers
Concrete (E)
Cement manufacture (E)
a research roadmap to improve the quality of future cement and concrete LCIs and meet the needs of
Admixture (D) major LCA users.
Supplementary cementitious materials Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Life-cycle inventory analysis (LCI)

1. Introduction requiring 4–5 GJ/t [9]. The remaining half is due to the calcination
of limestone. Overall, for one mt of Portland cement clinker 0.87 t
Construction and operation of the built environment is recog- of CO2 is released into the atmosphere [12]. However, this value
nized as a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can vary with the location, technology, production efficiency, mix
[1–4]. In the United States, residential and commercial buildings of energy sources used in electricity generation, and the selection
are responsible for about 74% of annual electricity use and 39% of of kiln fuels. Nevertheless, the environmental burden of concrete
annual primary energy use as of 2006, and this rate is expected is not limited to only CO2 emissions occurring at one specific
to grow [5]. Globally, 40% of anthropogenic GHG emissions and life-cycle stage. The analysis and quantification of the overall envi-
40% of raw materials are attributed to buildings [4,6]. Concrete is ronmental impacts of concrete production require a holistic analyt-
one of the most widely used building materials [7] with global con- ical approach. The most suitable is life-cycle assessment (LCA).
sumption rate approaching 25 gigatonnes (Gt) per year [8], which The LCA approach is particularly important given the high vol-
corresponds to over 3.8 t of use per person annually. Its wide- ume of concrete use and the growing importance of environmen-
spread use is due to various positive attributes that include rela- tally sustainable infrastructure decisions. As a consequence, there
tively low cost of production and transportation, durability, good is a diverse audience of decision makers and manufacturers who
fire resistance [9]. On the other hand, the environmental impacts are interested in understanding and lowering the environmental
of concrete production are significant. Currently, global concrete impact of concrete and other buildings materials. These decision
production accounts for more than five percent of anthropogenic makers include governmental policy makers, urban planners,
carbon dioxide emissions annually, mostly attributable to the pro- designers of buildings and infrastructure, developers of green
duction of cement clinker [8]. In 2011, about 3 Gt of Portland building standards (e.g., the LEED rating system), and construc-
cement were produced globally [10], leading to about 2.6 Gt of tion/engineering companies. Manufacturers are interested in low-
CO2 emissions annually for average production conditions [11]. ering their carbon footprint, which covers the GHG emissions
Approximately half of these emissions are due to the combustion associated with the manufacturing of concrete and related materi-
of fossil fuels as Portland cement is an energy-intensive material, als that they procure. Manufacturers want to stay competitive in
the marketplace as demand for ‘‘greener’’ concrete products con-
tinues to increase. An LCA approach is particularly important for
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Department of Civil and Environmental Engi-
this audience in understanding the full range of impacts of con-
neering, 407 McLaughlin Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1712,
crete and its ingredients in a cradle-to-gate life-cycle setting. How-
USA. Tel.: +1 (925) 577 4988.
E-mail address: (A. Petek Gursel). ever, the utility of an LCA is highly dependent upon the accuracy
0958-9465/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Petek Gursel et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 51 (2014) 38–48 39

and comprehensiveness of its life-cycle inventory (LCI), in which constituents. Fig. 1 demonstrates the cradle-to-gate system bound-
data on inputs and outputs of mass and energy across the various ary considered herein, including the main components of the life-
life-cycle processes are compiled. Without a credible and broad cycle stages, the processes within these stages, and the emissions
LCI, the utility of an LCA can suffer due to uncertainties introduced associated with each of the processes within the cradle-to-gate
into subsequent life-cycle impact assessment (LCIA) and/or incom- system. Although Fig. 1 draws a well-defined system boundary
pleteness in the range of environmental impact categories that can with one end product, the supply-chain impacts from different
be considered. In other words, credible LCAs of concrete produc- constituents with regional specificity and varying production tech-
tion rely heavily on credible and comprehensive LCIs. nologies complicate the analysis.
The purposes of this research review are to critically assess the The following sections synthesize the goal and scope definition
strengths and weaknesses of the current literature on LCI of con- and LCI characteristics of the cement and concrete LCAs that are
crete production, and to provide a roadmap for improving the util- summarized in Supplementary Material section, Table S1.
ity of concrete production LCIs for decision makers, manufacturers, Throughout the review, major research findings and discrepancies
researchers, and other interested parties as they seek to lower the are described.
environmental burdens associated with concrete.

