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Even A Noob If Continously Practices
Will Become A Specialist.
The Choice Is Yours



Sifat bahan yang membolehkan suatu objek kembali kepada bentuk dan saiz asalnya
selepas daya yang bertindak ke atasnya dialihkan.

The nature of a material that allows an object to return to its original shape and size after the force acting on it
is removed.

Even A Noob If Continously Practices
Will Become A Specialist.
The Choice Is Yours

Even A Noob If Continously Practices
Will Become A Specialist.
The Choice Is Yours

Faktor-faktor mempengaruhi kekerasan spring(Pemalar Spring)

Factors effect stiffness of spring(Spring Constant).

1. Ciri Bahan
Material Properties

2. Diameter Dawai
Wire Diameter

3. Diameter Gegelung
Coil Diameter

4. Bilangan Lilitan
Number of Coils

5. Panjang Spring
Length of Spring

Even A Noob If Continously Practices
Will Become A Specialist.
The Choice Is Yours

1. Sebuah spring mempunyai panjang asal 10 cm. Apabila digantung beban 10 g, panjangnya menjadi 12
cm. Tentukan panjang spring tersebut apabila digantung beban 30 g.
A spring has an original length of 10 cm. When suspended with a load of 10 g, its length becomes 12 cm. Determine the length of the
spring when suspended a load of 30 g.

2. Suatu spring ditarik daripada panjang 15 cm kepada 21 cm menggunakan daya 50 N. Apakah tenaga
keupayaan elastik yang tergandung dalam spring tersebut?
A spring is pulled from a length of 15 cm to 21 cm using a force of 50 N. What is the elastic potential energy contained in the spring?

3. Panjang asal setiap

spring dalam rajah sebelah
ialah 10 cm. Pada dikenakan
beban 10 g, setiap spring
tersebut akan memanjang
sebanyak 2 cm. Apakah
panjang sistem spring (a), (b)
dan (c) ?
The original length of each spring
in the next figure is 10 cm. At a
load of 10 g, each spring will be 2
cm long. What are the lengths of
the spring systems (a), (b) and (c)?

Even A Noob If Continously Practices
Will Become A Specialist.
The Choice Is Yours

Even A Noob If Continously Practices
Will Become A Specialist.
The Choice Is Yours

Even A Noob If Continously Practices
Will Become A Specialist.
The Choice Is Yours



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