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Nietzsche's hypocrisy.---And now we arrive at that deceptive, devious and

demonstrably demonic philosopher: that philologist who outsourced his neurosis for
Lutheranism, who, with his sharp wit and his fashionable eloquence, first
established this misconception of truth as nothing but a lie agreed upon.
"Of course," he reasons, "sense-experience is the right basis of each and every
truth that one may arrive at. But what then?" he gasps! "Truth as diverse,
distinct, and uncountable? - indeed, idiosyncratic experience as the first
principle of everything that is to be established as: truthful? A re-evaluation of
values then! A journey towards that place where morality no more binds us, no more
holds us in its place, chains us to assumptions and propositions made by slavely
characters.---What's more: the goal, that optimistic vision: the Overman; he whose
very existence is uniqueness."
Let us fashion the man: Nietzsche as mutant. Or, put pleasantly, as the exaggerated
individual, the very opposite of the factory-worker, the crowd, the rabble, the
mass, the ignorant---whose very existence itself "is uniqueness." Consider this:
that, upon arriving at the truth, the man, with that unique sense for veering from
salvation ubiquitous in intelligent men, utterly stood it on its head: truth as
perspective, the man exclaims, as if discovering the very essence of life
itself.---Ah! I have misspoken! Life over essence---that is the existential
To be sure, the tartuffery of the Old Anti-Christ is anything but rare. Out of his
jump from reason and fast grip onto the: body, there emerged a movement just as
stupid as he. But all due respect to both of them!---they have helped us insofar as
they have shown us what---not---to do!
The very first time Nietzsche raped logic was when he assumed that there was no
universal human experience. Indeed, truth as perspective is only possible when the
presupposition is that there is no communal event, no movement similar between one
and another.---
But he was a pessimist! Let us forgive this man who did not consider in his
calculations that all humans eat, drink, breathe, see, etc. for he was anything but
human.---And yet that was Nietzsche's second mistake: he was a materialist and,
therefore, subscribed to a physicalism fit for the dolts of the Enlightenment. How
few good Europeans we have had in history!
But then again, Nietzsche must be taken---seriously, with ever-flowing reverence.
Indeed, insofar as his philosophy immediately collapses as soon as one rejects
materialism (and, in fact, proves its underlying trust in science anything but
truthful and physicalist), insofar as the world is shown to be brimming and
overflowing with, outpouring meaning onto the world---let us take him as serious as
that---which is: as serious as we listen to the tintinnabulations of a Tyro.

Nevertheless! Nevertheless, my friends, Nietzsche was an original thinker. At the
very least, there was---something---to him. What? That his Eternal Return is worthy
of consideration? "Once more!"---that is worthy of respect?---And why? Constant
stupidity is something to be proud of? Or has Nietzsche, once more, misinterpreted
philosophy in order to cure and---I shudder to say this---justify his sickness?---
And yet let us have mercy on him: he was too stupid to recognize that the Eternal
Return was the Buddhist's recognition of stupidity and self-deception.---

Anything remotely: spiritual was met with this man by a sneer, a laugh, and an
outflow of criticism. Nietzsche was vain, as we all recognize; but there was also
that vice that rendered him all the more unprofitable for us unfree, very unfree
philosophers: he was commited to untruth. So much so that when salvation was
offered to him with sense-experience as noblest truth, most sublime truth, he
slapped a damask onto it, chuckled, and proclaimed---this---botchery highest
truth.---If I may be so bold as to use an analogy: Nietzsche veered from the
roadway to truth, careened down a steep valley, and considered this: moving towards
the correct way.

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