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Powerful Analysis

and Evaluation of
Measurement Data

ibaAnalyzer ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator
Powerful analysis and ­evaluation Automatic generation of ­individual reports
of measurement data
ibaAnalyzer database functionality
DB The database interface for ibaAnalyzer

PLC Detailed offline vibration analysis

Detailed offline analysis of cyclic processes

Display of GPS positions and routes

Automated data processing

Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy
Powerful analysis and e
­ valuation of measurement data 3

Automatic generation of individual reports 9

ibaAnalyzer database functionality

The database interface for ibaAnalyzer 11

Detailed offline vibration analysis 15

Detailed offline analysis of cyclic processes 16

Display of GPS positions and routes 17

Automated data processing 18
Analyzing data

Powerful Analysis with ibaAnalyzer

ibaAnalyzer is the central component for data
analysis in the iba system. It offers broad
functionality for computing and evaluating while
being intuitive to operate. ibaAnalyzer is licensed
free of charge, add-on products are available
to enhance the functionality of ibaAnalyzer.

Flexible, powerful, free of charge

As the key element for data At a glance
anlysis within the iba system,
› Comprehensive offline analysis
ibaAnalyzer is a very powerful
› Intuitive user interface including dockable windows
and efficient tool for interactive › Data from different sources or measurement processes can be
and automated measurement easily combined
data analysis. ibaAnalyzer is › A broad set of mathematical and technological functions is avai-
licensed free of charge providing lable for the generation of derived signals or KPI values
a cost-neutral possibility to ana- › Integrated FFT analysis (frequency domain)
lyze data acquired with iba soft- › Markers and intervals for straight-forward interactive analysis
ware such as ibaPDA, ibaQDR, › Additional components like reporting, maps
ibaLogic or ibaHD-Server. or the automation of computations
ibaAnalyzer is a versatile tool
for offline analysis offering a
other users in order to provide values and statistical quantities
wide range of analyzing fea-
tures. In combination with the right analysis for each indi- are easily possible, the auto-
ibaDatCoordinator, it offers an vidual purpose. From long-term mation of such calculations is
automatic, process synchronous analysis to process optimization, the key feature for the use in a
evaluation of measurement data. a variety of applications can be sophisticated data automation
Any analysis can be saved, flexibly covered using a single tool. While toolchain. Product related quality
adapted, reused, and shared with the computation of characteristic data can be derived time-­based



.dat .dat

HD .dat


Using ibaAnalyzer and ibaDatCoordinator, various procedures can be executed automatically.

or length-based and are made
available for superordinate
quality management systems.

Determining results from power-

ful mathematical and technolo-
gical functions in relation to the
raw measurement values makes
ibaAnalyzer such a unique tool.
Any recurring analysis can be
reused and easily automated.

Handling measurement data Signal tables with FFT results (main frequency, harmonics)

No matter if data is stored

file-based or continuously in
ibaHD-Server, data can be viewed is available with the data ex- portgenerator can be used to
or analyzed with ibaAnalyzer tractor dialog and offers dif- configure and automate the
immediately. Files can be r­ ead ferent extraction profiles. creation of reports. Individual-
by several users simultaneous- Within one company, ibaAnalyzer ly defined contents and layouts
ly (e. g. when available on a file can be installed as often as nee- can be created and saved. For
share) and can be easily ­copied ded, allowing all users to analyze further information see page 9.
and forwarded by email. data under electrical, mechani-
If reduced data sets or results cal or technological aspects. User interface
need to be forwarded, data can The graphical user interface
be exported to DAT files or freely Hardcopy and reporting of ibaAnalyzer is organized in
readable formats like text (CSV The print function can be seen individual windows and tabs. All
files), Comtrade, or Apache as a first simple report which components can be positioned
Parquet format. This can reduce is easily generated. In addition freely and docked using drag
the file size and remove sensitive to the signal trends and signal & drop. Different files and the
information when forwarding files table, the marker and statistical contained signal channels are
to third parties. A more flexible tables as well as the comments managed in a comprehensive
data extraction, which can also be are printed. For higher demands, tree view. An arbitrary number of
automated by ibaDatCoordinator, the integrated ibaAnalyzer-Re- different signals can be displayed

All sub-windows like signal tree, signal strips, value t­ ables, search dialog etc. can be
­p ositioned freely. Markers can be used to measure signal characteristics quickly and easily.

