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In the end, to be sure, all that we pretend to have--our virtues, our wisdom, our

knowledge--all that fizzes out, dissipates, dissolves into the misty vapors of
nothingness. For Man is that creature who is redeemable only because he is vicious,
only because he is sinful, only because his very nature has soemthing of the anti-
Christ within him. And he can never escape this. This is the eternal sin, the
eternal "something wrong" with the very essence of Man, as such--because he ate of
the fruit, because the only thing that was disallowed from him, he partook of!
Through sheer arrogance impudently bolstered to a thunderous ignorance, Woman first
consumed the apple and doomed us to die. And we accepted it without thought.--
But, my friends, are we to blame women for this act, our feminine counterparts for
being the change that they necessarily are, being the feminine parts of the united
mankind that is productive, that is abundant, that creates something: beyond--are
we to assert that God has no plan for this severe shift in the gears and
machinations of reality, of this thunderous break in our momentary isolation in
Paradise, whence we spoke with the poetry of Shakespeare, Milton and Homer dancing
on our tongues, our eyes spilling unto the world and knowing everything, illumining
them as if lights that entranced the whole of darkness and conjoined it into
himself, and, finally, our mouths speaking and naming, categorizing everything into
this and that, that and this, so that the frenetic multiplicity which manifests
itself in the world is ordered, structured, stayed and named--are we to believe
that God has no plan for this?
But of course He knows, my friends! For that is the very reason we were not allowed
to eat of the apple--and, had we listened to God's command, we might have become
one with it and the fruit of the Tree of Life--we were disallowed from it because,
otherwise, good and evil, up and down, Heaven and Earth, Space and Time will seem
contradictory: our eyes shall remove their scales and, therefore, reduce the world
into mere absolutes, the pendulum-like swinging from one extreme to another, into
breath and clay. We forget, my friends, that the sole purpose of this narrative was
to show a fall--into duality. That we are so forgetful, that we now bury our
tradition in the grave, stuff it into the dirt, sneer at our ancestors and think
them all stupid, schizophrenic and, at worst, liars is our great disease--a disease
that echoes the fall of Lucifer, the fall of Man, the fall of Cain's descendants.
Too much light! Too much masculinity! Too much of the scent and reek of showing,
showing and showing.
It is not at all unobvious why it is that the Enlightenment did not account for the
twists of consciousness, the subtilities of language, and the potentiality of
being--because they are invisible, because they are obvious, because they are, as
it were, that which we move through, the water we swim in, the air we breathe, the
frame by which we see everything manifest itself--because it is the Feminine, that
great absurdity, that great catalyst, which is the source of all thunderous terror
and disarming beauty.
And so what is it that I'm trying to point out? Why is it that I am going on this
convulsive rant about the nature of Man and the nature of reality? Because, all too
often, we fall into the trap that we have fallen into yesterday and yesterday and
yesterday. We are too arrogant--so arrogant that we forget our own ignorance and
our own sin! That we moralize over other people the Christian cause instead of
offering our love and devotion to them, instead of giving our hearts wholly,
sorrowfully, fully--and yet joyfully, just the same--instead of that, what we
partake in is deception. Of ourselves and of the people around us. Because we are
not holy! Not yet! We are not saints! Few of us, if ever there are, become one!
We laugh at others for their predilections of lustful sin when we ourselves delight
in the carnal pleasures of this act, when we ourselves break apart into tiny pieces
because we are torn, because we are pulled, because the demons are so endeavoring
to reduce us to the mere multiplicity that is so immanent to us. We blame others
for the sin of anger and envy and pride when we ourselves, when our hearts
themselves, are clouded over with that looming, tenebrous fog which so
prognosticates a storm of great proportions. We ourselves are sick; we ourselves
are sinful; we ourselves need God's salvation--just as much as our brothers and
sisters do. Let us not say harsh words toward them for the speck in their eye if we
ourselves have a log over ours! More, that even though we are less sinful than
them--let us not make it a habit to trod on the downfall of others, to be exultant
in their fall. Because we are, all of us, the greatest sinners: we murdered Christ.
And yet He saved us! He gave Himself up for us, my friends! And so shall not our
answer be to this need, this problem, this question: I, being what I am, find you,
my brother, a companion in my suffering and, therefore, I shall help you and serve
you for I believe that in serving others, in putting you before myself, in giving
myself up to you, I uplift you and save my soul.
Give yourself over! Not in order to lose yourself, my friend! Not in order to be
moral! But because you are participating in the Heavenly order of Love, of God, for
He is Love--they are one and the same, these two words! And let no man say
otherwise, for reality remains upright, remains standing, only because of Love,
only because of our Agapic love! We so love the multifarious features of something
that we coalesce it into one divine name and profer that on this assortment of
features. We name and we love because we are God's children.

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