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V*eabulary preview
. lrl Reod these sentences. ln eoch set of five, motch the words in bold with
r-{ their meonings.
o I If you can, try to contribute something to charity. d 0 truthful
bo 2 How do you cope with stress in your life? e h who someone is
ti 3 My parenrc taught me to be honest and never lie. a ( not win
EG 4
Let children develop their own sense of identity.
I do not want to lose the spelling contest.

d, 6 Teachers have clear learning objectives in mind. j f without faults
7 No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. f g value
8 My parents respect hard work. g h' achieve something
9 If you work hard, you will succeed. h I lack of strengh
l0 Do not show your weakness in a business meeting. i j goals

READING I Are you a natural leader?

cqlmness hoppiness
Before you read confidence intelligence
1 Whot ore lhese people known for? Which of the quolities in fte box on friendliness kindness
the right do you think they hove in common? Discuss with o porlner.
... b known for,., rhese people taght allhave .,. in common, beoause ...


When you preview o text, you look quickly ot the title, heodings, photos,
ond coptions before reoding the text. This gives you o sense of its structure,
content, ond how much time you will need to reod it.

Hilory (inlon
2 Preview Are you a nalurol leoder? Discuss these queslions.
What kind of text is it? What will you probably do with the text?

Global reading
Reod Are you a nolurol leoder? quickly. Wos your preview correcl?

Close reading
1 Reod Are you a nalural leader? Check (/) the stotements ihol ore true \='1
for you. Do you ogree with whot it soys obout you?
Bon lfi-moon

2 Mokh ihese stotemenls with stotements in Are you a nalural leoder?

Write the number.
o "I try to fix problems."
h "I can do more than one thing at once. 17
c "I enjoy new experiences." 1
d "I knowwhatI'm notgood at." 8
e "l enjoy being around a lot of people." 14
| "I never lie." 18

Reod these stotements. Find stofements in Are you
meon the opposite. Write the number.
a natural leoder? thot
o "It's important to win, win, win!" 20 !,)
"sometimes I'm a little disorganized."
"I can't say what I think very clearly."
d "I always.get nervous when I talk in front of others." 9
e decision (n)
"l'm uncomfortable about some things I decide."
"I prefer people just to listen when we're in a discussion.
13 describe (r)
stress (n) /stres/ Fo
Practical Psychology magazine osks, ld
Take our personality survey ond find out. The results m0y surprise you.
1 I like to try new things. 15 Change doesn't bother me.
2 I'm a very organized person. I6 I cope with stress well.
J I like to be in charge during a project. t7 I'm able to do several things at the same time.
4 People respect my ideas. 1B It's important for me to be honest.
5 I like to push myself. t9 I want the people around me to succeed.
6 I bring out the best in others. 2A I feel it's sometimes OK to lose.
7 I state my ideas clearly.
B I'm not perfect and am aware of my weaknesses.
9 I'm confident of mypublic speaking skills.
10 Clear objectives are important to me. 1 1-20 points You are definitely a natural leader. You
will make it big in this world.
11 I'm comfortable with my decisions.
t2 If there's a problem, I try to solve it. 6-10 points You have some traits ola natural leader.

T3 I want everyone to contribute in discussions. 0-5 points You are not a natural leader. But you can

still develop into a strong leader.

,t/t \,_
il 1\ 1\
Developing'critical thinking
Discuss ihese questions in o group.
I Can you name any natural leaders? Do the sentences in the tort describe them?
t thihk... is a natura/ leader. Tile sentences in the text do,/don't describc
him,/her because...
2 What other characteristics do you think natural leaders have?
I thit4k natura/leaders also ltave...
3 What is the worst fault a leader can have? Think about the faults in the box
on the right.'
trte worst far/t a /eader can ha're is ,,. because ..,
READING 2 rhe hero within
v. Before you read
- U) I Do you ever reod comic books or wolch movies or TV shows obout
00 superheroes? Why or why not? Discuss wiih o porfner.
H t orten/sometimes/nerer read comic books abowt superheroes baa^se...
€ 2 Preview The hero within. Whot is it obout?
Glcha& readixag
Reod lhe hero within. Underlin-e lhe seven things thot moke o superhero.