Signal-oriented analysis
with markers
Signal trends, values and dis-
tances can be easily measured
with two interactive markers.
The results, which depend on the
marker position, are shown in a
comprehensive table. Further,
statistical information for each
signal are available for the range
With the interval function, the duration or length of analog and d
­ igital signals
can be meas­u red with a simple mouse click. between the markers like e. g.
maximum, minimum, average,
or standard deviation. Once any
interesting marker position is
identified, so-called computed
markers can be placed easily. As
the name suggests, the marker
positions can also be calculated
from the measurement data. For
example, a marker can be shown
where a certain limit value has
been exceeded for the first time.
Display of text channels in the signal stripes facilitate e. g. the product assignment

If a complete time range is of
on the screen. Signals can also If data have not been recorded interest rather than individual
be sorted freely within different positions within a trend, this
in a length based manner with
graphs or different x- and y-sca- can be handled with so-called
e. g. ibaQDR, ibaAnalyzer offers
les. An intuitive zoom function intervals. Similar to the markers,
various functions to convert to a intervals can be easily added,
offers immediate detail analysis
down to single measurement length-based display from any e. g. by double-clicking on a TRUE
values. Different colors, line available speed or length signal. or FALSE state of a digital signal.
types, and line sizes can be used
for analog signals. A combina-
tion with digital values is directly
possible. In addition to that, text
information can be shown along
with the other signal types.

Length-based display
When analyzing production
processes for long products,
like in a rolling mill, ibaAnalyzer
offers a length-based display in
addition to the standard time-­
based display. This is especially
useful when deriving product
quality values like the excee-
dance of tolerances or the total
length of good quality products.
In the example above, the thickness profile of a rolling strip is shown as top
view in false-color representation. On the right, the user can see the pro-
gression of the measured values for the both marker positions.

The duration of the interval is additional documentation and This is especially important for
immediately displayed. This is commenting features to increase batch processes to ensure that
available for all x-axis modes the clarity and show the purpose files are always analyzed in
and also length can be measured of certain computations. ­Macros exactly the same way. Depending
this way. When start and stop can be used universally on any on the purpose, different analy-
position of the intervals depend input data and can be made sis files can be created and even
on analog signal values, this can available to other users easily managed with ibaAnalyzer. This
again be realized by using all by import and export functions. functionality allows analysis files
available ibaAnalyzer functions. Makros can be password-pro- to be created and forwarded e. g.
tected in order to protect know for maintenance staff, process
Formula editor how or to avoid arbitrary chan- engineers or quality managers,
Every time values or virtual ges by unauthorized users. so that the same evaluation can
signals needs to be derived from be carried out by other users.
available signal data, computa- Grouping and logical expressions
tions can be defined using the Any resulting values or virtual Pictures say more
comprehensive formula editor. signals which are used more When using ibaCapture to
It offers a great overview over than once, can be organized record videos synchronously
the available functions. Those as so-called logical expressi- with high-resolution process
include integral, differential and ons. You can define groups and data, ibaAnalyzer can be used
trigonometric functions, fre- easily structure your results. Of to analyze those videos together
quency filters, fourier transfor- course, important meta data like with all other available informa-
mation and statistical functions units or comments can be added tion. The integrated video player
such as maximum, minimum, and reused in other places. The shows the corresponding image
average, median, standard grouped values can then easily be for each measurement value.
deviation, and many more. forwarded to the database extract The video is synchronized with
or report generator dialog. one of the markers which can be
Macros moved manually or in playback
If the same combination of func- Reusing analyses mode. Single pictures can directly
tions needs to be used several Evaluations and computations be used in reports or complete
times, it is possible to define and done with the measured data sequences can be exported.
save such standardized calcu- can be easily reused by storing
lations as macros. Macros offer all steps in an analysis file.

Display of the recorded videos

i­ ncluding the triggering signal

Definition of groups

Access to ibaHD-Server When using conditions in HD events stored in an ibaHD event
Data stored in ibaHD-Server queries, specific situations can store can be used as conditi-
can be analyzed using all avai- be found within longer time-ran- ons. By using suitable pre- and
lable functions similar to the ges. The start and stop times of post-triggers, the results can
use of DAT files. The advantage the results can be based on signal be properly analyzed. Multiple
of ibaHD-Server is that data is values or combinations thereof. results are treated like a group
available over long periods of In addition to rising and falling of DAT files and can be shown
time. With the HD query editor, edges of digital signals also limit or analyzed in a flexible way.
data can be queried either by exceedance of analyzed signals or
a simple calendar function or
by using conditions to search
for specific occurences. With
a simple preview window, data
ranges can be searched and
selected easily. Selected time-
ranges can be analyzed, further
processed (e. g. in reports) or can
even be exported to DAT files for
usage outside of ibaHD-Server.

