PPS Questionnaire With Farm Price July 2023 Round

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[par2023 PPS Pom? PSA Approval Number: PSA 2010 Eve on 3 December 2024 Rerunuic oF THe Prutiprnves ae PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY PALAY PRODUCTION SURVEY (PPS) APRIL TO JUNE 2023 Dear Sir/Madam: The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is conducting the 2023 Palay Production Survey (PPS) to generate estimates on palay production, area, yield, other production-related data and farm price data These data will be used by government planners, policymakers, and administrators in formulating social and economic development plans, policies, and programs. The conduct of the 2023 PPS is in accordance with Republic Act (RA) No. 10625 (Philippine Statistical Act of 2013), which authorizes the PSA to prepare and conduct periodic censuses on various sectors of economy and Executive Order No. 352 (Designation of Statistical Activities That Will Generate Critical Data for Decision-Making of the Goverment and the Private Sector) Pursuant to Section 25 of RA No. 10625, the National Statistician identified the above statistical inquiry or survey to be conducted with obligation to provide information. Considering this, all respondents whether natural or legal persons shall be liable to reply to the statistical inquiry or survey. The respondents are also required to give truthful and complete answers to the said statistical inquiries or surveys of the PSA and other statistical offices of the Philippine Statistical System. We are requesting you to provide complete and truthful answers to all the questions that will be asked by our survey interviewer. Rest assured that the data you will furnish in the above-mentioned survey shall be treated with strict confidentiality and shall be considered PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION, hence, inadmissible in evidence in any proceeding as provided for in Section 26 of RA No. 10625. The PSA also complies with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and assures that all collected personal information are processed in accordance with the law and other issuances, This survey was reviewed and cleared under the Statistical Survey Review and Clearance System (SSRCS) with clearance number PSA-2319 and expiration date on 31 December 2024. We appreciate your utmost cooperation and support for the success of the 2023 PPS with Farm Price. Thank you very much. CLAIRE DENNIS S. MAPA, PhD Undersecretary National Statistician and Civil Registrar General For inquiries, contact PSA Field Office Telephone Number: E-mail Address: PSA.Central Office Telophone Number: 8376-2022 Evmall Address: “eas csipara oom Page2 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 3. WRONG ENTRIES MUST BE ERASED AND NOT CROSSED OUT. 4. DO NOT LEAVE ANY ANSWER SPACE BLANK EXCEPT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SKIPPING PATTERN. IF THE ANSWER. IS NONE OR NOT APPLICABLE, ENTER A DASH (-) OR HORIZONTAL LINE ON THE SPACE PROVIDED. A. GEOGRAPHIC IDENTIFICATION "T WRITE THE ENTRIES LEGIBLY IN CLEAR CAPITAL LETTERS OR NUMBERS ON THE SPACE PROVIDED, 2. ENCIRCLEINDICATE THE CODE/S CORRESPONDING TO THE ANSWER. 1. Region 4. Barangay bs. Province [TT] « enumeration are a) ae 13. Clty/Municipality IB. SAMPLE PARTICULARS +. Housing Unit Srial Numbor (HUSN) 2. Household Serial Number (HSN) 9. Operator Serial Number (OSN) ‘Namo of Housohold Hoad (Last Namo) Js. Namo of Agricultural Operator (Last Name) Js. Namo of Respondent (Last Name) 41-Palay housohold J. Respondent's Classification ecrncue coo 1 - Ho 2-Nom-palay housohold (First Nome) (First Name) (First Name) johold hoad and oporator 2- Operator othor than household head 3-Othor knowlodgeablo momber ofthe houschotd, specity, ay ant) ny 3-Non-agricutural housohold ‘eater fe. Tet saretAme ay ea. ae i INTERVIEW RECORD Result of final visit” Roason for non-response” Total number of visits * Codos for result of final visit: 1 = Intorviow completed 2 Nanresponse, go to codes for non-response * Codes for reason for non-response: 1 = Refused tobe interviewed with replacement 2. Temporely away/Not at home with replacement 3 Area temporary not accessible with replacement 44- Resides outside the sample berangey 5- Unknown inthe lcaltycannot be located 6 - Deceased (No other member inthe household) 7- Refused tobe interviewed without replacement {8- Temporary away/Not at home without replacement 9 - Area temporary not accessible without replacement iC. INFORMATION ON PALAY HARVESTED [C1. AREA, PRODUCTION, SEED AND IRRIGATION INFORMATION FOR APRIL TO JUNE 2023, 1. Did you harvest palay during the period April to June 2023? feNcICLE CoDe) 1-Yes_0-No (GoTo BLOCK, PAGES) 2. Type of ecosystem /ENCIRCLE CODES) 1 -leigatod 2 -Rainfod ‘3 Upland [s. Typo of sood planted aworcare cone) [8 Wolghtin Kilogram per unit of mossur 04-Apr 04- Ape (04 Apr 04 Apr 04 Apr |S. Month harvested encimcie cog 08 - tay 05- May 05 - May 05- May 08- May 06- Jun @8-Jun 08-Jun 08 -Jun 08-Jun 6. Total numberof units Quantity of dry palay = produced [7 Unit of measure {494 moisture conto) [Ex anes, PRODUCTION, SEED AND IRRIGATION INFORMATION FOR APRIL TO JUNE 2023 (Conte cr Taree Tied [mont eteencncie cone) care a2. w2-F00 ease 4-6 8 Ape otto ot.ape o4-or [rt Weed r co eabisimen tocaE Sooo ea [12 Unit of aoa al TY fe wero en ston syn [Aces eon wae [cz FERTILIZER USAGE FOR APRIL TOLIUNE 2023 fou aot verte ont ee panestor Tee Tee Tove as spate ween om [rt Amnon phosphors |: cuney inorganic |Srmoniom eat mos) {eran bg haogame Campi [Fo oon eed eran oes) Tso | ogee [t-te [Puget YE Ne onerinrane (62 Tout rmbe of nite prog Eee irr fencer frig sceeS-a[ rome] age] feritearsppied —_|E3. Unt mane Jorn eter elem ottabe este — = — Pbsee eB Pies Zod og eres [as uot mare [c3. PESTICIDE USAGE FOR APRIL TO.JUNE 2029, fs youart peri one res pated or Tyee Te [vee z i : E are applies win peste ny [= Form opestsar ana eer eat) Tso [tgs | t-Se@[ Pogue | tse | F-ugne le. ro be ot nts ae be nes pac INerperunt of meas il I [ae-Foa mabe at ants apt [5 Rain biaaaceTe Pape st [ca PESTICIDE USAGE FOR APRIL TO JUNE 2025 (Continued) Trias Raned Upina Tsai Uae ce Tau eT tas [s2e, Nare ofpesteae [s28. cissiteaton (NDICATE CODE) [235 Tota number of wits appa [238 weit in igranioume a Mer per uit of measure i Ss Jee see | ee | eed Pestle aa name fare (s4n. Cisstteaton INDICATE CODE) ‘te Total numberof unis apled [285 Want in ogra TW peruntot meseur pt ea cece eee [Si Name ofbotnial etaciapray [22 clssiteaten (nOICATE CODE) ‘pate [5k Unt of meseure [55 weit im nioramiolune ner ID. PALAY PRODUCTION DISPOSITION +. oF your tars ta preducton (or uit of measure) for e i ft Jn pono apo sune 2023, now mary eral be ‘et in ot Tp af seed pared care cope 12 une for hound consumption? 14 pald to trm bores? oe 1 sed as payment foricane? 17 sed a payment forimigton ee? 18 nestor tec? 7.8 postharvest warageonsea? 140 given away? “At od a payment orreals? ae sue as __ IE. RESPONDENT'S ASSESSMENT OF THE HOUSEHOLD'S PALAY PRODUCTION For sample howseotds tet harvested palay during APRIL TO TUNE 023) How would you artss your ters play production a Apo June 2029 a compered Wo sume peo of ast year? cnr cope ‘Largan tastyear 2. Smalorthn lst year 2-About the same feoroe.oeun) 4-No harvest ast yo6r >. wnat waswore ne eatons forth change In praducton?en=ACLE CODE nD xPLAW FURTHER THE REASONS) Pages be younave aici pyon your fr aso ane 38 20237 ENGRGLECODE) Yew @-No(GOTOBLOEKG) [2 ip tererwten cme ian ante ‘ae Feat sne pe care cog ona 8h ces ona 3-409 |. wenn ween cop wt bree enemies) co. onsen 89 on-3ep w-08 ‘0-08 10-08 ‘0-08 J tmtmanseror te Canty ty pty (ate predree (Ge tr cote [om pert ot momere [2 tex ten craps pie cnc cone ae a oo eds rans stay es-ty outey sty [Arn parted crap baw Bearene p a ra rT [G. TRADING INFORMATION. yous ply oe vary oe pa Je FO ERO ToYer_o: ho eoamernn coro Root" To win py wi ld ene ces = fi Precctomt iy etme coe ofeach mon om Ape Jane 2023. opens fe aap owen Paves pay rg a eS i Wats io wneud oligo vr ‘Wat th quot wiht of paleyn open Prnerenacre pened Tw a Yuval pa orn eae oye Wea al gay ot payor Tn TE TTT mht warpor cot on PO? {Bb Ofte et mara cot aad bow ‘ucts armani at nO)? Jremosme race partons |H. CERTIFICATION recor thea gine ts guertonnae wee eunervownd by me pesca and aceortnce wih incon. Jpn nd strat ot Suttet Rane: conte ae nda ot Fe Super: onset: te: PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY PSA Complex, East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1101 Tel No. +632) 84626600 loc. 820 + Telefax No. +63(2) 84626600 loc, 839 E-mail address: info@psa.gov.ph + kmed.staff@psa.gov.ph GB vistuson Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter BR wow.psa.gov.0h TeSagovph @PSAgovoh

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