C?*se reeading
1 Complete these sentences. Use no more thon three words for eoch onswer.
I Superheroes are enjoying a rebirth - s hin thân
2 In some cases, frier-rds or family knor.v a superhero's identity
but it's usually a secret. strong moral code
3 Because of the superhero's , he or she rarely kills.
4 Superheroes and super-villains symbolize the opposite ideas of
good and evil
5 A superhero would be very uninteresting without a weakness.
6 Superhero stories speak important truths about human nature
7 Two examples of what a superhero's enemies may symbolize ate
crime and war
8 A superhero is a true hero because he or she is not perfect


A pronoun is o word thot reploces o noun. We use pronouns to ovoid

repdoting the noun. lt must olwoys be cleor whqt o pronoun refers to. This is
colled the pronoun's ontecedent.
One common error with pronouns is when there is no ontecedent.
ln the restouront, they sqid I hod lo leove. (Who soid I hod to leove?)
Another common error is when the ontecedent is ombiguous'
Morio told Lynn thal her purse wos missing.
(ls Morio's purse or Lynn's purse missing?)

2 Reod these seniences from lhe hero within. Write the words the pronouns
in bold refer to.
I All superheroes are honest and possess a strong moral code. They
respect the law but will break it if doing so will contribute to the greater
a They = all superheroes tt= b the law
2 A weakness can make a superhero helpless. This is also what makes him
or her interesting.
u This = a weakness b him or her = superhero
3 And the superhero's enemies are our own fears, such as crime and war.
They receive names and faces so that our superhero can face them.
o TheY = h them = fears
the superhero's enemies
Batman, Jubilee, the X-Men-all are superheroes. We find them in comic books, movies, novels, J
toys, and video games all over the world. Superheroes were part of Western culture for much
of the twentieth century, and they are currently enjoying a rebirth in this century. What makes
a superhero, and why are they Iikely not going anywhere soon? Let's look at seven things that
superheroes share. A
Nearly all fictional superheroes have super-human powers. For example, Superman can fly, and --
Wonder Woman can talk with animals. Some add to their powers with technology, such as lron
Man's metal suit or the Green Lantern's ring.
2 3
A secret identity helps protect the superhero's family and friends. ln a feW cases friends and
family know the superhero's identity-that Spider-Man is really Peter Parker or that Bruce Banner
is actually the Hulk. Some superheroes also have secret headquarters, like Batman's Batcave.
3 A colorful costume, such as Spider-Man's web design or Captain America's U.S. flag costume,
helps the public recognize the superhero, and at the same time it hides his or her identity. Some
costumes also have an emblem, such as Superman's 5 or the 4 for members of the Fantastic Four.
4 s
All superheroes are honest and possess a strong moral code. They respect the law but will break
it if doing so will contribute to the greater good. Superheroes expect no reward and rarely kill.
5 5uperheroes would not exist without the super-villain. Superheroes and super-villains often
have similar powers, but one uses the power for good and the other for evil.

6 ?
As a child Bruce Wayne saw a man kill his parents. He
coped with this tragedy by training and later becoming
Batman. The backstory tells how the superhero actually
became the superhero we know. Superheroes are rarely
born that way.
7 A weakness can make a superhero helpless. This is
also what makes him or her interesting. Superman
has no power agalnst the mineral Kryptonite,
Wolverine dislikes magnets, and the Hulk's own
anger is his worst enemy. To succeed they must
overcome this weakness.
The superhero is perhaps not so different from us.
It is the purpose ofthe story that speaks to us. They
tell important truths about human nature. Perhaps
there is a superhero inside all of us? The superhero is
an ideal, a symbol of our hopes, goals, and objectives.
These are qualities that we see in ourselves-our
inner hero. And the superhero's enemies are our
own fears, such as crime and war. They receive
names and faces so that our superhero
can face them. The superhero often
loses but never, ever quits. This is a
lesson we can all learn from. Like
us, the superhero is not perfect,
but that's exactly what makes
a true hero.


Developing critical thinking
.ti Discuss these questions in o group.
r-l tr Why are superhero comics, movies, and video games so popular?
b0 2 Do you agree with the article's definition? IIow would you define a superhero?
- Think obout the ideos from Are you a noturol leoder? ond lhe hero within ond
G discuss these questions in o group.

c OJ
I Can an everyday hero be a superhero?'l'hink about the things in the box on
the right.
l intelligence strength
? Do you think superheroes are natural leaders? Wh1, or n'hy not? money villoins
powers weokness

Vocabulary skill


When you find o new word, context clues such os exomples help you discover
the word's meoning. Sometimes the text will give on exomple thot helps you to
understond o word's meoning.
Words thot signol exomples: for exomple, for insfonce, such os, like