An arbitrary number of
users can access ibaHD-
Server simultaneously.

HD query dialog

ibaAnalyzer Add-on

Support for external file formats

For the integration of data from external systems or
in order to provide data to superordinate systems,
ibaAnalyzer supports to read and also to create files
in non-iba formats. A huge variety of different file
formats is supported and is partially also available
for automatic analysis with ibaDatCoordinator.

ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat Extracting measurement files

With ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat it is ibaAnalyzer is capable to create At a glance
possible to read various exter- new measurement files based
› Automated extraction of iba
nal file formats with ibaAnalyzer on exisiting data or computed
data to standard formats
and build your analysis based time-series and others like KPIs
› Easy import via the normal
on these files. For many of the or length-based data. While a
“Open file dialog”
supported file formats it is also basic export functionality is
› Support of length-based
possible to add meta-data in- available for individual graphs
data (ibaQDR)
formation to the files which can or the complete data file, more
› Additional meta-data infor-
be understood by ibaAnalyzer. complex requirements can be
mation (info fields) is sup-
All supported file formats can handled with the data extractor
ported for many formats
be easily opened either by component. Additionally, the con-
› Automation via
drag & drop or the standard open figuration for the data extractor
file dialog which offers additional can be used by ibaDatCoordinator
options for analyzing multiple to automate the extraction for
files or loading file groups. larger sets of available data files.

Supported formats Of course, data can also be Licensing

for reading are: extracted in the iba DAT for- An additional license
› Text (CSV) mat e.g. if data sets need to be ­ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat is required
› TDMS reduced or if external files need for reading external formats.
› Vista to be converted to DAT files.
The extraction of measurement
› Comtrade
Supported formats files can be used interactively
› Danieli FDA
for extracting are: with ibaAnalyzer without licen-
› Apache Parquet
› DAT files se. Appropriate licenses are
› Matlab
› Text (CSV) files required for automation with
› Wave (*.wav)
› Comtrade ibaDatCoordinator, see brochure
› TDMS „Automated processing and ma-
› Universal 58
› Apache Parquet nagement of measurement data“.
› Vold files
› Matlab


Text TDMS Vista Comtrade .dat

Danieli FDA Apache Parquet Matlab

Wave PQDIF Universal 58 Vold files

Automated generation of reports

ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator is a powerful
component of ibaAnalyzer that allows
flexible creation of individual reports.
It offers efficient options for creating
templates and can present analysis results
in individual and informative manner.

Creating reports individually Flexible layout

At a glance Different divisions like produc­ The enormous flexibility of
tion, quality management or con- ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenera-
› Generates customized
trolling have different demands tor becomes apparent when
quality documentation
on reports. With ibaAnalyzer-­ looking at the various ele-
› Batch, shift, weekly or Reportgenerator, reports can ments and layout options:
monthly reports be created product or shift-re-
The signal trends of selec-
› Failure reports with notifi- lated or across products over a
ted signals as displayed in
cation long period of time. Moreover,
ibaAnalyzer, can be applied to
› Issued as printout or file it is possible to automatically
the report, including the dis-
export in different formats gener­ate failure reports when
a certain event occurs and send play of markers, limit values,
› Can be configured flexibly
them as email. The ibaAnalyzer-­ minima, maxima and average
› Display of the measure­
Reportgenerator offers numerous values. The options offered by
ment values as signal
elements that allow the user ibaAnalyzer can be fully exploited.
graph, diagram or table
› Display of barcodes and to design customized analysis The measurement values can
images reports. The measurement data also be displayed as table. The
› Display of values calculated can be displayed as signal trends, length of the table is variable, it
in ibaAnalyzer, text infor- tables or diagrams. Product rela- adapts dynamically to the number
mation, comments, etc. ted data can be integrated dyna- of chosen measurement values in
mically as variable or comment. the measurement file. If statisti-
cal or temporal correlations are
Reports at the push of a button to be shown, the measured values
Once, the creation has been can be edited as charts - as there
configured, the reports can be are bar, scatter or pie charts.
virtually generated at the push
of a button. The reports can be Also graphical objects like pro-
printed directly or issued as files duct images, images of the plant
in many different file formats, e.g. or logos can be positioned freely.
pdf, rtf, xml, html, jpg, tiff etc. Barcodes can also be generated
and displayed in the report.
The reports can be crea-
ted automatically by means All information in the measure­
of command-line command ment file can be used in the
or ibaDatCoordinator, sent report: start time, measurement
via email or stored at a de- duration, signal names, units,
fined storage loca­tion. text information like product ID,

