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Night owls and Larks

Saving money
Night owls and Larks
A new study in Korea found that "night owls," ________________________, face
a greater risk of developing _________ than "larks,” _______________________.
Researchers said this was true even when they slept ____________________. The
study found that people who go to bed well __________________ develop more
_______________ than people who _________________. Orfeu Buxton studies
the _____________ and ________________ in the Division of Sleep Medicine at
Harvard Medical School. Mr. Buxton was not involved in the Korean study. But he
says that the relationship between _______________ has to do with the
________________. He says the body prepares for activities linked to time of day.
He says humans ___________ as night comes on so eating at that time can have
_______________, like _____________ around the body’s middle. The Korean
researchers compared the _____________ and metabolism of about 1,600 people,
ages __________. The group was divided by their so-called chronotype or
________________. The ____________ were found to have higher levels of
__________ and fats in their blood. They also had more _____________ than the
larks. Mr. Buxton says people whose jobs start later in the day are more likely to
show the signs of _____________________. He says the night owls generally had
___________________. This includes ____________, __________________ and
_______________. Mr. Buxton published his study in the Journal of Clinical
Endocrinology & Metabolism.
Saving money
Are you a ______ or a __________? “A penny saved is a penny earned.” This
old saying calls attention to the wisdom of ______________.
"_________________ for a rainy day" is another way to talk about
__________________. In the United States, people who want to start a
________________ have different choices of where to put their money. These
include _________ and ______________. Credit unions are cooperatives for
___________ who often share a work-related connection. For example, the
________ might work for a ____________ or a _____________. Most credit
unions are __________________. Credit unions, banks and other financial
institutions _______________ on savings accounts. But the ___________ are
generally low. _________________________ pay higher returns. With a
certificate of deposit, or CD, a person agrees not to ___________________ for a
period of time. This term could be anywhere from a few months to several
years. _______________, and ______________, _________________.
People have to pay ____________ to withdraw _______________. Another way
to save is through a ________________. This is a kind of _______________.
Mutual funds invest money from many people. The money is sometimes placed
in ____________ government securities. Money market funds, however, may
not be federally __________ like other kinds of savings. The Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation guarantees savings up to _________________.

Body language
Body language
__________________ to others is often a big part of formal learning. But things
other than the words we say can _______________. Some call this
___________________: body language. Charles LeBeau is a
__________________________. LeBeau tells VOA that body language
includes __________, ___________ and ____________ - how you move your
_________________. He says ____________ are especially difficult for people
learning English as they must deal with ________and __________________.
One effect of being nervous is moving from ____________. A presenter does
not need to _________________ still. But, how a speaker moves is important.
_______________________ should be slow and planned. Public speakers
should look at the __________ as they talk. But they often look at ___________
or at ___________ if they have an __________________. LeBeau says making
_____________ can be very difficult. He says the best way to avoid this
problem is to ___________ and _________________ instead of whole
sentences. The image should help ___________________ you want to make.
Writing a few words with the image on ___________ helps you remember that
point. Then you can __________________. Other experts ___________ moving
your body to a different place for each idea. ____________ until you finish
making that point. Then _____________________ on the stage. LeBeau says a
good way to change your ____________ is to _____________ of yourself. This
helps you to become __________ what you need to change.

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