3. Synthesis and limitations of cement production LCIs

2. Scope of the review
For analysis and comparison purposes, studies are first evalu-
ated on the basis of their scope and goal definition, and then cov-
The compilation and synthesis of major cement and concrete
erage of their life-cycle inventories (Table 1). The objective is to
production LCAs conducted since early 2000s are tabulated in Sup-
determine the areas that deserve further discussion and research
plementary Materials, Table S1. A recent study by Van den Heede
to fill out the major limitations of cement production LCIs in the
and Belie [13] also reviewed the literature about the LCA of con-
current literature.
crete, compiled ranges of energy and emissions data for both tradi-
tional and ‘‘green’’ concrete production, provided background
information on various aspects of concrete, such as durability, pre- 3.1. Goal definition and scope of cement LCIs
diction of service life based on various durability tests representing
the concrete’s environment, as well as an LCA procedure within the Cement production LCAs in literature are cradle-to-gate LCAs
context of concrete production. In contrast, our review is focused with varying system boundaries as well as technological and geo-
mainly on methodological inconsistencies and their implications, graphical variations within their scopes. Table 1 is a synopsis of the
while providing recommendations for improving the approach scope of current studies in terms of major cement production pro-
and methodology in future LCAs. cesses and cement products. Conventional Portland cement pro-
The surveyed studies were selected from peer-reviewed jour- duction processes include: (1) extraction of raw materials
nals and reports that follow systematic LCA guidelines, such as (quarrying and raw materials crushing); (2) preparation of raw
the ISO 14040 framework [14,15] for the purpose of enabling cred- meal and blending; (3) pyroprocessing; (4) finish grinding (milling)
ible comparisons between the studies. The review consists of two with gypsum; (5) packaging, handling, and shipping of the finished
groups of studies. The first covers cement production LCAs. The product [18,19]. Preparation of fuels and SCMs take place in paral-
second is a compilation of concrete production LCAs. The evalua- lel to major cement production processes. Additionally, the inclu-
tion of selected studies is based on the following two LCA stages sion of transportation impacts is an essential step in the LCI
(two of the four major stages of LCA): calculations as it occurs over major life-cycle phases and the asso-
ciated environmental burden can be considerable (Fig. 1 and
 The scope and goal definition [14]. Table 1).
 The life-cycle inventory (LCI) analysis [14]. Table 1 demonstrates that major cement production processes
(e.g., raw materials preparation, clinker production processes) are
The assessment of the scope and goal definition stage examines analyzed separately in all LCAs except in Josa et al. [20,21]. Notice-
functional unit and system boundary similarities as well as incon- ably, all of the studies in Table 1 focus on the most energy intensive
sistencies among studies. The assessment of the LCI stage com- stage of cement production, that is, pyroprocessing. This stage con-
pares the selected studies in terms of environmental inputs (raw sumes about 90% of the total energy [22,23] in the production of
materials, water consumption, and energy use) and outputs (atmo- cement. The extraction of raw materials is left out in four
spheric emissions, waterborne emissions, and solid waste genera- [21,24–26] of the nine cement LCA studies as it is either deemed
tion), quantified within the system boundary of each cement and insignificant in terms of energy consumption (about 2% of total
concrete production LCA study. energy use) or because of lack of data. Despite the lower rates of
Within the context of these two LCA stages, the body of litera- energy use during this stage, particulate matter (PM) emissions
ture is assessed to understand how well it meets the needs of can be significant (further details are provided in Section 3.2).
the above-stated users along three important dimensions: Inventories of raw materials preparation, finish grinding and mill-
ing, and transportation stages are often, but not always, included in
(1) Holistic decision-making across all environmental the cement production LCAs. Energy use during these stages is
exchanges in life-cycle inventory. comparably low, 2–5% of total production. However, as in the case
(2) Ability to apply to regional/local decision making. of impacts from raw materials extraction, impacts from these three
(3) Ability to include direct and supply-chain effects of produc- stages can add up to substantial amounts when considered glob-
tion processes over the life-cycle of concrete and cement ally. When the impacts are scaled up to global levels, even two per-
production [16,17]. cent of energy use during cement production can add up to
unexpectedly large numbers. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
The scope of the review is limited to cement and concrete pro- [27] estimates that an average of 5.2 GJ of energy per tonne of
duction, therefore, it is a cradle-to-gate analysis. For a full environ- cement is required, and 2% of it (roughly 0.1 GJ) adds up to
mental assessment of concrete production, it is essential to define 230 million GJ of energy use per year globally [11], or 5.09 mil-
major processes taking place in the production of concrete and its lion tonnes (Mt) of petroleum equivalent.
40 A. Petek Gursel et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 51 (2014) 38–48

Fig. 1. Scope of the concrete LCA research review.

Except for one recent cement manufacturing LCA study [28], Overall, Table 1 demonstrates that the reviewed cement LCAs
none of the others specifically consider the variations in produc- complement one other; they study major production stages with
tion technologies for major stages of cement manufacturing. This varying details of technology, regional specificity and product
particular study compares older and updated versions of cement types.
manufacturing lines in a cement plant with respect to the ‘‘Best
Available Technologies’’ (BAT) in Europe [29].
Although it cannot be considered as deficiency, differences in 3.2. LCI representation in cement LCAs
types of cement products between Europe and the United States
are noticeable. The European cement LCAs often include blended Following the goal definition and scope representation in
cements (cement with fly ash, slag, or natural pozzolan) in their cement LCAs, this section reviews major LCI data covered in the
analysis since about 70% of cements consumed are currently cement production LCA literature and identifies areas of needed
blended cements. In the United States, the market share of blended future research.
cements is below 3%. However, these numbers can be misleading During the cement production process, energy is consumed in
as it is common practice in the United States to blend in supple- the form of fuels and electricity. Fossil fuels used for pyroprocess-
mentary cementitious materials (SCMs) during concrete mixing, ing constitute the majority of fuels consumption. Most cement kiln
not during cement production. Additionally, regulatory restric- operations in the United States are primarily powered by coal, coal
tions, slow adaptations of standards, and reluctance to use such and petroleum coke combination, and alternative fuels [31]. How-
new materials with less-understood properties can be counted as ever, the specific mix of fuel sources heavily depend on the manu-
some of the reasons for not including blended cements in the facturing facility and can include a unique combination of fuels
U.S. LCAs [30]. Therefore, while performing an LCA, the researcher including natural gas, fuel oil, waste tires, liquid and solid wastes,
should also recognize the trends and regulations in a given location as well as the more commonly used fuels [27,31,32]. Electricity is
for an accurate assessment. consumed for crushing, grinding, rotating the kiln, conveying
A. Petek Gursel et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 51 (2014) 38–48 41

Table 1
Scope of cradle-to-gate cement production LCAs.