batch number, etc. More­over, also freely formatted are available ed in the report - either the
charac­teristic values which have for additional comments. If a first image from the video file,
been calculated in ibaAnalyzer plant is being monitored with an image at a defined time or
before, can be shown in the ibaCapture, images from the controlled by a trigger signal.
report. Text fields that can be video file can a
­ lso be display-

Application examples

Thickness deviations on the production line Product related report with

› Thickness deviations of the strip as display of exceeded limits
length-based signal graph › Tables show characteristic values from text
› Strip number as bar code and numerical display channels or values calculated in ibaAnalyzer
› Calculated values like minimum, maximum › Marking of limit values with colored lines
and average value of the thickness devia- show deviations in the signal trend
tions, length of the different strip qualities. › Statistical distribution of the thick-
ness deviation as bar chart and table
› Tabular list of characteristic values per
100 meter segment (minimum, maximum,
average value and standard deviation)
› Table length dynamically adapts to strip length
› Values outside the tolerance ­limit
are highlighted in colors

Training program
ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator is included as
Failure report standard in ibaAnalyzer and not subject to
› Automatically generated failure re- extra costs. As the application is quite com-
port in case of strip breakage plex, we re­commend to book an iba training.
› Representation of further time-corre- For information about the training program, please
lated signal trends provide informa­ see page 19 and
tion about the cause of the failure

Database connnectivity

ibaAnalyzer database functionality

With the database functionality of ibaAnalyzer,
it is possible to further aggregate the
measurement data in terms of length or time
and to store the characteristic values (KPIs)
calculated in ibaAnalyzer in databases.

Measured data and quality data Calculation of quality data

At a glance With iba applications such as With the iba system, production
› Database extraction via ibaPDA, ibaQDR or ibaLogic, and quality data can be gene-
ADO.NET connectors data from automated produc- rated directly from data recor-
› Integration of basic process tion plants and technical pro- ded with high resolution taking
data into the production cesses can be acquired flexibly into account the above-men-
and quality management and stored in a measurement
tioned requirements. For this
› Transparent and compre- file. Data is generally recor-
­purpose, high-resolution data
hensible calculation and ded with a high time resolution
must first be prepared appro-
extraction of quality data in order to provide informa­
and characteristic values priately with ibaAnalyzer, then
tion as detailed as possible.
(KPI) from high-resolution aggregated and loaded into a
Based on this data, the time beha- database with ibaAnalyzer-DB.
raw data into databases
› Using ibaAnalyzer and vior of the recorded process can
be analyzed. This is particularly Before data is loaded into the da-
indispensable for the commis­ tabase, it can be fully „pre“-pro-
generator based on
database queries sioning and maintenance of a cessed with the well-known
› Answering process-re- plant. The reason for any dynamic analysis func­tions of ibaAnalyzer.
lated questions by behavior can only be determined In this process, existing analysis
database analysis if data with sufficient resolution specifications can be used to
› Flexible drill-down is available for the analysis. extract a variety of data into the
to raw data database, such as, for example:
In contrast, different require-
ments apply to production and › measured signals
quality data: First, a significantly › derived and calculated
lower time resolution is requi-
­signals (virtual signals)
red and second, the measured
› statistical values, such as
data must be assigned to the
maxima, minima, aver-
product rather than to the time
ages, standard deviations
of measurement requiring a
› characteristic values related
conversion of the recorded data
from time to material length. In to the product, such as violati-
addition, it is some­times neces- ons of limits, product blocking
sary to restrict the calculation note, customer IDs, length
of the characteristics to certain calculations (e. g. undercoating
parts of the product (e.g. hiding length, prime piece length), etc.
the head and tail end of a coil). › text information.