Reod the sentences from lhe hero within.,eiriie lhe correct meoning of the words
in bold.
I Nearly all fictional superheroes have super-human powers. For example,
Superman can fly and WonderWoman can talkwith animals.
o something all humans have
b beyond what humans have
Some superheroes also have secret headquarters, like Batman's Batcave
f, the leader ofan organizalion
b administrative center of an organization
Some costumes also have an emblem, such as Superman's S or the
4 for members of the Fantastic Four.
o a sign that represents something else
b any costume decoration

Reod the sentences obout superheroes. Circle lhe correct meoning

of the words in bold.
I l-here have been several sequels to the original 1989 Batman fllm,
such as Batman Returns, Batman and Robin, andThe Dark Knight Rises.
s movies that continue a previous story
h movies that are better than the original
Sometimes a superhero's senses are enhanced. For instance,
a superhero may be able to hear noise from a great distance.
t weakened *
h strengthened
Superheroes are popular in several genres, like comic books and movies.
things that young people enjoy
literary categories
WRITING Describing a hero {Ft
You ore going to Ieorn obout writing lopic sentences ond using the simple
present tense. You ore then going to use these fo write o porogroph
describing o person you think is o hero. -.
Writing skill oq
A porogroph is o sequence of sentences thot work together to support one
moin ideo. This mqin ideq is expressed in o topic sentence. All the sentences l-
in o porogroph should support ihe mqin ideo of the topic sentence. A topic
senfence is nof q title or o itotement o[ whot you ore going to write obout. lt
usuolly comes ot or neor the beginning of o porogroph. '

1 Reod these siotements obout topic sentences. Write I (true) or F (folse).

I A paragraph consists of sentences that support on'e idea. T
2 Several ideas are expressed in a tooic sentence. the main idea
, F
3 the sentences in a paragraph need to suppol-t the topic sentence. T
4 A topic sentence is the same thing as the title of a paragraph. F
5 A topic sentence is always at or near the beginning of a paragraph. F
2 Look bock ot the lhe hero within, U.ndqrline the topic sentence in eoch

Circle the best topic sentence for eoch topic.

Topic 1: I{eroes
o My heroes
b All heroes have five imporlant qualities.
c I will write about what a hero means to me.
Topic 2: Personality tests
o Online personality tests
b Most personality tests are unreliable.
t The best place to find personality tests
Topic 3: How to build character
o This paragraph discusses character building.
b nulldlng character is not only the job of teachers
c The definition of "character"

Write traro possible topic sentences for these topics.

Topic l: Superhero movies
'lopic 2: My personality
lbpic 3: Everyday heroes

-q) The simple present tense is used to describe focts or generol trufhs, ond
bo octions thot ore usuol or repeoted. These octions con be o hobby, o doily
H event, or q scheduled event. Study the forms:
otrl Iorm Example
l-r Affirmotive
I ogree.
- She ogrees.

I do not qgree

She does nol ogree.

Verbs often used in the simple present tense: believe, belong, feel, hote,
heqr, know, like, love, meon, prefer, remoin, reolize, see, seem, lhink,
underslond, wonf
lrregulor verbs'. hove/hos, do/does, go/goes

1 Complete ihese sentences. Use the simple present tense of the verbs in
the box.

belong have know like see think

I I.-=-think superhero stories are just for kids.
2 My brother _ has a lot of comic books.
3 My friends and I like the X-Men.
4 r_ know the plots of most superhero stories.
5 Our teachers see hero qualities in us.
6 These comic books belong to my cousin

Rewrite the sentences in exercise I in the negotive.

Reod this porogroph. Underline the topic sentence. Circle the verbs in the li.
simple present tense. l+
Everyone has a hero. I think that everyday heroes like oa
police officers and firefighters are true heroes. My hero cr)
is my Uncle Manuel. He works as a police officer.
I really respect him. He protects our city and keeps
works long and difficult hours. For
us safe. He
example, he often works from 11:00 p.m. to cr)
7:00 a.m. He has to cope with a stressful and
difficult job, but he never complains. He is
a very honest man. He does not make much
money. He does this work because he cares
about people. He wants to help them and
contribute something to our city. People
sometimes thank him. I want more people
to do that. We need to appreciate these
everyday heroes more.

Who is your everydoy hero? Why? (omplete the word mop with your ideos.


Plon o porogroph describing your hero. l-ook bock ol your broin$orm ond write 0 topir senten(e. Include ot leo$
lhree reosons.

Wrile your purogroph. Poy ultenlion lo your use of fie present simple tense. Your porogroph should be I 00-l 20 words long.

Exchonge porogrophs wilh u porlner. Reod the checklist on poge 109 und provide feedhock to your porrner.


(onsider your porlnert commenls ond rewrite your porogroph.


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