(Author, Region Cement production processes Cement products

Extraction Raw meal Fuels and Pyroprocessing Finish Transportation Clinker Traditional Blended Other
and crushing preparation SCMs grinding (raw materials) PC cement
of raw preparation and
materials blending
Valderrama Spain * * * * * *
et al. [28]
Chen et al. France * * * * * * * *
Boesch and Switzerland; * * * * * * *
Hellweg U.S.
Boesch et al. Switzerland * * * *
Huntzinger U.S. * * * * * * *a
Josa et al. Europe * * *
Marceau U.S. * * * * * * *
et al. [22]
Navia et al. Chile * * * * *
Gabel and Sweden * * * * * * * *
PC with CKD and CO2 sequestered in CKD in cement.
LCI for only traditional Portland cement manufacturing but LCIA results are calculated for traditional PC, blended cement, cement with CKD, and cement with CO2

materials, and driving other electrical devices to clean exhaust tion from coal preparation process in the cement plant. In the same
gases and to cool clinker [18,33]. year, electricity consumption of the U.S. cement plants was
Energy consumption data are mostly national averages in reported to be 9,020 million kW h. Assuming this number includes
cement LCAs [21,22,24–26,28,34,35] (Table 2). Regional and tech- the electricity use for fuels preparation, about 2% of electricity con-
nological variations of fuel use during production processes sumption can be attributed to coal preparation. Waste fuels are
(mostly pyroprocessing) are not typically captured, which limits also prepared before combustion in the cement kiln. The most
the applicability of the LCI data for regions that differ substantially common type is tires (supplies 4% of total U.S. cement kiln heat
from the ‘‘national average’’ conditions. For example, some Port- requirement) and shredding tires may require as much as
land cement plants in the United States use imported clinker, 45 kW h/t [30]. (Some cement kilns use whole tires, while shred-
which is later ground and blended with gypsum to produce domes- ding may be required in others). When considered at global or
tic Portland cement. Several U.S. distributors also import Portland national volumes, again impacts from waste fuel preparation can
cement. Portland cement and clinker imports constitute about be significant. These arguments are valid for preparation of alter-
eight percent of the total U.S. cement consumption in 2009 [36]. native materials used for supplementing cementitious materials.
However, the upstream inventories of the imported clinker and Before blending with clinker, such SCMs must be dried, ground,
the corresponding energy use factors specific to the country of ori- and prepared. In comparison to other mineral components, the
gin, as well as the transportation energy associated with imported preparation of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) is
clinker, are not taken into consideration in LCAs. Instead, domestic associated with a higher environmental impact due to its lower
and imported clinker are assumed to be produced by similar tech- grindability and possible additional drying requirement. It requires
nologies [22]. For an accurate environmental assessment, the about 95 kW h/t to prepare slag prior to mixing it with cement
energy-related nuances in production technologies are recom- clinker [39]. For fly ash, preparation (which requires no grinding
mended to be considered in future LCIs. as opposed to GGBFS processing) takes about 7 kW h/t of fly ash
Contrary to the U.S. practice, European cement studies consider [40].
the electricity use and related impacts associated with the process Generally, studies leave out parts of the system that are deemed
of preparation of fuels and SCMs in their analysis insignificant, but even 1% of the energy use of the concrete cradle-
[24,25,28,34,35,37]. The exclusion of this step from cement LCIs to-gate system can add up to a large number when global volumes
can lead to the underestimation of impacts from electricity con- of production are considered. The same argument is true for other
sumption during cement production processes. The following esti- environmental effects (e.g., emissions to air, water, and land) at
mation reveals the magnitude of the problem. For example, coal global production levels.
provides 65% of the U.S. cement industry’s heat requirement. As The cement industry is a major contributor to global GHG emis-
common practice, coal is ground before feeding into the kiln. sions. Other key emissions associated with cement production are
Grinding of coal may require 30–40 kW h/t, depending on the type particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur dioxide
of coal used in the kiln. According to USGS [38], about 5.5 Mt of (SO2) [29]. Additionally, carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic
coal were used for clinker production in 2009. This corresponds compounds (VOC), and toxic emissions (e.g., heavy metals, dioxins
to an average of 190 million kW h of annual electricity consump- and furans) may be of concern. The type and amount of air pollu-
42 A. Petek Gursel et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 51 (2014) 38–48