(Level 3)

Process Automation
(Level 2)

Controller Level
(Level 1)

Sensor/Actor Level
(Level 0)

Layer model of communication in automated manufacturing

All values available in an ana- faces between the individual possible table structures in order
lysis file (PDO file) can also be levels need to be adapted. to store the measuring values:
written into the database. Thus,
Standard interface for databases Standard format
characteristic values required
ibaAnalyzer uses the standard In this structure, all single values
for later analysis can be cal-
ADO NET connectors for commu- of the series of meas­urement will
culated from the raw data with
nication with the databases. Ba- be stored in one single table.
ibaAnalyzer already before data
is loaded into the database. On sed on this concept, ibaAnalyzer Multi-Column format
the basis of these values, the can work with many different (MC format)
database can be searched and data­bases, such as, for example: This multi-column structure is
the evaluation can be focused › Microsoft SQL Server optimized for the extraction of a
accordingly. This is how the iba › Oracle large amount of measurement
system allows the extraction of › IBM DB2 UDB series with the same resolu-
quality data from high-resolu­ tion. Additional values, such
› MySQL / MariaDB
tion production data. The classic as minima, maxima, standard
› PostgreSQL
layer model of communication in deviations as well as time- and
› SQLite
production automation (see figure length-based values will be
› Microsoft Access
above) is consciously broken stored in separate tables.
through in order to be able to Automatic table creation
offer the following advantages: The database in use can be Loading data into database
› versatile connectivity located on the same system as – scalable e­ xtraction
› fast data acquisition ibaAnalyzer or on a server in the The user can define any number
› data pre-processing network. The connection between of archiving profiles for extrac-
right after generation ibaAnalyzer and the database tion in order to reduce the data
› calculation of KPIs has to be configured o ­ nce; the volume to a small but informative
­direct at the source tables will then be created amount. Each measured signal
› source of KPI data is automatically by ibaAnalyzer at can be individually assigned to an
known and traceable the click of a button. The infor- archiving profile. Besides the ag-
› drill down to raw data possible mation concerning the measu- gregated mean values for a data
› flexibility in case of changes - if rement file is stored in the file segment (length or time), also the
different or more data have table, the channel table contains values of maximum, minimum
to be extracted into the data- informa­tion concerning the and standard deviation within the
base, only the configuration but signals, e.g. channel name and summarized segment can be sto-
not the communication inter- unit. ibaAnalyzer supports two red additionally in the database.



HD Automated data extraction

wit ibaDatCoordinator

The different requirements on In order to read out data from phisticated solutions. These uti-
the extraction speed can be the database and display it, lities realize another decoupling
met by several solutions: ibaAnalyzer is required. If of file creation and database ex-
data is to be read out with traction, which is inevitable when
› Standard extraction of datasets
other tools, routines must high availability is required. All
and storage in the database as
be programmed for reading settings for the database inter­
single values
out the BLOBs. The BLOB face are saved in the analysis file.
This extraction type is well-
format is an open format.
suit­ed for slower processes
or small amounts of data. Automated data extraction Topology – from local to
Data is subsequently also Although ibaAnalyzer uses plant-wide analyses
available to external tools completed measurement files as When using ibaAnalyzer with a
(SQL) in the database tables. a source, analysis and extrac- local database, e.g. quality data
› Fast extraction of datasets tion can be automated in a very of a plant can be analyzed, traced
through storage as BLOBs process-oriented way. Using and managed clearly. MSSQL
(Binary Large OBjects) the post-processing function in Express or MS Access databases
This extraction type is ideal ibaPDA or ibaLogic, the analysis are often used for such systems.
for fast processes or large can be started immediately after
Moreover, in distributed and
amounts of data. The duration a measurement file has been
networked systems, e. g. seve-
of this extraction type is only a created. Additional utilities, such
ral ibaPDA systems can write
fraction of that of the single-­ as ibaDatCoordinator or batch
their data from different plant
value extraction. files, are available for more so-
components into the same data-
base with ibaAnalyzer. Thus, the
datasets of a product collected
during the various stages of
production can be compared
and assessed in relation to
each other. In this case, data-
base server based on e.g. Oracle,
MySQL or PostgreSQL are used.

Definition of archiving profiles

In addition, the use of existing da-
tabase systems would be another
option. In particular, linking data
from iba-DB extractions to exist­
ing systems such as MES, ERP,
DataWarehouse, etc. offers an
excellent analysis and reporting
platform. Moreover, an automated
data extraction can also be used
as data source for higher-level
systems, e. g. for quality approval.

