Uts Sexual Self

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As we grow older, we have experienced boatloads of changes. It may be with our

appearances, our behaviors and attitudes as individuals, and feelings and emotions as we mature.
These changes stirred confusions and doubts, however, it is just a part of our maturity. This
question about sexual self is really a taboo issue, considering that we live in a country that is
conservative in nature. We are not exposed in this kind of issues that is why there are hesitations
and inhibitions as we speak about this. It can be liberating, exciting and positive experience a
person goes through in all facets of life.

Sexual self is defined as the totality of oneself as a sexual being, including positive and
negative feelings. It said that maturity hits us if we are very vocal about our feelings. If we speak
our minds without inhibitions and talk about sex normally like we kind of used to talked about it.
Sex is just what normal adult people do. Admit it or not, it is a contributory factor to make a
relationship stronger and binding. So, if we feel the urge to be intimate with our loved ones, then
it is just normal because we are alive and we have needs to be fulfilled. But it does not make you
less of a person if you admit to yourself your sexual desires. It may be new to us but definitely
not something to be ashamed of. It is just the influence of our culture that we don’t feel the need
to open this kind of thing, but if we watch movies especially the westernized movies, we can see
that they are more vocal to share their thoughts about their sexual self. Sometimes, we have to be
like this too. We have to know the depth of our being. The things that we like and the things that
will satisfy the needs of our soul in order for us to understand our self even more.

There is indeed an equal understanding of our sexual self since it is our body, our whole
being that is concerned. Ignorance regarding this matter will only results into confusions, doubts,
and uncertainties. Nevertheless, this matter should be tackled carefully to inform and educate
students in order to properly address questions and curiosity. We should come out of our comfort
zones and be openminded about the things that concerns us to be able to achieve self-growth. As
the old saying goes, curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.


Teenage is a crucial growth phase in the life of any individual fraught with physiological
changes and often, psychological conflicts. There are a lot of challenges one can experience in
this stage that is why we should normalize being openminded to issues relating to using
contraceptives to avoid teenage pregnancy. In this condition, finding oneself to be a pregnant
teenager can come down as shocking and even traumatizing for the individual, as-well-as, for her
family and friends.
As individuals undergo these changes, (physically, biologically and psychologically) they are
exposed in a phase of confusions and curiosity which put them in a greater risk. As sexual
development sets in, teenagers are hounded by curiosity to explore their bodies. Due to a lack of
awareness regarding sex, they often engage in unsafe sex, eventually becoming teenage parents.
And this is the least thing we wanted to happen. How can a teenager that is still unsure of herself
become a mom that early? This is the reason why we have to think million times before we
indulge to our desires. We need to be in control of our emotions before it is too late. However, I
understand that somehow, it is not that easy to suppress our feelings toward opposite sex. It is
normal to get attracted, to be in love and to be intimate with someone provided that there is
nothing to be compromised. We should always put to mind that what we do today will have a
lasting impact in the future, that is why if you cannot hold it anymore be sure to practice safe
sex. Wear condoms. Take contraceptive pills. It will not only prevent you from acquiring sex
related diseases but it will also save you from having big responsibilities at an early age. Being a
parent is a big word, and if you are not quite sure you can be a good one, then be responsible
enough to spare tiny human being to suffer under your wings.
Contraceptives are very important in our daily lives. It is not just applicable for teenagers to
avoid unwanted pregnancies, but it is also for couples that do not want to have more babies.
Personally, I am in favor of using contraceptives because it promotes safe sex and it lessens the
burden of parents who are still supporting their child’s unwanted pregnancy due to carelessness.
We should be more cautious of our actions. We should think first before we do anything. We
should think first if we are ready. And we should think first our parents who are giving their all
for our future. Let us give them what they deserve, let us repay their sacrifices before getting
another responsibility that they will look after. Spare everyone. It’s just hormones, take control
of it. If not, get laid but take CONTRACEPTIVES!

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