tants vary with the composition of raw materials and fuels used in Carbon content in natural raw materials can cause elevated
the cement making process, as well as the choice of manufacturing hydrocarbon (HC) and CO emissions. HC emissions during pyropro-
technology and other parameters. cessing are mostly composed of VOC and CH4 [22]. Emissions of
GHG emissions, mostly in the form of CO2, are included in the VOCs and other HCs from traditional cement production processes
inventories of all cement production LCAs. There are two major are generally found at insignificant levels. Cembureau [44]
sources of direct CO2 emissions from production: fuel combustion explains why these pollutants are at such low levels: ‘‘...other sub-
and calcination. Table 2 summarizes the studies analyzing CO2 stances entering the kiln system which could give rise to undesir-
from fuel combustion and calcination separately. In most cement able emissions are either effectively destroyed in the high
LCAs, CO2 emissions are generally calculated on the basis of temperature combustion process or almost completely incorpo-
national averages without the consideration of varying kiln tech- rated into the product.’’
nologies and material and kiln fuel composition. In the surveyed literature, a number of Portland cement LCA
Electricity consumption data are included in cement LCI studies and non-LCA studies provide data for emissions of VOC, benzene,
[22,24,26,28,30,34,37], but the U.S. cement production LCI dat- dioxin/furans, heavy metals (Ar, Cr, Pb, Hg, Ni, Tl, Zn), HF, and
abases and studies [22,41] do not provide the supply-chain inven- HCl as part of their environmental analysis [22,24,34,35,37,44–
tories for electricity and associated fuel production. Inevitably, 50]. Looking at the data sources, one can conclude that Portland
comparison of different cradle-to-gate inventory data is not realis- cement LCAs which focus on alternative/waste raw materials and
tic and results from such comparisons are inconsistent. Among the fuels also provide toxic air emissions in their LCIs as it is one of
cement LCAs, only Gabel and Tillman [37] included the LCI of elec- the concerns for using such materials. Waste used as alternative
tricity generation and associated fuel mix production data in their fuel or as a substitute for raw material may contain varying con-
study. However, their model was not publicly available and the centrations of trace elements. Certain conditions, such as burning
results did not distinguish between sources of emissions. It is waste fuels in an inefficient wet kiln, can result in higher toxic
important to note that the amount of CO2 and other air emissions emissions. For example, in Ref. [25] study, elemental analysis of
would depend on the fuel mix used to generate the electricity and scrap tires, solvents, and waste oils show considerably higher
would vary nationally and regionally [27]. Inclusion of supply- amounts of Zn, Pb, Cr, Cd, and other trace elements compared to
chain impacts of fuels and materials would be essential for a holis- other traditional fuels. Although some studies were conducted on
tic LCA approach. the criteria pollutant and hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions
Like any other fuel-burning production process, cement produc- associated with tire-derived fuel, these studies [45,46] examine
tion generates major common air pollutants: SO2, NOx, CO, PM, fuels that are a combination of scrap tires and conventional fuels.
VOC, and CH4 in addition to CO2 emissions. The study by Marceau Therefore, these studies do not isolate the criteria air pollutants
et al. [22] is the only U.S. LCI that includes all of these air pollutants or HAPs associated with scrap tires alone [51], and for that reason
in its inventory, and does so for four different types of cement kilns the LCI results cannot be used for other fuel mixes. For an accurate
during pyroprocessing. Additionally, six of the EU studies assessment, fuel burning and emission control technologies need
[20,21,24,25,28,34,37] provide the SO2, NOx, and PM emissions to be taken into consideration while calculating emissions from
for different Portland cement types. the pyroprocessing stage in an LCI.
PM is generated during all major stages of the Portland cement
production process [23,42,43]. Two of the U.S. Portland cement
3.3. Summary of cement production LCIs
LCAs [22,26] tabulate PM emissions for major processes, including
raw meal preparation, pyroprocessing, and finish grinding. Addi-
Overall, cement is the most broadly studied component of con-
tionally, Marceau et al. [22] present PM emissions from quarrying
crete as its production is known to be highly energy-intensive and
activities and transportation of raw materials to the Portland
emissions-intensive. But cement production LCAs still lack data
cement plant. Generally, 90% of cement raw materials (limestone,
reflecting variations in technological and regional nuances; mostly
clay, marl, shale, etc.) are quarried. PM emissions, water consump-
limited to the energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Impacts
tion, water effluents, and use of explosives are major concerns dur-
from toxic emissions, water effluents, solid waste (e.g. cement kiln
ing quarrying. PM emissions from quarrying can cause about 90%
dust), and water consumption are generally overlooked either
of total particulates emissions from cement production process.
because of the expertise, time, and data constraints or these effects
Water consumption during quarrying is about 60% of the total
are assumed insignificant (without a thorough analysis). These
use [22]. When we consider the global volumes of cement produc-
limitations preclude robust environmental analysis of cement pro-
tion (USGS 2009), the magnitude of emissions and water use from
duction across the full range of energy and emissions issues that
quarrying can become significant.
should be considered.

Table 2
Life-cycle inventory (LCI) categories included in cement LCA studies.

LCI categories in cement LCAs [28] [34] [25] [24] [26] [20,21] [22] [35] [37]
Raw materials use * * * * * * * * *
Energy use * * * * * * * * *
Water consumption * * * *
CO2/GHG emissions, calcination * * * *
CO2/GHG emissions, fuel use * * * *
CO2/GHG emissions, total * * * * * * * * *
SO2 emissions * * * * * * *
NOx emissions * * * * * * *
PM emissions * * * * * * * *
CO emissions * * *
VOC emissions * * * * *
Toxic emissions * * * * *
Solid waste * * *
Waste water * *
A. Petek Gursel et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 51 (2014) 38–48 43