Thanks to the open database

architecture, ibaAnalyzer of-
fers a highly efficient and cost-­
effective option for displaying
the data flow from the sensor or
the automation system into the
database of higher-level systems. Trend queries

Database query
The standard query wizard of For navigation in trend queries, Using the iba ­applications
ibaAnalyzer assists the user ibaAnalyzer offers an overview ibaDatCoordinator and
during database query or in option for long-term recordings. ibaAnalyzer-­Reportgenerator in
searching for specific data As the reference to the raw data combination with ibaAnalyzer, a
using different criteria. Queries (iba measurement file) is also very efficient, flexible and always
can be saved for later use and stored in the database, a drill transparent information and
managed with ibaAnalyzer. down from the overview to high- reporting system can be imple-
resolution raw data is possible. mented from measurement files.
More sophisticated queries
can be defined directly in SQL Of course, all analyses and data
statements, whereas saved available in ibaAnalyzer can also Extracting into databases can
queries from the Query Buil- be used for reporting. So, the be used interactively with
der serve as templates. report generator integrated ibaAnalyzer without licen-
A separate dialog is available in ibaAnalyzer can be confi- se. Appropriate licenses are
for trend queries. Here, any gured and operated with the required for automation with
time series (DB tables or views) database-based analysis just ibaDatCoordinator, see brochure
can be used. One column each as with the analysis based on „Automated processing and ma-
for date and time is a prere- the measurement files only. nagement of measurement data“.
quisite for the query results
to be displayed properly.

Database analysis
Data read from databases can
be viewed and analyzed in the
usual way with ibaAnalyzer. It
is particularly interest­ing to
note that analyses can also be
carried out directly on the basis
of the prepared characteristic
values of the database. Thus,
long-term analyses, analyses of
working days or shifts but also
trend analyses are possible. Example for drill-down to high-resolution data

ibaAnalyzer Add-on

ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra is an additional component
of ibaAnalyzer to utilize the powerful ibaInSpectra
library offline. Analysis configurations can
first be designed and tested offline within
ibaAnalyzer and transferred to ibaPDA for real-
time vibration monitoring. It can also be used
to verify existing ibaInSpectra installations
to help tune the online calculations.

From online monitoring Configuration tool

At a glance to offline analysis for ibaInSpectra
The ibaInSpectra* plug-in in ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra all-
› Configure ibaInSpectra
ibaPDA offers various options of ows you to configure calcula­
profiles offline without
online monitoring of vibrations tion rules offline in the form of
interfering ibaPDA data
and shaft motions. ibaAnalyzer is pro­f iles and to test them with
a powerful analysis tool to ana- recorded data. Profiles can be
› Fine-tune your vibration
lyze recorded data and to recog­ transfered between ibaInSpectra
and orbit monitoring confi-
nize root c­ auses of faults. With and i­baAnalyzer-InSpectra by
guration offline
the new ibaAnalyzer-­InSpectra a using the export and import
› Validate alarm threshold
gap is bridged between ibaPDA functions in ­ibaInSpectra.
and ibaAnalyzer and a consistent
› Correlate process and
tool chain from online monitor­ Validation and offline analysis
machine behavior
ing to off­line detail analysis is The powerful ibaInSpectra library
› Perform frequency band
offered. The two most import- can now be used offline within
analysis using the expert
ant modules in this context ibaAnalyzer. Thus, it is possible
are the expert module for the to perform the calculations of
› Analyze shaft motion using
­frequency band analysis of ibaInSpectra offline. Characte-
the orbit module
vibrations and the orbit module ristic values that have triggered
for the analysis of shaft motion. an alarm can be validated and the
problem can be analyzed in detail.

The InSpectra expert view is
available in ibaAnalyzer with­
out additional license. With the
Configuration ibaAnalyzer-­InSpectra+ ­license,
area the results of the InSpectra
Display area calculations will be available in
ibaAnalyzer as signals, can be
exported to databases and used
Result area
Replay area for further processing in reports
or with ibaDatCoordinator.

* The function of ibaInSpectra is described in detail in the brochure „Acquisition, recording and online visualization of measured data“ 15
ibaAnalyzer Add-on

ibaAnalyzer-InCycle offers the functions of
ibaInCycle for monitoring cyclic processes
offline. Analysis configurations can first be
designed and tested offline within ibaAnalyzer and
transferred to ibaPDA for real-time monitoring.
It can also be used to verify existing ibaInCycle
installations to help tune the online calculations.

