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Listen and answer questions

1. How is the car? _________________________________________________________

2. What does the girl look like?______________________________________________
3. What does he yell to her at the first time?___________________________________
4. What does he yell to her at the second time?_________________________________
5. What does he yell to her at the third time?__________________________________
6. Where will he take her to? ________________________________________________
7. What does the girl want?_________________________________________________
8. What is the surprise? ____________________________________________________
9. How can Carlo go home?_________________________________________________

Listen and fill the blank

Carlos __________ a new __________. It's a very __________ car. It's a __________,
__________, __________ car.
While driving down the ______, Carlos sees a ________ on a _____________.
She has __________blond hair and is _____________.
He yells to her, "_______ ____?". She __________ him.
He yells, "____ ___ ___ __________?". She keeps __________ and __________ him.
He yells, "Hey, why __________ you __________ to me?
I want to go to __________with you. __________ take you to an __________ restaurant."
The girl turns, ______ ____ the bike, and ______ ____ him. She says, "I don't want to
go to dinner. But if you give me your __________, I will give you a __________."
Carlos says, "OK!" He ______ _____ of the car. He __________ her the __________ and
says, "Here are the __________."
The __________ blond takes the ________ and then ________ Carlos on the ________.
Then she __________the car and __________. Carlos __________the __________.
Now he has no ____ and no _____. He says, "That's it, ________ __ kiss on the cheek?"
He ______ ____her bike and __________ home.
List down some new words you learn from the stories
_____________________ ______________________ ______________________
_____________________ ______________________ ______________________
_____________________ ______________________ ______________________
_____________________ ______________________ ______________________
_____________________ ______________________ ______________________
_____________________ ______________________ ______________________

Add -s or -es and practice pronunciation

Miss ________________ _______________ ________________

Laugh ________________ _______________ ________________
Buzz ________________ _______________ ________________
Fix ________________ _______________ ________________
Order ________________ _______________ ________________
Stop ________________ _______________ ________________
Cook ________________ _______________ ________________
Move ________________ _______________ ________________
Pay ________________ _______________ ________________
Pass ________________ _______________ ________________
Make ________________ _______________ ________________
Reply ________________ _______________ ________________
Brush ________________ _______________ ________________
Eat ________________ _______________ ________________
Travel ________________ _______________ ________________
Plan ________________ _______________ ________________

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