4. Synthesis and limitations of concrete production LCIs nace slag, and metakaolin. On the other hand, two other ‘‘green’’
concrete studies did not consider allocation issues. Of these, McLe-
Similar to the synthesis of the cement production LCI literature, llan et al. [52] focused on GHG emissions from geopolymer pastes
concrete LCA studies were evaluated on the basis of their scope in while Prusinski et al. [55] specifically studied LCI data for concrete
terms of concrete raw materials covered and functional units with slag substitution without any allocation procedure. In the LCA
involved and LCI analysis. Of the twelve concrete LCAs, only two literature, allocation is one of the frequently discussed, but still not
of them are U.S.-based. Among the non-U.S. concrete LCAs, four completely resolved methodological problems. Impact allocation
of them [13,40,52,53] compare various types of ‘‘green concrete’’ over the life-cycle of concrete is inevitable. Concrete manufactur-
products with geopolymer, fly ash and GBFS. Except for Habert ing (as well as all other industrial production) processes have mul-
et al. [53], the remaining three are limited only to LCAs of concrete tiple input streams, and most of the processes generate multiple
mortar pastes with ordinary Portland cement substitutions of output streams in the form of products, coproducts or byproducts
cement with slag, fly ash or geopolymer. Therefore, these three (that are mostly treated as waste despite their economical and
studies do not include aggregates, admixtures, and concrete batch- material values, as in the case of fly ash from coal combustion),
ing processes and associated LCI in their scopes. On the other hand, or these processes recycle intermediate or discarded products
only Habert et al. [53] evaluated the full environmental impacts of (cement kiln dust, crushed concrete) as raw materials into other
concrete ingredients (cement, gravel, sand, admixtures, fly ash, production systems.
slag, sodium silicate, NaOH, silica fume, etc.) for both fly ash-based When dealing with systems involving multiple products and
and slag-based concrete mixtures, and compared their results to recycling systems, one especially needs to elaborate on the alloca-
ordinary Portland cement concrete mixture designs with similar tion procedures. When this is the case, the inputs and outputs of
mechanical properties. Different from the earlier research, alloca- the system should be partitioned between its different products
tion procedure was applied in a number of concrete LCA studies or functions in a way that reflects the underlying causal relation-
[13,40,53]. Additionally, Zabalza Bribián et al. [54] analyzed not ships between them, e.g., allocation by energy content, mass, or
only cement and concrete but also several building materials. economic value. However, in most of the LCA studies, allocation
Finally, Blengini et al. described guidelines on the application of of inputs (energy, water, raw materials) and associated emissions
LCA methodology in aggregates production. Table 3 summarizes from these processes to multiple output streams is either done
the reviewed concrete LCA studies which are described in further arbitrarily (e.g., on an equal basis, such as 50–50) or on an ‘‘all or
details in following sections. nothing’’ basis, i.e., 100% to one product) or without being justified
by any ‘‘causal’’ relationship [56].

4.1. Comparison of goal definition and scope of concrete production

4.1.2. Admixtures
Except for three concrete LCAs [7,53,57], admixtures are rarely
covered in the literature since there are little or no environmental
Concrete LCAs in literature are scattered in terms of scope, geog-
data regarding the production of admixtures, their handling and
raphy, and type of concrete products studied (Table 3). In terms of
mixing with other concrete ingredients, and fate after concrete has
geographical coverage, the published concrete production LCAs are
hardened. In general, because of smaller quantities of admixtures
quite diverse. The reviewed concrete LCA studies generally incorpo-
in concrete (less than 1% by mass of concrete), ostensibly, their
rate LCIs of materials extraction and production stages together with
impacts were assumed to be negligible in various studies [22] based
concrete batching. As opposed to the cement production LCAs, there
on the suggestions given by common LCA guidelines [58]. However,
are not many stand-alone LCAs of other concrete raw materials
without a quantitative assessment, their impacts cannot be deemed
including aggregates, admixtures, SCMs, and water consumption
negligible. Different from other concrete ingredients, chemical sub-
in literature. Concrete constituents other than cement are generally
stances used in concrete admixtures could be a concern for their tox-
observed in concrete manufacturing LCAs. A few studies in the
icological properties. Among different concrete admixtures,
review provided LCI results for not only cement and concrete but
plasticizers and superplasticizers are the most commonly used, rep-
also for other building materials such as bricks, aluminum, ceramic,
resenting approximately 80% of European and 70% of U.S. admixture
insulation materials, wood, and steel products [54] and for struc-
consumption [59,60]. A back-of-the envelope calculation shows that
tural elements made of either concrete, steel or wood [7].
about 3.24 kg of superplasticizer is required for one cubic meter of
35 MPa (unit weight of 2370 kg/m3) ready-mixed concrete, which
4.1.1. Allocation adds up to roughly 0.33 Mt of plasticizer usage annually in Europe,
The literature review shows that current concrete LCA studies with potentially considerable environmental impacts. Manufactur-
have focused on environmental impacts of recently developed ers could be a good source of information, but their data are gener-
‘‘green’’ concrete products such geopolymer, fly ash, or GBFS con- ally confidential, and industry has been reluctant to publish such
crete mixture designs [13,40,52,53,55]. Three of these LCAs also data. As part of future research, comprehensive LCA of chemical
incorporated byproduct allocation in geopolymer and ‘‘green’’ con- admixtures production is essential for a complete environmental
crete manufacturing [13,40,53]. For instance, both Van den Heede assessment of concrete.
et al. [13] and Chen et al. [40] solely focused on the allocation pro-
cedures that were considered for the addition of fly ash and GBFS 4.1.3. Functional unit
to concrete. They examined the LCI data for iron production and For accurate and transparent comparison of LCA results, consis-
electricity generation from coal power plants and processing of tency in determining the functional unit is necessary. The common
their byproducts, which is GBFS from iron production and fly ash functional unit used for concrete mixtures and precast concrete is
from coal, respectively. In their studies, the authors suggested one cubic meter (or one cubic yard or feet) in each building ele-
future research in LCAs of industrial by-products by applying ment, such as beams or columns [6]. Compared to some other
either mass or economical allocation procedures in cases where major construction materials, concrete is a composite that can be
industrial by-products are not considered waste and used in con- made in a large variety of proportions of ingredients. Depending
crete as SCMs. Habert et al. [53] focused on geopolymer concrete on the designer’s requirements and type of concrete application,
mixture designs and also performed the allocation analysis on concrete mixture designs and properties vary considerably. For
three types of geopolymer concrete made with fly ash, blast fur- accurate LCA results and meaningful comparison purposes, certain
44 A. Petek Gursel et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 51 (2014) 38–48