From online monitoring Validation and offline analysis

At a glance to offline analysis With ibaAnalyzer-InCycle, the
The ibaInCycle plug-in in ibaPDA calculations of ibaInCycle can
› Configure ­ibaInCycle
offers various possibilities for be carried out offline. Charac-
profiles offline based
online monitoring of rotating or teristic values that triggered an
on recorded data
cyclically recurring processes. alarm can be validated and the
› Fine-tune the cycle
ibaAnalyzer is a powerful analysis problem can be analyzed offline.
monitoring offline
tool to analyze recorded data and
› Validate warnings By integrating ibaInCycle in
to recog­nize root c­ auses of faults.
and alarms ibaAnalyzer, you can easily
With ibaAnalyzer-­InCycle a gap
› Detailed analysis of pro- correlate process values and
is bridged between ibaPDA and
cess and machine behavior machine characteristic val­ues
ibaAnalyzer and a consistent tool
while taking into account to gain an overall picture of the
chain from online monitor­ing to
all process parameters process and machine states.
off­line detail analysis is offered.
› Analyze cycles using
the expert module Licensing
Configuration tool for ibaInCycle
The InCycle expert view is availa-
ibaAnalyzer-InCycle allows you
ble in ibaAnalyzer without additio-
to configure calcula­tion rules
nal license. With the ibaAnalyzer-­
offline in form of profiles and
InCycle+ license, the results of
test them with recorded data.
the InCycle calculations will be
These profiles can be trans-
available in ibaAnalyzer as signals,
ferred to ibaInCycle via import
can be exported to databases and
and export and used there.
used for further processing in
reports or with ibaDatCoordinator.


Display area

Result area
Replay area

ibaAnalyzer Add-on

With ibaAnalyer-Maps it is possible to
display geographic positions and movement
based on GPS coordinates. Therefore,
ibaAnalyzer can be used to not only know
when something happened but also where.
Simply record longitude and latitude
signals and start tracking your assets.

The world at a glance which can be easily integrated in

ibaAnalyzer is tailored to analyze your existing analyses. For every At a glance
high-resolution measurement map you can select individual
› Display configurable routes
data stemming from industrial map-types, the shown area, as
on different map types
processes. For moving vehicles well as route color and thickness.
› Analysis of ­geographic
and machines it is common to
Any number of assets can be ­positions together
also track the GPS positions.
displayed on each map. The with high-resolution
With ibaAnalyzer-Maps these
map section can be dynamical- measure­ment data
position signals can be used
ly adapted to the asset position › Two-way coupling of
to display the corresponding
with the coupling to the movable marker positions
­route on various map types. This
ibaAnalyzer markers. The integra- › Use maps in ibaAnalyzer-­
enables you to know where the
ted playback function also enables Reportgenerator
measurements were collected
an analysis of the time trend. › Integrated playback function
and find correlations between
location and process behavior.
An additional license ibaAnalyzer-­
Flexible and easy to use
Maps is required to use the
The ibaAnalyzer-Maps add-on
ibaAnalyzer-Maps view.
comes as a freely dockable view

Configuration of
position and labeling
data for any number Display of routes of
of vehicles or ships ­v ehicles/ships or
moving machines
on different maps

Playback area

Automated data processing

ibaDatCoordinator is a powerful tool for processing and
managing measurement data automatically. Typical
fields of application are automatic data management,
creating reports or the extraction of product-related
characteristic values in databases or other systems. In
synergy with ibaAnalyzer, various tasks can be done fully
automatically and routine procedures can be simplified.

ibaDatCoordinator is the central

component for the automatic At a glance
processing of measurement data
› Powerful tool for automated data processing
and thus decisive for the use
› Automated processing of measurement data recorded with the iba
of the iba system in production
system - measurement files, data from ibaHD‑Server or 3rd party files
systems. Measurement data
› Automatic extract of time-series data to databases or files
files generated with ibaPDA,
› Publish batch-wise aggregated data via different protocols
ibaQDR or i­baLogic as well as
› Automatic generation of quality and fault reports, triggered or
measurement data from ibaHD-
Server can be processed. With
› Notifications based on measurement data (e.g. limit exceedance)
the integrated tools, data ma-
› Copy DAT-files based on different criteria
nagement and o ­ ther tasks can
› Integrated status monitoring
be set up individually, such as
› Script function as open interface for free processing of data files
transferring measurement data
to central locations, extraction
into databases and calculation Easy and intuitive ibaDatCoordinator can retrie-
of characteristic values. data flow design ve any information from your
ibaDatCoordinator processes data acquired data automatically
ibaDatCoordinator can be used
files by means of the so-called and without further interaction.
as a stand-alone program or
“jobs”. Each job is made up of one Notifications and alarms can be
installed as client and server.
or more tasks. With just a few mou- configured easily and data clean
The client-server principle allows
se-clicks, you can generate and up can be set up. Further, tasks
distributed, decentralized servers
edit new jobs and the related tasks. like copying or uploading files to
in the network to be configu-
other systems can be configured.
red from a central location. By using the endless possibili-
For more information, see the
ties of ibaAnalyzer for computing
brochure “Automated processing and
and analyzing in the background, management of measurement data”

.dat DB

File management
HD .dat HD

HD .dat

Application health monitoring Automatic computation
Publishing calculated
process parameters

Order information

Order no. Name Description

33.010000 ibaAnalyzer Offline analysis tool1

33.010003 ibaAnalyzer-DB-Read Offline analysis: read data from SQL databases
33.010008 ibaAnalyzer-DB-Read-5 Offline analysis: read data from SQL databases, 5 users
33.010007 ibaAnalyzer-Maps Display of GPS positions and routes
33.010410 ibaAnalyzer-InSpectra+ Offline vibration analysis: trend and output of InSpectra results in
33.010411 ibaAnalyzer-InCycle+ Offline analysis of cyclic processes: trend and output of InCycle
results in ibaAnalyzer
33.010445 ibaAnalyzer-E-Dat Offline analysis for external data formats
33.010456 ibaAnalyzer-Add-On-TDMS-Extract Offline data extraction from an original DAT file into a TDMS format
(free of charge)


Order no. Name Description

34.010550 ibaDatCoordinator Tool for data management automation

34.010510 ibaDatCoordinator-DB Automatically extract data to databases (per task)
34.010520 ibaDatCoordinator-DB-10 Automatically extract data to databases (10 tasks)
34.010511 ibaDatCoordinator-File-Extract Automatically extract data to datfiles or other file formats such as
CSV, COMTRADE, Parquet, Matlab, TDMS (per task)
34.010521 ibaDatCoordinator-File-Extract-10 Add-on bundle for automated file extract (10 tasks)
34.010512 ibaDatCoordinator Convert-CSV-to- Automatically convert CSV files to datfiles (per job)
34.010513 ibaDatCoordinator Convert-DAS-to- Automatically convert DAS files from Danieli FDA systems to datfiles
dat (per job) limited to the 32-bit version of ibaAnalyzer
34.010514 ibaDatCoordinator Convert-­ Automatically convert COMTRADE files to datfiles (per job)
34.010516 ibaDatCoordinator Convert- Automatically convert PARQUET files to datfiles (per job)
34.010515 ibaDatCoordinator-Publish Publish computed values via OPC UA, SNMP, Apache Kafka or
SQL database (per task)
34.010525 ibaDatCoordinator-Publish-10 Add-on bundle to publish computed values (10 tasks)
34.010552 ibaDatCoordinator-Update Data Task Plugin for input function, subsequent entries in measurement files
34.010556 ibaDatCoordinator S7 Writer Plugin for extracting data from a measurement file and writing it to
data blocks (DB) of an S7-SPS


Order no. Name Description

61.100000 Measurement, data evaluation and automatic reporting with iba 3-day compact course
61.000100 Evaluating iba measured data 2-day basic course
61.000200 Measuring and analyzing with the iba measuring system 2-day basic course
61.000700 Monitoring and analysis of vibration data with ibaInSpectra 2-day basic course
61.000120 Automated generation of reports and quality documentation with 2-day advanced course

The entire training program is available under

Software is licensed free of charge for analyzing measurement data generated with the iba system.

MS Windows, MS ACCESS and MS SQL Server are registered trade marks of Microsoft.
ORACLE is a registered trade mark of Oracle. MySQL is a registered trademark of MySQL AB. 19
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iba Austria GmbH iba Chile
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iba Benelux BV
Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg,
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(Malaysia) SDN. BHD

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iba Singapore
iba Ibérica c/o iba (S.E.A.) Engineering &
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Consulting Pte. Ltd. Mexico
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iba Italia S.R.L.
Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, iba Systems India Pvt. Ltd.
Italian-speaking Switzerland India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
iba Nordic iba Benelux BV
iba Thailand Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia), Senegal
Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden
c/o SOLCO Siam Co. Ltd.
c/o Begner Agenturer AB iba Africa
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iba Polska iba Turkey Ltd.
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iba AG is represented worldwide by
OOO iba Russia c/o Tang Minh Phat Co., Ltd subsidiaries and sales partners. Technical changes and errors excepted.

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