Table 3
Scope of cradle-to-gate concrete production LCAs.

(Author, Region Concrete and raw materials production Concrete products

Cement Fine Coarse Admixtures Concrete Transportation Concrete Concrete Concrete Other
production aggregates aggregates production plant mixtures mixtures mixtures with
production production operations with 100% with varying% of
PC varying% fly ash
Van den Belgium * * * * *
and De
Blengini Europe * * *a
et al.
McLellan Australia * * *b
et al.
Habert France * * * * * * * * * *b
et al.
Zabalza Spain *c
et al.
Chen et al. France * * *
O’Brien Australia * * * * * *
et al.
Flower and Australia * * * * * * * * *
Marceau U.S. * * * * * * * * *d
et al.
Sjunnesson Sweden * * * * * * *b *e,f
Prusinski U.S. * * * * * * * * *g
et al.
Jacques New * * * * * * *h
[69] Zealand
Recycled aggregate.
In addition to cement and concrete, other common building products, e.g., bricks, tiles, insulation materials, mortar, wood products, steel, aluminum, PVC, glass, copper.
Concrete masonry block and precast concrete mixes (reinforcing steel impacts excluded).
Ordinary PC concrete with the addition of superplasticizers.
Frost-resistant concrete with the addition of superplasticizers and air-entraining admixtures.
Precast concrete = mixtures with silica fume in addition to slag and PC (reinforcing steel impacts excluded).
Concrete masonary, cement mortar, and precast concrete units (reinforcing steel included).

concrete properties should be defined transparently prior to LCAs. durability or workability properties of concrete fixed
These properties include compressive strength, unit weight, per- [13,40,53,55,66]. A second group of studies generally have
meability, workability, and thermal conductivity [9,61]. Workabil- included different mixture designs to formulate the effect of fly
ity and compressive strength of concrete are significantly ash, GBFS, metakaolin, and other cement substitutions in reducing
influenced by various mixing properties, including the water–bin- concrete’s environmental impacts. But the results are still limited
der (cementitious material) ratio [62,63]. The variability in mixture to the given concrete mixture designs with no systematic recipe
designs presents numerous concrete products, each of which will that can provide LCIs for any type of concrete mixture design. LCAs
result in specific environmental impacts and different properties. of different concrete mixes can be calculated using a tool, which
These LCI results, together with the associated properties of con- could provide both direct and supply-chain impacts of production
crete mixes, could be calculated, based on the mass of concrete stages of concrete and its materials. The integration of regional
ingredients, mixing, and transportation, with the development of variations and technological alternatives in the scope of material
a systematic concrete LCA tool. However, none of the studies have production processes within such an LCA tool would offer a wide
provided a systematic, comprehensive approach to analyzing life- range of applicability and flexibility for cement and concrete man-
cycle inventories of various concrete mixtures while considering ufacturers worldwide.
structural, durability, and other properties of these mixtures. Gen-
erally, concrete manufacturing LCI results are either in the form of 4.2. LCI representation in concrete production LCAs
single values for a generic type of concrete mixture [57,64,65] or in
the form of a range of values by changing mass percentage of each Emissions associated with concrete batching are mostly attrib-
concrete ingredient (e.g., cement) while keeping the strength, uted to electricity and diesel fuel use during the batching pro-
A. Petek Gursel et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 51 (2014) 38–48 45

cesses. Energy consumption from ready-mixed concrete plant Chemical substances used in concrete admixtures could be a
operations have been reported to constitute about 4% of the concern when their toxicological properties are considered. When
embodied energy of concrete [67]. At the concrete plant, electricity used for ready-mixed concrete, the major concern is the waste dis-
and fuel are required for mixing, conveying, pumping of concrete posal from the washing of mixer trucks. These problems are gener-
ingredients and mixtures, as well as heating and cooling of the ally not considered in concrete production LCIs. Concrete
facility. The primary energy use in the concrete plant is dependent admixtures have only been used large-scale in the last 40 years.
on the fuel mix used in electricity generation within the region. So far, we can assume that the majority of demolished concrete
All concrete production LCAs in this review used national aver- has been free of admixtures. In order to be able to estimate emis-
age values for the included mass and energy flows. Table 4 shows sions from the leaching of admixtures in concrete, tests can be car-
that energy consumption as well as both GHG and criteria air emis- ried out with defined admixture content. Knowledge/research
sions have been covered in the reviewed literature. Recent ‘‘green’’ discrepancies still exist in this ingredient of concrete compared
concrete and geopolymer concrete LCAs specifically focused on the to other constituents [71]. Only one study, by Kuhlman [68], specif-
GHG emissions aspects of manufacturing new types of concrete ically focuses on leaching from concrete throughout all the life-
mixtures [13,40,52,53]. O’Brien et al. [66] derived an equation for cycle stages, from raw materials extraction to disposal or recycling.
quantifying the GHG emissions and embodied water in concrete During processing of ready-mixed concrete, the leaching of envi-
as a function of fly ash content. They also calculated the critical ronmentally significant substances is of major concern. The source
fly ash transportation distance beyond which the use of fly ash of this concern is predominantly the alkalis which contain traces of
increased the embodied GHG emissions of concrete. Flower and heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Hg, thallium, and Zn) as well as organic
Sanjayan [7] focused on CO2-equivalent (CO2-e) emissions associ- constituents in the additive agents and additional organic com-
ated with concrete manufacturing, construction, as well as produc- pounds found in concrete. However, the Kuhlman [68] study shows
tion of related materials, including Portland cement, fine and that, except for Cr, leaching of other heavy metals is not to be
coarse aggregates, GBFS, fly ash, and admixtures in Australia. expected to occur due to their low solubility in the alkaline med-
Along with GHG emissions and criteria air pollutants, VOC that ium of ready-mixed concrete. Throughout the concrete use phase,
are emitted during or shortly after the concrete manufacturing leaching of heavy metals and organic constituents from conven-
processes may need further attention, especially for concrete prod- tional concrete was also shown to be extremely low. The same
ucts with chemical admixtures [68]. A few concrete LCAs inte- study also reported that leaching of environmentally significant
grated VOCs in their analysis [55,67,69]. Emissions of heavy contaminants is not expected from crushed concrete at the end-
metals and other toxic emissions are rarely included in concrete of-life stage.
LCAs. Three of twelve studies [40,55,67] examined heavy metals, In concrete LCAs, water consumption and withdrawal impacts
dioxins and furans, and other carcinogens associated with concrete during cement and concrete production are generally not consid-
manufacturing. Among these three studies, Prusinski et al. [55] ered, mostly because of lack of LCI data. Electricity is used when
provided emissions data particularly for the manufacturing and pumping the water prior to its use in concrete. Environmental
transportation of slag cement concrete. Similarly, Chen et al. [40] impacts associated with water withdrawal require a methodical
offered toxic emissions associated with the production of GBFS analysis (see Ref. [72] for water related considerations). Electricity
and fly ash as well as pig iron production and electricity generation requirements for water consumption include supply, treatment
sectors that produce the related byproducts, e.g. SCMs, used in con- (including chemicals), and distribution processes. Among the
crete. Kuhlman and Paschmann [68] analyzed explicitly toxic emis- major LCI data sources are articles which analyze life-cycle emis-
sions through the life-cycle stages of concrete manufacturing, use, sions from supplying water (e.g., [73]), calculate GWP for chemi-
and end-of-life stages. Marceau et al. [67] quantified toxic emis- cals used in water treatment, and assess the life-cycle water
sions for traditional concrete mixtures manufactured in the United impacts of fuels (e.g., [74]).
States. Overall, solid and liquid wastes data from concrete batching
Solid waste generated from concrete manufacturing was plants and water consumption data during concrete and cement
reported in only three concrete LCA studies [40,67,69]. Solid production are major areas that lack LCI data. In the literature
wastes are generated during cement production, mostly in the [75–78], data availability and quality are identified as a severe
form of cement kiln dust (CKD), as well as during processing of problem encountered during collection of inventory analysis data.
aggregates and SCMs, and concrete batching processes. Solid waste In most of the LCAs, data with gaps are ignored, assumed or esti-
from concrete processing include mixer washout, sludges from set- mated [78], which then result in incomplete assessments. Filling
tling basins and ponds, and returned excess ready-mixed products, these gaps would require close collaboration between the industry
unless reprocessed. Specifically, there is lack of data about disposal and academia. There is a need for more peer-reviewed, standard-
rates of solid wastes and their constituents, which vary consider- ized inventory databases for concrete and its constituents’ produc-
ably with the concrete mixture and ingredients. tion processes [13,78].
In most of the concrete LCA studies, environmental impacts of
form oils are generally not considered. According to one study
[70], hydrocarbons have been detected in concrete slurry from 5. Discussion of results and conclusions
the rinsing of mixers, in concrete waste, and in waste from demol-
ished concretes. Such occasions can increase the risk of leaching of LCA of concrete and its raw materials is still a limited research
hydrocarbons into the groundwater. The major source of hydrocar- area despite the expanding number of studies in recent years. Envi-
bons is estimated to be the concrete form oils. Typically, about ronmental impacts from the life cycle of materials other than Port-
180 ml form oil/m3 of concrete is used. Global concrete production land cement, such as admixtures and water consumption, are
is estimated to be about 25 Gt annually based on [8]. For a typical rarely included in published LCIs of concrete production. Further
concrete unit weight of 2370 kg/m3, this translates into roughly investigation of toxic emissions to air is needed, in addition to
1.9 Gl of form oil consumption annually, which can have signifi- comprehensive, supply-chain inclusive GHG and criteria air pollu-
cant impacts on the environment. Further research on the quantity tant emissions. Similarly to cement production LCIs, concrete pro-
and chemical composition of form oils and the associated environ- duction LCIs also lack data reflecting variations in technological
mental impacts would be beneficial for a complete assessment of and geographical differences. Moreover, concrete properties in
the life-cycle impacts of concrete. terms of strength, durability, unit weight, type of application, etc.
46 A. Petek Gursel et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 51 (2014) 38–48

Table 4
Life cycle inventory (LCI) categories included in concrete LCAs.

LCI categories in concrete LCAs [13] [81] [52] [53] [54] [40] [66] [7] [67] [57] [55] [69]
Raw materials use * * * * *
Energy use * * * * * * * *
Water consumption * * * * *
CO2/GHG emissions * * * * * * * * * * *
SO2 emissions * * * * * *
NOx emissions * * * * * *
PM emissions * * *
CO emissions * * * * *
VOC emissions * * *
Toxic emissions * * *
Solid waste * * *
Waste water * * * *

should be defined transparently for an equivalent, functional unit- understanding what is left out is important (even though
based comparison of concrete mixtures analyzed in different insignificant on a per unit weight/volume of production
studies. basis) as it may add up to significant impacts at macroscales.
This critical review provides insight into the life-cycle inventory
of this complex composite material. As mentioned before, three In addition to these three dimensions of the current LCA
important limitations/discrepancies are observed within the body research, allocation is of particular importance when fly ash, gran-
of literature. These three dimensions of the current LCA work along ulated blast furnace slag and other industrial byproducts are
with some brief recommendations are summarized as follows: involved in concrete production. Their allocated environmental
impacts require quantitative analysis. Influence of different alloca-
(1) Lack of holistic assessment of environmental impacts in current tion procedures on environmental impacts such as no allocation,
LCAs: The body of concrete LCA literature focuses on energy allocation by mass, and allocation by economic value should be
use and GHG emissions, but there are other important issues evaluated by using a sensitivity analysis.
such as VOCs, heavy metals, and other toxic emissions from As in the case of most concrete LCAs reviewed, almost all LCI
manufacturing of concrete materials, especially from admix- results are generalized to a single product or a small range of prod-
tures. This argument is valid for commonly used SCMs, e.g., ucts for an entire country. Condensing the entire universe of con-
slag or fly ash with heavy metal contents. Without a holistic crete mixtures down to just a couple of product mixtures (e.g.,
assessment, it is not possible to understand the overall envi- high, moderate and low strength, plain or reinforced, standard
ronmental and human health implications of concrete and Portland cement concrete or concrete with SCMs), as well as esti-
its raw materials, or compare concrete to other building mating life-cycle components based on limited or missing data
materials. inevitably involves errors that are difficult to ascertain in a precise
(2) Lack of application of regional and technological variations in way. This brings in the need for future work to incorporate uncer-
current LCAs: Building material choices are made locally, tainty and sensitivity analysis as part of concrete production LCAs.
and the environmental footprint of concrete has to be deter- The standard approach to characterizing data-related uncertainty
mined locally, in the context of a specific application. While in process LCI is sensitivity analysis [80], ‘‘. . .whereby model
many existing studies report a ‘‘national average’’ environ- results are calculated for a range of parameter values to determine
mental footprint, it may be very different for a locally spec- the magnitude of the effect on the overall result. Sensitivity analy-
ified and mixed concrete. Local supply chains with their sis is generally performed to identify parameters that have larger
unique fuel and electricity mixes, use of imported materials, effect on LCA results. In this way, major variables which deserve
unique production technology characteristics, material the most attention are identified. It is done by allowing each of
properties (such as particle sizes and their effects on con- the variables to change within a range of values, while holding
crete performance [79]), water sources and withdrawal all the other variables constant.’’ Ultimately, the outcome of sensi-
technologies, should be considered in the manufacturing of tivity analysis will lead to an understanding of how different
concrete in a given location [82]. Generally, concrete and assumptions and parameters can change the results of an LCA for
cement production LCA studies lack these regional/techno- varying technologies, location, etc. The comparison of various con-
logical nuances in their assessment. Decision makers and crete manufacturing scenarios is probably the most useful and
manufacturers need LCA results that can be applied or meaningful part of the concrete LCA research. Here the goal is to
adapted to local considerations that can vary with technol- emphasize the significance of the chosen parameters, which are
ogy and geography (e.g., cement kiln technology, mix of known to have strong influence on the final results based on the
regional energy sources used in electricity generation, fuel literature, on the LCA results of different concrete mixtures.
mix used in the kiln, use of imported materials, use of waste All in all, development of a systematic and flexible LCA frame-
fuels, industrial by-products in cement or concrete, etc.). work that can be applicable to different variations of concrete mix-
(3) Neglecting of LCA parts that are deemed insignificant based on tures is essential. The new framework should quantify the
assumptions or past studies: When considered at global vol- relationship between mechanical (strength) and material properties
umes of production, even 2% of the energy use in the con- (such as permeability, workability, and chlorine penetration) of con-
crete production system can add up to a significant crete and how environmental inventories (not only GHG emissions
amount as shown with some of the estimates calculated but also other air pollutants, solid waste and wastewater from con-
throughout this paper. The same argument is valid for other crete production) are affected by the variations in these properties.
environmental effects (e.g., water consumption, toxic emis- Concrete and buildings LCA research will continue as long as
sions) within the context of global production. Therefore, there is demand for greener products and systems. Starting with
A. Petek Gursel et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 51 (2014) 38–48 47

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